- <html>
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- <title>The Branching Papers -- Perforce FAQs</title>
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- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br06">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <b>
- Is there a way to see what a branch view looked like in the past?
- Can this information be determined from "filelog" output?
- </b>
- <blockquote>
- Unfortunately, <b>p4 filelog</b> does not give you a synopsis; it gives
- you detail. So, to regenerate a branch view, you'd have to write
- a script that does quite a bit of analysis of the
- <b>p4 filelog</b> output. In fact, since
- <b>p4 filelog</b> reports the entire history of files, a
- very clever script
- could reproduce a branch view as it looked at any point in time.
- But I have to admit
- I'd rather look in old checkpoints to find a lost branch view than
- write this clever script...
- <p>
- The branch view is one of several data entities that are stored in
- a Perforce server's metadata but not versioned. Other such entities
- include clients, users, depots, labels, and jobs. These are fairly
- static entities, and the original Perforce philosophy was
- (1) versioning these entities would add more overhead than value,
- (2) users can store and version specs for these entities at will,
- and
- (3) these entities can always be restored from checkpoints.
- <p>
- Nevertheless, customers have requested some way of versioning these
- entities, and we have talked about this as a future enhancement.
- In the interim, we advise users who are interested in versioning
- any of these entities to simply output the specs to files and check the
- files in.
- <p>
- To version branch views, you could use a wrapper script for the
- <b>p4 branch</b> command. E.g., say you had a script called 'verbranch'
- which was invoked as 'verbranch neptune'. The script would do
- something like this to allow the user to edit the 'neptune' branch
- view and submit the new branch view automatically:
- <pre>
- p4 sync //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 edit //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 branch neptune
- p4 branch -o > $MYCLIENT/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 submit //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- </pre>
- Your script could also restore previous versions of the branch view.
- E.g., 'verbranch neptune -r@456' would restore the branch view to the
- way it looked back when the highest changelist in the depot was 456:
- <pre>
- p4 sync //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 edit //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 print -q //depot/entities/neptune.branch@456 | p4 branch -i neptune
- p4 branch -o > $MYCLIENT/entities/neptune.branch
- p4 submit //depot/entities/neptune.branch
- </pre>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <i>(April 1998)</i>
- </p>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br06">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <hr>
- <h6>This is file $Id: //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/br06.html#2 $ in the
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce Public Depot</a></h6>
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