Invalid instance specified.

Return to list'; require_once 'template.php'; exit(); } $instance = $instances[$_REQUEST['instance']]; $output = ''; $myP4Cmd = 'p4 -p '. $instance['p4port'] . ' -u '. $instance['p4user'] .' '; // stop the server $cmd = $myP4Cmd .'admin stop 2>&1'; exec($cmd, $cmdOutput); $output .= '['. $cmd ."]:\n". implode("\n", $cmdOutput) . "\n\n"; unset($cmdOutput); // blow away the folder exec('rm -rf '. $instance['p4root'].'/db.*'); exec('rm -rf '. $instance['p4root'].'/depot/*'); exec('rm -rf '. $instance['p4root'].'/journal'); exec('rm -rf '. $instance['p4root'].'/log'); // restart server $cmd = '/usr/local/bin/p4d'. ' -d'. ' -p '. $instance['p4port']. ' -r '. $instance['p4root']. ' -L '. $instance['p4root'] .'/log'. ' > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null'; exec($cmd, $cmdOutput); $output .= '['. $cmd ."]:\n". implode("\n", $cmdOutput) . "\n\n"; unset($cmdOutput); // create the p4cms user $cmd = $myP4Cmd. 'user -o | sed -e "s,^\(FullName:\).*,\1 Chronicle Admin," | '. $myP4Cmd .'user -i 2>&1'; $cmdOutput = shell_exec($cmd); $output .= '['. $cmd ."]:\n". $cmdOutput . "\n\n"; // remove all old files exec('rm -rf '. $instance['root'] .'/data/*'); // inform them it worked $body = 'Perforce Depot reset for instance: '. $instance['title']. '

Return to list'. '

'; require_once 'template.php';