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- <hr SIZE=8 NOSHADE WIDTH="99%" align=center>
- <h1 align=center>
- P4DB Help File
- </h1>
- <p align=center>
- <b><tt><blink><font color="#FF0000" size=+3>Under construction</font></blink></tt></b>
- </p>
- <h2>Introduction</h2>
- <P class=Norm>
- This page is a brief user manual for P4DB.
- <P class=Norm>
- The reader is assumed to have working knowledge of Perforce P4 and web
- browsers.
- </p>
- <h3>What is P4DB?</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB is a http depot browser for <a href="http://www.Perforce.com">Perforce
- p4</a>. The depot browser is implemented as a set of CGIs that present
- information about the status of the p4 depot using HTML.
- </P>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The purpose of P4DB is to provide a convenient way to browse the p4
- depot for p4 administrators, project managers, developers, testers etc.
- that need information about changes in the depot.
- <br>
- Some typical uses for P4DB are:
- <ul Class=Norm>
- <li>View diff between file revisions</li>
- <li>Find out when a line in a file was changed</li>
- <li>View labels</li>
- <li>List changes between labels or for a specific set of
- files</li>
- <li>Stay abreast with the development</li>
- </ul>
- </P>
- <P Class=Note>
- P4DB can only present information in the depot and have
- no access to the files in the users file space.
- </P>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB use the standard p4 commands to retrieve information from the depot.
- P4DB does not add any other information but will often combine output
- from more than one command to get the information.
- </P>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB produces almost only plain html. No javascript, very little CSS
- (Cascades Style Sheets), one gif. P4DB use one http cookie to store user
- preferences.
- </P>
- <h3>P4DB Support and Supported Platforms</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB is developed using Netscape Communicator 4.7 browser and
- Apache http server. Both browser and server run on a Linux system.
- <br>I perform some basic testing with Explorer but that's it.
- <P Class=Norm>
- There are no supported platforms basically because there is no support.
- P4DB is open source software and I expect the brave p4 administrator that
- installs P4DB to provide support for end users. I will of course answer
- questions if I can and is more than willing to listen to suggestions or
- constructive criticism but please forward all this through your administrator.
- </P>
- <h3>How Do I.....? (a.k.a. FAQ)</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Here is examples on how to use P4DB to answer some questions
- about files in the depot. The list is by no means complete but should give
- some idea of what P4DB can be used for.
- <h4>Is there any help available?</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Sure! You are looking at it, only it's not finished yet. This help page
- can be reached in two ways:
- <ol>
- <li>Click on the help link at the top right corner of each page.</li>
- <br>This will usually bring you to the part in the help file that describes
- this current page.
- <li>In some places in there are help links (currently a question mark but this
- may change into something more obvious).
- <br>These links brings you directly to the paragraph in the help file that
- describes the adjacent feature or selection.
- </ol>
- <h4>
- How do I view the latest changes in the depot?</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Easy! But there are several ways:
- <ul>
- <li>
- By far the easiest is to click on "Submitted Changes" in the main
- page. This will show the submitted changes in reverse chronological
- order, that is the latest on top.
- <li>
- If you are <FONT Class=Note>not interested in the whole depot</FONT> you
- could select "Browse
- Depot Tree" on the main page. Using the browser you can move down the
- depot tree and select "View changes".
- <li>
- If you are interested in a <FONT Class=Note>special file or set of
- files</FONT> you could
- enter a file spec (in p4 depot notation) in the "List Changes For
- File spec" field in the main page. If you, for example, enter
- <tt>//.../main/.../*.doc</tt> you will see the changes for all files
- with extension "<tt>.doc</tt>" below a directory named "<tt>main</tt>"
- <br>You can change file spec to anything and even use some wildcards. P4DB
- accepts the perforce style wildcards ("<tt>...</tt>" for a series of any
- characters and "<tt>*</tt>" for any character except "<tt>/</tt>").
- <DIV Class=Hint>
- <b>Hint: </b>P4DB lets you specify more than one file spec here. For
- example "<tt>//...*.c + //...*.h</tt>" will show changes in and *.c and
- *.h files. Multiple file specifications are separated with "<optional
- whitespace> + <optional whitespace>".</DIV><br>
- <li>
- Sometimes you may be interested in changes made by a
- <FONT Class=Note>specific user or group of users</FONT>. Select
- "Changes by User or Group" on the main page. You will get a page with
- a list of users and a list of user groups (if any). Select the desired
- users and groups and click on OK.
- <DIV Class=Hint>
- In windows Ctrl-Mouseclick will let you make an arbitrary selection in
- the list.</DIV><br>
- <li>
- A special case is when you are looking for changes with a specific
- <FONT class=note>keyword in the description</font>. If you select
- "Search Changes by Descriptions" on the main page you will get a page
- where you can specify a file spec and a pattern to search for.
- <li>
- There may be a "shortcut" (see below) that views the changes for the
- whole depot or the part of the depot you are interested in.</li>
- </ul>
- <P Class=Norm>
- And there are more ways. If you browse around in P4DB you will see
- that for virtually all items, like labels or branches, that refer to
- the depot you can select "View changes".
- <h4>
- "Shortcuts", what's that?</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- You administrator may create one or mote of shortcut files where each
- file contains a set of shortcuts that are presented as links on the main
- page. See the "Set Preferences" page to select a shortcut file, if there
- are any shortcut files defined.</P>
- <h4>
- How to I view history for a file</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- There are many ways here too.
- <UL>
- <li>On the <font class=note>main page</font> you can <font
- class=note>search for the file</font>. Enter the file name in the
- "Search for file" field and press OK. You will now get a list of files
- that matches your search. Click on the desired file to view the file
- log for the file.
- <li>You can <font class=note>browse the depot</font> with the "Browse
- Deport" link on the main page. When the desired directory is found
- just click on the file name.
- </UL>
- <P Class=Norm>
- In general, in all pages that show a file name a click on the file
- name will show the file log.
- <br>
- <br>
- <center><hr SIZE=8 NOSHADE WIDTH="90%"></center>
- <h1 align=center>HELP FOR PAGES</h1>
- <h2>Common to all pages</h2>
- <h3>Page header</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- To the left in the header the P4DB version information and the current
- change level in the depot.
- <br>
- At the top center of each page is a title that describes the content
- of the page.
- <br>
- To the top left of the page there is a link to the paragraph in this
- document that describes the current page.
- <br>
- Below the current level and page title there is a field that contains
- some more information about the page and sometimes links that links to
- information related to the page or change the information displayed on
- the page.
- <br>
- Below the help link there is a link to the main page, except on the
- main page where this place is empty.
- <h3>Page Footer</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- To the bottom left the current p4 port and host is displayed.
- <br>
- To the right there is one or more mail-to-links to the administrator(s)
- and to the far right is a link to the page top.
- <h2><a NAME="index"></a><a href="index.cgi">Main
- page (or index page)</a></h2>
- <P class=norm>
- This is the start page for P4DB. The start page contains four
- sections:
- <h4>
- Links to browser pages</h4>
- <P class=norm>
- A set of links to pages that lets you browse the depot, view pending changes,
- view branches or labels etc.
- <br>For detailed information click on the link and select help in the page
- header.
- <h4>
- (Optional) Shortcuts</h4>
- <P class=norm>
- This section will only exist if the P4DB administrator have created shortcut
- file and you have selected one in "Set Preferences".
- <br>The section contains a set of shortcut links to various pages.
- <h4>
- Advanced searches</h4>
- <P class=norm>
- This section contains a set of advanced searches with text fields for user
- input.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="index_listCh"></a>List changes for file spec</h4>
- <P class=norm>
- View changes for the file spec.
- <br>The file spec may contain wildcards (p4 style).
- <br>Two or more file specifications may be specified if they are separated
- by a "<tt>+</tt>"-sign.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="index_fileSrch"></a>Search for file</h4>
- <P class=Norm>
- View all files in the depot matching a file specification. The file specification
- will typically contain wildcards (p4 style).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="index_viewCh"></a>View change</h4>
- <P class=Norm>
- View a change specified by change number.
- <h4>
- Miscellaneous</h4>
- <P class=Norm>
- This section contains three links.
- <ol>
- <li>
- A link to a documentation page targeting the system administrators.</li>
- <li>
- A link to the "Set Preferences" page</li>
- <li>
- A link to "The Great Submit Race".</li>
- </ol>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="SetPreferences"></a><a href="SetPreferences.cgi">Set Preferences</a></h2>
- <P class=norm>
- P4DB allows the user to set some preferences. Some of the choices
- are defined in the configuration file by the P4DB administrator.
- <P Class=Norm>
- The preferences are:
- <P Class=Norm>
- <TABLE Class=Norm BORDER>
- <tr class=Norm NOSAVE>
- <th class=Norm NOSAVE>P4 Depot</th>
- <td class=Norm NOSAVE>Select depot from a set of depots defined in the configuration
- file by the P4DB administrator. A typical installation will probably only
- have one single depot to choose.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Shortcut file to use</th>
- <td NOSAVE>The P4DB administrator can define a set of shortcut files that
- provides handy shortcuts for the user.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Shortcuts on top of main page</th>
- <td>If a shortcut file is selected the shortcuts can be displayed on top
- of page or not.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Ignore case (like NT)</th>
- <td>Set to "yes" if you work in a Windows environment.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Max changes to show</th>
- <td>When changes are listed it is convenient to limit the number of changes
- per page or the page might take very long to load. I have found 100 to
- be a reasonable number in a fast LAN and probably about 20 or so if you
- work over modem.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Default tab stop</th>
- <td>Default tab stop for your source code. If not set correctly the indentation
- will look funny when you view your source code.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>View files with colors</th>
- <td>The file viewer in P4DB can colorize HTML, perl and C code. Set this to Yes to turn
- this function on. Set to off (No) if you want to use a color scheme with dark background.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Underline links</th>
- <td>Some people want their links underlined some don't.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Color scheme</th>
- <td>Select a color scheme to use. There are a few predefined to choose from.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Enable experimental java depot tree browser</th>
- <td>Once I wrote this small java applet to get a GUI to go with P4DB. Does
- not work in all installations but neat to have when it does.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th NOSAVE>Print log information</th>
- <td>Print a log at the bottom of each page. Really only useful for debugging.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="depotTreeBrowser"></a>
- <a href="depotTreeBrowser.cgi">Depot Tree Browser</a></h2>
- <P class=norm>
- Used to browse the file tree in the depot.
- <br>The Depot Tree Browser presents data in three sections.
- <ol>
- <li>
- The top section shows the current directory in the depot.</li>
- <br>Click on a directory in the path to ascend to it.
- <li>
- The middle section shows the currently available subdirs.</li>
- <br>Click on a subdir to descend to it.
- <li>
- The bottom section shows the files in the current directory. Deleted files
- are marked with a strike through style.
- <br>The file name links to the file log for the file. The version number
- links to the file viewer for latest version.
- </ol></li>
- <P Class=Norm>
- In the top of the page there is a link to view changes below current
- directory and a link to toggle show/hide deleted files.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="userList"></a><a href="userList.cgi">P4 Users (and Groups)</a></h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Lists all users and user groups.
- <P Class=Norm>For each user the p4-user-name. name as specified in user description,
- email address and last access time is displayed. If the user has not been
- accessed for more than 10 weeks a message about this is printed.
- <P Class=Norm>Click on p4 user name to get details about user.
- <br>Click on e-mail address to send email to user.
- <P Class=Norm>If any groups are defined they are listed below the users. Click on
- group name to see details about group.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="changeList"></a><a href="changeList.cgi?FSPC=//...">Change List</a></h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- This page lists changes with different selection criteria.
- The selection criteria is displayed in the header.
- <br>Since the list may be very long it is limited to a specific number
- of changes (see <a href="#SetPreferences">Set Preferences</a>). If there
- are more changes there is a "More..." link at the bottom of the page.
- <ul>
- <li>
- Each change is presented as a change number, date, user and client followed
- by the description.</li>
- <li>
- The change number is a link to view details about the change. There is
- a switch in the preferences (see <a href="#SetPreferences">Set Preferences</a>)
- that makes the change show up in separate window.</li>
- <li>
- The user and client links to user and client views.</li>
- <li>
- If change number are mentioned in the description they are converted to
- a link to that specific change, e.g. "change 123" is converted to "<a href="changeView.cgi?CH=123">change
- 123</a>". <br>P4DB parses the description and tries to find references to
- other changes to convert to links. The algorithm assumes english and
- can sometimes mistake other numbers in the description for references
- to changes.</li>
- </ul>
- <P Class=Norm>
- At the top of the page is a link that automatically lists the change descriptions
- for change the numbers referred to in the change description (try it and
- you will understand what I mean).
- <h2>
- <a NAME="searchPattern"></a><a href="searchPattern.cgi">Search Descriptions</a></h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Search changes for text pattern in description.
- <P Class=Norm>
- The pattern fields contains a pattern that is searched for in the change
- descriptions.
- <P Class=Norm>
- The search is not case sensitive and the following wildcard characters
- are accepted:
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <white space></dt>
- <dd>
- Matches one or more whitespace characters or newlines</dd>
- <dt>
- *</dt>
- <dd>
- Matches zero or more characters</dd>
- <dt>
- ?</dt>
- <dd>
- Matches exactly one character</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="DepotStats"></a><a href="depotStats.cgi">Depot Statistics</a></h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Shows some statistics from the depot or part of the depot.
- <ul>
- <li>
- The first part shows general statistics from the depot such as counters
- and number of users, clients etc.</li>
- <li>
- The second part shows submit and files statistics for the selected part
- of the depot</li>
- <li>
- The third part shows weekly submit rate for the selected part of the depot.
- Weeks are here defined as Sunday to Saturday.</li>
- <li>
- The fourth parts shows number of submits per user sorted by number of submits</li>
- </ul>
- <P Class=Norm>
- I can't honestly say what all this is good for other than satisfying your
- curiosity.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="P4Race"></a><a href="p4race.cgi">The Great Submit Race</a></h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- This is the great submit race. The Submit Race reads the last
- 499 submits and ranks the users after the number of submits.<br>
- There is also some assessment of the "speed" based on the average position
- of the users submits in the list.
- <br>The last user among the 499 changes gets her submit number in red.
- This means that this number will be decremented the next time somebody submits
- a change.
- <br>The user that made the most recent submit gets a green background to
- her submit number.
- <P Class=Norm>To be able to enjoy the race there is a link that replays the last 30
- submits.
- <P Class=Norm>Please don't take the Submit Race to seriously.....
- <br>
- <br>
- <center><hr SIZE=8 NOSHADE WIDTH="99%"></center>
- </body>
- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/p4db/P4DB_2.01/P4DB_Help.html | |||||
#1 | 1884 | rmg | Update to the current (2.01) P4DB. | 23 years ago |