Managing Gateway Mappings

This tab enables you to map fields between defined Perforce server sources and defect tracking sources. To create mappings, you associate a defect tracking source with a Perforce server source, then assign specific defect tracker fields to fields in Perforce jobs.

Fields can be replicated in two ways:

To add a set of mappings:
  1. Click New. The Add New Mapping dialog is displayed.
  2. Specify a name and choose the Defect Tracking Source and Perforce Server Source, then click OK. The Edit Perforce-Defect Tracker Mapping dialog is displayed, containing the following fields:

  3. For each field of interest, select the field and choose the method of replication, as follows:
    When you click the Copy or Mirror button, a list of available fields is displayed.
  4. Choose the target field to which you want to map the selected source field and click OK.
  5. If the target field is a select field (meaning a field that can contain one of a defined set of values), the Define Select Value Mapping dialog is displayed.
  6. On the Define Select Value Mapping dialog, specify the correspondence between all values in Perforce and those in the defect tracking system by selecting the Perforce value and its corresponding defect tracker value and clicking Map to. Your mappings are listed in the Field Mappings field, sorted according to the type of mapping you selected.
  7. To map how fixes are replicated between Perforce and the defect tracker, select the desired mapping under PERFORCE FIX DETAILS -> COPIED -> DEFECT TRACKER. The Select Fix Details to Map dialog is displayed.
  8. For each fix mapping, check the desired options, then click OK to save your changes. To add fix mappings, click Fix Details at the bottom of the Perforce Fields list.
  9. When you have mapped all values, click OK.
  10. Click OK to save your entries and dismiss the dialog.

Note that, if you have segmented a data source, you cannot map the top-level data source, only segments, which are displayed as datasource/segment_name.

Your newly-defined mapping is now listed in the Defect Tracker/Perforce mappings list.

After you map select fields, the field pair is listed in the Field Mappings pane, indicated by “(map)”.

To start the replication engine:

  1. Specify the start date and time.
  2. If you are starting the replication engine for the first time, or you have stopped the replication engine and changed mappings, check Sync from start date to ensure that previously replicated jobs and issues are replicated again using your new mappings.
  3. Click Start replication.
