- <html>
- <head>
- <title>The Branching Papers -- Perforce FAQs</title>
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- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br05">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <b>
- How can we integrate bug fixes from our development branch
- into our QA branch without dragging new feature-specific changes
- along with them? It there a way to mark the new development changes
- so that they won't get integrated into the QA branch?
- <p>
- In our Perforce evaluation,
- we set up a MAINDEV branch and branched it into QA60 for Release 6.
- Then we simulated more development in MAINDEV, and branched it into QA61.
- Now we've done more development in MAINDEV, including adding features
- for 6.2, and some bug fixes for all releases. Now we find we can't
- integrate our bug fixes from MAINDEV into QA61 or QA60, because the
- new 6.2 features get pulled along with them.
- </b>
- <blockquote>
- Okay, the picture in my mind is:
- <pre>
- +-----------> QA61
- /
- ---------+-----------+-------------> MAINDEV
- \
- +-----------------------> QA60
- </pre>
- The complication you experienced is that in the MAINDEV->QA61
- integration you have to leapfrog over the 6.2 changes in MAINDEV.
- Although it is possible to do leapfrogging integrations, they are
- tricky, and unless you have a brain the size of a planet, you
- wouldn't want to do them every day.
- <p>
- You may be asking yourself why Perforce can't automate the
- leapfrogging. Well, say we did. Say we provided a way for you to
- identify the 6.2 changes in MAINDEV, so that when you did a
- MAINDEV->QA61 integration, they could be skipped.
- <p>
- It turns out that the model to support that is effectively the same
- as if you have made a 6.2 development branch:
- <pre>
- ---------+-----+------+--------------> MAINDEV
- \ \ \
- \ \ +------------> 62DEV
- \ \
- \ +-----------------> QA61
- \
- +---------------------> QA60
- </pre>
- Instead of assigning some oblique qualifier to the 6.2 changes
- checked into MAINDEV, you simply check them into 62DEV.
- <p>
- These branches would be used thus:
- <ul>
- <p><li>
- MAINDEV: this is the trunk that forms the common base between
- all branches. This is the <i>eventual</i> destination of <i>all</i> changes,
- but at this [hypothetical] point in time, only 6.0 and 6.1 fixes
- are in this branch.
- <p><li>
- QA60: This is the released product. Critical 6.0 bug fixes are made
- here. 6.0 patches are built from this branch. Relevant fixes are
- integrated <i>from</i> here into MAINDEV. Nothing is expected to be
- integrated <i>into</i> this branch.
- <p><li>
- QA61: This is the upcoming release. All MAINDEV fixes are integrated
- into this branch. This branch contains the same code as MAINDEV, for
- now.
- <p>
- Why even have this branch? So it can be frozen for QA. Developers
- submit their 6.1 changes into MAINDEV, which is not frozen, and those
- changes are integrated into QA61, according to QA/release schedules.
- Eventually this will become the released 6.1 patch branch.
- <p><li>
- 62DEV: All 6.2 development is done here. All MAINDEV fixes
- are merged into this branch, which means that 62DEV contains all
- 6.0 and 6.1 fixes. (Or looking at it another way, "62DEV equals
- MAINDEV plus 6.2 features".) Nothing is expected to be integrated
- <i>from</i> 62DEV into MAINDEV until the 6.1 release is out the door.
- </ul>
- <p>
- At some point in time, the 6.0 release becomes obsolete, the 6.1
- release gets shipped, the 6.2 changes can be integrated into the
- trunk, and a QA62 line branched. The codeline would now look like:
- <pre>
- ------+-----+------+----------+-------+------> MAINDEV
- \ \ \ / \
- \ \ +------+ 62DEV +----> QA62
- \ \
- \ +----------------------------> QA61
- \
- +------------| QA60
- </pre>
- Whether or not the 62DEV branch lives on after the QA62 branch is
- created depends on whether anyone needs to continue work on a
- 62DEV feature. The theory is that at the point when 6.2 is merged
- into the trunk, all developers have finished their work, and can
- switch their client views to MAINDEV to do 6.2 mop-up work, although
- in practice, one or two people may lag behind. However, the goal
- should be to make 62DEV defunct once QA62 is branched, so that
- fewer cross-branch integrations are needed.
- <p>
- Obviously, the naming of branches, and the timing of it all, are
- subject to your shop's requirements. However, the examples above
- demonstrate (I hope) the general principal of maintaining a common
- base so that integrations are as easy as possible.
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <i>(February 1998)</i>
- </p>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br05">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <hr>
- <h6>This is file $Id: //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/br05.html#1 $ in the
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce Public Depot</a></h6>
- </body>
- </html>
# |
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User |
Description |
Committed |
83 |
Laura Wingerd |
The Branching Papers. |
26 years ago