/ */ namespace P4Test\Spec; use P4Test\TestCase; use P4\Spec\User; use P4\Spec\Group; use P4\Spec\Client; use P4\Spec\Protections; use P4\Connection\Connection; use P4\Spec\Exception\NotFoundException; use P4\Spec\Exception\Exception as SpecException; class UserTest extends TestCase { /** * Test fetch(). */ public function testFetch() { // ensure fetch fails for a non-existant user. try { User::fetch('alskdfj2134'); $this->fail("Fetch should fail for a non-existant user."); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } // ensure fetch succeeds for a user that exists. try { User::fetch($this->p4->getUser()); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->fail("Fetch should succeed for a user that exists."); } // ensure that fetch works for a user that is not the current user. $user = new User; $user->setId('jdoe') ->setEmail('jdoe@host.com') ->setFullName('Jane Doe') ->save(); try { $user = User::fetch('jdoe'); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->fail("Fetch should succeed for a user that exists."); } $this->assertTrue($user->getId() == 'jdoe', "User id should be 'jdoe'."); } /** * Test that position specifiers can be used in a username. */ public function testPositionSpecifiersInUserName() { $user = new User; $user->setId('jdoe%%') ->setEmail('jdoe@host.host') ->setFullName('Jimmy Doe') ->save(); $user = User::fetch('jdoe%%'); $this->assertTrue($user->getId() == 'jdoe%%', "User id should be 'jdoe%%'."); } /** * Test that Windows environmental variables are not interpolated. */ public function testWindowsEscapeArgs() { $user = new User; $user->setId('%PATH%') ->setEmail('patherson@host.host') ->setFullName('Patricia Atherson') ->save(); $user = User::fetch('%PATH%'); $this->assertTrue($user->getId() == '%PATH%', "User id should be '%PATH%'."); } /** * Test fetchAll(). */ public function testFetchAll() { $users = User::fetchAll(); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); $this->assertTrue($users->first()->getId() == 'tester'); $this->assertTrue($users->first()->getFullName() == 'Test User'); // add a user and test again. $user = new User; $user->setId('jdoe') ->setEmail('jdoe@host.com') ->setFullName('Jane Doe') ->save(); $users = User::fetchAll(); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 2); // test w. max results option. $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1)); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); // test w. filters. $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => "laksdjf")); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 0); $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => "jdo*")); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => "*")); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 2); // test w. both options. $users = User::fetchAll( array( User::FETCH_BY_NAME => "*", User::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1 ) ); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); // add another user $user = new User; $user->setId('joe') ->setEmail('joe@host.com') ->setFullName('Mr Joe') ->save(); // fetch by name where list of users is specified $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => array('jdoe', 'joe'))); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 2); $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => array('jdoe', 'joe', 'no'))); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 2); $users = User::fetchAll(array(User::FETCH_BY_NAME => array('no'))); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 0); // test fetching with list of users and fetch max // (fetch max is applied to each user name pattern) $users = User::fetchAll( array( User::FETCH_BY_NAME => array('tester', 'joe', 'jdoe'), User::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1 ) ); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); // ensure users are sorted before cutting-off $this->assertSame( 'jdoe', $users->current()->getId(), "Expected user returned by server when fetching by name and max is set." ); $users = User::fetchAll( array( User::FETCH_BY_NAME => array('t*','j*'), User::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1 ) ); $this->assertTrue($users->count() == 1); // ensure users are sorted before cutting-off $this->assertSame( 'jdoe', $users->current()->getId(), "Expected user returned by server when fetching by name and max is set." ); } /** * Test idExists(). */ public function testIdExists() { // ensure id-exists returns false for non-existant user $this->assertFalse(User::exists("alsdjf"), "Given user id should not exist."); // create user and ensure it exists. $user = new User; $user->setId("jdoe") ->setEmail('jdoe@host.com') ->setFullName('Jane Doe') ->save(); $this->assertTrue(User::exists("jdoe"), "Given user id should exist."); // test with invalid user id. $this->assertFalse(User::exists("jdo*"), "Invalid user id should return false."); } /** * Test save(). */ public function testSave() { $user = new User; $user->setId('jdoe'); $user->setEmail('jdoe@host.com'); $user->setFullName("Jane Doe"); $user->save(); // test reading out of the same instance. $this->assertSame("jdoe", $user->getId()); $this->assertSame("Jane Doe", $user->getFullName()); // test reading out of fetched instance. $user = User::fetch("jdoe"); $this->assertSame("jdoe", $user->getId()); $this->assertSame("Jane Doe", $user->getFullName()); // test updating existing user using all fields (except password). $user = User::fetch("jdoe"); $user->setEmail("user@host.com"); $user->setFullName("John Doe"); $user->setJobView("status=open bug"); $reviews = array("//depot/path/...", "//depot/other/foo"); $user->setReviews($reviews); $user->save(); // ensure values properly updated. $user = User::fetch("jdoe"); $this->assertSame($user->getEmail(), "user@host.com"); $this->assertSame($user->getFullName(), "John Doe"); $this->assertSame($user->getJobView(), "status=open bug"); $this->assertSame($user->getReviews(), $reviews); // ensure save fails with no id. $user = new User; try { $user->save(); $this->fail("Should not be able to save user without an id."); } catch (SpecException $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Save with no id should not throw generic exception."); } // test save without super permissions. // (test save while connected as the user). $p4 = Connection::factory($this->p4->getPort(), 'jdoe'); $p4->connect(); $user = new User; $user->setConnection($p4); $this->assertSame( $user->getConnection(), $p4, "User object should have connection we set." ); $this->assertFalse( $user->getConnection()->isSuperUser(), "User object should have connection without super user privileges." ); $user->setId('jdoe'); $user->setFullName("Jane Doe"); $user->setEmail("jdoe@host.com"); try { $user->save(); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\P4\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Should be able to save user."); } } /** * Test deleting a user without an id. */ public function testDeleteUserWithoutId() { $user = new User; try { $user->delete(); $this->fail('Unexpected success deleting a user without an id.'); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (SpecException $e) { $this->assertEquals( 'Cannot delete. No id has been set.', $e->getMessage(), 'Expected exception message.' ); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$label: Unexpected Exception (" . get_class($e) . '): ' . $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Test delete(). */ public function testDelete() { // create a user we can delete. $user = new User; $user->setId('test-user') ->setEmail('jdoe@host.com') ->setFullName('Jane Doe') ->save(); $user = User::fetch('test-user'); try { $user->delete(); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\P4\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Should be able to delete user."); } // ensure user is gone. try { User::fetch('test-user'); $this->fail("User should not exist - fetch should fail."); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Fetch should fail with not-found exception."); } } /** * Test delete without super permission (delete while connected as the user). */ public function testDeleteUnprivilegedSelf() { // test delete without super permissions. // (test delete while connected as the user). $user = new User; $user->setId('test-user') ->setEmail('tester@host.com') ->setFullName('Test User') ->save(); $p4 = Connection::factory($this->p4->getPort(), 'test-user'); $p4->connect(); $user = new User; $user->setConnection($p4); $this->assertSame( $user->getConnection(), $p4, "User object should have connection we set." ); $this->assertFalse( $user->getConnection()->isSuperUser(), "User object should have connection without super user privileges." ); $user->setId('test-user'); try { $user->delete(); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\P4\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Should be able to delete user."); } // ensure user is gone. try { User::fetch('test-user'); $this->fail("User should not exist - fetch should fail."); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Fetch should fail with not-found exception."); } } /** * Test delete without super permission (delete while connected as other user). */ public function testDeleteUnprivilegedOther() { // test delete without super permissions. // (test delete while connected as the user). $user = new User; $user->setId('test-user') ->setEmail('tester@host.com') ->setFullName('Test User') ->save(); $p4 = Connection::factory($this->p4->getPort(), 'test-user'); $p4->connect(); $user = new User; $user->setConnection($p4); $this->assertSame( $user->getConnection(), $p4, "User object should have connection we set." ); $this->assertFalse( $user->getConnection()->isSuperUser(), "User object should have connection without super user privileges." ); // update the other user $user->setId('test-user-2') ->setEmail('tester2@host.com') ->setFullName('Tester2') ->save(); try { $user->delete(); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\P4\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Should be able to delete user."); } // ensure user is gone. try { User::fetch('test-user-2'); $this->fail("User should not exist - fetch should fail."); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Fetch should fail with not-found exception."); } } /** * Test user object mutators. */ public function testMutators() { // ensure mutators reject invalid types. $tests = array( array( "method" => "setId", "value" => null, "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setId", "value" => "", "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setId", "value" => "jdoe", "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setId", "value" => "jdoe%%", "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setId", "value" => "john doe", "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setEmail", "value" => null, "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setEmail", "value" => "joe@host.com", "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setEmail", "value" => array(), "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setFullName", "value" => null, "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setFullName", "value" => "Jane Doe", "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setFullName", "value" => array(), "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setJobView", "value" => null, "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setJobView", "value" => "status=open blah blah", "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setJobView", "value" => array(), "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setReviews", "value" => null, "throws" => true, ), array( "method" => "setReviews", "value" => array("//depot/some/path", "//depot/some-other/path..."), "throws" => false, ), array( "method" => "setReviews", "value" => "alksdfj", "throws" => true, ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $user = new User; $method = $test['method']; $value = $test['value']; $throws = $test['throws']; try { $user->$method($value); if ($throws) { $this->fail("$method with value '$value' should throw exception."); } else { $this->assertTrue(true); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if (!$throws) { $this->fail("$method with value '$value' should not throw exception."); } else { $this->assertTrue(true); } } } // ensure update is read/write $user = new User; $user->setId('timetest')->setFullName('Time Test')->setEmail('time@test.com')->save(); $user->set('Update', '2001/01/01 01:01:01')->save(); $this->assertSame('2001/01/01 01:01:01', User::fetch('timetest')->get('Update'), "for Update"); // ensure access doesn't throw but ends up being clobbered with current date $user = User::fetch('timetest'); $user->set('Access', '2001/01/01 01:01:01')->save(); $this->assertSame(date('Y/m/d'), substr(User::fetch('timetest')->get('Access'), 0, 10), "for Access"); } /** * Test getGroups(). */ public function testGetGroups() { // create a group. $group = new Group; $group->setId("test-group") ->addUser("tester") ->save(); // ensure user is in group. $user = User::fetch($this->p4->getUser()); $this->assertSame( 1, count($user->getGroups()), 'Expected one result' ); $this->assertSame( 'test-group', $user->getGroups()->first()->getId(), 'Expected matching group entry' ); } /** * Test getGroups() with bad user id. */ public function testGetGroupsWithBadId() { $user = new User; try { $user->getGroups(); $this->fail('Unexpected success fetting clients for user without id.'); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (SpecException $e) { $this->assertEquals( 'Cannot get groups. No user id has been set.', $e->getMessage(), 'Expected exception message.' ); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$label: Unexpected Exception (" . get_class($e) . '): ' . $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Test getUpdateDateTime(). */ public function testGetUpdateDateTime() { $user = new User; $dateTime = $user->getUpdateDatetime(); $this->assertEquals(null, $dateTime, 'Expected null datetime for unsaved user.'); $user->setId('test-user') ->setEmail('tester@host.com') ->setFullName('Test User') ->save(); $dateTime = $user->getUpdateDatetime(); $this->assertRegExp( '/^\d{4}\/\d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/', $dateTime, 'Expected datetime for just-saved user.' ); } /** * Test getAccessDateTime(). */ public function testGetAccessDateTime() { $user = new User; $dateTime = $user->getAccessDatetime(); $this->assertEquals(null, $dateTime, 'Expected null datetime for unsaved user.'); $user->setId('test-user') ->setEmail('tester@host.com') ->setFullName('Test User') ->save(); $dateTime = $user->getAccessDatetime(); $this->assertRegExp( '/^\d{4}\/\d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/', $dateTime, 'Expected datetime for just-saved user.' ); } /** * Test addToGroup(). */ public function testAddToGroup() { // create a group. $group = new Group; $group->setId("test-group") ->addUser("tester") ->save(); $user = new User; $user->setId('jdoe') ->setEmail('jdoe@host.com') ->setFullName("John Doe") ->save(); $user->addToGroup('test-group'); $this->assertSame('test-group', $user->getGroups()->first()->getId()); } /** * Test isPassword(). */ public function testIsPassword() { $user = User::fetch($this->p4->getUser()); $this->assertTrue($user->isPassword($this->p4->getPassword())); $this->assertFalse($user->isPassword('klasdjfkls')); } /** * Test setPassword(). */ public function testSetPassword() { $newPassword = "a-new-test-password"; $user = User::fetch($this->p4->getUser()); $user->setPassword($newPassword, $this->p4->getPassword())->save(); $this->assertTrue($user->isPassword($newPassword)); } /** * Set the behaviour of the password field. */ public function testPasswordField() { $user = new User; $user->get('Password'); $this->assertSame(null, $user->get('Password')); // create user. $user->setId('bob') ->setEmail('bob@bob') ->setFullName('BOB') ->setPassword('bob-pass') ->save(); // can't get password back out after save. $this->assertSame(null, $user->get('Password')); // ensure password was set. $this->assertTrue($user->isPassword('bob-pass'), 'Expected bob-pass password'); // ensure can't read password from fetched user. $this->assertSame( null, User::fetch('bob')->getPassword() ); // ensure we can read in-memory password. $user = new User; $user->setPassword('test'); $this->assertSame('test', $user->getPassword()); // ensure password unaffected after same of other field. $user = User::fetch('bob'); $user->setFullName('Bob Bobson')->save(); $this->assertTrue($user->isPassword('bob-pass')); } /** * Test getClients(). */ public function testGetClients() { // Add junk client to verify we are filtering $client = new Client; $client->setId('test2-client') ->setOwner('user1') ->setRoot(DATA_PATH . '/clients/test2-client') ->save(); $user = User::fetch('tester'); $this->assertSame( 1, count($user->getClients()), 'Expected one result' ); $this->assertSame( 'test-client', $user->getClients()->first()->getId(), 'Expected matching client entry' ); } /** * Test getClients() with bad id */ public function testGetClientsWithBadId() { $user = new User; try { $user->getClients(); $this->fail('Unexpected success fetting clients for user without id.'); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (SpecException $e) { $this->assertEquals( 'Cannot get clients. No user id has been set.', $e->getMessage(), 'Expected exception message.' ); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$label: Unexpected Exception (" . get_class($e) . '): ' . $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Exercise auto user creation detection */ public function testIsAutoUserCreationEnabled() { // should be enabled by default. $this->assertTrue(User::isAutoUserCreationEnabled(), "Expected auto user creation on"); // turn off auto-user creation. $protections = new Protections; $protections->setProtections(array("super user " . $this->p4->getUser() . " * //...")) ->save(); // should be off now. $this->assertFalse(User::isAutoUserCreationEnabled(), "Expected auto user creation off"); } }