# Jamfile to build Jam (a make(1)-like program)
# There are no user-serviceable parts in this file.
# Put executables in platform-specific subdirectory.
# compile without assertions by default
if $(VMS) { LOCATE_TARGET ?= [.binvms] ; }
else if $(MAC) { LOCATE_TARGET ?= :bin.mac ; }
else { LOCATE_TARGET ?= bin.$(OSFULL[1]:L) ; }
# Leave generated source in current directory; it would be nice to use
# these lines below to build the source into the platform-specific
# directory, but getting scan.c to include the right jambase.h is
# hard: with ""'s, it always gets the bootstrap version; with <>'s,
# it won't find the bootstrap version.
# We have some different files for UNIX, VMS, and NT.
if $(NT) {
code = execnt.c filent.c pathunix.c ;
if $(OSTYPE) = cygwin
YACC ?= bison -t -d -l -v --yacc ;
YACCFILES = y.tab ;
else if $(OS2)
# special case for OS/2. When building Jam with GCC/EMX
# we need to use the "fileunix.c" file
# when we build it with other toolsets, we use "fileos2.c"
code = execunix.c pathunix.c ;
CCFLAGS += -D__OS2__ ;
code += fileunix.c ;
code += fileos2.c ;
else if $(VMS) { code = execvms.c filevms.c pathvms.c ; }
else if $(MAC) { code = execmac.c filemac.c pathmac.c ; }
else { code = execunix.c fileunix.c pathunix.c ; }
# We have to signal jam.h for these
if $(OS) = NT
# Do we know yacc?
if $(YACC) { code += jamgram.y ; }
else { code += jamgram.c ; }
# Build the jamgram.y from the jamgram.yy
# yyacc is a slippery script that makes grammars a little
# easier to read/maintain.
rule MyChmod
if $(CHMOD) { MyChmod1 $(<) : $(>) ; }
actions MyChmod1
$(CHMOD) $(MODE) $(>)
if ( $(UNIX) || $(NT) ) && $(YACC)
local SUFEXE = ; # yyacc is a script with no suffix - this handles cygwin
MyChmod jamgram.y : ./yyacc ;
GenFile jamgram.y jamgramtab.h : ./yyacc jamgram.yy ;
# How to build the compiled in jambase.
Main mkjambase : mkjambase.c ;
# The guts of the Jamfile: how to build Jam
Main jam : jam.c jambase.c ;
LinkLibraries jam : libjam.a ;
GenFile jambase.c : mkjambase$(SUFEXE) Jambase ;
Library libjam.a :
command.c compile.c $(code) expand.c glob.c
hash.c headers.c hdrmacro.c lists.c make.c make1.c newstr.c
option.c parse.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c
timestamp.c variable.c modules.c strings.c filesys.c
builtins.c ;
if $(BINDIR) { InstallBin $(BINDIR) : jam ; }
# Distribution making from here on out.
Build.com Build.mpw Jam.html Jambase Jambase.html Jamfile
Jamfile.html Makefile Porting README RELNOTES command.c command.h
compile.c compile.h execcmd.h execmac.c execunix.c execnt.c execvms.c
expand.c expand.h filemac.c filent.c fileos2.c filesys.h fileunix.c
filevms.c glob.c hash.c hash.h hdrmacro.c hdrmacro.h headers.c
headers.h jam.c jam.h jambase.c jambase.h jamgram.c jamgram.h
jamgram.y jamgram.yy jamgramtab.h lists.c lists.h make.c make.h
make1.c mkjambase.c modules.c newstr.c newstr.h option.c option.h parse.c
parse.h patchlevel.h pathmac.c pathunix.c pathvms.c regexp.c regexp.h
rules.c rules.h scan.c scan.h search.c search.h subst.c timestamp.c
timestamp.h variable.c variable.h yyacc strings.c modules.h
frames.h filesys.c strings.h
rule Binary
NotFile package ;
Depends package : $(<) ;
DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
switch $(<)
case *-win32.zip : Zip-Exe $(<) : $(>) ;
case *-os2.zip : Zip-Exe $(<) : $(>) ;
case *-linux-libc6.tar : GZip-Exe $(<) : $(>) ;
rule Package
NotFile package ;
Depends package : $(<) ;
DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
switch $(<)
case *.tar : { Tar-Gz $(<) : $(>) ; Tar-Bz2 $(<) : $(>) ; }
case *.zip : Zip $(<) : $(>) ;
VERSION = boost-jam-3.0 ;
actions Tar-Gz
ln -s . $(VERSION)
tar cvhf $(<) $(VERSION)/$(>)
gzip -9 $(<)
actions Tar-Bz2
ln -s . $(VERSION)
tar cvhf $(<) $(VERSION)/$(>)
bzip2 -9 $(<)
actions Zip
zip -9r $(<) $(>)
actions Zip-Exe
zip -9j $(<) $(LOCATE_TARGET)\jam.exe
actions GZip-Exe
ln -s $(LOCATE_TARGET)/jam jam
strip jam
tar chf $(<) jam
rm -f jam
gzip -9 $(<)
rule Rpm
NOTFILE $(<) ;
NOTFILE $(2) ;
local tar = $(2).tar ;
local rpm = $(2)-$(3).i386.rpm ;
local srpm = $(2)-$(3).src.rpm ;
local result = $(rpm) $(srpm) ;
DEPENDS $(<) : $(result) ;
DEPENDS $(result) : $(tar) ;
DEPENDS $(result) : boost-jam.spec ;
tar on $(1) = $(tar).gz ;
source on $(1) = $(2).src.tar.gz ;
rpm on $(1) = $(rpm) ;
srpm on $(1) = $(srpm) ;
actions Rpm
cp $(tar) /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/$(source)
rpm -ba boost-jam.spec
cp /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/$(rpm) .
cp /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/$(srpm) .
if $(NT)
Binary $(VERSION)-win32.zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
Package $(VERSION).zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
else if $(OS2)
Binary $(VERSION)-os2.zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
Package $(VERSION).zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
else if $(OS) = LINUX
# how can we detect the C library version reliably ??
# for now, this should only be used for convenience
# purposes, until we add .rpm and .deb support in..
Binary $(VERSION)-linux-libc6.tar : jam ;
Package $(VERSION).tar : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
Package $(VERSION).zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;
Rpm rpm : $(VERSION) : $(RELEASE) ;