Class GroupMgr
In: specsaver.rb
Parent: GenSpecMgr

GenSpecMgr subclass for Groups. Groups don't have an update date so we have to depend on revert -a doing the honours. "p4 groups" also doesn't support tagged output at the moment (2002.1) so what are hashes in the other classes are just group names in this one.

changed?    new    spec_file    type2name   
Public Class methods
new( root, p4t, p4u )

Constructor. Provide the client root and tagged and non-tagged P4 client instances

# File specsaver.rb, line 379
    def initialize( root, p4t, p4u )
	super( "group", root, p4t, p4u )
Protected Instance methods
changed?( group, since )

Groups are always considered to have changed - until proven otherwise so we override the GenSpecMgr implementation of changed? and always return true

# File specsaver.rb, line 390
    def changed?( group, since )
spec_file( group )

Map a group name into a depot path. Can't use the default implementation as we don't have a hash available, just a group name

# File specsaver.rb, line 398
    def spec_file( group )
	@root + "/#{@type}s/" + group
type2name( type, group )

Convert a type and a group name into a group name. Pretty simple really.

# File specsaver.rb, line 405
    def type2name( type, group )