These metrics scripts were posted to the perforce-users mailing list by Scott Pasnikowski. $Id: //guest/thomas_quinot/perforce/utils/metrics/README#1 $ Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 11:08:23 -0700 From: Scott Pasnikowski Subject: reporting lines of code added/changed/deleted in depot Please accept my apologies for not getting back to the mailing list. We did complete a set of basic metrics scripts.(See attached file: attached file: attached file: attached file: attached file: I can't guarantee they are bug free but they seem satisfy QA for now... Try these... Each python script takes the following parameters... //depot/somelocation/... @label1 @label2 Label1 and 2 could be dates ( at least that's what the perforce docs imply ) You can simply specify //depot/... and let the two label's figure out which files your talking about. If you want to get specific you can limit the depot location to a specific area like.. //depot/my_product/my_project/... And you will get data that only applies to my_project and deeper... Nothing is optional... you must have all three params... and there is no parameter checking so be careful.. Overview: puts out exhaust you can pipe to a file and then import to excel. It's all line count stuff.. organized by individual file. I could not decide on any particular diff routine so I did them all (I think). The Fields in order for the excel metrics script are: Depot path File status Rcs adds Rcs deletes Context adds Context changes Context deletes Summary adds Summary add chunks Summary deletes Summary delete chunks Summary changes Summary change chunks Summary change lines Unified adds Unified deletes puts our a report of change list numbers that have been submitted Then it gives you the details of that changelist, it tells you by USER who submitted which file. Then it lists the number of lines changed by in that changelist. give just the line counts for the whole swath between the labels. Nothing else. is the same a change metrics only its oriented towards user data. Each paragraph represents a user. The change lists submitted by that user. and so on... gives a report of file counts. Like how many files are in each label, how many changed, how many changed type .... Try these and let me know what you think. ScottP