- cvs2p4 2.3.4 January 7, 2003
- README revised October 26, 2004
- Release 2.3.1 of cvs2p4 introduced a radically different approach to
- importing CVS history into Perforce, in order to provide a much faster
- conversion process. cvs2p4 1.x releases put data into Perforce by
- "replaying" all of the CVS changes into a live Perforce server. This
- newer version works by directly generating Perforce metadata, and
- linking (or copying) the RCS archives from the CVS repository
- directory directly into the Perforce file archive.
- This small set of tools provides a means for importing a CVS module
- into Perforce.
- It was originally developed for use at Network Appliance, to convert
- our product source code revision history from CVS into Perforce.
- As such it sprouted some NetApp-specific features suited to our
- special needs, but I have made an attempt to make these unobtrusive to
- the general user.
- Basically, it is patterned at a high level after the PVCS to
- Perforce converter available on the Perforce web site, doing the
- following steps during a conversion:
- - Scans the CVS repository to generate a metadata file;
- - Scans the metadata file to identify groups of RCS revisions
- that comprise Perforce changes;
- - Imports the revisions/log history into a Perforce depot, by
- directly generating Perforce metadata in "journal" format.
- (driven by the output of the previous phase);
- - Finally, (and optionally), generates a map of RCS revisions and
- the Perforce changes they belong to.
- cvs2p4 tries make the resultant Perforce depot look as if the work in
- CVS had been going on in Perforce. In particular, it attempts to
- create changes corresponding to the whole creation of new branches a
- la
- p4 integrate //depot/branchA/... //depot/branchB/...
- This is in contrast to rcstoperf.sh, which scattered the "integrates"
- corresponding of the creation of files on new branches into many
- changes (basically, according to when the file was actually first
- changed in the new branch).
- cvs2p4 also allows you to import only selected branches, and/or to map
- some branch other than the the CVS trunk to become the new "main"
- branch in Perforce. See the notes in the template config file
- ("test/config") for more information on these features.
- As of version 1.3, cvs2p4 will also import CVS symbolic version tags.
- Note: A CVS tagged revision will make it into Perforce labels ONLY
- when the revision is in fact present in the converted depot, subject
- to the branches selected for import. (See the notes for the
- "WANTLINES" variable in the config file).
- *** Note: You should unpack the archive on the OS you intend to run
- the conversion under. I.e., do not expect to be able to unpack the
- archive on a Windows machine, and have it run properly on a *nix host.
- After unpacking the distribution archive, use the MANIFEST script to
- verify that you have all of the pieces. The output should go
- something like this:
- Artistic
- bin/genmetadata
- bin/genchanges
- bin/dochanges
- bin/dolabels
- bin/revmap
- lib/util.pl
- test/file,v
- test/dollar$file,v
- test/space file,v
- test/config
- test/runtest
- test/norm
- test/metadata.good
- test/lines.good
- test/changes.good
- test/p4_changes_-l.good
- test/p4_describe.good
- test/p4_filesat.good
- test/p4_labels.good
- All ok
- This stuff should work on any Unix host that supports:
- - Perl 5.x, with working dbm support (i.e., dbmopen()/dbmclose()
- work). The scripts assume that perl will be found via $PATH. It
- must be a perl5! Some people have reported problems that seem to
- be related to dbm limitations with some perls when converting very
- large repositories. I like implementations based on Berkeley-DB.
- - Perforce release 2002.1, 2002.2, or 2003.1
- Later Perforce releases may work, but since this script generates
- journal-format metadata directly, it may need to be changed in
- order to work correctly with other Perforce releases. Please see
- the "PERFORCE METADATA DEPENDENCIES" section (below) for further
- details.
- This converter will import a CVS module into Perforce, preserving the
- branching structure seen in the RCS ,v file in the CVS repository, and
- translating them into Perforce branches within the depot. As it
- stands, it will only import RCS branches up through the highest
- numbered revisions on branches that have branch tags referring to
- them; thus, it will not necessarily bring *every* revision in the CVS
- module into Perforce, but *will* bring in every revision leading up to
- the current revision for every branch it imports. I think this is what
- most people will want; if not, hack away.
- Like the "rcstoperf.sh" converter available on the Perforce web site,
- it applies heuristics to try and identify multiple changes in CVS that
- are highly likely to comprise what would be seen as a single change in
- Perforce, and makes them appear as a single Perforce change. (The
- heuristics are: checked in by the same user, proximal in time, and
- bearing an identical log message).
- It deals correctly with files that are dead on the CVS trunk (I.e.,
- where the RCS ,v files are in the "Attic/".
- The converter attempts to leave converted files in perforce with a
- sensible Perforce file type (See `p4 help filetypes` for a description
- of file tyeps in Perforce) after the conversion. However, due to
- limitations in RCS's notion of "file type" (the -k options,
- controlling keyword expansion), cvs2p4 must currently decide to import
- all "text" files as Perforce type "text" (text with no keyword
- expansion) or "ktext" (text with keyword expansion). This is
- controlled by the "$KTEXT" configuration option, which is on by
- default.
- Also note that binary files will be converted to Perforce type
- "binary+D"; the (unusual) "+D" is there because the converter works by
- using the existing RCS archive files directly; normally in perforce,
- filetype "binary" implies storage of complete revisions, rather than
- as RCS archives. Rest assured that "binary+D" is correct.
- The "UI" for the converter is not very slick, but for most people it's
- a one-time kind of tool anyway. Feel free to improve it if you are so
- inclined.
- Please understand that this tool is *not* presently officially
- supported by Perforce. It is supplied in hopes that somebody will find
- it useful (Or perhaps only entertaining :-).
- ==== TESTING
- I have included a *very* rudimentary automated test "suite", in the
- test/ directory. You can use this to verify that it seems to work in
- your environment.
- To run it:
- 1. Edit test/config, and change the lines
- # p4 command location (If other than "/usr/local/bin/p4")
- #
- $P4 = "/usr/local/bin/p4";
- # p4 command location (If other than "/usr/local/bin/p4d")
- #
- $P4D = "/usr/local/bin/p4d";
- # Perforce server we're using.
- #
- $P4PORT = "localhost:1680";
- to reflect the actual location of your "p4" and "p4d" commands,
- and the server port that you are using.
- *** Note: Previous versions of this tool allowed you to run the
- Perforce server on a different host than the one where the
- conversion tools were run. This is no longer the case; thus you
- should probably never change the "localhost" part of the P4PORT
- configuration setting, above.
- 2. Run the tests with
- test/runtest
- This should run all of the conversion scripts on the test CVS
- module (well, file - it's a one-file module!), and then verify a
- few things by querying the Perforce server after the conversion
- is complete.
- If everything goes well, the end of the output should be
- runtest: ok
- In this version, the converted CVS "module" consists of a very few files,
- but it does have a carefully constructed branching structure, intended
- to verify that the converter does the right stuff with respect to
- branching.
- ==== USAGE
- 1. Make a directory to hold all the working files for the conversion,
- and create a config file, starting with test/config as a template:
- $ mkdir convdir; cp test/config convdir
- Edit the convdir/config file to reflect your locale and
- intent. (See the comments in the config file).
- 2. Run bin/genmetadata:
- It takes a single argument - the name of the directory where the
- "config" file resides. (It will create all intermediate, temp, and
- working files under this directory.)
- $ bin/genmetadata convdir
- genmetadata: rm -rf convdir/logmsgs.dir convdir/logmsgs.pag ...
- .
- . (filenames of each file in the CVS module, as they are scanned)
- .
- ===== Lines referenced:
- chupa
- curly
- ha <- a list of branch tags encountered in the scan;
- larry also saved to convdir/lines.
- shemp
- xxx
- This reads cvsdir/config to get its marching orders, then scans the
- CVS module for all ,v and Attic/,v files, creating:
- convdir/metadata <- the extracted RCS/CVS metadata
- convdir/logmsgs.pag <- An ndbm database
- convdir/logmsgs.dir <- of the log messages
- convdir/lines <- A list of "codelines" (== branch tags)
- At this point, you may want to look at the list of branch tags
- encountered, (which was written to convdir/lines), edit the config
- file, setting WANTLINES to 1, and filling in the "<<LINES" here
- file with the names of the branches you want to import to Perforce;
- then, rerun bin/genmetadata to rescan and pick up only those
- revisions you care about.
- 4. Run bin/genchanges:
- Again, this takes a single argument - the name of the "conversion
- directory":
- rmg $ bin/genchanges convdir
- 16354 <- This counter spins as it's running.
- It will count up to the number of
- lines in the metadata file.
- This reads convdir/config and convdir/metadata, and writes
- convdir/changes.
- 5. Run bin/dochanges:
- You might want to save a copy of the output with "tee".
- The output will look something like:
- rmg $ bin/dochanges convdir 2>&1 | tee OUT
- dochanges> /bin/rm -f convdir/revmap.db ...
- dochanges> /bin/rm -f convdir/depotmap.db ...
- dochanges> /bin/rm -rf p4root && mkdir -p p4root
- dochanges> /bin/mkdir -p /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/...
- dochanges> /bin/ln -s /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/...
- ========== change group 1
- ========== change group 2
- ========== change group 3
- .
- .
- .
- ========== change group 17
- ========== change group 18
- dochanges> cd /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/...
- Recovering from dbmeta...
- dochanges> cd /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/...
- Dumping to checkpoint...
- Basically, that's it. When this command finishes, your CVS module
- has been imported to Perforce, in the Perforce server database
- identified by the $P4ROOT configuration variable. The state of the
- resultant database is saved in a checkpoint file named
- $P4ROOT/checkpoint.
- NOTE: cvs2p4 does not create new RCS-format archives (,v files)
- under $P4ROOT; rather, it uses the existing RCS archives in the CVS
- tree directly. By defasult, does this by making a symbolic link
- named $P4ROOT/depot/IMPORT pointing to the $CVS_MODULE tree. If
- you'd rather have dochanges copy in the CVS module for you, set
- COPYIMPORT in the config file.
- 6. If you want to import labels from CVS tags, run
- $ bin/dolabels convdir
- make label: testlabel
- dolabels> cd p4root && /usr/local/bin/p4d -jr dblbls
- /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/guest/richard_geiger/utils/cvs2p4_meta/p4root
- Recovering from dblbls...
- dolabels> cd p4root && rm -f checkpoint; /usr/local/bin/p4d -jd checkpoint
- /home/rmg/web/richard_geiger/guest/richard_geiger/utils/cvs2p4_meta/p4root
- Dumping to checkpoint...
- This step adds the symbolic tag information from the CVS archive
- (for "plain", non-branch tags) to the Perforce database identified
- by the $P4ROOT configuration variable. The state of the resultant
- database is saved in a checkpoint file named $P4ROOT/checkpoint.
- ** NOTE: This version of cvs2p4 does *not* create new RCS archives in
- ** $P4ROOT/depot/...; Rather, it creates a symbolic link
- ** "$P4ROOT/depot/IMPORT -> $CVS_MODULE"; i.e., the existing RCS
- ** archives form the CVS repository are used by the Perforce server,
- ** in place. If you'd rather have it make a _copy_ of the RCS archive
- ** files from your CVS repository, set "$COPYIMPORT = 1" in your
- ** config file.
- 7. If you want the RCS revision-to-Perforce change map, run:
- $ bin/revmap convdir
- Or, for the reverse mapping:
- $ bin/revmap -map rrevmap convdir
- At this time, the recommended procedure for doing "incremental"
- conversions - i.e., combining multiple CVS repositories, or doing
- subsets of the CVS modules in a repository one at a time - is to do
- each as a new conversion (starting with change 1), and then to combine
- them as desired using the "perfmerge2.pl" tool.
- This is also a useful pattern when you want to combine some new chunk
- of CVS (or RCS) repository into an existing Perforce depot.
- perfmerge2.pl can be obtained by sending email to support@perforce.com
- In order for this to work, you'll need to insure that there is no
- overlap in the namespaces of files, between your existing Perforce
- repository and the newly converted files. See the notes at the top of
- the perfmerg2.pl script.
- perfmerge2.pl can operate in different modes, with respect to the
- ordering of change numbers in the merged repositories. You can elect
- either
- - to have it renumber all of the merged changesets, so that the
- time-ordered property of all change numbers (both existing and
- newly-merged) is preserved; or,
- - to leave your existing changes remain numbered as they are, with
- the newly imported changed numbered from the next available change
- number, even though some of them may have taken place (in CVS)
- interleaved in time with your existing Perforce changes.
- Note that perfmerge2.pl only merges server metadata; you'll also need
- to manually copy the tree of RCS archive files from your newly
- converted $P4ROOT into your existing server's $P4ROOT.
- Since cvs2p4 works by directly generating Perforce metadata in the
- perforce checkpoint/journal format, it is dependent on "knowing" the
- right definitions for certain tables within the Perforce database.
- As of this writing, cvs2p4 writes metadata for the following Perforce
- tables, at the version number shown for each table:
- table name ver
- ------------ ---
- db.change 0
- db.desc 0
- db.rev 3
- db.revcx 0
- db.integed 0
- db.depot 0
- db.domain 2
- db.counters 0
- p4d version 2002.2 writes version 3 of the db.domain table, but can
- correctly read version 2.
- The tests provided with this package are known to work correctly using
- Perforce 2002.1, 2002.2, 2003.1, and 2004.2.
- == What:
- When converting CVS tags into Perforce labels, users are often
- surprised to observe that, in addition to the files in the
- expected branch, many files in _other_ branches are also labeled.
- == Why:
- This is a side effect of a difference in the way CVS and Perforce
- handle branching, in combination with the way CVS tags work.
- The essential problem is as follows... When a file which has been
- branched, but not yet changed in the child branch, there is no way,
- based only on information in the CVS archive, to determine _which_
- branch(es) a label was intended to apply to. This is due to the fact
- that, in CVS, creating a new branch does not actually create a new
- branch revision within the RCS archive; it merely marks the branch
- point with a symbolic name. This is not a problem for CVS, since the
- act of checking out a CVS tree using a CVS tag will always retrieve a
- single CVS revision for every file bearing the tag. In Perforce,
- however, Perforce's "lazy copy" mechanism creates (if only virtually!)
- a distinct #1 revision in the child branch at branching time. Thus,
- for a given file, the #1 revisions for multiple Perforce branches may
- share the same parent branch and revision. In such cases, there's no
- way for the "dolabels" command to know specifically _which_ child
- branch a given CVS tag was meant to apply to.
- Therefore, dolabels includes the #1 revisions in all of the child
- branches that share the common branch point in CVS.
- == What to do:
- In order to set up a Perforce client for the "correct" branch
- corresponding to a particular CVS tag (now Perforce label), the user
- must, in effect, tell Perforce what branch the label if really
- supposed to be used with. This can be done by either
- 1 - Restricting the view map in the client workspace to files with
- the "correct" branch for the label used, e.g.,
- View:
- //depot/prod/rel1_0/... //client/...
- and
- % p4 sync ...@label
- - OR -
- 2 - Selectively syncing only the "correct" client branch by
- providing the branch in in the sync filespec, e.g.,
- View:
- //depot/prod/... //client/...
- and
- % pr sync //depot/prod/rel1_0/...@label
- Another approach is for the user to remove the label from all branches
- except for the "correct" one(s).
- == Future
- In the future, it could be possible, using heuristics that consider
- global information (as opposed converting each file based solely on information
- from the corresponding CVS (RCS) file archive, to have dolabels
- automatically determine the correct branch for each label, and ONLY
- include files from that branch in a label. That's (potentially) in the
- future, though!
- Until now (October 7, 2003), I have made all changes to the package.
- But this may change in the future, if/when the project gets additional
- curators. So, I think it a good idea to document the steps used to
- package and publish a new release:
- 1. In a //guest workspace, make your modifications to files in the
- package. Before submitting:
- 2. Edit the NEWS file to document the change(s). (Please follow the
- established format. Of course.)
- 3. Do the submit.
- 4. Update the checksums in the MANIFEST file:
- $ p4 edit MANIFEST
- <if your mods add files, edit MANIFEST to reflect this>
- $ MANIFEST -gen
- 5. As root, Generate the release tarball:
- # MANIFEST -tar <vers>
- (This creates cvs2p4-<vers>.tar)
- 6. And add it to the default changelist:
- $ p4 add cvs2p4-<vers>
- 7. Finally, update the "cvs2p4-latest" symbolic link:
- $ p4 edit cvs2p4-latest.tar
- $ rm cvs2p4-latest.tar
- $ ln -s cvs2p4-<vers>.tar cvs2p4-latest.tar
- 8. And then submit. In this scenario, the change will include
- the following files:
- cvs2p4-<vers>.tar (added)
- cvs2p4-latest.tar
- To complete the act of "publishing" the new release, you must have
- Perforce write access to //public/perforce/utils/cvs2p4/...
- "Publishing" the new release a simple a matter of integrating your
- change(s) into the //public/..., and submitting.
- ==== SUPPORT
- I originally wrote and contributed this tool while working for Network
- Appliance in 1997.
- I worked as a Perforce employee from August 2002 through December
- 2003.
- I presently work at Data Domain, Inc., where I will continue to try
- and offer help to those who encounter problems using these tools, but
- cannot guarantee any level of support.
- - Richard Geiger rmg@datadomain.com
- (revised October 7, 2003, release 2.3.7)
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/cvs2p4/README | |||||
#16 | 4735 | Richard Geiger | This is release 2.5, which handles those four extra special characters Perforce 2004.2 ki...nd-of allows :-) « |
20 years ago | |
#15 | 4247 | lorna | Correction to comment on how to obtain perfmerge2.pl Folks need to email suppo...rt in order to get it, it has been removed from the FTP site. « | 21 years ago | |
#14 | 3711 | Richard Geiger | release 2.3.7 | 21 years ago | |
#13 | 3600 | Richard Geiger | publish 2.3.5. | 22 years ago | |
#12 | 2449 | rmg | Public 2.3.4 | 22 years ago | |
#11 | 1989 | Richard Geiger | Public 2.3.1 | 23 years ago | |
#10 | 1971 | rmg | Publish 2.2 | 23 years ago | |
#9 | 1786 | rmg | Publish 2.0 | 23 years ago | |
#8 | 1410 | rmg | Publish 1.3.2 | 23 years ago | |
#7 | 1187 | Richard Geiger |
1.3. Mainly, support for labels! |
23 years ago | |
#6 | 1033 | Richard Geiger | publish 1.2.17 | 23 years ago | |
#5 | 796 | Richard Geiger | Release 1.2.16 update | 24 years ago | |
#4 | 333 | Richard Geiger | Publish 1.2.8 (Not usre why test/file,v was included in this integration; am guessing it... was a missed integrations left over from 1.2.7, perhaps) « |
25 years ago | |
#3 | 256 | james | push cvs2p4 1.2.6 to public area | 25 years ago | |
#2 | 230 | Laura Wingerd | Pull cvs2p4 into //public so latest version (1.2.4) gets synced onto the Perforce FTP are...a. « |
26 years ago | |
#1 | 152 | Laura Wingerd | cvs2p4 goes public. | 26 years ago | |
//guest/richard_geiger/utils/cvs2p4/README | |||||
#1 | 130 | Richard Geiger | CVS-to-Perforce converter. This is release 1.2.2 (first submit to the Perforce Public Dep...ot) « |
26 years ago |