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- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="fredric@mydata.se">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Information on how to install andmaintain P4DB">
- <TITLE>Developers README file for P4DB</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <H1>
- A developers README for P4DB</H1></CENTER>
- <H2>
- Introduction</H2>
- <H3>
- Abstract</H3>
- This is a README for P4DB, a CGI based p4 depot browser written by Fredric
- Fredricson (<A HREF="mailto:fredric@mydata.se">fredric@mydata.se</A>)
- (One part is written by Bob Sidebotham, no email available).
- The README is intended for administrators and others that want to install,
- maintain, and possibly contribute to, this sw package. You can read it
- anyway if You like but You will probably do quite well without.
- <H3>
- More introduction</H3>
- P4DB (P4 Depot Browser) was created to present information about the contents
- in the p4 depot in a nice way. Some CGI's also combine output from two
- or more p4 commands. The driving force behind the development has been
- my needs as a manager for a software team and the needs for our project
- leaders.
- <P>The browser was developed for and runs on a Linux/Apache system and
- has been tested mainly with Netscape 4 although some of our users use MS
- Explorer and no problems has been reported.
- <H3>
- History</H3>
- The application was developed from a depot browser, perfbrowse.perl, made
- available by <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce</A> at <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#browse">http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#browse</A>
- <P>Perfbrowse.perl is written in perl and the author is unknown to
- me. Some code from perlbrowse.perl remains in P4DB but most parts are completely
- changed. The parts left untouched are the ones that were so good that I
- did not understand them.
- <P>The idea is also stolen so I can't claim that one.
- <P>To view file a script by Bob Sidebotham called
- <A HREF="p4pr.perl"><tt>p4pr.perl</tt></A> is used. This script is also made
- available by Perforce at
- <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#util">http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#util</A> (only I made some minor changes and one bug fix).
- <P>The reason I started to do this was that I liked perfbrowse.perl
- very much but wanted just a little more functionality. I started to add
- functionality and it quickly got out of hand. Soon I had a huuuge perl
- script that I could no longer maintain. Once I realized that I can write
- a perl script that is about 2-4 times the size of the script that I can
- maintain I decided to rewrite it all from the start as a set of small,
- maintainable, perl scripts. I leave to others to judge if I succeeded in
- my mission.
- <BR><I>(Maybe I should mention that it took much more time than I anticipated).</I>
- <H2>
- Installation</H2>
- <H3>
- First: Where to install</H3>
- Other than the obvious, that is somewhere in a http servers CGI path, I
- recommend You to set up a http server on Your p4 server and run P4DB
- on the server. The main reasons are that it improves response time and
- reduces load on network.
- <P>
- One argument against this may be that You want to keep Your server clear
- from other apps that might create problems. Personally I don't think this
- is a very good one but this is up to You.
- <H3>
- How to install</H3>
- You obviously got to this README. Together with README.html file You got
- a file "install.pl".
- <BR>Type "<TT>perl install.pl</TT>" To install all scripts. This is the
- theory, at least. I have not tested it on many systems
- <P>Install will first find out if You have CGI.pm installed and if not
- a copy will be unpacked. Second it will find out the path to perl, unpack
- all cgi scripts and modify the first line to contain the local path to
- perl.
- <P>For more details, see the comments inside the <A HREF="install.pl">install.pl</A>
- scripts.
- <H3>
- How to configure</H3>
- You will need to configure the scripts. The basic configuration file is
- called <TT>config</TT>. To create a configuration file copy the file <TT><A HREF="config.org">config.org</A></TT>
- to <TT>config</TT> and modify it.
- <BR>The configuration file is a perl script but very little knowledge of
- perl should be required to configure it.
- <P>To make some handy shortcuts available for the users there is a file
- called <TT>CODELINES</TT>. See the sample file <TT><A HREF="CODELINES.sample">CODELINES.sample</A></TT>.
- <H4>Before You start</H4>
- To make sure everything works smoothly You will probably need to manually
- run the <A HREF="dtb_update.pl ">dtb_update.pl </A>perl script once. This
- script creates some data files used to accelerate the "Browse Depot Tree"
- function.
- <H2>
- Warranty</H2>
- If You get any problems because of these scripts I promise to feel sorry
- for You. Other than that you are on Your own.
- <H2>
- Known Bugs</H2>
- <LI>
- Deleted files can't be viewed</LI>
- <LI>
- A serious case of feature-bloat</LI>
- <LI>
- Should probably be written in Java or some other language</LI>
- <LI>
- Sometimes slow.....</LI>
- <H2>
- Would You like to contribute?</H2>
- If You would like to contribute changes/improvements/new functions feel
- free to do so and mail them to me and I will add them to the next "release"
- (flames and flattery are also welcome).
- <P><B>Disclaimer</B>: I may grow tired of this project or change job or
- die or something in which case my promise above probably expires.
- <H3>
- What would be a contribution?</H3>
- I will be glad for any kind of contributions ranging from corrections of
- my bad English to new interesting functionality. Nice letters are also
- welcome.
- <H2>
- Design documentation</H2>
- The most important documentation is in the P4CGI.pm module. This modules
- is used by all scripts and contains a set of common functions that are
- a) useful or b) defines some common "look and feel" or c) both.
- <P>The P4CGI.pm module is documented using perlpod (see perlpod man page).
- To get a HTML page containing documentation type:
- <BR><TT>pod2html P4CGI.pm ><A HREF="P4CGI.html">P4CGI.html</A></TT>
- (There is one distributed with P4DB, for convenience)
- <P>For other files: more often than not the code is commented.
- <P>There are five different files 'types' in the design:
- <DT>
- P4CGI.pm</DT>
- <DD>
- - A perl module containing functions that I
- find useful and all other scripts use</DD>
- <DT>
- *.cgi</DT>
- <DD>
- - A set of cgi scripts that are used as ...eh.. cgi-scripts.</DD>
- <DT>
- *.pl</DT>
- <DD>
- - Perl scripts that usually updates temporary data files. These scripts
- does not generate HTML output. (so far there is only one such script)</DD>
- <DT>
- /tmp/...</DT>
- <DD>
- - A set of temporary files that contain preformatted data to make access
- times acceptable.</DD>
- <DT>
- p4pr.perl
- <DD>
- - The script by Bob Sidebotham I mentioner earlier
- </DL>
- NOTE! The P4CGI.pm module "knows" if it is used in a cgi script or a regular
- perl script by checking for .cgi extension.
- <P>The code also uses the CGI.pm perl module. This module should be part
- of the "standard distribution" of perl (if there is such a thing). On my
- target system it was not available so I included a copy with the rest of
- the script.
- <P>As a part of my personal religion the -w flag is always turned on and
- 'use strict' flag is also set. I have never had any reason to regret this
- particular peculiarity of mine.
- <P>Performance has not been a great issue. I assume that these cgi's will
- not have thousands of hits each day and the design has focused on ease
- of development rather than speed.
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/p4db/P4DB_0/README.html | |||||
#1 | 1885 | rmg | For posterity: Make the old version appear in a "P4DB_0" subdirectory. (I'd have called i...t 0.99, but I'm not sure it really *is* 0.99!) « |
23 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/p4db/README.html | |||||
#1 | 11 | Perforce maintenance | Add Fredric Fredricson's depot browser, P4DB. | 26 years ago |