- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # -*- perl -*-
- use P4CGI ;
- use strict ;
- #
- #################################################################
- # All config info should be in P4CGI.pm
- #
- #################################################################
- #
- # P4 search for file
- # Search depot for files matching spec
- #
- #################################################################
- # Get file spec argument
- my $filespec = P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ;
- $filespec = "" unless defined $filespec ;
- my $label = P4CGI::cgi()->param("LABEL") ;
- if(!defined $label) {
- $label = "" ;
- }
- my $filedesc ;
- my $showDiffSelection="Y" ;
- if($filespec eq "") {
- $filedesc = " <small>label</small><br><code>$label</code>" ;
- $showDiffSelection= undef ;
- }
- else {
- $filedesc = "<br><code>$filespec</code>" ;
- if($label ne "") {
- $filedesc .= "<br><small>in label</small><br><code>$label</code>" ;
- }
- }
- if($label ne "") {
- $label = "\@$label" ;
- }
- # Add //... if not there
- if($filespec !~ /^\/\//) {
- $filespec = "//...$filespec" ;
- }
- while($filespec =~ s/\.\.\.\.\.\./\.\.\./) { ; } ;
- while($filespec =~ s/\*\*/\*/) { ; } ;
- my $MAX_RESTART=100 ; # Restart table after this number of lines...
- # Check if file exists
- my @matches ;
- &P4CGI::p4call(\@matches, "files \"$filespec$label\"" );
- my $tableStart ;
- $tableStart = &P4CGI::start_table("cellpadding=1") .
- "\n" .
- &P4CGI::table_header("Rev/view","Action/diff","Change/view ch.","File/view log");
- my $tableSize = 0 ;
- print "",
- &P4CGI::start_page("<small>Search result for</small>$filedesc",
- &P4CGI::ul_list("<b>Filename</b> -- see the complete file history",
- "<b>Revision Number</b> -- see the file text",
- "<b>Action</b> -- see the deltas (diffs)",
- "<b>Change</b> -- see the complete change description, including other files")) ;
- if(scalar(@matches) == 0) {
- print "<font color=red>No files found matching $filespec</font>\n" ;
- }
- else {
- print "<font color=green>",scalar(@matches)," files found:</font>" ;
- if(@matches > $MAX_RESTART) {
- my $n = 2 ; # Compute a value for $MAX_RESTART that does not leave widows..
- while(@matches/$n > $MAX_RESTART) { $n++ ; } ;
- $MAX_RESTART = int(@matches/$n) ;
- } ;
- my $f ;
- foreach $f (@matches) {
- $f =~ /([^\#]+)\#(\d+) - (\w+) change (\d+)/ ;
- my ($name,$rev,$act,$change)=($1,$2,$3,$4) ;
- print $tableStart if $tableSize == 0 ;
- $tableSize++ ;
- print
- "",
- &P4CGI::table_row(&P4CGI::ahref("-url","fileViewer.cgi",
- "FSPC=$name",
- "REV=$rev",
- $rev),
- &P4CGI::ahref("-url","fileDiffView.cgi",
- "FSPC=$name",
- "REV=$rev",
- "ACT=$act",
- $act),
- &P4CGI::ahref("-url","changeView.cgi",
- "CH=$change",
- $change),
- &P4CGI::ahref("-url","fileLogView.cgi",
- "FSPC=$name",
- $name)) ;
- if($tableSize > $MAX_RESTART) {
- print "",&P4CGI::end_table() ;
- $tableSize = 0 ;
- } ;
- } ;
- print "",&P4CGI::end_table() if $tableSize > 0 ;
- my @files ;
- my %filesToFiles ;
- foreach $f (@matches) {
- $f =~ /([^\#]+)\#(\d+) - (\w+) change (\d+)/ ;
- my ($name,$rev,$act,$change)=($1,$2,$3,$4) ;
- if($act ne "delete"){
- push @files,"$name\#$rev" ;
- }
- } ;
- if(defined $showDiffSelection and @files > 1) {
- print
- &P4CGI::cgi()->startform("-action","fileDiffView.cgi",
- "-method","GET"),
- &P4CGI::cgi()->hidden("-name","ACT",
- "-value","edit"),
- "View diff between:<br>",
- &P4CGI::cgi()->popup_menu(-name => "FSPC",
- -values => \@files),
- "and<br>",
- &P4CGI::cgi()->popup_menu(-name => "FSPC2",
- -values => \@files),
- &P4CGI::cgi()->submit("-name","ignore",
- "-value"=>"Go"),
- &P4CGI::cgi()->endform() ;
- } ;
- } ;
- print
- "",
- &P4CGI::end_page() ;
- #
- # That's all folks
- #