- <html>
- <head>
- <title>P4 Overview</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Copyright</h1>
- <pre>
- Copyright (C) 1997 Capella Computers Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- <A HREF="License.html">GNU General Public License</A> for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- </pre>
- <h1>Version</h1>
- This is version 0.1 of the wrappers, dated 7/97. It has just emerged from
- preliminary testing and is being used by the developers in
- Capella Computers Ltd. It is likely that numerous small problems will
- be detected and corrected during the next few months. When no change will
- be made to the system for a reasonable period of time (two months?), the
- first stable release (1.0) will be "formally" declared.
- <p>
- If you have any questions, discovered any bugs,
- would like the most up-to-date
- version, or have any other sort of feedback, contact
- the author,
- <A HREF="mailto:oren@capella.co.il"><EM>oren@capella.co.il</EM></A>.
- <h1>Introduction</h1>
- This document gives a brief overview of the <b>perl</b> <b>p4</b> wrappers.
- The purpose of these wrappers is to implement a particular development
- process on top of the generic <b>p4</b> services. This process is an
- adaptation of the process enforced by <b>aegis</b>. <b>Aegis</b> is a
- free software available on the net, and is much more robust and complete
- then this set of wrappers. If you develop on UNIX platforms and you can use
- NFS to link the developer's workstations, you should probably use <b>aegis</b>.
- <p>
- A deliberate design choice made when implementing these wrappers was
- not to attempt any form of co-existance with other practices. This allowed
- the wrappers to rely on a particular structuring of the depot, thereby
- allowing better protection schemes and higher-level baviour. As a result,
- the wrappers completely replace the built-in <b>p4</b> interface, with
- a few notable exceptions which will be listed below.
- <p>
- The wrappers are implemented in <b>perl</b> and as such are rather portable.
- However, they invoke a few external programs (such as <b>cp</b>, <b>rm</b>
- and <b>mkdir</b>). While the access to these programs is isolated, it is
- not exactly trivial to port the system to DOS, for example. However, you
- can obtain all the necessary programs (including a shell) as free software
- from GNU project or as commercial software (from MKS, for example).
- <h1>Basic Concepts</h1>
- The overview for <b>aegis</b> contains a good tutorial of the basic
- concepts. It is also recommended that you become familiar with the
- basic <b>p4</b> concepts before you read this overview.
- <ul>
- <li>
- The definitive sources of the system reside in <tt>//depot/baseline/...</tt>.
- <li>
- The baseline always "works". In practical terms
- it means that there is a perl script, <tt>verify.pl</tt>, in the top level
- directory of the baseline, and that running it is guaranteed to succeed.
- Note that this file is part of the baseline and can be changed like any
- other source file.
- <li>
- Development is done in terms of <i>jobs</i>. The best way to view a job
- is as a transaction on the sources database. Like a transaction, it must
- ensure that it brings the database to a consistent state (as defined by
- <tt>verify.pl</tt>). It is atomic - either it is applied in full or it
- is rejected completely. And like in any database, the transactions are
- serialized.
- <li>
- The integration of a job into the baseline creates a new system <i>version</i>.
- The result of serializing the jobs is to create a system history which is a
- linear sequence of such versions, where it seems <i>as if</i> each job
- begun with the version created by the previous job, made some changes,
- and created the next version.
- </ul>
- <h1>Job Life Cycle</h2>
- The trick is, of course, how to enable a team of programmers to work
- on several jobs at once and still maintain the above benefits.
- The best way to understand this process is to follow the life cycle of a job.
- <dl>
- <dt><b>new</b>
- <dd>
- This is a status of a newly created job. At this point, the job exists
- as a simple <b>p4</b> job.
- <ul>
- </ul>
- <dt><b>work</b>
- <dd>
- Only a single developer can work on a job (a developr may, of course, work
- on several jobs simultanously). For the developer to be able to work,
- a new branch is created and populated with the current baseline version.
- The new branch is named
- <tt>//depot/</tt><i>user</i><tt>/</tt><i>job</i><tt>-</tt><i>attempt</i><tt>/</tt>.
- <p>
- The <i>attempt</i>
- number is incremented whenever a developer undoes everything, returning
- the job to the <b>new</b> state. If the same developer starts development
- later on, <b>p4</b> demands we use a different branch and directory name,
- hence the count.
- <p>
- The developer's work is done inside a <b>p4</b> change.
- This change is submitted to
- <b>p4</b> when the job is submitted to review.
- <dt><b>review</b>
- <dd>
- When development is done, and the job is verified, it is moved to this state.
- At this stage, all files modified by the job are locked, so no two active jobs
- which are at this stage or onwards can touch the same file. This is necessary
- since such jobs will be sent to integration without further synchronization
- with the baseline.
- <p>
- Sadly, it is not possible to use the built-on <b>p4</b> file locking mechanism
- for this, since it only allows associating a lock with an active change which
- actually tries to modify the locked files. Instead, there's a dummy <b>p4</b>
- job which holds in its description the list of all locked files.
- <dt><b>fail</b>
- <dd>
- The system supports the notion of a code review. At the moment, anyone
- (even the developer itself) can change the review status of a job. <b>Aegis</b>
- does a much better job here (as in some other places) by limiting this to
- developers which are specially denoted as reviewers, and also optionally
- blocks a developer from reviewing himself.
- <p>
- At any rate, a review may fail the job. In this case, the developer is
- expected to resume working on it. Note that this means that a new change will
- be opened, and this change does not necessarily touch all the files which
- were touched by the previous one, which means the built-in <b>p4</b> reports
- for change file lists are not sufficient by themselves to describe what has
- been done in a particular job.
- <dt><b>pass</b>
- <dd>
- At this stage, the job comes to the attention of the integrator. In
- <b>aegis</b>, this can be any developer who has been assigned the task.
- In <b>p4</b>, you need to specify a special user (called <tt>integ</tt>)
- to handle the task. This means an extra <b>p4</b> license. However, Perforce
- were kind enough to give us (Capella Computers) an extra license so we
- could rotate the task between the developers.
- <p>
- At any rate, the integrator chooses between the jobs at this stage to
- decide which job to integrate next. This may have consequences on developers
- working on other changes, so the choice is not always easy.
- <dt><b>integ</b>
- <dd>
- Only one job can be at this stage at any given time. This is the job that
- is being integrated into the baseline. The integration consists of opening
- a new change, in which the development branch is merged into the baseline.
- Note that this is a simple merge - there are never any conflicts (due to
- the file locks mentioned before). In theory, it should be possible to merge
- more then one branch in the same change, though this is not currently
- implemented. Again, there is no danger of conflicts.
- <p>
- The resulting baseline version is re-verified (using <tt>verify.pl</tt>). This
- is necessary since the verification done by the developer was on his machine,
- and may have passed due to his special development environment or due to
- other external factors. The integration verification is the last line of
- defense - any problem that gets by it will go straight into the baseline.
- <p>
- Once it passes verification, the change is submitted, a new baseline version
- is created, the job file locks are released, and there's no going back.
- Of course, you can easily
- recreate a previous version of the baseline. But development from this point
- on would build on the version just created.
- <p>
- The baseline version created is given the label <tt>L</tt><i>version</i> which
- can be used to refer to this version in various commands (e.g., <tt>p4fp</tt>).
- Note that the version number is different from the job number, and is always
- increasing by one for each integration.
- <dt><b>clear</b>
- <dd>
- Since <b>aegis</b> assumes file-system access to all development hosts, it
- cleans up all the development directories when a job is integrated. One of
- the nice points about <b>p4</b> is that it works through any Tcp/Ip connection.
- This means that the developer needs to do something on his own host to clean
- things up - both the development branch and the development directory. Note
- that since there's no point in keeping history of the branch files, the
- branch files are truly obliterated.
- <dt><b>done</b>
- <dd>
- Once a job is cleared, there's nothing left to do. It is still possible
- to edit the job description, but any changes to the sources require opening
- a new job.
- </dl>
- <h1>Commands</h1>
- <h2>Copyright</h2>
- In order to follow the spirit of the GPL, the following command, useless
- as they may seem to developers, are provided:
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4notice</tt>
- <dd>This displays a short copyright notice, and refers to the copy of the
- GPL which is supposed to be distributed with the software.
- </dl>
- <h2>Environment</h2>
- There are a several environment variables which are used by
- the wrappers. With the exception of <tt>P4JOB</tt>, they are all mandatory.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>P4ROOT</tt>
- <dd>
- The root directory of the client's view.
- <dt><tt>P4PATH</tt>
- <dd>
- Where the wrappers are installed.
- <dt><tt>P4PORT</tt>
- <dd>
- The Tcp/Ip address (including the port) of the <b>p4</b> server.
- <dt><tt>P4CLIENT</tt>
- <dd>
- The identity of the current client.
- <dt><tt>P4USER</tt>
- <dd>
- The identity of the current user.
- <dt><tt>P4JOB</tt>
- <dd>
- The number of the default job (optional). Serves as the default job
- number for any command which takes such an argument.
- </dl>
- The environment can be manipulated by the following commands:
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <dt><tt>p4el</tt>
- <dd>
- List all relevant environment variables.
- <dt><tt>p4ej [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Print (if given no argument) or set the default job; a value of '<tt>-</tt>'
- means
- unsetting the variable altogether.
- <dt><tt>p4eu [</tt><i>user</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Print (if given no argument) or set the current user id. This command should
- not be used by most users.
- </dl>
- There are additional environment variables used, which are not <b>p4</b>
- specific.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>TEMP</tt>
- <dd>
- Where to create temporary directories. Mandatory.
- <dt><tt>EDITOR</tt>
- <dd>
- How to edit text files. Is only used by <tt>p4je</tt>, but you really want
- to set it anyway (is used by a lot of utilities).
- <dt><tt>DIFF</tt>
- <dd>
- How to diff text files. Used by <tt>p4rdiff</tt> and by some
- <b>p4</b> commands. The safe bet is to set it - after all, any system
- has a reasonable built-in <b>diff</b>, even if you need to get it of the net.
- <dt><tt>MERGE</tt>
- <dd>
- How to merge text files. You can do without it if you don't ask for a merged
- version during conflict resolution, which is a good idea anyway. Using the
- edit option is sufficient, really.
- </dl>
- <h2>Report</h2>
- The following are read-only operations which should be available for
- all users on all clients, unless stated otherwise.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4dh</tt>
- <dd>
- List all the changes in the depot, from recent to ancient. The output
- is the raw output of <b>p4</b>. Todo: format output as a report.
- <dt><tt>p4dv [</tt><i>release-specifier</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Print depot baseline directory. This requires you to have a copy of the
- baseline on the current client. Such a copy can be obtained
- by using <tt>p4fg</tt>. It takes as argument any valid <b>p4</b> release
- specifier, such as <tt>@L</tt><i>version-number</i>.
- <dt><tt>p4fh [</tt><i>file-pattern</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>
- Display file history (as a list of jobs). Todo: list the system version
- number as well as the job number. It takes as argument any file pattern
- recognized by <b>p4</b>. Typically you just give it the path name(s) of
- the files in the development or baseline directories, which <b>p4</b>
- translates automatically to its internal file name specification.
- <dt><tt>p4jd [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Get job details. It could probably be in a better format.
- <dt><tt>p4je [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Edit job data. This one is very dangerous. As long as you only
- change the description, you are safe; otherwise you can really shoot
- yourself in the foot. Todo: provide a safer way to edit just the
- description.
- <dt><tt>p4jf [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Get list of job file operations - that is, the files changed in this job,
- and the operation performed on each (<b>add</b>/<b>delete</b>/<b>edit</b>).
- If the job is in <b>work</b> mode, this will
- only work on the development machine. Otherwise, it will work anywhere
- (very important for reviewers).
- <dt><tt>p4jh [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- History of a job (a list of changes). Same problems as the depot
- history command.
- <dt><tt>p4jl [</tt><i>filter</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>
- List jobs. By default, shows all jobs, but accepts a multitude of filtering
- commands. These commands are applied in the order they are given. A '<tt>+</tt>' turns
- on a set of jobs, a '<tt>-</tt>' turns it off. If the first command
- is a '<tt>+</tt>', then
- it is assumed you start with the empty set; if it is a '<tt>-</tt>',
- it is assumed
- you start with the complete set. The '<tt>+/-Status</tt>'
- command turns on/off the
- listing of jobs of any status. '<tt>+/-New</tt>' controls listing of new jobs,
- and likewise for any other job status.
- <p>
- It is also possible to filter by user: '<tt>+/-u </tt><i>user</i>'
- will turn on/off the
- set of jobs for the specified user, where '<tt>User</tt>' means
- all users, and '<tt>Me</tt>'
- means the current user. You can mix filtering by status and by user; for
- example, <tt>p4jl -done -u me</tt> lists all the jobs which aren't done
- and are owned by the current user.
- <p>
- Any of the keyworks can be shortened to its first letter; the previous
- example can be written as <tt>p4jl -d -u m</tt>.
- <p>
- Just for fun, a set of shell functions for common cases is provided:
- <dl compact>
- <dt><tt>p4jln</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +n</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlw</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +w</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlr</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +r</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlf</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +f</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlp</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +p</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jli</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +i</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlc</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +c</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jld</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +d</tt>
- <dt><tt>p4jlu</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +u</tt>; requires an argument.
- <dt><tt>p4jlm</tt>
- <dd>Is equivalent to <tt>p4jl +u me</tt>
- </dl>
- <dt><tt>p4uh [</tt><i>user</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- History of a user (a list of changes). Same problems as the depot
- history command.
- <dt><tt>p4ul</tt>
- <dd>
- all users. Again, the unformatted output of the <b>p4</b> command.
- <dt><tt>p4vl</tt>
- <dd>
- List all versions of the depot, which job created them, who was the
- developr and so on.
- </dl>
- The following are file commands which are not commonly used. Unlike
- any other command, they take as first argument either <tt>baseline</tt>
- or a job number (which is <tt>P4JOB</tt> by default). They use this
- argument to construct the necessary prefix for the file pattern
- passed to <b>p4</b>. By default, this pattern is <tt>...</tt>.
- <p>
- When applied to files of a job, these commands work only for the developer
- on the development client if the job is in <b>work</b> state, and for
- anyone anywhere if the job is in <b>review</b>/<b>pass</b>/<b>fail</b> state.
- In the second case, the (default) pattern <tt>...</tt> is taken to mean
- all the files opened in this job, and not all the files. In order to get
- all the files, specify the <tt>....</tt> (add another '<tt>.</tt>').
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4fg [</tt><i>job</i><tt>|baseline] [</tt><i>file-pattern</i><tt>][</tt><i>release-specifier</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>Get depot file(s). For example, <tt>p4fg baseline @L7</tt> would
- bring version 7 of the whole depot to the current client.
- <p>
- If you got files you want to get rid of, the only way is to get them with
- a release specifier of '<tt>#none</tt>'. This removes the files from the
- client.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4fp [</tt><i>job</i><tt>|baseline] [</tt><i>file-pattern</i><tt>][</tt><i>release-specifier</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>Print depot file(s). For example, <tt>p4fp baseline verify.pl@L7</tt> would
- print the contents of <tt>verify.pl</tt> as it was in version 7 of the system.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4fr [</tt><i>job</i><tt>|baseline] [</tt><i>file-pattern</i><tt>][</tt><i>release-specifier</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>Refresh unopened file(s).
- For example, <tt>p4fr verify.pl</tt> would
- refresh <tt>verify.pl</tt> from the depot, in case it was deleted
- by mistake using <b>rm</b>, for example.
- </dl>
- <h2>New Jobs</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4jn </tt><i>title</i><tt> [</tt><i>issue</i><tt>] ...</tt>
- <dd>
- Create a new job. The first argument is the job's title (if it contains
- multiple words, put quotes around it so it will be a single argument), and
- a list of issue id (for recording relevant entries in an external
- issue-tracking system).
- <dt><tt>p4jnu [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Undo new job creation. This only works on <b>new</b> jobs, and onliterates
- them from the system. This is the only way to delete a job.
- </dl>
- <h2>Work Jobs</h2>
- With the exception of <tt>p4wb</tt>, all these commands will only work
- for the developer on the development client, for obvious reasons.
- <h3>Job Commands</h3>
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4wb [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Start working on a new job. Creates the branch, creates a development directory
- in the current client and populates it. Will work for any developer
- anywhere (except <b>integ</b>, which isn't really a developer). The
- current user and client become the development user and client for this job.
- <dt><tt>p4wbu [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Undo working on a job. Removes the branch and the development directory; all
- work is lost forever, unless previouly backed up.
- Increases the attempt counter by one.
- <dt><tt>p4we [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- End working on a job. It first verifies the job (as per <tt>p4wv</tt>), and
- then locks all relevant files and submits the job for review.
- <dt><tt>p4weu [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Undo end of working on a job. Which means you've just remembered something
- which will cause the reviewer to fail the job anyway, so you quickly withraw
- the submission and fix it, hoping nobody noticed :-) Or, you haven't
- remembered, and the job has been failed; you need to restart work to
- fix whatever is wrong.
- <dt><tt>p4ws [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Synchronize a development directory with updated baseline. This expects
- the developer to interact with <b>resolve</b> to handle potential
- conflict. The best way is to edit each file - <b>p4</b> is kind
- enough to insert very clear markers into the source files, which allow
- resolving the conflicts using any text editor.
- <dt><tt>p4wv [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Verify work on a job. Basically, a predictor whether <tt>p4we</tt> will
- work or not, but can also be used as an easy way to invoke <b>make</b>
- or whatever.
- </dl>
- <h3>File Commands</h3>
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4fd [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- Open a file for deletion. Informs <b>p4</b> that the specified file will
- not be included in the version created by this job. <em>Will remove
- the specified file</em>.
- <dt><tt>p4fdiff [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] [</tt><i>diff-flags</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- Diff edited file from baseline. This one also works for the integrator
- when the job is in <b>integ</b> mode, as it is useful for last-moment
- reviews. <b>P4</b> allows certain flags to be specified for <b>diff</b>
- in this command; see the description of the <b>diff</b> command.
- <dt><tt>p4fe [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- Open a file for editing. Informs <b>p4</b> that the specified file will
- be changed in the version created by this job. It will make the file
- writable (files are read-only by default).
- <dt><tt>p4fn [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- Open a new file for editing. Informs <b>p4</b> that the specified file
- will be added in the version created by this job. Does not actually create
- or modify the file.
- <dt><tt>p4fu [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- Undo operation on an opened file. Informs <b>p4</b> that whatever has been
- said about the file is not true, whatever the operation was. <b>p4</b>
- restores the file to its original state (which means refreshing it if it
- was deleted or edited). It will not delete files which were added.
- </dl>
- <h2>Review Job</h2>
- These commands can be run by any developer (except <b>integ</b>, which is
- not really a decveloper). It would have been nice to limit them just to
- developers designated as reviewers, and prevent a developer from reviewing
- himself, but as fooling the system is so easy (just set <tt>P4USER</tt>),
- what's the point?
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4rdiff [</tt><i>job</i><tt>] [</tt><i>diff-flags</i><tt>] </tt><i>file-name</i><tt>...</tt>
- <dd>
- View difference for a file for a job. <b>P4</b> is not kind enough to let
- us difference any two files in the depot (not that I know of, anyway), so
- you first have to get all the modified files from the development branch
- by using <tt>p4fg </tt><i>job</i>. The bonus is that you can use any
- <b>diff</b> program, and give it any flags you like.
- <dt><tt>p4rfail [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Fail a reviewed job; additional work should be done by the developer.
- In theory,
- there should be no "bugs" where (assuming that the <tt>verify.pl</tt>
- script runs a good set of regression tests). Even so, there are issues
- of style, design, performance, and so on.
- While failing their jobs won't make you popular with other developers,
- passing bad code won't make you popular with the integrator.
- <dt><tt>p4rpass [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Pass a review job (clearing it for integration). By this the reviewer is
- taking as much responsibility for the submitted code as the developer. This
- keeps the reviewers honest :-)
- </dl>
- <h2>Integration Job</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4ib [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Start integration of a job. This creates a local integration directory
- (ruining whatever copy of the baseline you had), and merges the changes
- from the development branch. Due to <b>p4</b> bug #350, this causes
- getting all the added branch files as well, so you'll have to get rid of
- them manually later. This bug is really a pain in the rear echelon.
- <dt><tt>p4ibu [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Undo begin integration of a job. Restores the local baseline copy
- to the latest version, removes the integration change, and so on.
- <dt><tt>p4ie [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- End integration of a job. This is the point of no return. It does a verify
- first, of course, as per <tt>p4iv</tt>, for what it is worth. If a bug made
- it this far, it can bask in the warm fuzzy certainty it will take a lot of
- time and effort to root it out...
- <dt><tt>p4iv [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Verify integration of a job. Basically, run <tt>verify.pl</tt> and hope
- it checks the right things.
- </dl>
- <h2>Clear Job</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4ic [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Clear integrated job directories. As you've noticed, the above process
- leaves a lot of junk after the job is integrated. All the reviewers and
- the integrator need to do <tt>p4fg </tt><i>job</i><tt> #none</tt>, for starters.
- Then the developer can destroy the whole works, obliterating the branch.
- </dl>
- <h2>Locks</h2>
- In principle, none of these commands should ever be used. The world
- being an imperfect place, it is very probable that sometimes scripts will
- crash leaving hanging locks and other inconsistencies.
- The following commands allow access to the lock operations, so it would
- be easy to recover from broken/hanging locks. Other inconsistencies
- require manual care using the raw <b>p4</b> interface.
- <dl>
- <dt><tt>p4ld</tt>
- <dd>
- Lock the whole depot. Note that this only stops operations which try
- to lock the whole depot; operations that only lock a single job will succeed.
- <dt><tt>p4ldu</tt>
- <dd>
- Unlock the whole depot.
- <dt><tt>p4lf</tt>
- <dd>
- List all locked files by all jobs.
- <dt><tt>p4lj [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Lock a single job. Note that this will succeed regardless of whether the
- whole depot is locked.
- <dt><tt>p4lju [</tt><i>job</i><tt>]</tt>
- <dd>
- Unlock a single job.
- <dt><tt>p4ll</tt>
- <dd>
- List all (job, depot) locks.
- </dl>
- <h1>Starting</h1>
- <h2>Set Up New Depot</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Start with a completely blank depot.
- <li>
- Initialize the relevant environment variables. The file <tt>lib/p4init</tt>
- contains a base you can start from. You should probably include this
- initialization in your shell's startup file (<tt>.profile</tt> or whatever).
- <li>
- Make sure you set the <tt>P4SHIFTER</tt> environment variable before invoking
- <tt>p4funcs</tt>. This will allow you to switch to being another user - in
- particular, the integrator (<b>integ</b>).
- <li>
- Use <tt>p4eu integ</tt> to become the integrator. You should probably
- move to the <tt>lib</tt> directory so invoking the <b>p4</b> client directly
- would be easy. It is intentionally not placed in the path.
- <li>
- Run <tt>p4 depot depot</tt> and create the depot (optional).
- <li>
- Run <tt>p4 user</tt> and create the user <b>integ</b>.
- <li>
- Run <tt>p4 protect</tt> and set up the protection scheme. It should look like:
- <pre>
- read integ <i>ip-mask</i> //depot/...
- write integ <i>ip-mask</i> //depot/baseline/...
- super integ <i>ip-mask</i> //depot/...
- read <i>user</i> <i>ip-mask</i> //depot/...
- write <i>user</i> <i>ip-mask</i> //depot/<i>user</i>/...
- ...
- </pre>
- <li>
- Run <tt>p4 client</tt> to create your client.
- The default view is fine. Make sure
- that the root agrees with the <tt>P4ROOT</tt> environment.
- <li>
- Create the first version of the <tt>verify.pl</tt> file:
- <ul compact>
- <li>
- <tt>mkdir -p $P4ROOT/baseline</tt>
- <li>
- <tt>$EDITOR $P4ROOT/baseline/verify.pl</tt>
- <br>
- Anything will do in there, as long as it
- doesn't call <tt>die</tt> or <tt>exit</tt>.
- <li>Add it using <tt>p4 add //depot/baseline/verify.pl</tt>.
- <li>Submit the first change using <tt>p4 submit</tt>.
- </ul>
- <li>Run <tt>p4eu </tt><i>your-name</i> to become yourself again.
- </ul>
- <h2>Add New Developer</h2>
- In order to add a new developer (and his client) to the system:
- <ul>
- <li>
- As <b>integ</b>, add the new user to
- the protection lists, using <tt>p4 protect</tt>.
- <li>
- As the new developer, copy the <tt>p4init</tt> file into the shell
- startup file, with the appropriate customizations. Apply it.
- <li>
- Call <tt>p4 user</tt> to create the user.
- <li>
- Call <tt>p4 client</tt> to create the client.
- </ul>
- <h1>Caveats</h1>
- This is the second try at getting the system right. The first was intended
- to be a much thinner set of wrappers on top of <b>p4</b>, with the goal
- to use as much of the built-in <b>p4</b> commands as possible. This turned
- out to be a huge headache, due to problems with almost anything - change lists,
- file locks, job status...
- <p>
- The result is that you have to do things through the wrappers exclusively.
- It is true that a few of them are just calls to built-in <b>p4</b>
- commands, but you've got to go through them in order to get the arguments
- right.
- <p>
- An exception to the above is setting things up. There's no automated way to
- set up the initial dept, create a new user, a new client, and so on. This
- is not too bad since such operations are rare.
- <p>
- A second problem is that these wrappers go only so far. There is some
- missing functionality, the output of commands is not consistent (some
- is the raw outpout from <b>p4</b>, some is formatted reports), and so on.
- <p>
- The implementation is not very fast, either. It is not that they are
- terribly slow, but compared to the lightning-quick response of the raw
- <b>p4</b> interface, they seem a drag. Most of the delays are due to
- the horribly inefficent way locks are implemented. If <b>p4</b>
- allows locking unopened files (or even better, nonexisting files),
- this could be speeded up by a huge factor.
- </body>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/aegis/Overview.html | |||||
#1 | 17 | Perforce maintenance | Added p4-Aegis wrappers, version 0.1 | 26 years ago |