The Safari Project

- Welcome -

<!-- logo needed, contributions welcome -->

What is Safari?

     The Safari Archive Server is a cgi-bin and mod_perl application which provides web access to revision control systems, software configuration management systems and other hierarchical directories of files.
     Back ends are available for different file stores, with more in development. Many external line tools may be integrated in to a Safari installation. Some possible tools are:
  • lint
  • wc (word count)
  • pretty printers
  • format converters
  • documentation extractors
  • graphics / plot / slide generators
  • compilers
  • archiving tools (e.g. gzip, tar)
     Safari is a fairly young Open Source project, contributions and suggestions are needed and welcome.



The Safari Archive Server is in pre-1.0 development state. It is running in 'dogfood' mode (I use it daily) and slated for 1.0 release in July, 1999.

Available back ends

Back ends under development

Tools known to work in Safari

  • lint (gcc -Wall, perl -Olint)
  • wc (the Unix word counter)