P4 (Class)

In: P4Triggers.rb
Parent: Object

Reopen the P4 class to restructuring the output of "p4 describe -s" into a P4Change object, and to disable any attempt to submit - just in case someone’s foolish enough to try


Public Instance methods


     # File P4Triggers.rb, line 128
128:     def run_describe( *args )
129:         h = run( "describe", args ).shift
130:         return h unless h.kind_of?( Hash )
131:         return P4Change.new( h )
132:     end

Disable the direct interface to submit


     # File P4Triggers.rb, line 140
140:     def run_submit
141:         raise( "Attempt to submit during trigger execution. Don't do it." )
142:     end

Disable the submit_spec interface


     # File P4Triggers.rb, line 135
135:     def submit_spec
136:         raise( "Attempt to submit during trigger execution. Don't do it." )
137:     end
