Perforce for Ruby


You *need* the Perforce API (p4api.tar) from the Perforce FTP site. The URL


NOTE TO GCC USERS: If you're using gcc3, please make sure you use a Perforce
API build compiled with gcc3. Using the gcc2 versions won't work. For Linux
users this means you should NOT use the 'bin.linux24x86' builds.


To build P4Ruby, use the p4conf.rb script to build a makefile and then
use your platform's 'make' tool to do the actual build. You must have
downloaded and unpacked the Perforce API first.

	ruby p4conf.rb --apidir <path> [ --apibuild <build> ] [ --gccver 2|3 ]


	--apidir <path>		- is the path to the Perforce API

	--apibuild <build>	- is the build identifier of the Perforce API.
				  For example:

				  	ntx86		- Windows NT
					linux24x86	- Linux w/ gcc 2.95
					linux3x86	- Linux w/ gcc 3.x
					linux26amd64	- Linux on AMD 64-bit

				  This is the same as the directory name from
				  which you downloaded the Perforce API 
				  (without the leading 'bin.' obviously)

				  Most people won't need to use this as the
				  script tries to detect this automatically.
	--gccver 2|3		- Which version of gcc you're using. Some
				  platforms (Cygwin/Darwin) install both
				  gcc2 and gcc3 and if you want to use gcc2
				  you have to use a different command line. 

				  Using --gccver=2 allows you to do this.

UNIX Builds:

    Unpack the Perforce API into a new directory - but *NOT* in the same 
    directory as this extension (mkmf won't like it). 

    Then run:

	ruby p4conf.rb 	--apidir <path to api> 
	make install

    For the last step, you'll probably need to be root.

Windows Builds:

    You will need Visual Studio to build P4/Ruby as mkmf generates nmake
    compatible makefiles.

    Unpack the Perforce API into a new directory - but *NOT* in the same 
    directory as this extension (mkmf won't like it). 

    Then run:

	ruby p4conf.rb 	--apidir <path to api> 
	nmake install

Cygwin Builds:

    Do NOT attempt to build the P4Ruby for use with Cygwin's Ruby build 
    without using the Cygwin version of the Perforce API! Many people think
    they can use the Windows build of the API, but it won't work, so don't
    waste your time.


See the FAQ