Modified cgimake to get the project name out of the target
name if one isn't supplied. This makes it so that Apache's
mod_rewrite is no longer needed to extract the project name
from the URL and place it in the QUERY_STRING, and so that
you can call cgimake from the command line and place the
project name in the target path:
cgimake /perl/_head/Default/depot/
Modified cgimake to work easily from the command line
Fixed some minor bugs in assembling paths that were causing
// to appear in paths when no project is specified.
Fixed minor bug that cause cgimake to try to read a
bogus config file when there is no $project
Tweaked p4_get to provide a more reasonable level of
Updated the apache doc to reflect the simpler,
non-rewrite technique.
Added targets to fetch a new _head revision if the
head change number has changed. Need to check in p4_update.