- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Branch engine for cdsp4
- # Author: Shiv Sikand
- open(DT,"date|") || die;
- while(<DT>) {
- $date=$_;
- }
- use Getopt::Long;
- $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev=0; #make them specify exact option
- unless($result=GetOptions("h",
- "tp=s","block=s",
- "user=s",
- "lib=s",
- "add=s",
- "site=s",
- "bname=s","from=s", "noint","force","lastchange=s")){
- die "Illegal Input Options, -h for help\n";
- }
- $opt_top=1;
- if($opt_block && $opt_top) {
- die "Mutex block/top !!!!\n";
- }
- $opt_sp=$ENV{"PROJECT"};
- print "Project is $opt_sp\n";
- unless($opt_sp && $opt_tp && ( $opt_top || $opt_block || $opt_lib) && ($opt_bname || $opt_user)) {
- print "$HELP\n";
- exit;
- }
- if($opt_from && $opt_lastchange) {
- print "from and lastchange are conflicting options !!\n";
- exit;
- }
- if($opt_add && !$opt_bname) {
- print "add requires the bname argument!!\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Project specific variables
- (@projparse)=split('/',$opt_sp);
- # Derived chip and rev from $opt_sp
- $chip=$projparse[$#projparse-1];
- $rev=$projparse[$#projparse];
- # Define cadence location within the tree
- $libsubdir="layout/cadence";
- $sourceproj=$opt_sp;
- $targetproj=$opt_tp;
- # Define cds.lib and cds.p4client locations
- $cdslibsfile=$sourceproj."/$libsubdir/cds.lib";
- $cdslibtfile=$targetproj."/$bdir"."/$libsubdir/cds.lib";
- $cfile=$sourceproj."/$libsubdir/cds.p4client";
- # Traling slashes can cause a big nightmare
- # if they exist in one but not in the other
- if(substr($opt_sp,-1,1) eq "/") {
- print "ERROR: No trailing slashes allowed in sp or tp\n";
- exit;
- }
- if(substr($opt_tp,-1,1) eq "/") {
- print "ERROR: No trailing slashes allowed in sp or tp\n";
- exit;
- }
- $user=$ENV{USER};
- $block=$opt_block;
- $ubname=$opt_bname;
- if(!$ubname) {
- @df=split(' ',$date);
- $cnumspec="";
- # build the branch spec
- if($opt_block) {
- if($opt_block eq "tapeout") {
- $bname=$chip."_".$rev."_".$block."_".$df[1].$df[2]."_".$df[5];
- } else {
- $bname=$chip."_".$rev."_".$block."_".$df[1].$df[2]."_".$df[5]."_$opt_user";
- }
- }
- elsif($opt_top) {
- $bname=$chip."_".$rev."_top_".$df[1].$df[2]."_".$df[5]."_$opt_user";
- }
- elsif($opt_lib) {
- $bname=$chip."_".$rev."_".$lib."_".$df[1].$df[2]."_".$df[5];
- }
- }
- else {
- $bname = $ubname;
- }
- # add the site based postfix
- if(!$ubname && $opt_site) {
- $bname=$bname."_".$opt_site;
- }
- if($opt_lastchange) {
- print "\nBranch will be integrated to state at Change $opt_lastchange\n\n";
- $cnumspec="@".$opt_lastchange;
- }
- if($opt_from) {
- $bfname=$opt_from;
- # get the file list for the client (excludes cds libs)
- $bfclient=$bfname."_client";
- #set up the names
- if(!$opt_bname) {
- (@bname2)=split('_',$opt_from);
- $bname=$bname."_".$bname2[2];
- # has the name got a month field instead of a year field at the end
- # if so, it was a bob itself
- # if that's the case we to contruct the complex name
- # find everything after the year field
- # and append it
- (@bname3)=split(/_[0-9]+/,$opt_from);
- if($bname3[1]) {
- $bname=$bname.$bname3[1];
- }
- }
- $newclient=$bname."_client";
- if(!$opt_add) {
- # get the non cds data
- %flist=();
- %flistl=();
- &getfileparents($bfname,$bfclient,\%flist,\%flistl);
- # assoc array flist contains list of files for non-cds data
- # dump it to a file so we can use it with -x
- open(BFILES1,">/tmp/bfilesmain.$$") || die;
- foreach $key (sort(keys %flist)) {
- print BFILES1 "$flist{$key}\n";
- }
- close(BFILES1);
- # locally edited files need to be handled separately
- if(%flistl) {
- $dolocal=1;
- open(BFILES2,">/tmp/bfilesmainl.$$") || die;
- foreach $key (sort(keys %flistl)) {
- print BFILES2 "$flistl{$key}\n";
- }
- close(BFILES2);
- }
- # Build a label to mark the files so we can easily integrate the label's contents
- $lname=$bfname."label";
- $cmd="p4 label -o $lname | p4 label -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # sync the label to the file list
- print "Syncing to label for mainline files\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $bfclient -x /tmp/bfilesmain.$$ labelsync -a -l $lname >> /tmp/bflsync.$$ 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- #set up the integration command
- $int_cmd="p4 -c $newclient integrate //depot/...@".$lname." //depot/$bname/...";
- # Do the same (similar) for local files
- if($dolocal) {
- $lnamel=$bfname."label_local";
- $cmd="p4 label -o $lnamel | p4 label -i ";
- system($cmd);
- # sync the label to the file list
- print "Syncing to label for local files\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $bfclient -x /tmp/bfilesmainl.$$ labelsync -a -l $lnamel >> /tmp/bflsyncl.$$ 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- # create the crossbranch spec
- $crossbranch="cb".$bfrom.$bname;
- $cmd="p4 branch -o $crossbranch | p4 branch -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # fix the view
- $cmd="p4 branch -o $crossbranch | sed 's/\\/\\/depot\\/\\.\\.\\. \\/\\/depot\\/\\.\\.\\./\\/\\/depot\\/$bfname\\/\\.\\.\\. \\/\\/depot\\/$bname\\/\\.\\.\\./g' | p4 branch -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- #set up the integration command
- $int_cmd2="p4 -c $newclient integrate -b $crossbranch //depot/...\@".$lnamel;
- }
- }
- }
- print "\nSource project is $sourceproj\n";
- if($opt_block) {
- $branchdes=$opt_block;
- }
- else {
- if($opt_top) {
- $branchdes="top";
- } else {
- $branchdes=$opt_lib;
- }
- }
- # Build the branches
- if($bname eq "") {
- die "Null bname!";
- }
- if($opt_add) {
- print "Updating $bname to include $opt_add\n";
- $newclient=$bname."_client";
- print "$newclient\n";
- } else {
- if(!$opt_from2) {
- # Get the refclient spec
- $refclient=$chip."_".$rev."_ref_".$branchdes;
- # Check to see if it exists
- $cmd="p4 clients | grep $refclient > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # Good exit means it exists
- if ($? ne 0) {
- print "Couldn't find $refclient, aborting\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- $cmd="p4 client -o $refclient | grep \"^\t//\*\" ";
- $bstring="Branch: $bname\nDescription: $branchdes $chip $rev (by $user)\nView:\n";
- # This gives us the LHS view mappings
- open(CMD, "$cmd|") || die ;
- while(<CMD>) {
- chop;
- (@ddata)=split;
- $rhs=$ddata[0];
- $rhs =~ s/$chip\/$rev/$bname/g;
- $dstring="\t$ddata[0] $rhs\n";
- $bstring=$bstring.$dstring;
- }
- $cmd="echo \"$bstring\" > /tmp/bspec; p4 branch -i < /tmp/bspec";
- system($cmd);
- }
- else {
- die("Cloning not supported\n");
- # Clone named branch
- if(!$ubname) {
- $bname=$opt_from2."_".$df[1].$df[2];
- }
- else {
- $bname=$ubname;
- }
- print "Target project is $targetproj/$bname\n\n";
- print "Building branch $bname from $opt_from2\n";
- die("Broken");
- $cmd="echo \"Branch: $bname\nDescription: $branchdes sub branch built by $user\nView:\n\t//depot/$chip/$rev/$opt_from2/layout/blocks/$block/cadence/$block/... //depot/$bname/layout/blocks/$block/cadence/$block/...\n\t//depot/layout/reference/*/cadence/... //depot/$bname/layout/reference/*/cadence/...\"> /tmp/bspec; p4 branch -i < /tmp/bspec > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # build a client
- # clone the main gfxdesign view spec
- $newclient=$bname."_client";
- if(!$opt_from2) {
- #$refclient=$chip."_ref_".$branchdes;
- $refclient=$chip."_".$rev."_ref_".$branchdes;
- } else {
- $refclient=$opt_from2."_client";
- }
- # Make client building a subroutine with nocds flag
- if($opt_top) {
- &buildclient($refclient,$newclient,$sourceproj,$targetproj,1,1);
- }
- else {
- &buildclient($refclient,$newclient,$sourceproj,$targetproj,1,0);
- }
- if( !$opt_noint) {
- # Integrate the new branch
- print "Integrating the branch\n";
- if(!$int_cmd) {
- $int_cmd="p4 -c $newclient integrate -v -b $bname $cnumspec";
- }
- print "\n$int_cmd\n\n";
- system($int_cmd);
- if($int_cmd2) {
- print "\n$int_cmd2\n\n";
- system($int_cmd2);
- }
- if($opt_from) {
- # delete the temp label
- $cmd="p4 label -d $lname";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="p4 label -d $lnamel";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # Submit the branch
- $cmd="p4 -c $newclient change -o | sed 's/<.*>/Branch submit by buildbranch/' > /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- open(SUB, "</tmp/subout.$$") || die "Couldn't read change description\n";
- $submit=0;
- while(<SUB>) {
- if(/^Files/) {
- $submit++;
- close(SUB);
- }
- }
- if($submit) {
- $cmd="p4 -c $newclient submit -i < /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- }
- }
- # Rebuild the client correctly
- #&buildclient($refclient,$newclient,$sourceproj,$targetproj,0);
- # Fake sync the client to update the files
- #$cmd="p4 -c $newclient flush";
- #system($cmd);
- # Delete newclient if mode layout since it's now empty
- }
- if($opt_nocds) {
- exit;
- }
- $bdir="$bname";
- # Build Cadence library clients
- print "\nBuilding Cadence library clients\n";
- $cdslibsfile=$sourceproj."/$libsubdir/cds.lib";
- if($opt_block eq "tapeout") {
- $cdslibtfile=$targetproj."/$libsubdir/cds.lib";
- } else {
- $cdslibtfile=$targetproj."/$bdir"."/$libsubdir/cds.lib";
- }
- $p4 = "p4";
- open(CFILE, "<$cfile") || die "Couldn't read $cfile\n";
- print "Reading $cfile\n";
- while(<CFILE>) {
- if(/^\#/) {
- next;
- }
- chop;
- (@cdata)=split;
- $path=$cdata[1];
- $client=$cdata[2];
- (@cinfo)=split(':',$cdata[2]);
- #$client2=$cinfo[0].":".$cinfo[1];
- $client2=$cinfo[0];
- # Read the client spec so that we can clone it
- # Only clone libraries that are in the branch spec!!
- if($opt_add) {
- if($client =~ /$opt_add/) {
- $vclient{$client}=$client2;
- print "Accepting requested client $client\n";
- close(CFILE);
- }
- }
- if(!$opt_add) {
- if(!$opt_top) {
- $match=$blocklib.":".$chip."_".$rev;
- # Accept this blocks libraries or reference libs only
- if($client =~ /$match/ || $path =~ /reference/) {
- #print "Acepting client $client\n";
- $vclient{$client}=$client2;
- }
- } else {
- # Accept all clients since it's a top level build
- print "Acepting client $client\n";
- $vclient{$client}=$client2;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach $client (keys %vclient) {
- $client2=$vclient{$client};
- $cmd="p4 -c $client client -o";
- open(CMD, "$cmd|") || die ;
- open(CMDOUT, ">/tmp/cbout") || die ;
- while(<CMD>) {
- if(/^Options/) {
- # Modtime is nice for sorting in lbb
- s/nomodtime/modtime/g;
- if($opt_site) {
- s/nocompress/compress/g;
- }
- print CMDOUT $_;
- }
- if(/^Client/) {
- print CMDOUT "Client: $client2:$bdir\n\n";
- }
- if(/^Description/) {
- print CMDOUT "Description:\n\tcds library\n\n";
- }
- if(/^Root/) {
- # Add the branch spec to the root
- # where's a perl manual when you need one
- $swap=0;
- if($opt_block eq "tapeout") {
- $newroot=$targetproj;
- } else {
- $newroot=$targetproj."/".$bdir;
- }
- $swap = s/$sourceproj/$newroot/g ;
- #s/$sourceproj/$newroot/g ;
- if($swap eq 1) {
- print CMDOUT "$_\n";
- }
- else {
- print "Failed to map root for client $client\n$_\n";
- print "Check your -sp flag!\n";
- exit;
- }
- }
- if(/^View/) {
- print CMDOUT "$_\n";
- }
- # BOB depot spec has extra component that we need to skip
- if(/^\t\-{0,1}\/\/depot/) {
- if(!($opt_from || $opt_from2)) {
- $newdepot="depot/".$bdir;
- # New LHS
- s/depot\/$chip\/$rev/$newdepot/g ;
- #print "$_\n";
- # New RHS
- # Everything before the colon
- # eg aq:n1 becomes aq:n1_aq_Oct7_1999
- $newcdsclient=$client2.":".$bdir ;
- s/$client/$newcdsclient/g;
- print CMDOUT $_;
- } else {
- if($opt_from) {
- $newdepot="depot/".$bdir;
- s/$opt_from\///;
- s/depot\/$chip\/$rev/$newdepot/g ;
- # New RHS
- $newcdsclient=$client2.":".$bdir ;
- s/$client/$newcdsclient/g;
- print CMDOUT $_;
- }
- if($opt_from2) {
- $newdepot="depot/".$bdir;
- s/$opt_from2\///;
- s/depot\/$chip\/$rev/$newdepot/g ;
- # New RHS
- $newcdsclient=$client2.":".$bdir ;
- s/$client/$newcdsclient/g;
- print CMDOUT $_;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(CMDOUT);
- #print "Building client $newcdsclient\n";
- $cmd=$p4." -c $newcdsclient client -i < /tmp/cbout > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # integrate the cadence libraries
- # since we don't allow overlapping clients
- # and need to set up the right state for a
- # Fast integrate using -v
- # These should already be integrated at branch build time
- #if( !$opt_noint && !$opt_from && !opt_add) {
- # $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient integrate -v -b $bname $cnumspec";
- # print "$cmd\n";
- # system($cmd);
- #}
- if($opt_from) {
- # Do the same thing that we did earlier to build a file set
- %flist=();
- %flistl=();
- $cdsname=$client.":".$bfname;
- &getfileparents($bfname,$cdsname,\%flist,\%flistl);
- # assoc array flist contains list of files for non-cds data
- # dump it to a file so we can use it with -x
- if(%flist) {
- open(BFILES1,">/tmp/bfilecds.$newcdsclient.$$") || die;
- foreach $key (sort(keys %flist)) {
- print BFILES1 "$flist{$key}\n";
- }
- close(BFILES1);
- }
- if(%flistl) {
- open(BFILES2,">/tmp/bfilecdsl.$newcdsclient.$$") || die;
- foreach $key (sort(keys %flistl)) {
- print BFILES2 "$flistl{$key}\n";
- }
- close(BFILES2);
- }
- if(%flist) {
- # Build a label to mark the files so we can easily integrate the label's contents
- $lname=$newcdsclient."label";
- $cmd="p4 label -o $lname | p4 label -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # sync the label to the file list
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient -x /tmp/bfilecds.$newcdsclient.$$ labelsync -a -l $lname> /tmp/bflsync.$$ 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- #set up the integration command
- print "INTEGRATING mainline\n";
- $int_cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient integrate //depot/...@".$lname." //depot/$bname/...";
- print "\n$int_cmd\n\n";
- system($int_cmd);
- $cmd="p4 label -d $lname";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # Do the same for the locals
- if(%flistl) {
- $lnamel=$newcdsclient."label_local";
- $cmd="p4 label -o $lnamel | p4 label -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- # sync the label to the file list
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient -x /tmp/bfilecdsl.$newcdsclient.$$ labelsync -a -l $lnamel > /tmp/bflsyncl.$$ 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- #set up the integration command
- print "INTEGRATING local edits\n";
- $int_cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient integrate -b $crossbranch //depot/...\@".$lnamel;
- print "\n$int_cmd\n\n";
- system($int_cmd);
- $cmd="p4 label -d $lnamel";
- system($cmd);
- }
- }
- #Manual submit
- # But don't submit empty files
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient change -o | sed 's/<.*>/Branch submit by buildbranch/' > /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- open(SUB, "</tmp/subout.$$") || die "Couldn't read change description\n";
- $submit=0;
- while(<SUB>) {
- if(/^Files/) {
- $submit++;
- close(SUB);
- }
- }
- if($submit) {
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient submit -i < /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # Now sync to bring in the files
- if($opt_force) {
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient sync -f";
- } else {
- if(!$opt_add) {
- if(!$opt_noint) {
- #print "Syncing client $newcdsclient\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient sync";
- } else {
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient sync -n";
- }
- } else {
- # bring in the new data
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient integrate -v -b $bname\n";
- }
- }
- # Need to read stderror for the error
- print "Int cmd is $cmd\n";
- open(CMD, "$cmd 2>&1 |") || die "Couldn't do an integrate....\n";
- while(<CMD>) {
- if(/No such file/) {
- # Delete the client, it's not valid
- print "ERROR: $newcdsclient does not contain any data\n";
- print "ERROR: If this is expected, please use the -skip option\n";
- print "ERROR: Or integrate this library explicitly by typing\n";
- print "p4 -c $newclient integrate -b $bname\n";
- print "Then run this script again with the -add option\n";
- }
- }
- }
- close(CFILE);
- #Manual submit
- # But don't submit empty files
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient change -o | sed 's/<.*>/Branch submit by buildbranch/' > /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- open(SUB, "</tmp/subout.$$") || die "Couldn't read change description\n";
- $submit=0;
- while(<SUB>) {
- if(/^Files/) {
- $submit++;
- close(SUB);
- }
- }
- if($submit) {
- $cmd="p4 -c $newcdsclient submit -i < /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # write the master client file
- # branch may not have all the chip clients that match this grep spec
- $cmd="$p4 clients | grep 'cds library' | grep '$bdir ' > /tmp/client";
- system($cmd);
- open(CDATA, "</tmp/client") || die ;
- if($opt_block eq "tapeout") {
- $cfile=$targetproj."/$libsubdir/cds.p4client";
- } else {
- $cfile=$targetproj."/".$bdir."/$libsubdir/cds.p4client";
- }
- open(CDOUT, ">$cfile") || die "Couldn't write $cfile\n";
- print "Writing $cfile\n";
- if(!$opt_add) {
- print CDOUT "# Master Client file for $targetproj/$bdir\n# Built by buildbranch $date";
- }
- while(<CDATA>) {
- @cdata=split;
- # Key it on the root
- $cdslist{$cdata[4]}=$cdata[1];
- (@lib)=split('/',$cdata[4]);
- # Last element in path is lib name
- $libname=$lib[($#)-1];
- #print "LIB: $libname PATH:$cdata[4] CLIENT: $cdata[1]\n";
- print CDOUT "$libname $cdata[4] $cdata[1]\n";
- }
- if($opt_add) {
- print "Updating branch cds.lib file\n";
- }
- else {
- print "Building branch cds.lib file\n";
- }
- # Unamanaged in trex
- #$cmd="p4 -c $newclient edit $cdslibtfile";
- #system($cmd);
- # Process it !
- open(CDSL, "<$cdslibsfile") || die "Couldn't read $cdslibsfile!\n";
- if($opt_add) {
- open(CDSLB, ">>$cdslibtfile") || die "Couldn't open $cdslibtfile!\n";
- } else {
- open(CDSLB, ">$cdslibtfile") || die "Couldn't open $cdslibtfile!\n";
- }
- if(!$opt_add) {
- print CDSLB "-- File Created by buildbranch $date\n";
- }
- $client=0;
- while(<CDSL>) {
- $match=0;
- if($opt_add) {
- if(!(/ $opt_add /)) {
- next;
- }
- }
- if( /^DEFINE/ || /^INCLUDE/) {
- $save=$_;
- ($ig,$libname,$path)=split;
- if($opt_add) {
- if(!(/ $opt_add /)) {
- next;
- }
- }
- $newproj=$targetproj."/$bdir";
- # only map out the library if it is p4 controlled
- # since it won't exist in the branch otherwise
- $gotc=0;
- $bpath=$path;
- $bpath=~ s/$sourceproj/$newproj/g;
- if($client=$cdslist{$bpath}) {
- $gotc++;
- }
- # handle basic library
- # bring it in exactly as defined !
- if(/INCLUDE/) {
- print "Bringing in $_\n";
- print CDSLB $_;
- next;
- }
- if($gotc) {
- $client=$save;
- s/$sourceproj/$newproj/g;
- # Check to see if the directory exists
- # since it may not have been branched
- $copy=$_;
- (@elements)=split(' ',$copy);
- $cmd="ls -d $elements[2] >>/dev/null 2>&1";
- #print "$cmd\n";
- system($cmd);
- if($? ne 0) {
- print "Skipping unbranched lib: $elements[1]\n";
- next;
- }
- print "Mapping $libname in branch cds.lib\n";
- print CDSLB $_;
- }
- else {
- # bring in non-managed libs directly as references to mainline
- # except for rams
- if(!( $save =~ /$chip_ram/)) {
- print "Writing $libname in branch cds.lib file\n";
- print CDSLB $save;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if(/ \./) {
- print "Couldn't map dot in $_\n";
- exit;
- }
- print CDSLB $_;
- }
- }
- close(CDSLB);
- close(CDSL);
- unlink("/tmp/cbout");
- unlink("/tmp/client");
- if($opt_from) {
- system("rm /tmp/bf*.$$");
- }
- # delete crossbranch
- if($crossbranch) {
- $cmd="p4 branch -d $crossbranch";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # delete main labels ????
- sub buildclient {
- my($refclient,$newclient,$sourceproj,$targetproj,$nominus,$top)=@_;
- print "Reading reference client $refclient\n";
- #Check to see if it really exists
- # Check to see if it exists
- $cmd="p4 clients | grep $refclient";
- system($cmd);
- # Good exit means it exists
- if ($? ne 0) {
- print "Couldn't find it, aborting\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- print "Newclient is $newclient\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $refclient client -o";
- open(CMD, "$cmd|") || die ;
- open(CMDOUT, ">/tmp/cbout") || die ;
- while(<CMD>) {
- # Enable site compression
- if($opt_site) {
- if(/nocompress/) {
- s/nocompress/compress/g;
- print CMDOUT "$_\n";
- }
- }
- if(/^Client/) {
- print CMDOUT "Client: $newclient\n\n";
- }
- if(/^Description/) {
- print CMDOUT "Description: client for $bname $df[0] $df[1] $df[2] $df[5] built by $user\n";
- }
- if(/^Root/) {
- if($opt_block eq "tapeout") {
- $root=$targetproj;
- } else {
- $root=$targetproj."/".$bname;
- }
- print CMDOUT "Root: $root\n";
- }
- if(/^View/) {
- print CMDOUT "$_\n";
- }
- if(/^\t\-{0,1}\/\/depot/) {
- if(!$opt_from2) {
- $newdepot="depot/".$bname;
- # New LHS
- s/depot\/$chip\/$rev/$newdepot/g ;
- } else {
- $newdepot="depot/".$bname;
- s/$opt_from2\///g;
- s/depot\/$chip\/$rev/$newdepot/g ;
- }
- # New RHS
- s/$refclient/$newclient/g;
- # Skip the minus
- # to make sure that minus lines get branched
- # even though we want them (the minus signs) in the client after
- # branching is complete
- # to prevent overlapping Cadence library clients
- # are you following me ?
- if($nominus eq "1") {
- if(/^\t\-/) {
- s/\-//g;
- }
- }
- print CMDOUT $_;
- }
- }
- close(CMDOUT);
- print "Building $newclient from $refclient\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $newclient client -i < /tmp/cbout > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- }
- sub getfileparents {
- if($opt_noint) {
- return;
- }
- # Minimise the number of system calls so use lots of files
- # and pass to p4 using -x option
- my($branch,$client,$flist,$flistl)=@_;
- my($cmd);
- print "\nGetting file list for $client\n";
- $cmd="p4 files //depot/".$branch."/...@".$client.">/tmp/bfiles.$$";
- system($cmd);
- # get branch and integrate files
- # since they (most likely) came from the mainline
- # TODO: TRAP if they didn't here or later
- $cmd="grep '\\- branch change' /tmp/bfiles.$$ > /tmp/bfilesib.$$";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="grep '\\- integrate change' /tmp/bfiles.$$ >> /tmp/bfilesib.$$";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="grep -v '\\- integrate change' /tmp/bfiles.$$ > /tmp/bfilesnib.$$";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="grep -v '\\- branch change' /tmp/bfilesnib.$$ > /tmp/bfileslocal.$$";
- system($cmd);
- #print "Generating integrated file list\n";
- &genlist("/tmp/bfilesib.$$",\%$flist,\%$flistl,"ib");
- #print "Generating local file list\n";
- &genlist("/tmp/bfileslocal.$$",\%$flist,\%$flistl,"local");
- }
- sub genlist {
- my($infile,$flist,$flistl,$faction)=@_;
- my($cmd,$record,$checkri,$catchver,@vinfo,$index,$count);
- my($version,$action,$dfv,@dinfo,$ldf,$getver,$pversion,@pdata,@copydata);
- # read the file list and produce a list to pass to filelog
- # but stash the version numbers in an array so we can pull
- # out the right data from the filelog
- open(FLISTF, ">/tmp/bflist.$$") || die;
- open(INFILEF, "< $infile") || die ;
- while(<INFILEF>) {
- (@fdata)=split;
- $dfv=$fdata[0];
- (@dinfo)=split('#',$dfv);
- $df=$dinfo[0];
- $version=$dinfo[1];
- $action=$fdata[2];
- print FLISTF "$df\n";
- push(@vinfo,$version);
- }
- close(FLISTF);
- close(INFILEF);
- $cmd="p4 -x /tmp/bflist.$$ filelog >/tmp/bflog.$$";
- system($cmd);
- open(CMD, "</tmp/bflog.$$") || die;
- $record=0;
- # reverse integrate check
- $checkri=1;
- $catchver=0;
- $index=0;
- while(<CMD>) {
- chop;
- if( (/^\/\/depot/ || eof) && $record && $faction eq "local") {
- $ldf=$depot."#".$getver;
- #print "FLISTL $ldf\n";
- $$flistl{$depot}=$ldf;
- $record=0;
- $catchver=0;
- $index++;
- }
- # if a branch back/from record could not be found treat as local edit
- if( /^\/\/depot/ && $record && $faction eq "ib") {
- $ldf=$depot."#".$getver;
- $$flistl{$depot}=$ldf;
- $record=0;
- $catchver=0;
- $index++;
- }
- # New depot file record begins here
- if( /^\/\/depot/ && !$record) {
- $depot=$_;
- $catchver=1;
- $checkri=1;
- }
- $getver=$vinfo[$index];
- # Got a new record, make sure we catch the right version
- # $record now signifies that we are ready to process the info
- if(/\.\.\. \#$getver/ && $catchver) {
- $record=1;
- }
- # Look for branch into info if in local mode
- # if we find it, reset counter so we can find next valid record
- if(/\.\.\. \.\.\. [a-z]+ into \/\/depot\/BALI/ && $record && $faction eq "local") {
- (@copydata)=split;
- $count++;
- (@pdata)=split('#',$copydata[4]);
- # eliminate #1,#4 style syntax ( ie we want #4)
- $pversion=$pdata[0]."#".$pdata[$#pdata];
- #print "K $pdata[0]\n";
- $$flist{$pdata[0]}=$pversion;
- $checkri=0;
- $record=0;
- $catchver=0;
- $index++;
- }
- #if we didn't find a branch into record, it was a local edit
- if(/\.\.\. \.\.\. [a-z]+ from/ && $record && $faction eq "ib" && !/gfx_$chip/) {
- # may not have been branched from mainline
- (@copydata)=split;
- $count++;
- #print "$count $pversion\n";
- (@pdata)=split('#',$copydata[4]);
- # eliminate #1,#4 style syntax ( ie we want #4)
- $pversion=$pdata[0]."#".$pdata[$#pdata];
- #print "Pushing $pversion\n";
- $$flist{$pdata[0]}=$pversion;
- $record=0;
- $catchver=0;
- $index++;
- }
- }
- close(OFILE);
- }
- # interrupt signal handler
- sub handler {
- my $sig = @_;
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore SIGINT
- warn "Caught a SIG$sig--shutting down\n";
- exit();
- }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/cdsp4/release/2.2/Utils/buildbranch | |||||
#1 | 1705 | Shiv Sikand | Added missing utilities for branch management | 23 years ago |