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- <meta name="Description" content="Information on how to install and maintain P4DB">
- <title>Developers README file for P4DB</title>
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- <!-- *************************************************************************** -->
- <h1>Administrators README for P4DB Version 2.01</h1>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2>Introduction</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- This is a README for P4DB, a CGI based p4 depot browser written by
- Fredric Fredricson (<a href="mailto:fredric@mydata.se">fredric@mydata.se</a>)
- (One part is written by Bob Sidebotham, no email available). The README
- is intended for administrators and others that want to install, maintain,
- and possibly contribute to, P4DB.
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2>Table Of Contents</h2>
- <P Class=TOC>
- <ul class=TOC>
- <li>
- <a href="#About">About</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Software">Software Requirements</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Supported_platforms">Platforms and Compatibility</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Installation">Installation and Configuration</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Known">Known Bugs</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Diffs">What's New</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Licensing">Licensing</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Warranty">Warranty</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Contrib">Would You Like To Contribute?</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Doc">Design Documentation</a>
- <li>
- <a href="#Credits">Credits</a>
- </ul>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="About"></a>About</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB is designed to provide a
- user friendly and intuitive interface to the p4 depot. Information is presented
- using a web browser and most pages combine output from two or more p4 commands.
- <br>
- The driving force behind the development
- has been my needs as a manager for a software team, the needs for our project
- leaders to document changes in the code line and the need for our programmers
- to analyze changes in the code line (and most important, of course, the
- need for me as a frustrated software engineer promoted to my level of incompetence
- to get my hands on a nice little programming project).
- <P Class=Norm>
- The browser is written in perl and
- developed on a Linux/Apache system and has been tested mainly with Netscape 4
- although some of our users use MS Explorer and no problems has been reported.
- <h3>Why P4DB?</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB is inspired by a depot browser, perfbrowse.perl,
- made available by
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce</a> at
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#browse">
- http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#browse</a>
- Perfbrowse.perl is written in perl and the author is unknown to me.
- <P Class=Norm>
- The idea is also stolen so I can't claim that one.
- <P Class=Norm>
- To view file a script by Bob Sidebotham called
- <tt><a href="p4pr.perl">p4pr.perl</a></tt> is used.
- This script is also made available by Perforce at
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#util">
- http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#util</a>
- (but I made some minor changes and one bug fix).
- <P Class=Norm>
- I liked perfbrowse.perl very much but wanted just a little more
- functionality. I started to add functionality and it quickly got out
- of hand. Soon I had a huuuge perl script that I could no
- longer maintain.
- Once I realized that I can write a perl script that is
- about 2-4 times the size of the script that I can maintain I decided to
- rewrite it all from the start as a set of small, maintainable, perl scripts.
- I leave to others to judge if I succeeded in my mission.
- <br>
- <i>(Maybe I should mention that it took much more time than I anticipated).</i>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Software"></a>Software requirements</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB version 2.01 requires:
- <UL>
- <li>
- Perl 5.004 or newer with the CGI.pm modules
- installed. The CGI.pm module can be downloaded from
- <a href="http://www.cpan.org/">http://www.cpan.org/</a>
- <A href="http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=CGI.pm">(link to CGI.pm)</A>.
- <li>
- A http server that supports CGI:s. Apache
- will do just fine.
- <li>
- P4 99.2 or later (98.2 will also work but
- some features will be missing, 97.3 and older... forget
- it!).<br>
- P4DB has been tested with 2000.2beta.
- </UL>
- </P>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Supported_platforms"></a>Supported platforms and compatibility</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- There is no real "list of supported
- platforms" simply because there is no
- real "support" for P4DB. I just write
- it, test it, and release it.
- <P Class=Norm>
- <b>Http server:</b>
- <br>
- P4DB is developed on a Linux box running
- Suse 6.3 and Apache 1.3.9 , runs in production on RedHat 6.2/Apache 1.3.9,
- and has been reported to run on SUN/Solaris and NT/IIS platforms as well.
- The NT platform require MKS toolkit or similar and some tweaking, though.
- <P Class=Norm>
- <b>Browser:</b>
- <br>
- All development work is done using Netscape
- 4.7 but I perform some basic testing with MS-Explorer.
- I expect P4DB to work reasonably well with any GUI browser
- like Mozilla or Opera. because P4DB use almost only plain HTML
- and just a little CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets).
- P4DB is <u>not</u> designed for character mode browsers such as Lynx.
- <br>
- And, by the way, the browser should support cookies.
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Installation"></a>Installation and configuration</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- NOTE: This installation description assumes that the
- reader is familiar with http servers, cgi
- scripts and, to a small degree, perl.
- <h3>First: Where to install</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Other than the obvious, that is
- somewhere in a http servers CGI path,
- I recommend you to set up a http
- server on your p4 server and run P4DB
- on that server. The main reasons
- are that it improves response time and
- reduce network load.
- <h3>How to install</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- <ol>
- <li>
- You obviously got to this README. Together
- with README.html file you got:
- <ul>
- <li><tt>install.pl</tt>
- <li><tt>cgi_files.tar</tt>
- <li><tt>P4CGI.html</tt>
- <li><tt>P4DB.shortcuts.txt</tt>
- <li><tt>P4DB.shortcuts2.txt</tt>
- <li><tt>P4DB.conf.txt</tt>
- </ul>
- Move all these files together with <tt>README.html</tt>
- to the cgi-bin directory used by the web server or wherever
- you want P4DB installed. Or you could just move the original
- tarball and unpack it.
- <li>
- Type "<tt>perl install.pl</tt>" To install
- all scripts.
- <br>
- Install.pl will unpack all cgi scripts
- and modifies the first line to contain the path to perl.
- <br>For details, see the <tt><a href="install.pl">install.pl</a></tt>
- script.
- <li>
- The file <tt>index.cgi</tt> is the start page
- for P4DB. Create your links to it..
- </ol>
- <P Class=Norm>
- This is the theory, at least. I have not tested
- it on many systems
- <h4>Installation without <tt>install.pl</tt></h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- If <tt>install.pl</tt> don't work
- for you here is what it does that you need to do manually:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Verify that perl and the perl module CGI.pm
- is available
- <li>
- Unpack cgi_file.tar (<tt>tar -xf cgi_files.tar</tt>)
- <li>
- Find path to perl
- <li>
- Change first line of every file with extension
- ".cgi", ".pl" or ".perl" to contain correct path to perl
- </ol>
- </blockquote>
- <h3>How to configure</h3>
- <h4>Basic configuration</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The basic configuration file is named P4DB.conf. The file
- is not included in the package but a sample configuration
- file called <tt><a href="P4DB.conf.txt">P4DB.conf.txt</a></tt> is.
- <p class=Norm>
- Copy the file P4DB.conf.txt to P4DB.conf
- and modify it. The instructions are included in the file.
- <P class=Note>
- <B>Security Note 1:</B> Since the DEPOT field in the
- configuration file may contain passwords for p4 users it
- may be wise to move the file outside the file tree
- reachable by the web server. The path to the configuration
- file is specified at the top of <tt>P4CGI.pm</tt>.
- <P class=Note>
- <B>Security Note 2</B> P4DB does not provide any access protection
- or other security. It is not possible to modify the depot using P4DB so
- poorly trained or inexperienced operators should not be able to damage
- the depot. If this security is not enough you have to rely on the authentication
- provided by the web server.
- <p class=Norm>
- You must specify a p4 user for P4DB. If I understand
- Perforce Licensing policies correctly you should not have
- to use a separate user license for this user, but this is
- just my interpretation and I recommend that you verify this
- with Perforce.
- <h4>Shortcut files</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- It is possible to add a set of links to the P4DB
- index page using a "shortcut file". The idea is to add
- links that function as shortcuts into P4DB for the users.
- There can be more than one shortcut file and the user
- can select his/her favorite in the "set preferences" page.
- <h4>Shortcut file format:</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The shortcut file is format is HTML plus some
- extra tags and comment syntax added by P4DB. The HTML code is inserted
- into the P4DB index page.
- There are no limits imposed by P4DB to the HTML code but there are an
- infinite number of bad ideas to avoid (like, for example,
- inserting a <tt></BODY></tt> tag in the shortcut file).
- Ill-formed HTML will probably break the index page.
- <h5>Difference from HTML</h5>
- <P Class=Norm>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- Perl style comments
- <dd>
- Lines starting with '#' are ignored.
- <dt>
- Extra tag <tt><P4DB></tt><i>text</i><tt></P4DB></tt>
- <dd>
- This tag will make "<i>text</i>" a link to
- a function in P4DB.
- <P class=Norm>
- <table border>
- <tr>
- <th VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE>Syntax</th>
- <td><tt><P4DB>....</P4DB></tt></td>
- </tr>
- <tr NOSAVE>
- <th VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE>Attribute specifications</th>
- <td NOSAVE>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <tt>TYPE=</tt><i>link_type </i>(mandatory)
- <dd>
- <i>link_type</i> is one of:
- <ul>
- <li>
- <tt>CHANGELIST</tt> - display list of changes
- <li>
- <tt>BROWSE</tt> - browse depot
- <li>
- <tt>JOBLIST</tt> - list jobs
- </ul>
- <dt>
- FSPC=<i>depot_file_spec </i>(valid for types
- <tt>CHANGELIST</tt> and <tt>BROWSE</tt>)
- <dd>
- <i>depot_file_spec</i> is a file spec in depot
- format. A typical file spec would be "//..."
- to view changes for or the whole depot or browse starting
- at the top of the depot.
- <br>
- For CHANGELIST more than one file spec can be listed.
- The file specifications should be separated by "+".
- For example "<tt>//...*.c+//...*.h</tt>" would
- list changes for all .c and .h files.
- <dt>
- USER=<i>user_list </i>(valid for CHANGELIST).
- <dd>
- <i>user_list</i> is a comma separated list of
- users that the changes should
- be listed for.
- <dt>
- GROUP=<i>group_list</i> (valid for CHANGELIST).
- <dd>
- <i>group_list</i> is a comma separated list of
- groups that the changes should be listed for.
- <dt>
- <i>JOB_FIELD</i>=<i>data</i> (valid for JOBLIST)
- <dd>
- JOB_FIELD is the field name for any field in
- the job spec for the depot. Data is the data
- that this field should contain. Typical use would
- be:
- <br>
- <tt><P4DB type=joblist status=open>list open jobs</P4DB>.</tt>
- </dl>
- <p>
- These are the most important attribute specifications.
- More can be found if you study the URLs generated when
- you browse around in P4DB. The attributes corresponds
- more or less directly to the URL parameters. The one exception
- is the job list where field names are translated to
- field codes in the URL.
- </dl>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </dl>
- <P Class=Norm>
- Two sample shortcut files are included with the distribution:
- <A HREF="P4DB.shortcuts.txt"><tt>P4DB.shortcuts.txt</tt></a> and
- <A HREF="P4DB.shortcuts2.txt"><tt>P4DB.shortcuts2.txt</tt></a>.
- <h4>Configure file types (for viewers)</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- P4DB will let users view some file types using
- applications like MS-Word for Word-file etc.
- This can be configured in a file
- <a href="viewConfig.pm">viewConfig.pm</a>.
- Default will let you view HTML, gif, jpeg, MS-Word, MS-Powerpoint,
- and Acrobat (PDF) formats.
- See file <a href="viewConfig.pm">viewConfig.pm</a> for details.
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Known"></a>Known bugs</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- <ul>
- <li>
- A serious case of Feature Bloat.
- </ul>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Diffs"></a>Diffs between versions</h2>
- <h4>New to P4DB 2.01:</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- <dl>
- <dt>Works for p4 2000.2beta
- <dd>The jobspec command was changed and now P4DB understands
- both 2000.2beta as well as 2000.1 thru 98.2.
- <dt>Works for p4 2000.1
- <dd>The depot statistics did not work properly for p4 release
- 2000.1
- <dt>Made easier to port
- <dd>The configuration file now contains fields for command to redirect to
- null device and command to redirect to stdout. This makes it
- easier to port P4DB to NT that thinks /dev/null is called
- NUL:.
- <P class=Note>
- Configuration file for 2.0 not compatible with 2.01
- <br>
- <br>
- <dt>Java GUI browser improved
- <dd>Can now handle filenames containing spaces
- <dt>Label diff view rewritten
- <dd>The old code was buggy and difficult to maintain
- <dt>Made some code more maintainable
- <dd>Modified client view and label view code to make it more maintainable.
- </dl>
- <h4>Diff earlier version of P4DB to 2.0:</h4>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The difference is so huge that I do not care
- to list it. P4DB 2.0 can simply do much more than earlier versions.
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Licensing"></a>Licensing</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- There is no license for P4DB.
- You are free to use, modify, resell, repackage, make money from (ha!),
- P4DB. Your conscience is the limit ;-).
- <br>
- I might decide to apply GPL to it some
- time in the future but I doubt that I will bother....
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Warranty"></a>Warranty</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- If you get any problems because of these scripts I promise
- to feel sorry for you. Other than that you are
- on your own.
- <P Class=Note>
- Please note for the record that I do not even claim that
- P4DB can be used to browse the P4 depot. I will also inform
- you that even though the intention is that P4DB should not
- in any way modify the depot
- status I can make no promises that this is can not happen.<br><br>
- And please remember that it would be easy for someone to grab the
- P4DB code, insert a few malicious lines of code, and
- "release" it with this "Trojan Horse".
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Contrib"></a>Would you like to contribute?</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- If you would like to contribute
- changes/improvements/new functions feel free to do so and mail them to
- me and I will add them to the next "release" (flames and flattery are also
- welcome).
- <p class=Note><b>Disclaimer</b>:
- I may grow tired of
- this project or change job or die or something in which case my promise
- above probably expires.
- <h3>What would be a contribution?</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- I will be glad for any kind of contributions
- ranging from corrections of my bad English to new interesting
- functionality. Nice letters are also welcome.
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Doc"></a>Design documentation</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The most important documentation is in the P4CGI.pm module.
- This modules is used by all scripts and contains
- a set of common functions that are useful or defines some common "look
- and feel" or both.
- <P Class=Norm>
- The P4CGI.pm module is documented using
- perlpod (see perlpod man page). To get a HTML page
- containing documentation
- type:
- <br>
- <tt>pod2html P4CGI.pm ><a href="P4CGI.html">P4CGI.html</a></tt>
- (There is one distributed with P4DB, for convenience)
- <P Class=Norm>
- For other files: more often than not the
- code is commented.
- <P Class=Norm>
- There are three different files 'types'
- in the design:
- <dl COMPACT>
- <dt> P4CGI.pm
- <dd> - A perl module containing functions that
- I find useful and all other scripts use
- <dt> *.cgi
- <dd> - A set of cgi scripts that are used as ...eh..
- cgi-scripts.
- <dt>p4pr.perl
- <dd> - The script by Bob Sidebotham I mentioner
- earlier
- </dl>
- <P Class=Norm>
- The code also uses the CGI.pm perl module.
- This module should be part of the "standard distribution" of perl (if there
- is such a thing). If you do not have the module it is available for download at
- <a href="http://www.cpan.org">www.cpan.org</a>.
- <P Class=Norm>
- As a part of my personal religion the -w
- flag is always turned on and 'use strict' flag is also set. I have never
- had any reason to regret this particular peculiarity of mine but it might
- cause some warning messages that will be printed to the browsers error
- log.
- <P Class=Norm>
- Performance has not been a great issue.
- I assume that these cgi's will not have thousands
- of hits each day and
- the design has focused on ease of
- development rather than speed.
- <h3>List Of Files:</h3>
- <P Class=Norm>
- <table NOSAVE>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>P4CGI.pm</tt></td>
- <td>A perl package that contains common functions</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>index.cgi</tt></td>
- <td>Entry point or "main" cgi</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>SetPreferences.cgi</tt></td>
- <td>Set user preferences
- <br>User preferences are stored in a cookie. If cookies are not enabled
- the user can not modify the user preferences and the default setting will
- be used.</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>branchList.cgi</tt></td>
- <td>List branches</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>branchView.cgi</tt></td>
- <td>View information about a branch</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>changeByUsers.cgi</tt></td>
- <td>Select a set of users and groups to view changes for. Calls changeList.cgi
- to do the job.</td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>changeList.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List changes
- <blockquote>
- NOTE:<br>
- Even if I said earlier that my goal was to create a set of small, maintainable,
- scripts this script stands out as a blazing proof of my failure. It may
- not be huge but it is certainly not maintainable. Some day I might rewrite
- it......
- <br>
- <i>And to 2.0 I finally rewrote it.</i>
- </blockquote>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>changeView.cgi</tt></td>
- <td> View a change </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>clientList.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List clients
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>clientView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View a client spec.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>colorView.pm</tt></td><td>
- Perl module used by fileViewer.cgi to handle color display of some file types.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>colorC.pl<br>
- colorHtml.pl<br>
- colorPerl.pl</tt></td><td>
- Special designed filters that adds colors to C/C++ (colorC.pl), HTML code (colorHtml.pl) and
- perl (colorPerl.pl).
- The filters are quick hacks and more like demo examples.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>depotStats.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View depot statistics
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>depotTreeBrowser.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Browse the depot file tree
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileDiffView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View diff between
- two files or two revisions
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileDownLoad.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Download files
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileLogView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View file history
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileOpen.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List open files
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileSearch.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Search for file matching file spec
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>fileViewer.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View a file
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>filesChangedSince.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List recently modified files
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>groupView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View a group
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>htmlFileView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- "Smart" html file viewer that translates relative links to links into the
- depot
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt> javaDataView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Java depot browser cgi
- <br>
- Provides data for java part of depot browser
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>jobList.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List jobs
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>jobView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View info about a job
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>labelDiffView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Label diff viewer
- <br>View diff between two labels
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>labelList.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Display a list of all labels
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>labelView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- List info about a label
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>p4race.cgi</tt></td><td>
- The p4 submit race
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>searchPattern.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Specify a search for a pattern in description field in changes.
- <br>
- Calls changeList.cgi to do the actual job.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>specialFileView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Special
- file viewer
- <br>
- Special file viewer for HTML, JPEG, GIF , MS-Word, MS-Powerpoint, RTF,
- and PDF file types. Downloads files with the appropriate Content-Type
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>userList.cgi</tt></td><td>
- Display a list of all users
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>userView.cgi</tt></td><td>
- View info about a user
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>p4jdb/P4DirTreeApplet.java<br>
- p4jdb/P4DirTree.java<br>
- P4Jdb/P4File.java<br>
- p4jdb/P4Folder.java<br>
- p4jdb/TreeDisplay.java</tt></td><td>
- Java source code for the GUI depot tree
- browser.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>Makefile</tt></td><td>
- Make file for java classes (GNU make)
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><tt>p4jdb/*.class</font></td><td>
- Java files compiled from the .java files above
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <!-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <h2><hr ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="50%"><a NAME="Credits"></a>Credits</h2>
- <P Class=Norm>
- An incomplete list of people that has contributed to P4DB in different ways:
- <ul>
- <li>Diane Holt - Diane has also released her own version of P4DB
- adapted to NT. I think it's available in Perforce Public Depot.
- <li>Lawrence You
- <li>Ron Shalhoup
- <li>Rob Chandhok
- <li>Carl Martinsson - A colleague of mine that use P4DB a lot and
- contributed a lot of ideas for new functions.
- <li>Eric Engberg - Provided valuable information on how to
- facilitate ports to NT/Apache.
- <li>Lee Marzke - For valuable bug reporting
- </ul>
- <P Class=Norm>
- There are more but these are the only names I found in my records.
- </body>
- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
20 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/p4db/P4DB_2.01/README.html | |||||
#1 | 1884 | rmg | Update to the current (2.01) P4DB. | 23 years ago |