* WireIt editor
* @module editor-plugin
(function() {
var util = YAHOO.util,lang = YAHOO.lang;
var Event = util.Event, Dom = util.Dom, Connect = util.Connect,JSON = lang.JSON,widget = YAHOO.widget;
* The BaseEditor class provides a full page interface
* @class BaseEditor
* @namespace WireIt
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options (layoutOptions,propertiesFields,accordionViewParams)
WireIt.BaseEditor = function(options) {
* Container DOM element
* @property el
this.el = Dom.get(options.parentEl);
// set the default options
// Rendering
* Default options for the BaseEditor
WireIt.BaseEditor.defaultOptions = {
layoutOptions: {
units: [
{ position: 'top', height: 57, body: 'top'},
{ position: 'left', width: 200, resize: true, body: 'left', gutter: '5px', collapse: true,
collapseSize: 25, header: 'Modules', scroll: true, animate: true },
{ position: 'center', body: 'center', gutter: '5px' },
{ position: 'right', width: 320, resize: true, body: 'right', gutter: '5px', collapse: true,
collapseSize: 25, /*header: 'Properties', scroll: true,*/ animate: true }
propertiesFields: [
{"type": "string", "name": "name", label: "Title", typeInvite: "Enter a title" },
{"type": "text", "name": "description", label: "Description", cols: 30, rows: 4}
accordionViewParams: {
collapsible: true,
expandable: true, // remove this parameter to open only one panel at a time
width: 'auto',
expandItem: 0,
animationSpeed: '0.3',
animate: true,
effect: YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBothStrong
WireIt.BaseEditor.prototype = {
* @method setOptions
* @param {Object} options
setOptions: function(options) {
* @property options
* @type {Object}
this.options = {};
// inputEx configuration of fields in the properties panel
this.options.propertiesFields = options.propertiesFields || WireIt.BaseEditor.defaultOptions.propertiesFields;
// YUI layout options
this.options.layoutOptions = options.layoutOptions || WireIt.BaseEditor.defaultOptions.layoutOptions;
// AccordionView
this.options.accordionViewParams = options.accordionViewParams || WireIt.BaseEditor.defaultOptions.accordionViewParams;
* Render the layout & panels
render: function() {
// Render the help panel
* @property layout
* @type {YAHOO.widget.Layout}
this.layout = new widget.Layout(this.el, this.options.layoutOptions);
// Right accordion
// Render buttons
// Saved status
// Properties Form
* Render the help dialog
renderHelpPanel: function() {
* @property helpPanel
* @type {YAHOO.widget.Panel}
this.helpPanel = new widget.Panel('helpPanel', {
fixedcenter: true,
draggable: true,
visible: false,
modal: true
* Render the alert panel
renderAlertPanel: function() {
* @property alertPanel
* @type {YAHOO.widget.Panel}
this.alertPanel = new widget.Panel('WiringEditor-alertPanel', {
fixedcenter: true,
draggable: true,
width: '500px',
visible: false,
modal: true
this.alertPanel.setBody("<div id='alertPanelBody'></div><button id='alertPanelButton'>Ok</button>");
Event.addListener('alertPanelButton','click', function() {
}, this, true);
* Toolbar
* @method renderButtons
renderButtons: function() {
var toolbar = Dom.get('toolbar');
// Buttons :
var newButton = new widget.Button({ label:"New", id:"WiringEditor-newButton", container: toolbar });
newButton.on("click", this.onNew, this, true);
var loadButton = new widget.Button({ label:"Load", id:"WiringEditor-loadButton", container: toolbar });
loadButton.on("click", this.load, this, true);
var saveButton = new widget.Button({ label:"Save", id:"WiringEditor-saveButton", container: toolbar });
saveButton.on("click", this.onSave, this, true);
var deleteButton = new widget.Button({ label:"Delete", id:"WiringEditor-deleteButton", container: toolbar });
deleteButton.on("click", this.onDelete, this, true);
var helpButton = new widget.Button({ label:"Help", id:"WiringEditor-helpButton", container: toolbar });
helpButton.on("click", this.onHelp, this, true);
* @method renderSavedStatus
renderSavedStatus: function() {
this.savedStatusEl = WireIt.cn('div', {className: 'savedStatus', title: 'Not saved'}, {display: 'none'}, "*");
* @method onSave
onSave: function() {
* Save method (empty)
save: function() {
// override
* Displays a message
alert: function(txt) {
if(!this.alertPanel){ this.renderAlertPanel(); }
Dom.get('alertPanelBody').innerHTML = txt;
* Create a help panel
* @method onHelp
onHelp: function() {
* Render the accordion using yui-accordion
renderPropertiesAccordion: function() {
this.accordionView = new YAHOO.widget.AccordionView('accordionView', this.options.accordionViewParams);
* Render the properties form
* @method renderPropertiesForm
renderPropertiesForm: function() {
this.propertiesForm = new inputEx.Group({
parentEl: YAHOO.util.Dom.get('propertiesForm'),
fields: this.options.propertiesFields
this.propertiesForm.updatedEvt.subscribe(function() {
}, this, true);
* Hide the save indicator
markSaved: function() {
this.savedStatusEl.style.display = 'none';
* Show the save indicator
markUnsaved: function() {
this.savedStatusEl.style.display = '';
* Is saved ?
isSaved: function() {
return (this.savedStatusEl.style.display == 'none');