#!/bin/sh # Check which daemons are up # Arguments: # 1. Globecom Server goal # rm -f $$.* if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "" echo "Usage: $0 server-type [additional-type]" echo "Valid types: GINSDA, GINSDU, APPWEB" echo "Additional Valid type: ORACLE" echo "" exit 1 fi SERVERTYPE=$1 ORACLETEST=$2 if [ "$SERVERTYPE" != "GINSDA" -a "$SERVERTYPE" != "GINSDU" -a "$SERVERTYPE" != "APPWEB" ] then echo "" echo $SERVERTYPE" is not a valid type. exit..." echo "Valid types: GINSDA, GINSDU, APPWEB" echo "" exit 1 fi PROCF=/tmp/procfil$$ ps -ef >$PROCF for i in Npdd Lsm http java startTrap startIsAli startWeb sdud sdad rmserver oracle do rm -f $$.$i grep $i $PROCF > /dev/null if [ "$?" = "0" ] then touch $$.$i fi done ## Oracle if [ "$2" = "ORACLE" ] then if [ -f $$.oracle ] then echo "" echo "Oracle service is up" else echo "" echo "Oracle is not running" fi fi ## GIN with SDA if [ "$1" = "GINSDA" ] then if [ -f $$.sdad -a -f $$.startIsAli -a -f $$.http -a -f $$.Lsm ] then echo "" echo "All GINSDA services are up" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" if [ ! -f $$.sdad ] then echo "sdad is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.startIsAli ] then echo "startIsalive is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.http ] then echo "Apache is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.Lsm ] then echo "Lsm is not running" fi echo "To restart all services, please run: Globsys.sh -a" echo "" exit 1 fi fi ## GIN with SDU if [ "$1" = "GINSDU" ] then if [ -f $$.sdud -a -f $$.startTrap -a -f $$.http -a -f $$.Lsm ] then echo "" echo "All GINSDU services are up" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" if [ ! -f $$.sdud ] then echo "sdud is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.startTrap ] then echo "startTrapFilter is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.http ] then echo "Apache is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.Lsm ] then echo "Lsm is not running" fi echo "To restart all services, please run: Globsys.sh -u" echo "" exit 1 fi fi ## APP + Weblogic if [ "$1" = "APPWEB" ] then if [ -f $$.startWeb -a -f $$.startTrap -a -f $$.http -a -f $$.java ] then echo "" echo "All APPWEB services are up" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" if [ ! -f $$.startWeb ] then echo "Weblogic is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.startTrap ] then echo "startTrapFilter is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.http ] then echo "Apache is not running" fi if [ ! -f $$.java ] then echo "Java is not running" fi echo "To restart all services, please run: Globsys.sh -n" echo "" exit 1 fi fi rm -f $$.* exit 0