// // Copyright 1998 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. // // // Cmd_DirStat.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "p4win.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "Cmd_Dirstat.h" #include "Cmd_Fstat.h" #include "Cmd_Dirs.h" #include "Cmd_Where.h" #include "strops.h" #pragma warning (disable:4786) #include <list> #include <string> using namespace std; #ifdef UNICODE typedef list<wstring> LISTSTR; #else typedef list<string> LISTSTR; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CCmd_DirStat, CP4Command) CCmd_DirStat::CCmd_DirStat(CGuiClient *client) : CP4Command(client) { m_ReplyMsg= WM_P4DIRSTAT; m_TaskName= _T("DirStat"); m_ShowOnlyNotInDepot = MainFrame()->m_ShowOnlyNotInDepot; } BOOL CCmd_DirStat::Run( CStringList *specs, BOOL entireDepot ) { m_EntireDepot= entireDepot; m_pSpecList=specs; return CP4Command::Run(); } void CCmd_DirStat::PreProcess(BOOL& done) { BOOL bSpecListHasWild = FALSE; BOOL bFileListHasWild = FALSE; CStringList files; POSITION pos; Error e; if (GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) <= SDF_DEPOT) { // Make a copy of the specList, since Cmd_Dirs will // delete the list as it is processed CStringList specListCopy; for( pos= m_pSpecList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) specListCopy.AddHead( m_pSpecList->GetNext(pos) ); // Set up and run Dirs synchronously CCmd_Dirs cmd1(m_pClient); cmd1.Init(NULL, RUN_SYNC); if(cmd1.Run( &specListCopy, m_EntireDepot )) { m_FatalError= cmd1.GetError(); done=TRUE; } else { m_ErrorTxt= "Unable to Run Dirs"; done= m_FatalError=TRUE; } cmd1.CloseConn(&e); CStringList *list= cmd1.GetList(); // Copy the results from dirs if(!m_FatalError && list->GetCount() > 0) { for( pos= list->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) m_Dirs.AddHead( list->GetNext(pos) ); } } else { CString theroot = TheApp()->m_ClientRoot; if (GetFileAttributes(theroot) == -1) { done = TRUE; return; } TCHAR curdir[MAX_PATH+1]; if ((theroot.GetAt(0) == _T('\\')) && GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(curdir)/sizeof(TCHAR), curdir)) { curdir[2] = _T('\0'); theroot = curdir + theroot; TheApp()->m_ClientRoot = theroot; } if (theroot.GetLength() > 3) theroot += _T('\\'); int therootlgth = theroot.GetLength(); CFileFind finder; // find the directories for( pos= m_pSpecList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CString dirname = m_pSpecList->GetNext(pos); if (dirname.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) bSpecListHasWild = TRUE; if (dirname.GetAt(0) == _T('/')) continue; // we don't handle depot syntax here else dirname.Replace(_T('/'), _T('\\')); // check to make sure the desired directory // is actually under the client's root dir if (_tcsnicmp(dirname, theroot, therootlgth)) continue; // now find all the dirs and files in the directory BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(dirname); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); // skip . and .. files if (finder.IsDots()) continue; CString str = finder.GetFilePath(); // we can't deal with files or directories // with * in their name, so skip 'em if (str.Find(_T('*')) != -1) { CString txt; txt.FormatMessage(IDS_CANTDEALWITH_ASTERISK, str); TheApp()->StatusAdd(txt, SV_WARNING); continue; } // if it's a directory, add it to the command's dirs list if (finder.IsDirectory()) { m_Dirs.AddHead( str ); } // if it's a regular file, save it for later processing // in the fstat part of this routine below else if ((GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) == SDF_LOCALTREE) && (!finder.IsHidden() || GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowHiddenFilesNotInDepot()) && !finder.IsSystem()) { if (str.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) bFileListHasWild = TRUE; files.AddTail( str ); } } } finder.Close(); // if we only want to see Perforce files we now need to eliminate // all the directories that don't have Perforce files - so run p4 dirs if (m_Dirs.GetCount()) { // Save a copy of the m_Dirs, since Cmd_Dirs will // delete the list as it is processed BOOL bWild = FALSE; BOOL b = GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) > SDF_DEPOT; // Local View? CStringList saveDirs; for( pos= m_Dirs.GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CString str = m_Dirs.GetNext(pos); if (b && str.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) bWild = TRUE; saveDirs.AddHead( str ); } if (bWild) { m_Dirs.RemoveAll(); for( pos= saveDirs.GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CString str = saveDirs.GetNext(pos); if (b && str.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) { int star = str.Find(_T('*')); StrBuf b; StrBuf f; f << CharFromCString(str); StrPtr *p = &f; StrOps::WildToStr(*p, b); str = CharToCString(b.Value()); if (star != -1) { while ((star = str.Find(_T("%2A"))) != -1) { CString s1 = str.Left(star); CString s2 = str.Mid(star + sizeof(_T("%2A"))); str = s1 + _T('*') + s2; } } } m_Dirs.AddHead( str ); } } // Set up and run Dirs synchronously CCmd_Dirs cmd1(m_pClient); cmd1.Init(NULL, RUN_SYNC); if(cmd1.Run( &m_Dirs, m_EntireDepot )) { m_FatalError= cmd1.GetError(); done=TRUE; } else { m_ErrorTxt= "Unable to Run Dirs"; done= m_FatalError=TRUE; } cmd1.CloseConn(&e); // all we care about is the error listing CStringList *list= cmd1.GetErrors(); // Make sure m_Dirs was emptied m_Dirs.RemoveAll(); // Look thru the directories and remove any // mentioned in an error message if(!m_FatalError && list->GetCount() > 0) { int lgth = TheApp()->m_ClientRoot.GetLength(); CStringList fstatlist; CStringList fdirslist; POSITION pos2; for( pos = saveDirs.GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CString dir = saveDirs.GetNext(pos); BOOL bAdd = TRUE; for( pos2 = list->GetHeadPosition(); pos2 != NULL; ) { CString errmsg = list->GetNext(pos2); if ((tolower(dir.GetAt(lgth)) == tolower(errmsg.GetAt(lgth))) && errmsg.Find(dir) == 0) { if (errmsg.Find(dir + _T(" - file(s) not in client view")) == 0) { if (GET_SERVERLEVEL() >= 25) // 2008.1 or later? { CString dirdotdotdot = dir + _T("\\..."); fstatlist.AddTail(dirdotdotdot); fdirslist.AddTail(dir); } bAdd = FALSE; } else if (errmsg.Find(dir + _T(" - no mappings in client view")) == 0) m_NotMapped.AddHead(dir); break; } } if (bAdd) m_Dirs.AddHead(dir); } if (fstatlist.GetCount()) { CCmd_Fstat cmd2(m_pClient); cmd2.Init(NULL, RUN_SYNC); if(cmd2.Run( FALSE, &fstatlist, m_EntireDepot, 0, FALSE, -1, 1 )) { if (cmd2.GetFileList()->GetCount()) { CObList *fstatList= cmd2.GetFileList(); for( pos= fstatList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CP4FileStats *stats = ( CP4FileStats * )fstatList->GetNext( pos ); ASSERT_KINDOF( CP4FileStats, stats ); CString clientPath = stats->GetFullClientPath( ); for( pos2= fdirslist.GetHeadPosition(); pos2!= NULL; ) { CString dir = fdirslist.GetNext(pos2); CString dirslash = dir + _T("\\"); CString path = clientPath.Left(dirslash.GetLength()); if (path == dirslash) { m_Dirs.AddHead(dir); break; } } delete stats; } } } else { m_ErrorTxt= _T("Unable to Run Fstat"); m_FatalError=TRUE; } } } else // we have to put the saved dirs back in m_Dirs { for( pos = saveDirs.GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) m_Dirs.AddHead(saveDirs.GetNext(pos)); } } } if(!m_FatalError) { // Set up and run fstat // Fisrt convert any wild syntax if there is any CStringList *pstrlist = m_pSpecList; CStringList strlist; if (bSpecListHasWild) { for( pos= m_pSpecList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CString str = m_pSpecList->GetNext(pos); if (str.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) { int star = str.Find(_T('*')); StrBuf b; StrBuf f; f << CharFromCString(str); StrPtr *p = &f; StrOps::WildToStr(*p, b); str = CharToCString(b.Value()); if (star != -1) { while ((star = str.Find(_T("%2A"))) != -1) { CString s1 = str.Left(star); CString s2 = str.Mid(star + sizeof(_T("%2A"))); str = s1 + _T('*') + s2; } } } strlist.AddTail( str ); } pstrlist = &strlist; } // Now run the Fstat CCmd_Fstat cmd2(m_pClient); cmd2.Init(NULL, RUN_SYNC); if(cmd2.Run( FALSE, pstrlist, m_EntireDepot, 0, FALSE, -1, -1 )) m_FatalError= cmd2.GetError(); else { m_ErrorTxt= _T("Unable to Run Fstat"); m_FatalError=TRUE; } CObList *fstatList= cmd2.GetFileList(); // Copy the results from fstat if(!m_FatalError && fstatList->GetCount() > 0) { if (GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) == SDF_LOCALTREE) { // We need to generate 2 sorted lists: LISTSTR filesarray; // 1) the 'files' names LISTSTR fstatarray; // 2) the pFileStats->GetFullClientPath() names LISTSTR::iterator ifi; // iterator for filesarray LISTSTR::iterator ifs; // iterator for fstatarray for (pos = files.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { filesarray.insert(filesarray.end(), (TCHAR *)(files.GetNext( pos ).GetBuffer())); } filesarray.sort(); for( pos= fstatList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CObject *cobject = fstatList->GetNext(pos); m_Files.AddHead( cobject ); if (((CP4FileStats *)cobject)->GetHeadAction() != F_DELETE) fstatarray.insert(fstatarray.end(), (TCHAR *)(((CP4FileStats *)cobject)->GetFullClientPath())); } fstatarray.sort(); // now walk both arrays at the same time // add any file not in the fstatarray to the 'files' list files.RemoveAll(); ifi = filesarray.begin(); ifs = fstatarray.begin(); while (ifi != filesarray.end()) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (ifs != fstatarray.end()) { CString ifistr = (*ifi).c_str(); CString ifsstr = (*ifs).c_str(); int i = fstatarray.size(); i--; // to shutup the compiler } #endif if (ifs != fstatarray.end() && Compare((*ifi).c_str(), (*ifs).c_str())==0) { ifi++; // found it in the fstats fstatarray.remove((*ifs).c_str());// remove it from the fstat list ifs = fstatarray.begin(); // setup for next item continue; } if (ifs != fstatarray.end()) // keep checking if not at end of fstat list { ifs++; // next fstat item continue; } files.AddHead( (*ifi++).c_str() ); // not in fstat list; add to not in depot list ifs = fstatarray.begin(); // setup for next item } } else { for( pos= fstatList->GetHeadPosition(); pos!= NULL; ) { CObject *cobject = fstatList->GetNext(pos); m_Files.AddHead( cobject ); } } } if (GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) > SDF_DEPOT) { // Now see if there were any " - no mappings in client view" errors // if so, add those directories to the 'm_NotMapped' list CStringList *list= cmd2.GetErrors(); if (list->GetCount()) { for(POSITION pos = list->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { int i; CString errmsg = list->GetNext(pos); if ((i = errmsg.Find(_T('*'))) > 0) { errmsg = errmsg.Left(i); if (errmsg.GetLength() != 3) // handle C:\ == root TrimRightMBCS(errmsg, _T("\\")); m_NotMapped.AddHead(errmsg); } } } } if (GET_P4REGPTR( )->ShowEntireDepot( ) == SDF_LOCALTREE) { // 'files' contains a list of files that are // under the root but not under Perforce control. // 'm_NotMapped' contains a list of directories // that are not in the client // Now remove any files that cannot be added to the client POSITION pos; POSITION pos1, pos2; if (files.GetCount() && m_NotMapped.GetCount()) { int i; for (pos = m_NotMapped.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CString dir = m_NotMapped.GetNext( pos ); for (pos1 = files.GetHeadPosition(); ( pos2 = pos1 ) != NULL; ) { CString file = files.GetNext( pos1 ); if ((i = ReverseFindMBCS(file, _T('\\'))) == -1) continue; file = file.Left(i); if (file == dir) { // Don't mess with pos1! files.RemoveAt( pos2 ); } } } } if (files.GetCount()) { cmd2.CloseConn(&e); // if any addable files contain @ # or %, we have to convert them if (bFileListHasWild) { BOOL bWild = FALSE; CStringList strlist; for (POSITION pos = files.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CString file = files.GetNext( pos ); if (file.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) bWild = TRUE; strlist.AddHead( file ); } if (bWild) { files.RemoveAll(); for (POSITION pos = strlist.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CString file = strlist.GetNext( pos ); if (file.FindOneOf(_T("@#%")) != -1) { int star = file.Find(_T('*')); StrBuf b; StrBuf f; f << CharFromCString(file); StrPtr *p = &f; StrOps::WildToStr(*p, b); file = CharToCString(b.Value()); if (star != -1) { while ((star = file.Find(_T("%2A"))) != -1) { CString s1 = file.Left(star); CString s2 = file.Mid(star + sizeof(_T("%2A"))); file = s1 + _T('*') + s2; } } } files.AddHead( file ); } } } // Now create FileStats for all the addable files // First run 'p4 where' on all the files to // get both the local and the depot syntax CCmd_Where cmd3(m_pClient); cmd3.Init(NULL, RUN_SYNC); if ( cmd3.Run(&files) && !cmd3.GetError() ) { CStringList *locals = cmd3.GetLocalFiles(); CStringList *depots = cmd3.GetDepotFiles(); ASSERT(locals->GetCount() == depots->GetCount()); // get the fstat of files opened for add CObList *list = (CObList *)::SendMessage(m_ReplyWnd, WM_GETADDFSTATS, 0, 0); ASSERT_KINDOF(CObList, list); int listcount = list->GetCount(); // now walk the 'p4 where' output CString localprev = _T(""); for (pos1 = locals->GetHeadPosition(), pos2 = depots->GetHeadPosition(); pos1 != NULL; ) { CString localsyntax = locals->GetNext( pos1 ); CString depotsyntax = depots->GetNext( pos2 ); // check for duplicates (due to a + mapping in clinet's view) if (localprev == localsyntax) continue; localprev = localsyntax; // do we have an unmap record? if (depotsyntax.GetAt(0) == _T('-')) { depotsyntax = depotsyntax.Mid(1); POSITION pos= m_Files.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos != NULL) { // Get the filestats info for files opened for add CP4FileStats *stats = (CP4FileStats *) m_Files.GetNext(pos); if ( depotsyntax == stats->GetFullDepotPath() ) { // since the obvious m_Files.RemoveAt(pos) doesn't work // we just mark the record as deleted // by setting the depotpat to the empty string stats->SetDepotPath(_T("")); break; } } // clear the 'localprev' since we might // subsequently map this same file back in localprev = _T("-"); // we certainly don't want to add // a new fstat record for an unmap continue; } CP4FileStats *newStats= new CP4FileStats; BOOL b = FALSE; // if there are files opened for add, // we need to check that list before creating a // whole new fstat record from the bare 'p4 where' data if (listcount) { POSITION pos= list->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos != NULL) { // Get the filestats info for files opened for add CP4FileStats *stats = (CP4FileStats *) list->GetNext(pos); ASSERT_KINDOF(CP4FileStats, stats); // is this file which has been added the same as // the file we are examining from the 'p4 where' list? if ( depotsyntax == stats->GetFullDepotPath() ) { // Create a copy of the fstat info newStats->Create(stats); newStats->SetClientPath(localsyntax); newStats->SetNotInDepot(TRUE); newStats->SetHaveRev(0); listcount--; b = TRUE; break; } } } // If we didn't create a new fstat because it wasn't open for add // we have to create a sparse fstat record from the 'p4 where' data if(!b && !newStats->Create(localsyntax, depotsyntax)) delete newStats; else { // now add out newly created fstat record to the list CObject *cobject = (CP4FileStats *)newStats; m_Files.AddHead( cobject ); } } } else TheApp()->StatusAdd( LoadStringResource(IDS_UNABLE_TO_SHOW_LOCAL_FILES), SV_WARNING ); } } } done=TRUE; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19924 | YourUncleBob |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/p4win/... //guest/YourUncleBob/p4win/..... |
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/main/gui/p4api/Cmd_DirStat.cpp | |||||
#1 | 16169 | perforce_software | Move files to follow new path scheme for branches. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/gui/p4api/Cmd_DirStat.cpp | |||||
#1 | 8562 | Matt Attaway |
These feet never stop running. Initial commit of the P4Win source code. To the best of our knowledge this compiles and runs using the 2013.3 P4 API and VS 2010. Expect a few changes as we refine the build process. Please post any build issues to the forums. |