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- width:10pt'>
- <col class=xl27 width=391 style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:14299;
- width:293pt'>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl24 width=28 style='height:11.25pt;width:21pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl47 width=385 style='width:289pt'># Standard Python and P4Python</td>
- <td class=xl26 width=13 style='border-left:none;width:10pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl67 width=391 style='width:293pt'># IronPython and P4.Net</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl32 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl33> </td>
- <td class=xl34 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl35> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl48 style='height:11.25pt;border-top:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl49 style='border-top:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl50 style='border-top:none;border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl51 style='border-top:none'>import<font class="font6"> clr</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt' x:num>1</td>
- <td class=xl53> </td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl55>from<font class="font6"> System </font><font class="font7">import</font><font
- class="font6"> Array, String</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl56 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl57> </td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59>clr.AddReferenceToFile('<font class="font8">P4API.dll</font><font
- class="font6">')</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl36> </td>
- <td class=xl37 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl36>import<font class="font6"> p4 as P4API</font></td>
- <td class=xl37 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl31>import<font class="font6"> P4API</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl36> </td>
- <td class=xl37 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl48 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl49>p4 = P4API.P4()</td>
- <td class=xl50 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl60>p4 = P4API.P4Connection()</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt' x:num>2</td>
- <td class=xl53>p4.parse_forms()</td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl56 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl57>p4.connect()</td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59>p4.Connect()</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>lname = '<font class="font8">P4NetTestingSample</font><font
- class="font6">'</font></td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>lname = '<font class="font8">P4NetTestingSample</font><font
- class="font6">'</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># build my label</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># build my label</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl48 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl49>labelForm = p4.fetch_label(lname)</td>
- <td class=xl50 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl60>labelForm = p4.Fetch_Form('<font class="font8">label</font><font
- class="font6">', lname)</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl53>labelForm['<font class="font8">Description</font><font
- class="font6">'] = '</font><font class="font8">Created for P4.Net sample</font><font
- class="font6">'</font></td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61>labelForm['<font class="font8">Description</font><font
- class="font6">'] = '</font><font class="font8">Created for P4.Net sample</font><font
- class="font6">'</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt' x:num>3</td>
- <td class=xl53>view = ['<font class="font8">//guest/shawn_hladky/...</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61>view = Array[String](['<font class="font8">//guest/shawn_hladky/...</font><font
- class="font6">'])</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl53>labelForm['<font class="font8">View</font><font class="font6">']
- = view</font></td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61>labelForm.ArrayFields['<font class="font8">View</font><font
- class="font6">'] = view</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl56 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl57>res = p4.save_label(labelForm)</td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59>res = p4.Save_Form(labelForm)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td rowspan=2 height=30 class=xl71 style='border-bottom:.5pt solid black;
- height:22.5pt' x:num>4</td>
- <td class=xl69 style='border-left:none'>if<font class="font6"> len(p4.errors)
- > 0:</font></td>
- <td class=xl50 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl70>if<font class="font6"> res.HasErrors():</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl57 style='height:11.25pt;border-left:none'><span
- style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span><font class="font11">for</font><font
- class="font6"> e </font><font class="font11">in</font><font class="font6">
- p4.errors: print e</font></td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span><font class="font11">for</font><font
- class="font6"> e </font><font class="font11">in</font><font class="font6">
- res.Errors: print e</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># My list of changes.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>This is totally arbitrary</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># My list of changes.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>This is totally arbitrary</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>changes=['<font class="font8">5774</font><font class="font6">',
- '</font><font class="font8">5680</font><font class="font6">', '</font><font
- class="font8">5636</font><font class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">5444</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>changes=['<font class="font8">5774</font><font class="font6">',
- '</font><font class="font8">5680</font><font class="font6">', '</font><font
- class="font8">5636</font><font class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">5444</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>sorted_changes = changes.sort()</td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>sorted_changes = changes.sort()</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># dictionary: keyed by file, value = revision</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># dictionary: keyed by file, value = revision</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>filerevs = {}</td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>filerevs = {}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># spin the description on each file</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># spin the description on each file</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl62 style='height:11.25pt' x:num>5</td>
- <td class=xl68>for<font class="font6"> chg </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> p4.run_describe('</font><font class="font8">-s</font><font
- class="font6">', *changes):</font></td>
- <td class=xl63 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl64>for<font class="font6"> chg </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> p4.Run('</font><font class="font8">describe</font><font
- class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">-s</font><font class="font6">',
- *changes):</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td rowspan=2 height=30 class=xl71 style='border-bottom:.5pt solid black;
- height:22.5pt;border-top:none' x:num>6</td>
- <td class=xl49 style='border-top:none;border-left:none'><span
- style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>depotFiles = chg['<font class="font8">depotFile</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- <td class=xl50 style='border-top:none;border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl60 style='border-top:none'><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>depotFiles = chg.ArrayFields['<font class="font8">depotFile</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl57 style='height:11.25pt;border-left:none'><span
- style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>revisions<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>= chg['<font class="font8">rev</font><font class="font6">']</font></td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>revisions<span
- style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>= chg.ArrayFields['<font class="font8">rev</font><font
- class="font6">']</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl24 style='height:11.25pt;border-top:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl25 style='border-top:none'><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span><font class="font10">for</font><font class="font6"> i </font><font
- class="font10">in</font><font class="font6"> range(0, len(depotFiles)):</font></td>
- <td class=xl26 style='border-top:none;border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl39 style='border-top:none'><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span><font class="font10">for</font><font class="font6"> i </font><font
- class="font10">in</font><font class="font6"> range(0, len(depotFiles)):</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>key,value =
- depotFiles[i], revisions[i]</td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>key,value =
- depotFiles[i], revisions[i]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>filerevs[key]=value</td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>filerevs[key]=value</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># convert the dictionary to a list</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># convert the dictionary to a list</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>flist = []</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>flist = []</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl43>for<font class="font6"> k,v </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> filerevs.items():</font></td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl45>for<font class="font6"> k,v </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> filerevs.items():</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>flist.append("%s#%s" % (k,v))</td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>
- </span>flist.append("%s#%s" % (k,v))</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl32 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl33> </td>
- <td class=xl34 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl35> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl48 style='height:11.25pt;border-top:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl65 style='border-top:none'># now I want to run in non-parsed mode</td>
- <td class=xl66 style='border-top:none;border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl60 style='border-top:none'> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl53>p4.disconnect()</td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl53>p4 = P4API.P4()</td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt' x:num>7</td>
- <td class=xl53>p4.connect()</td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl52 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl53> </td>
- <td class=xl54 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl61> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl56 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl57>out = p4.run('<font class="font8">labelsync</font><font
- class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">-l</font><font class="font6">',
- lname, *flist)</font></td>
- <td class=xl58 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl59>out = p4.RunUnParsed('<font class="font8">labelsync</font><font
- class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">-l</font><font class="font6">',
- lname, *flist)</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl43>for<font class="font6"> s </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> out: </font><font class="font10">print</font><font
- class="font6"> s</font></td>
- <td class=xl44 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl45>for<font class="font6"> s </font><font class="font10">in</font><font
- class="font6"> out: </font><font class="font10">print</font><font
- class="font6"> s</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl40># delete the label to keep the public depot clean :-)</td>
- <td class=xl41 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl42># delete the label to keep the public depot clean :-)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29>p4.run('<font class="font8">label</font><font class="font6">',
- '</font><font class="font8">-d</font><font class="font6">', lname)</font></td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38>p4.RunUnParsed('<font class="font8">label</font><font
- class="font6">', '</font><font class="font8">-d</font><font class="font6">',
- lname)</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl28 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl29> </td>
- <td class=xl30 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl38> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=15 style='height:11.25pt'>
- <td height=15 class=xl32 style='height:11.25pt'> </td>
- <td class=xl33>p4.disconnect()</td>
- <td class=xl34 style='border-left:none'> </td>
- <td class=xl35>p4.Disconnect()</td>
- </tr>
- <![if supportMisalignedColumns]>
- <tr height=0 style='display:none'>
- <td width=28 style='width:21pt'></td>
- <td width=385 style='width:289pt'></td>
- <td width=13 style='width:10pt'></td>
- <td width=391 style='width:293pt'></td>
- </tr>
- <![endif]>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 7341 | Erik Purins |
p4.net --- pull p4.net#head |
16 years ago | |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/main/doc/pythonsample/Compare.htm | |||||
#1 | 5830 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: reorg to support release branches | 18 years ago | |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/doc/pythonsample/Compare.htm | |||||
#1 | 5799 | Shawn Hladky | p4.net missing doc files | 18 years ago |