// // Copyright 1997 Nicholas J. Irias. All rights reserved. // // // Cmd_Diff.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include <io.h> #include <sys\stat.h> #include "p4win.h" #include "cmd_diff.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CCmd_Diff, CP4Command) CCmd_Diff::CCmd_Diff(CGuiClient *client) : CP4Command(client) { m_ReplyMsg= WM_P4DIFF; m_TaskName= _T("Diff"); } BOOL CCmd_Diff::Run(CStringList *files, LPCTSTR filter, TCHAR sFlag /*= '\0'*/, BOOL bThreadWait) { ASSERT(!files->IsEmpty()); BOOL bAllowBinary = GET_P4REGPTR()->GetDiffAppIsBinary(); if (!bAllowBinary) { CString appName; for(POSITION pos=files->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { appName.Empty(); CString extension = GetFilesExtension(files->GetNext(pos)); if(!extension.IsEmpty()) appName= GET_P4REGPTR()->GetAssociatedDiff(extension); if (!appName.IsEmpty()) { bAllowBinary = TRUE; break; } } } // Set the base of arg list ClearArgs(); m_BaseArgs=AddArg(_T("diff")); if(bAllowBinary && GET_SERVERLEVEL() > 7) m_BaseArgs=AddArg(_T("-t")); if(filter != NULL) m_BaseArgs=AddArg(filter); if (sFlag) { TCHAR sflag[4] = _T("-s"); sflag[2] = sFlag; m_BaseArgs=AddArg(sflag); } m_posStrListIn=files->GetHeadPosition(); m_pStrListIn=files; m_DiffRunCount=0; m_DiffErrCount = 0; m_sFlag = sFlag; m_ThreadWait = bThreadWait; // Put the first few files into the arg list NextListArgs(); return CP4Command::Run(); } void CCmd_Diff::OnOutputInfo(char level, LPCTSTR data, LPCTSTR msg) { m_StrListOut.AddHead(data); } UINT DiffCleanupThread( LPVOID pParam ) // must be a non-member function! { RUNAPPTHREADINFO *lprati = (RUNAPPTHREADINFO *)pParam; HGLOBAL hMem = (HGLOBAL)lprati->pParam; TWOSTRINGS * p2Strs= (TWOSTRINGS *) ::GlobalLock( hMem ); WaitForSingleObject( lprati->hProcess, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( lprati->hProcess ); if (p2Strs->str1) { _tchmod(p2Strs->str1, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); _tunlink(p2Strs->str1); } if (p2Strs->str2) { _tchmod(p2Strs->str2, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); _tunlink(p2Strs->str2); } ::GlobalUnlock(hMem); ::GlobalFree(hMem); AfxEndThread( 0 ); return 0; } // Called by CGuiClientUser void CCmd_Diff::Diff( FileSys *f1, FileSys *f2, int doPage, char * diffFlags, Error *e ) { // Check for possible abort request if(APP_ABORTING()) { ReleaseServerLock(); ExitThread(0); } m_DiffRunCount++; if( !f1->IsTextual( ) || !f2->IsTextual( ) ) { if( f1->Compare( f2, e ) ) { CString txt; txt.Format(_T("Binary files differ but unable to display diff:\n\n%s,\n%s"), CharToCString(f1->Name()), CharToCString(f2->Name())); TheApp()->StatusAdd( txt); if (!TheApp()->m_DiffPath.IsEmpty()) AfxMessageBox(txt, MB_OK); } else { ASSERT(0); return; } } else { BOOL isUnicode = f1->IsUnicode() + f2->IsUnicode(); if (isUnicode && (isUnicode != 2)) { if (IDYES != AfxMessageBox(IDS_UNICODETEXTMIX, MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO)) return; } if ( isUnicode && ((f1->GetType() & FST_MASK) == FST_UTF16 || (f2->GetType() & FST_MASK) == FST_UTF16 )) isUnicode = 16; CString fname1 = CharToCString(f1->Name()); CString fname2 = CharToCString(f2->Name()); CString errorText; RunAppMode mode; RUNAPPTHREADINFO *lprati; if (f1->IsDeleteOnClose() || f2->IsDeleteOnClose()) { long lgth = 0; if (f1->IsDeleteOnClose()) lgth = lstrlen(fname1) + 1; if (f2->IsDeleteOnClose()) lgth += lstrlen(fname2) + 1; CString ext1 = GetFilesExtension(fname1); CString ext2 = GetFilesExtension(fname2); lgth += ext1.GetLength() + ext2.GetLength() + 2; // Alloc memory for both the RUNAPPTHREADINFO and the names of the 2 files HGLOBAL hMem = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(TWOSTRINGS) + (lgth + 2)*sizeof(TCHAR)); TWOSTRINGS * p2Strs= (TWOSTRINGS *) ::GlobalLock( hMem ); // The file names are stored after the TWOSTRINGS struct LPTSTR p = (LPTSTR)((char*)p2Strs + sizeof(TWOSTRINGS)); if (f1->IsDeleteOnClose()) { if (!ext1.CompareNoCase(_T("tmp")) && !ext2.IsEmpty()) fname1 = RenameFileExt(fname1, ext1, ext2); _tcscpy(p2Strs->str1 = p, fname1); f1->ClearDeleteOnClose(); p += _tcslen(p) + 1; } else p2Strs->str1 = NULL; if (f2->IsDeleteOnClose()) { if (!ext2.CompareNoCase(_T("tmp")) && !ext1.IsEmpty()) fname2 = RenameFileExt(fname2, ext2, ext1); _tcscpy(p2Strs->str2 = p, fname2); f2->ClearDeleteOnClose(); } else p2Strs->str2 = NULL; // Load the RUNAPPTHREADINFO struct p2Strs->rati.pfnThreadProc = DiffCleanupThread; p2Strs->rati.pParam = (LPVOID)hMem; // we need the hMem value in order to do the GlobalFree() in DiffCleanupThread() lprati = &(p2Strs->rati); // Determine the mode of the spawned diff program if (GET_P4REGPTR()->GetDontThreadDiffs()) mode = RA_WAIT; else mode = m_ThreadWait ? RA_THREADWAIT : RA_THREAD; } else { mode = RA_NOWAIT; lprati = NULL; } // Build the f1 display name (BaseFilename.ext in depot) int i; CString f1display = fname2; // Yes f2 - we're going to build f1 if ((i = f1display.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))) != -1) f1display = f1display.Mid(i+1); f1display += LoadStringResource(IDS__IN_DEPOT); if( !((CP4winApp *) AfxGetApp())->RunApp(DIFF_APP, mode, NULL, isUnicode, lprati, errorText, fname1, fname2, _T("-l"), f1display) ) { if (TheApp()->m_DiffPath.IsEmpty()) TheApp()->StatusAdd( errorText, SV_ERROR); else AfxMessageBox(errorText, MB_ICONSTOP); } if (mode == RA_WAIT) { HGLOBAL hMem = (HGLOBAL)lprati->pParam; TWOSTRINGS * p2Strs= (TWOSTRINGS *) ::GlobalLock( hMem ); if (p2Strs->str1) { _tchmod(p2Strs->str1, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); _tunlink(p2Strs->str1); } if (p2Strs->str2) { _tchmod(p2Strs->str2, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); _tunlink(p2Strs->str2); } ::GlobalFree(hMem); // this will also unlock hMem } } return; } CString CCmd_Diff::RenameFileExt(CString file1, LPCTSTR ext1, LPCTSTR ext2) { if (!StrCmpI(ext1, ext2)) return file1; CString newname = file1 + _T('.') + ext2; return (_trename(file1, newname) == 0) ? newname : file1; } int CCmd_Diff::GetDiffNbrFiles() const { return( m_StrListOut.GetCount() ); } LPCTSTR CCmd_Diff::GetDiffFileName() const { int i; for (i = 0; ++i < GetArgc(); ) { if (!_tcscmp(_T("-f"), GetArgv(i)) || !_tcscmp(_T("-t"), GetArgv(i)) || !_tcsncmp(GetArgv(i), _T("-ds"), 3)) { continue; } break; } return GetArgv(i); } BOOL CCmd_Diff::HandledCmdSpecificError(LPCTSTR errBuf, LPCTSTR errMsg) { m_DiffErrCount++; m_DiffErrBuf = errBuf; if ((m_sFlag == _T('r')) && (m_DiffErrBuf.Find(_T("not opened for edit")) > 0)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19924 | YourUncleBob |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/p4win/... //guest/YourUncleBob/p4win/..... |
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/main/gui/p4api/Cmd_Diff.cpp | |||||
#1 | 16169 | perforce_software | Move files to follow new path scheme for branches. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/gui/p4api/Cmd_Diff.cpp | |||||
#1 | 8562 | Matt Attaway |
These feet never stop running. Initial commit of the P4Win source code. To the best of our knowledge this compiles and runs using the 2013.3 P4 API and VS 2010. Expect a few changes as we refine the build process. Please post any build issues to the forums. |