- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- # clone project databases
- use Getopt::Long;
- unless($result=GetOptions("h",
- "source=s", "target=s", "force", "from=s", "nointeg")){
- die "Illegal Input Options, -h for help\n";
- }
- ($prog = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
- $HELP="Usage: $prog -source <source_rev> -target <target_rev>";
- unless($opt_source && $opt_target) {
- print "$HELP\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- if($opt_h) {
- print "$HELP\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- umask(002);
- $project=$ENV{"PROJECT"};
- if (!defined($project)) {
- print "$prog: must set env variable PROJECT first\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- $cmd = "p4 client -o cdsp4_integ | grep '^Root' > /dev/null 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- if ($? != 0) {
- print "$prog: dummy integration client cdsp4_integ does not exist!\nContact your cdsp4 administrator; cannot proceed with branch building.\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- (@pdata)=split('/',$project);
- $proj=$pdata[3];
- if (!defined($proj)) {
- print "$prog: env variable PROJECT is not correctly set\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- $tempfile="/tmp/byob.$$";
- print "Building physical tree for $proj\n";
- print "Log file is $tempfile\n";
- # Check for validity of source and target
- # expand source and target to follow physical syntax
- $sbranch=$opt_source;
- $tbranch=$opt_target;
- print "Source branch is $sbranch, target is $tbranch\n";
- # Check to see if source branch exists
- $cmd="p4 branches | grep $sbranch > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- if($? ne 0) {
- print "Error: couldn't locate the source branch\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- # Don't overwrite a target branch
- $cmd="p4 branches | grep $tbranch > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- if($? eq 0 && !$opt_force) {
- print "Error: target branch already exists\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- # Define the location of the file relative to the tree root (site dependent variable)
- $blocation="";
- # need to find the root of the branch client to begin
- $bclient=$sbranch."_client";
- $cmd="p4 client -o $bclient | grep '^Root'";
- open(CMD,"$cmd|") || die "error $cmd\n";
- while(<CMD>) {
- chomp;
- ($ig,$broot)=split;
- }
- print "Source branch root is $broot\n";
- if ($blocation eq "") {
- $oldbdir = $broot;
- } else {
- $oldbdir="$broot/$blocation";
- }
- ($newbdir = $oldbdir) =~ s/$sbranch/$tbranch/;
- # Check for existing and writable new branch directory
- if (! -d "$newbdir" || ! -w "$newbdir") {
- die "New branch root directory $newbdir does not exist or is not writable\n";
- }
- # Check for opened files in the source branch
- print "Getting check out status for $opt_source\n";
- $cmd="(p4 opened -a //depot/$sbranch/... | grep '#' ) > /dev/null 2>&1";
- system($cmd);
- if($? eq 0) {
- if (!$opt_force) {
- system("cdscheckouts -bname $sbranch");
- print "\n\nError: *** Aborting byob build due to checkouts in $sbranch\n\n";
- print "Suggestion: *** IF you know what you are doing, you can use the -force flag\n";
- print "\t\tto force the creation of your target branch, but this is potentially\n";
- print "\t\tvery dangerous. You have been warned.\n";
- exit;
- } else {
- print "Detected checkouts in source branch...\n";
- print "*** Force option activated ***\n";
- print "Please confirm this operation (accept_knowingly/no):";
- $line = <STDIN>;
- chomp $line;
- if($line ne "accept_knowingly") {
- print "byob aborted by user request\n";
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- # Feeling emboldened, let's do the integrate
- print "Integrating the data...\n";
- if($opt_nointeg) {
- print "No integrations will be performed\n";
- } else {
- if($opt_from) {
- print "Changenumber source is $opt_from\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c cdsp4_integ integ -v //depot/$sbranch/...\@$opt_from //depot/$tbranch/... >> $tempfile";
- } else {
- $cmd="p4 -c cdsp4_integ integ -v //depot/$sbranch/... //depot/$tbranch/... >> $tempfile";
- }
- print "$cmd\n";
- system($cmd);
- print "Submitting the change, please wait, this can take some time due to sheer volume of data...\n";
- # First check if there are any pending file to avoid null submits
- $cmd="p4 -c cdsp4_integ change -o | grep \\^Files > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- if($? eq 0) {
- $cmd="p4 -c cdsp4_integ change -o | sed 's/<enter description here>/Branch submit by byob ($tbranch $opt_from)/g' | p4 -c cdsp4_integ submit -i >> $tempfile";
- system($cmd);
- } else {
- print "All revisions appear to be up to date...\n";
- }
- }
- # Now let's do the Cadence stuff
- # Need to clone the clients using the clientmapper script
- print "Syncing Cadence databases, please wait...\n";
- $cmd="projclientmapper $proj $opt_source $proj $opt_target >> $tempfile";
- print "$cmd\n";
- system($cmd);
- # Now, build the branch cds.lib and cds.p4clients file
- # and the .branchrc file
- $oldcdslib="$oldbdir/cds.lib";
- $newcdslib="$newbdir/cds.lib";
- $cmd="sed 's/$sbranch/$tbranch/g' < $oldcdslib > $newcdslib";
- system($cmd);
- #
- # Make sure each INCLUDEd file in cds.lib with a pointer into the
- # branch actually exists here. Copy it from the source branch if not.
- #
- if (!open(C, "<$newcdslib")) {
- print "$prog: couldn't open the new cds.lib we just built!\n";
- }
- else {
- while(<C>) {
- split($_);
- if ($_[0] eq "INCLUDE" && $_[1] =~ /$newbdir/) {
- if (! -f $_[1]) {
- ($src_file = $_[1]) =~ s/$newbdir/$oldbdir/;
- if (! -f $src_file) {
- print "$prog: WARNING: need to copy INCLUDEd file $src_file into the new branch directory, but source file does not exist. Is something wrong with the cds.lib?\n";
- }
- else {
- print "$prog: INFO: copying cds.lib's INCLUDE file $_[1] from the source branch directory\n";
- $cmd = "cp $src_file $newbdir";
- system($cmd);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(C);
- }
- # cds.p4client
- $oldcdsp4="$oldbdir/cds.p4client";
- $newcdsp4="$newbdir/cds.p4client";
- $cmd="sed 's/$sbranch/$tbranch/g' < $oldcdsp4 > $newcdsp4";
- system($cmd);
- # .branchrc.il
- $branchrc="$newbdir/.branchrc.il";
- open(BF,">$branchrc") || die "Could not write $branchrc\n";
- print BF "setShellEnvVar(\"PROJECT_BRANCH=$tbranch\")\n";
- close(BF);
- # build the branch spec to drive addnewbranch
- $desc="Created by byob";
- $dspec_source="//depot/$sbranch/...";
- $dspec_target="//depot/$tbranch/...";
- &build_branch($tbranch,$desc,$dspec_source, $dspec_target);
- # build the branch client too
- # Spec it out
- $cname=$tbranch."_client";
- $dspec="//depot/$tbranch/... //$cname/...\n\t-//depot/$tbranch/cadence/... //$cname/cadence/...\n";
- $root=$broot;
- $root=~s/$sbranch/$tbranch/g;
- $desc="$tbranch client";
- # Call it
- &build_client($cname,$root,$desc,$dspec);
- # sync it
- print "Syncing the branch client...\n";
- $cmd="p4 -c $cname sync >> $tempfile 2>&1";
- #print "$cmd\n";
- system($cmd);
- print "byob is done...\n";
- exit(0);
- # Begin subroutine declarations
- sub build_branch() {
- my $bname=shift;
- my $desc=shift;
- my $dspec_s=shift;
- my $dspec_t=shift;
- print "Building branch $bname\n";
- my $tmpfile="/tmp/byob.bf.$$";
- open(CF, ">$tmpfile") || die "Couldn't write temp branch file\n";
- print CF "Branch: $bname\n";
- print CF "Description:\n\t$desc\n";
- # accept default options
- print CF "View:\n\t$dspec_s $dspec_t\n";
- close(CF);
- system("p4 branch -i < $tmpfile");
- system("rm $tmpfile");
- }
- sub build_client() {
- my $cname=shift;
- my $root=shift;
- my $desc=shift;
- my $dspec=shift;
- print "Building client $cname\n";
- my $tmpfile="/tmp/byob.cf.$$";
- open(CF, ">$tmpfile") || die "Couldn't write temp client file\n";
- print CF "Client: $cname\n";
- print CF "Description:\n\t$desc\n";
- print CF "Root: $root\n";
- # accept default options
- print CF "View:\n\t$dspec\n";
- close(CF);
- system("p4 client -i < $tmpfile");
- system("rm $tmpfile");
- }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/cdsp4/release/2.2/Utils/byob | |||||
#4 | 2892 | Shiv Sikand | Mike's updates for byob | 22 years ago | |
#3 | 2882 | Shiv Sikand |
some byob updates contains some VERY site-specific ideas, so pay attention ! |
22 years ago | |
#2 | 1973 | Shiv Sikand |
added startup script added retro-active branching for byob |
23 years ago | |
#1 | 1705 | Shiv Sikand | Added missing utilities for branch management | 23 years ago |