- <html>
- <head>
- <title>The Branching Papers -- Perforce FAQs</title>
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- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br03">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <b>
- I have a file I renamed in one branch. When I try to integrate
- changes from that branch to another, Perforce insists on renaming
- the same file in the target branch. How do I prevent that?
- </b>
- <p>
- <blockquote>
- I think part of the problem is that people assume <b>p4 integrate</b> is
- doing something other than what they've told it to do. Perforce has no
- alternative but to obey the commands you give it. The key is to use
- branch views with correct file patterns for integration.
- <p>
- I'll try to explain how it works, starting with some background first
- -- I never really know how much people understand about this stuff, so
- forgive me if I start at too remedial a level. Please bear with me while
- I try to explain without being able to wave my arms around or scribble on
- a cocktail napkin.
- <p>
- For example, take the codeline //depot/A. You know you can branch that
- into //depot/B using:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- This takes every single file in the //depot/A path and makes a copy
- of it in the //depot/B path. Furthermore, given a file like:
- <pre>
- //depot/A/foo.c#14
- </pre>
- Perforce stores the fact that revisions #1 thru #14 of //depot/A/foo.c have
- been integrated into //depot/B/foo.c. So if you try the same integrate
- on that file again:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/A/foo.c //depot/B/foo.c
- </pre>
- Perforce will tell you "all revisions already integrated" (unless of course
- there's a newer version of foo.c in //depot/A.) That's because it looked
- at all the files in the "//depot/A/foo.c" pattern and checked each one's
- integration records relative to its counterpart in the files listed in the
- "//depot/B/foo.c" pattern. In this case, there is only one file listed
- by each pattern. But the same thing happens if you try to integrate
- the whole codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- </pre>
- Perforce takes every file in the "//depot/A/..." pattern
- and checks its integration records
- relative to the file that matches it in the "//depot/B/..." pattern.
- <p>
- SO...all that was just the opening act. Here comes the plot.
- <p>
- You know you can rename //depot/A/foo.c thus:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/A/foo.c //depot/A/bar.c
- p4 delete //depot/A/foo.c
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- Perforce has done the whole ball of wax for the foo.c->bar.c
- integration: it's made a copy of foo.c in bar.c, and it's recorded the
- fact that all revisions of foo.c have been integrated into bar.c.
- <p>
- But none of that matters, because no one is going to be doing any more
- integrations from foo.c into bar.c. From now on, users who sync to
- //depot/A will get bar.c, not foo.c. The don't care (and may not even
- know) that foo.c ever existed. If they do care, they can always use
- commands like "p4 filelog bar.c" and "p4 changes -i bar.c" to see the
- origin and evolution of bar.c.
- <p>
- Okay, so say later you want to propagate the latest batch of changes
- from //depot/A to //depot/B. You use the commands:
- <pre>
- p4 integrate //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- The <i>intent</i> of this <b>p4 integrate</b>
- command is correct, but because of the
- rename that occured in //depot/A, the <i>effect</i> may not be. The effect,
- of course, is that when Perforce concocts the list of files in the
- "//depot/A/..." pattern, it comes up with foo.c#15 and bar.c#1. When it
- checks foo.c's integration records, it finds that only revs #1 thru #14
- have been integrated into the file that matches it in the target
- pattern. So it does the action to integrate foo.c#15, which is to
- delete //depot/B/foo.c. Likewise, for //depot/A/bar.c#1, it finds there
- is no matching file in "//depot/B/..." pattern, so it adds it.
- <p>
- Whoa --- you've just propagated a rename from one branch to another!
- Was that what you wanted? No? Well, the integrate command was only
- doing what you told it to do. The command shown above is the "integrate
- everything including renames" command.
- <p>
- If you want to rename files in one branch, but not in another branch,
- and if you want to be able to propagate changes between files whose
- names are not the same, the key is to give <b>integrate</b> the correct file
- patterns to look at when it compares integration records.
- <p>
- When you're doing integrations across codelines whose filenames match
- exactly, it's easy to put the branch view right on the <b>integrate</b>
- command lines, as shown above. But once filenames no longer match, you
- can't tell <b>integrate</b> to use patterns that <i>do</i> expect them to match.
- Here's where stored branch specs are indispensible.
- <p>
- The command
- <pre>
- p4 integrate //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- </pre>
- is exactly the same as:
- <pre>
- p4 integrate -b AtoB
- </pre>
- where "AtoB" is a stored branch spec whose view is defined thus:
- <pre>
- View:
- //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- </pre>
- However, now that you've got filenames that don't match between those
- patterns, you need to modify the branch view to accomodate the mismatches:
- <pre>
- View:
- //depot/A/... //depot/B/...
- //depot/A/bar.c //depot/B/foo.c
- </pre>
- A stored branch view can have any number of mapping lines. Each line
- overrides any before it. So the spec above now defines how the matching
- will be done: all the files in //depot/A will be matched with files of
- the same name in //depot/B, <i>except</i> for //depot/A/foo.c, which will be
- matched with //depot/B/bar.c. Now, to propagate changes from
- //depot/A to //depot/B, while preserving the original filenames in
- //depot/B, you'd use:
- <pre>
- p4 integ -b AtoB
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- <p>
- As of Rel 99.1, branch specs can be used
- for diffing as well as integrating. So you could use:
- <pre>
- p4 diff2 -b AtoB
- </pre>
- and one of the outputs would be the diffs between //depot/A/bar.c and
- //depot/B/foo.c.
- <p>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <i>(February 1999)</i>
- <p>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br03">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <hr>
- <h6>This is file $Id: //guest/hari_krishna_dara/perforce/faq/br03.html#1 $ in the
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">
- Perforce Public Depot</a></h6>
- </body>
- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//public/perforce/faq/br03.html | |||||
#1 | 112 | Laura Wingerd |
Publish "Branching FAQ" (pull in changes from //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/... ) |
26 years ago | |
//guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/br03.html | |||||
#2 | 88 | Laura Wingerd | fix typo | 26 years ago | |
#1 | 83 | Laura Wingerd | The Branching Papers. | 26 years ago |