# This is a config file for prsync_depots.sh # # Set RunUser to the operating system user that this script should run as. # It should be the owner of the /p4/common and /p4/N/depots directories. RunUser=perforce # Set SourceHost to the source server name. SSH keys must enable password-less # ssh and rsync commands to the specified machine from the machine where # prsync_depots.sh is executed. SourceHost=syd-helix-04 # Set SourceBasePath to the directory containing depot directories exist on # the source server. This is typically the same folder returned by the # command: p4 configure show server.depot.root SourceBasePath=/p4/1/depots # Set TargetBasePath to the directory depot directories are to be copied to # on the target server. This often has the same value as the SourceBasePath. TargetBasePath=/p4/1/depots # Set a working directory. The directory that contains the working directory # must exist or be able to be created with 'mkdir -p'. This directory is # removed at the end of successful processing, and so typically has a temporary # name ending something like: $$.$RANDOM WorkingDir=/p4/1/tmp/rsync.$$.$RANDOM # Set DepotListFile to a file containing a list of named directories to copy # in order. If this is not set (i.e. if the value to the right of the equal # sign is empty), then all directories reported by 'ls -A' in the # SourceBasePath on the SourceHost machine will be copied and processed in # the order returned by 'ls -A'. DepotListFile= # Set SSHKeyFile if the 'ssh' command must pass the "-i " option. # If SSHKeyFile is set, this results in ssh calls being passed "-i " # and rsync commands being passed '-e "ssh -i "'. The double quotes # are required only if the path to the key file contains spaces. SSHKeyFile= # Set SSHOptions if the 'ssh' command needs to pass additional parameters # to ssh, e.g. '-p 2222'. The double quote are required unless the value is # null. # # For example, setting # # SSHOptions="-p 2222" # # will result in ssh being passed the '-p 2222' option. # # If SSHKeyFile and SSHOptions are both defined, they will be combined # appropriately. For example, if SSHKeyFile="~/.ssh/MyKey.pem" and # SSHOptions="-p 2222" are defined, then ssh calls will include the # '-i ' and . The ssh calls might look like: # # ssh -i ~/.ssh/MyKey.pem -p 2222 # # And rsync calls might look like: # rsync -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/MyKey.pem -p 2222" # SSHOptions=