- #!/bin/sh
- ############################################################ IDENT(1)
- #
- # $Title: Script to list perforce checkpoints $
- #
- ############################################################ CONFIGURATION
- #
- # Local perforce server settings
- # NB: Taken from rc.conf(5) on FreeBSD
- #
- P4D_ROOT=$( sysrc -n p4d_root 2> /dev/null )
- #
- # Sensible defaults (i.e., Linux)
- #
- : ${P4D_ROOT:=/perforce}
- #
- # Checkpoint specifics (case-sensitive)
- #
- PREFIX=checkpoint
- UMATCH='[^.]+'
- ZMATCH='\.[Gg][Zz]'
- ############################################################ GLOBALS
- pgm="${0##*/}" # Program basename
- #
- # Global exit status
- #
- #
- # Command-line options
- #
- SHOW_ALL= # -a
- SHOW_U= # -u
- SHOW_Z= # -z
- ROOTDIR= # -R dir
- ############################################################ FUNCTIONS
- usage()
- {
- exec >&2
- local optfmt="\t%-8s %s\n"
- printf "Usage: %s [-u|-z] { -a | NUM ... }\n" "$pgm"
- printf "OPTIONS:\n"
- printf "$optfmt" "NUM" "Ceckpoint number as-in \`checkpoint.NUM[.gz]'."
- printf "$optfmt" "-a" "Show all checkpoints."
- printf "$optfmt" "-R dir" "List dir checkpoints (default $P4D_ROOT)."
- printf "$optfmt" "-u" "Show only uncompressed checkpoints."
- printf "$optfmt" "-z" "Show only compressed checkpoints (*.gz)."
- exit $FAILURE
- }
- ############################################################ MAIN
- #
- # Command-line options
- #
- while getopts aR:uz flag; do
- case "$flag" in
- a) SHOW_ALL=1 ;;
- u) SHOW_U=1 SHOW_Z= ;;
- z) SHOW_Z=1 SHOW_U= ;;
- *) usage
- esac
- done
- shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
- #
- # Validate command-line arguments
- #
- [ $# -gt 0 -o "$SHOW_ALL" ] || usage
- P4D_ROOT="${ROOTDIR:-$P4D_ROOT}" # set after last-call to usage()
- # NOTREACHED unless either `-a' (list all) or `NUM ...' is given
- #
- # All actions should be performed within the p4d_root (e.g., /perforce)
- #
- cd "$P4D_ROOT" || exit
- #
- # If given `-a' list all checkpoints, otherwise list only certain numbers
- #
- if [ "$SHOW_ALL" ]; then
- # Handle `-u' versus `-z' for listing only nongz/gz (respectively)
- regex="($UMATCH)($ZMATCH)?"
- [ "$SHOW_U" ] && regex="($UMATCH)"
- [ "$SHOW_Z" ] && regex="($UMATCH)($ZMATCH)"
- else
- nums=
- for num in "$@"; do
- nums="$regex|$num"
- done
- # Handle `-u' versus `-z' for listing only nongz/gz (respectively)
- regex="(${nums#|})($ZMATCH)?"
- [ "$SHOW_Z" ] && regex="(${nums#|})($ZMATCH)"
- [ "$SHOW_U" ] && regex="(${nums#|})"
- fi
- #
- # List checkpoints (filtered by awk(1))
- #
- ls -1 "$PREFIX".* |
- awk -v regex="^$PREFIX\\.$regex$" '$0 ~ regex && ++N END {exit !N}'
- ################################################################################
- # END
- ################################################################################
- #
- # $Copyright: 2015 Devin Teske. All rights reserved. $
- #
- # $Header: //guest/freebsdfrau/p4t/libexec/list_checkpoint#1 $
- #
- ################################################################################
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 16365 | freebsdfrau | Import p4t - p4d admin tool | 9 years ago |