- #!/bin/sh
- ############################################################ IDENT(1)
- #
- # $Title: Script to search p4d log entries $
- #
- ############################################################ CONFIGURATION
- #
- # Local perforce server settings
- # NB: Taken from rc.conf(5) on FreeBSD
- #
- P4D_ROOT=$( sysrc -n p4d_root 2> /dev/null )
- P4D_LOG=$( sysrc -n p4d_log 2> /dev/null )
- #
- # Sensible defaults (i.e., Linux)
- #
- : ${P4D_ROOT:=/perforce}
- : ${P4D_LOG:=$P4D_ROOT/logs/p4log}
- unset P4D_ROOT
- ############################################################ GLOBALS
- pgm="${0##*/}" # Program basename
- #
- # Global exit status
- #
- #
- # Command-line options
- #
- AFTER=0 # -A NUM
- BEFOR=0 # -B NUM
- COLOR=1 # -n (disable) or -c (always enabled even to non-terminal)
- LIMIT=0 # -NUM
- LOGFILE= # -f file
- #
- # Miscellaneous
- #
- REGEX= # first non-flag argument
- ############################################################ FUNCTIONS
- usage()
- {
- local fmt="$1"
- exec >&2
- if [ "$fmt" ]; then
- shift 1 # fmt
- printf "%s: $fmt\n" "$pgm" "$@"
- fi
- local optfmt="\t%-8s %s\n"
- printf "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] regex\n" "$pgm"
- printf "OPTIONS:\n"
- printf "$optfmt" "regex" \
- "awk(1) regular expression for matching log entries."
- printf "$optfmt" "-NUM" \
- "Limit output to at-most NUM mathing entries."
- printf "$optfmt" "-A NUM" \
- "Show NUM lines of context following matched entries."
- printf "$optfmt" "-B NUM" \
- "Show NUM lines of context leading up to matched entries."
- printf "$optfmt" "-c" \
- "Always enable color, even to non-terminals (e.g., pipes)."
- printf "$optfmt" "-f file" \
- "Read file (\`-' for stdin; Default $P4D_LOG)."
- printf "$optfmt" "-n" \
- "Disable the use of color highlighting on terminals."
- exit $FAILURE
- }
- setopt()
- {
- local __var_to_set="$1" __value="$2" __retval=0 # NB: Caller sets $arg
- case "$arg" in
- -??*) __retval=1 arg="-${arg#-?}" ;;
- -?) __retval=0 arg= ;;
- *) return $FAILURE
- esac
- eval $__var_to_set='"$__value"'
- return $__retval # caller: 0 = shift (-X); 1 = continue (-Xv => -v)
- }
- setarg()
- {
- local __var_to_set="$1" __value="$2" __retval=0 # NB: Caller sets $arg
- case "$arg" in
- -??*) eval __retval=0 $__var_to_set='${arg#-?}' ;;
- -?) eval __retval=1 $__var_to_set='"$__value"' ;;
- esac
- arg=
- return $__retval # caller: 0 = shift 1 (-Xarg); 1 = shift 2 (-X arg)
- }
- ############################################################ MAIN
- #
- # Process command-line arguments
- #
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- : ${arg:="$1"}
- case "$arg" in
- -[0-9]*)
- LIMIT="${arg#-}"
- LIMIT="${LIMIT%%[!0-9]*}"
- arg="${arg#-$LIMIT}"
- arg="${arg:+-}$arg"
- [ "$arg" ] && continue
- ;;
- -A*) setarg AFTER "$2" || shift ;;
- -B*) setarg BEFOR "$2" || shift ;;
- -c*) setopt COLOR 2 || continue ;;
- -f*) setarg LOGFILE "$2" || shift ;;
- -n*) setopt COLOR 0 || continue ;;
- -*) usage "invalid option -- %s" "${1#-}" ;;
- *) break # non-option argument encountered
- esac
- shift
- done
- REGEX="$1"
- #
- # Validate command-line arguments
- #
- [ "$REGEX" ] || usage
- [ "$BEFOR" = "${BEFOR%%[!0-9]*}" ] || usage "invalid \`-B NUM' argument"
- [ "$LIMIT" = "${LIMIT%%[!0-9]*}" ] || usage "invalid \`-NUM' argument"
- [ "$AFTER" = "${AFTER%%[!0-9]*}" ] || usage "invalid \`-A NUM' argument"
- P4D_LOG="${LOGFILE:-$P4D_LOG}" # set after last-call to usage()
- #
- # For `-n' (COLOR=0) and `-c' (COLOR=2), keep the value of COLOR as-is. In the
- # default case (COLOR=1), reset COLOR to zero if stdout is a non-terminal
- # (e.g., when stdout has been redirected to a file/pipe).
- #
- [ $COLOR -ne 1 ] || [ -t 1 ] || COLOR=0
- #
- # Wield awk(1) to display matching paragraphs from the p4d log file
- #
- awk -v REGEX="$REGEX" -v COLOR=$COLOR \
- ######################################## AWK(1) FUNCTIONS
- function buf_print() { print buf }
- function color_print()
- {
- pbuf = buf
- if (COLOR) {
- cbuf = pbuf
- pbuf = ""
- while (match(cbuf, REGEX)) {
- pbuf = sprintf("%s%s%c[43;30m%s%c[49;39m",
- pbuf, substr(cbuf, 0, RSTART - 1), 27,
- substr(cbuf, RSTART, RLENGTH), 27)
- cbuf = substr(cbuf, RSTART + RLENGTH)
- }
- pbuf = pbuf cbuf
- if (BEFOR || AFTER)
- pbuf = sprintf("%c[7m%s%c[27m", 27, pbuf, 27)
- }
- print pbuf
- }
- function bstack_add()
- {
- if (A) { # Print/Skip when consuming AFTER-elements
- buf_print()
- if (!--A && !BEFOR && N) print "--"
- return
- }
- if (BEFOR <= 0) # feature not enabled
- return
- if (BEFOR == 1) # only one slot (easy)
- bstack[B = 1] = buf
- else { # multiple slots (tricky)
- if (B < BEFOR) B++
- for (n = B; n > 1; n--) # make room
- bstack[n] = bstack[n-1]
- bstack[n] = buf
- }
- }
- function bufhandler()
- {
- if (!buf) return
- if (buf ~ REGEX && (LIMIT ? N < LIMIT : 1)) {
- if (B && N) print "--" # print hr before bstack items
- while (B) # print the bstack and reset B to zero
- print bstack[B--]
- delete bstack # erase the bstack
- A = AFTER # reset A to high watermark
- color_print() # dump matching buffer
- N++ # increment printed matches
- } else bstack_add()
- buf = "" # reset buffer
- }
- ######################################## AWK(1) MAIN
- /^[^[:space:]]/ { # got a line beginning with non-whitespace
- bufhandler()
- if (LIMIT > 0 && N >= LIMIT && !A) exit
- buf = sprintf(">>> ENTRY#%09u %s:%u: %s",
- C++, FILENAME, FNR, $0)
- next
- }
- # NOTREACHED unless line begins with whitespace
- { buf = buf "\n" $0 }
- # NOTREACHED until EOF or awk(1) exit
- END { bufhandler() }
- ######################################## AWK(1) END
- ' "$P4D_LOG"
- ################################################################################
- # END
- ################################################################################
- #
- # $Copyright: 2015 Devin Teske. All rights reserved. $
- #
- # $Header: //guest/freebsdfrau/p4t/libexec/server_log#1 $
- #
- ################################################################################
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
16365 |
freebsdfrau |
Import p4t - p4d admin tool |
9 years ago