Exec { path => [ "/bin/", "/sbin/" , "/usr/bin/", "/usr/sbin/" ] } # set the time zone to PDT exec {'set time': command => 'echo "America/Los_Angeles" > /etc/timezone; dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata', unless => 'grep "Los_Angeles" /etc/timezone', } file {'/vagrant/perforce': ensure => directory, } # # Setup Perforce # # file {'/etc/apt/sources.list.d/p4.list': # ensure => present, # owner => root, group => root, mode => 444, # content => "deb http://package.perforce.com/apt/ubuntu precise release", # } # exec {'install perforce public key': # command => 'wget -q http://package.perforce.com/perforce.pubkey -O - | apt-key add -', # require => File['/etc/apt/sources.list.d/p4.list'], # unless => "apt-key list | grep Perforce", # } # Make use of local mirror automagically file {'/etc/apt/sources.list': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 444, content => "# Reference: http://askubuntu.com/a/37754 deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt precise main restricted universe multiverse deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt precise-security main restricted universe multiverse ", } exec {'fetch p4': command => 'wget -O /vagrant/perforce/p4 ftp://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/r15.1/bin.linux26x86_64/p4', creates => '/vagrant/perforce/p4', require => File['/vagrant/perforce'], } exec {'fetch p4d': command => 'wget -O /vagrant/perforce/p4d ftp://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/r15.1/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d', creates => '/vagrant/perforce/p4d', require => File['/vagrant/perforce'], } file {'p4': path => '/vagrant/perforce/p4', mode => 0775, require => Exec['fetch p4'], } file {'p4d': path => '/vagrant/perforce/p4d', mode => 0775, require => Exec['fetch p4d'], } file {'/usr/local/bin/p4': source => '/vagrant/perforce/p4', mode => 0555, require => File['p4'], } exec {'start p4d': command => '/vagrant/perforce/p4d -d -p 1666 -r /vagrant/perforce -L /vagrant/perforce/log', unless => "/vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 info", require => [ File['p4d'], File['p4'] ] } exec {'fetch sample depot': command => 'wget -O /vagrant/perforce/sampledepot.tar.gz http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/tools/sampledepot.tar.gz', creates => '/vagrant/perforce/sampledepot.tar.gz', } exec {'deploy sample depot': command => 'tar xfz /vagrant/perforce/sampledepot.tar.gz -C /tmp; rm -rf /vagrant/perforce/db.*; cp -Rf /tmp/PerforceSample/* /vagrant/perforce; /vagrant/perforce/p4d -r /vagrant/perforce -jr /vagrant/perforce/checkpoint; /vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno passwd -P fooBARbaz; echo fooBARbaz|/vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno login; cat /vagrant/manifests/files/p4grp.registered|/vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno group -i ', require => [ Exec['fetch sample depot'], Exec['start p4d'] ], unless => "find /vagrant/perforce -name jam | grep jam", } # To deploy live data, do the following: # - service perforce-server stop # - rm /vagrant/perforce/db.* /vagrant/perforce/journal # - /vagrant/perforce/p4d -r /vagrant/perforce -K db.have -jr -z /vagrant/perforce/ckp.gz # - install license # - fix protection table for "swarm-user": # admin user swarm-user //guest/... # admin user swarm-user //public/... # admin user swarm-user //.swarm/... # - fix up password for "swarm-user" # - fix up ticket in config.php # - re-create the group "registered" add "swarm-user" and yourself to it # FIXME: Need to automate all these.... # setup a startup script for p4d file {'/etc/init/perforce-server.conf': source => '/vagrant/manifests/files/perforce-server.conf', ensure => 'present', owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, require => [ File['p4d'], File['p4'] ] } # # Setup Swarm # class { 'apache': mpm_module => 'prefork', default_vhost => false, } include apache::mod::php apache::mod { 'rewrite': } exec { "apt-get update": path => "/usr/bin", } package { "apt-show-versions": ensure => present, require => Exec["apt-get update"], } package { "php-pear": ensure => present, require => [ Exec["apt-get update"], Package['build-essential'] ], } package { "php-apc": ensure => present, require => [ Exec["apt-get update"], Package['php-pear'] ], } exec { 'get xdebug': command => 'pecl install xdebug-2.2.7', require => Package['php-pear'], unless => 'find /usr/lib -name xdebug.so | grep xdebug', } package { "imagemagick": ensure => present, require => [ Exec["apt-get update"] ], } # package { "phpunit": # ensure => present, # require => [ Exec["apt-get update"] ], # } package { "ant": ensure => present, require => [ Exec["apt-get update"], Package["openjdk-7-jdk"] ], } package { "openjdk-7-jdk": ensure => present, require => [ Exec["apt-get update"] ], } # exec { "get phpunit": # command => 'pear upgrade pear; pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de; pear channel-discover components.ez.no; pear channel-discover pear.symfony.com; pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit; pear install --alldeps PhpDocumentor;', # require => [ Package['phpunit'], Package['php-pear'] ], # unless => 'phpunit --version', # } # These are optional packages. They allow Swarm to preview Office files and # non-web safe images. They are nice to have, but take awhile to download. #package { "libreoffice-calc": # ensure => present, # require => Exec["apt-get update"], #} #package { "libreoffice-draw": # ensure => present, # require => Exec["apt-get update"], #} #package { "libreoffice-impress": # ensure => present, # require => Exec["apt-get update"], #} #package { "libreoffice-writer": # ensure => present, # require => Exec["apt-get update"], #} package { "build-essential": ensure => present, require => Exec["apt-get update"], } apache::vhost { 'localhost': port => '80', docroot => '/var/www/swarm/public', serveradmin => 'admin@example.com', directories => [ { path => '/var/www/swarm/public', allow_override => ['All'] }, order => 'Allow, Deny', allow => 'from all' ], error_log_file => 'swarm.error.log', access_log_file => 'swarm.access.log', access_log_format => 'combined', docroot_group => 'www-data', docroot_owner => 'www-data', require => [ Package['php-apc'], Exec['deploy sample depot'], File['/var/www/swarm/data'] ], notify => Service['httpd'], } # create the data directory that Swarm needs file {'/var/www/swarm/data': ensure => directory, mode => 0770, owner => 'www-data', group => 'www-data', } # copy the P4PHP module some place in the VM so that Apache doesn't need a restart on boot file {'/etc/php5/perforce-php53.so': source => '/vagrant/p4-bin/bin.linux26x86_64/perforce-php53.so', ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 444, require => Package['php-pear'], } # this adds P4PHP support to PHP. file {'/etc/php5/conf.d/p4php.ini': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 444, content => "extension=/etc/php5/perforce-php53.so\n", require => File['/etc/php5/perforce-php53.so'], } # this adds xdebug support to PHP. file {'/etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 444, content => "zend_extension=/usr/lib/php5/20090626/xdebug.so\nxdebug.remote_enable=1\nxdebug.remote_handler=dbgp\nxdebug.remote_connect_back=1\n", require => File['/etc/php5/perforce-php53.so'], } # create a configuration file under data file { "/var/www/swarm/data/config.php": source => "/vagrant/manifests/files/config.php", ensure => file, require => File['/var/www/swarm/data'], } exec {"restart swarm": require => [ File['/var/www/swarm/data/config.php'], File['/etc/php5/conf.d/p4php.ini'],Apache::Vhost['localhost'] ], command => "service apache2 restart", creates => '/var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens', } exec {"wait for swarm": require => [ File['/var/www/swarm/data/config.php'], File['/etc/php5/conf.d/p4php.ini'],Exec['restart swarm'] ], command => "/usr/bin/wget --spider --tries 10 --retry-connrefused http://localhost/login", creates => '/var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens', } # stick the output somewhere we can read jackass # establish the trigger token exec { 'login to swarm': command => 'wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies /var/www/swarm/data/cjar --post-file /vagrant/manifests/files/pfile http://localhost/login', require => [ File['/var/www/swarm/data/config.php'], File['/etc/php5/conf.d/p4php.ini'], Exec['wait for swarm'] ], creates => '/var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens', } # generate the auth token that Swarm needs for the triggers exec { 'generate token': command => 'wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null --load-cookies /var/www/swarm/data/cjar http://localhost/about', require => [ Exec['login to swarm'], File['/var/www/swarm/data/config.php'], File['/etc/php5/conf.d/p4php.ini'] ], creates => '/var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens', } # add custom directory in public for people to drop their js/css file { '/vagrant/public/custom': ensure => directory, mode => 775, } # add custom directory in public for people to drop their js/css file { '/vagrant/logs': ensure => directory, group => 'www-data', mode => 775, } file { '/vagrant/logs/email': ensure => directory, group => 'www-data', mode => 775, } # the apache error log file { '/vagrant/logs/apache.error.log': ensure => 'link', target => '/var/log/apache2/error.log', } # the swarm apache vhost log file { '/vagrant/logs/swarm.error.log': ensure => 'link', target => '/var/log/apache2/swarm.error.log', } # the swarm log file { '/vagrant/logs/swarm_log': ensure => 'link', target => '/var/www/swarm/data/log', } # generate demo data exec { 'generate demo data': command => 'wget -o /vagrant/logs/demolog -O /dev/null --load-cookies /var/www/swarm/data/cjar http://localhost/demo/generate?force=1', require => Exec['generate token'], creates => '/vagrant/logs/demolog', } # setup cronjob cron { 'worker': command => "wget -q -O /dev/null -T5 http://localhost/queue/worker", ensure => present, user => vagrant, } # replace the UUID exec { 'set token': command => 'sed -i "s:^SWARM_TOKEN=.*:SWARM_TOKEN=\"$(sudo ls -1 /var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens | tr -d \'\n\')\":" /vagrant/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.sh', unless => 'grep -e "$(sudo ls -1 /var/www/swarm/data/queue/tokens | tr -d \'\n\')" /vagrant/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.sh', require => Exec['generate token'], } # replace the hostname exec { 'set hostname': command => 'sed -i "s|^SWARM_HOST=\"http://my-swarm-host\"|SWARM_HOST=\"http://localhost\"|" /vagrant/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.sh', onlyif => 'grep -e "SWARM_HOST=\"http://my-swarm-host\"" /vagrant/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.sh', require => Exec['generate token'], } # put the triggers in Perforce exec { 'update triggers': command => 'echo "$(/vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno -P fooBARbaz triggers -o)" "$(bash /vagrant/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.sh -o)" | /vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno -PfooBARbaz triggers -i', unless => '/vagrant/perforce/p4 -p 1666 -u bruno -P fooBARbaz triggers -o | grep -e "swarm.user"', require => Exec['set hostname'], } # Local Variables: # mode: puppet # End Variables: