'px' and 'p4lib.py' buglist (For use until a bug tracking system is established.) 1. Piping px output into 'less' does not work on Windows. E.g. 'px diff -du ./... | less' - This happens when the px.exe launcher is not used to launch px.py but instead px.py is launched directly via cmd.exe's PATHEXT extension. If px.exe exists next to px.py then this problem goes away. Resolved: Not A Bug 2. 'px -x - ...' does not work correctly. See also: bug #1. - This was the same mistaken diagnosis as bug #1. Resolved: Not A Bug 3. handle failure to connect to p4 repository (currently I get hangs) 4. 'px diff -sn ./...py' fails 5. 'px help asdf' does not print the expected output. Compare to 'p4 help asdf'.