package VCP::Utils::ab ; =head1 NAME VCP::Utils::ab - utilities for dealing with the NxN AlienBrain command line =head1 SYNOPSIS use VCP::Utils::ab ; =head1 DESCRIPTION Methods shared by VCP::Source::ab and VCP::Dest::ab, mostly wrappers for calling the ab command. =cut @ISA = qw( Exporter ); use Exporter; use strict ; sub ab { my $self = shift ; my @args = @{shift()} ; return $self->run_safely( [ 'ab', @args ], @_ ) ; } =head1 AUTHOR Timothee 'TTimo' Besset =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003, Timothee Besset Terms of use .. dunno yet, assume BSD-type license =cut 1 ;