/ */ namespace P4Test\Spec; use P4Test\TestCase; use P4\Spec\Depot; use P4\Spec\Client; use P4\Spec\Exception\NotFoundException; use P4\Spec\Exception\Exception as SpecException; class DepotTest extends TestCase { /** * Test initial conditions. */ public function testInitialConditions() { // assume there is one local depot $depots = Depot::fetchAll(); $this->assertSame(1, count($depots), 'Expected depots at start.'); $depot = $depots->first(); $this->assertSame('depot', $depot->getId(), "Expected depot 'depot' at start."); $this->assertSame('local', $depot->getType(), "Expected local depot at start."); $this->assertSame('depot/...', $depot->getMap(), "Expected mapping of depot at start."); } /** * Test fetch() method. */ public function testFetch() { // create new depot $depot = new Depot; $depot ->setId('foo-depot') ->set( array( 'Type' => 'local', 'Map' => 'foo/...' ) ) ->save(); $depot = Depot::fetch('foo-depot'); $this->assertTrue( $depot instanceof Depot, "Expected fetch returns instance of P4\Depot." ); $this->assertSame( 'local', $depot->getType(), "Expected type of fetched depot." ); $this->assertSame( 'foo/...', $depot->getmap(), "Expected type of fetched depot." ); // verify fetching a non-existant depot throws an exception $depot->delete(); try { Depot::fetch('foo-depot'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // expected exception $this->assertTrue(true); } } /** * Test exist() method. */ public function testExist() { // verify required fields (depot, type, map) must be set before save $depot = new Depot; try { $depot->save(); $this->fail("Unexpected possibility of saving empty depot."); } catch (SpecException $e) { // expected exception $this->assertTrue(true); } $depot->set( array( 'Depot' => 'test', 'Type' => 'local', 'Map' => 'test/...' ) ); $depot->save(); $this->assertTrue(Depot::exists('test'), "Expected existence of 'test' depot."); // query non-existant depot $this->assertFalse(Depot::exists('non-exist'), "Expected exist() returns false for non-existant depot."); } /** * Test accessors/mutators. */ public function testAccessorsMutators() { $depot = new Depot; $tests = array( 'Depot' => 'tdepot', 'Owner' => 'town', 'Description' => 'tdesc', 'Type' => 'local', 'Address' => 'taddr', 'Suffix' => '.tsuf', 'Map' => 'tmap/...' ); foreach ($tests as $key => $value) { $depot->set($key, $value); $this->assertSame($value, $depot->get($key), "Expected value for $key"); } // verify again on fetched depot $expected = array( 'Depot' => 'tdepot', 'Owner' => 'town', 'Description' => "tdesc\n", 'Type' => 'local', 'Map' => 'tmap/...' ); $depot->save(); $depot = Depot::fetch('tdepot'); foreach ($expected as $key => $value) { $this->assertSame($value, $depot->get($key), "Expected value for $key after fetch"); } } /** * Verify that its possible to save a client with mapping the new depot into the view. */ public function testCreateClient() { // create new deopt $depot = new Depot; $depot->set( array( 'Depot' => 'tdep', 'Type' => 'local', 'Map' => 'tdep/...' ) ); $depot->save(); $this->assertTrue(Depot::exists('tdep')); // at this point we have to disconnect as Perforce doesn't let // creating new client with mapping a depot created by the same // connection // @todo remove when bug is fixed $this->p4->disconnect(); // create client mapping the new depot $client = new Client; $client->set( array( 'Client' => 'foo', 'Root' => '/tmp/tcli', 'View' => array( array( 'depot' => '//tdep/...', 'client' => '//foo/a/...' ) ) ) ); $client->save(); $this->assertTrue(Client::exists('foo')); $this->assertSame( array( 0 => array( 'depot' => '//tdep/...', 'client' => '//foo/a/...' ) ), Client::fetch('foo')->getView(), "Expected view of fetched client matches saved values." ); } }