- <html>
- <head>
- <title>The Branching Papers -- Perforce FAQs</title>
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- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br08">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <b>
- What is this "filelog" output telling me?
- </b>
- <blockquote>
- If you do a 'p4 filelog'
- on a file, you get the complete record of which deltas were merged into
- that file, and from which depot path & file they originated.
- Here's an example of what 'p4 filelog' reports for a file that has
- some renaming & branching history:
- <pre>
- % p4 filelog //depot/main/jam/filescan.c
- //depot/main/jam/filescan.c
- ... #2 change 5052 integrate on 1998/04/13 by laura@testclient
- 'Merge r1->main. '
- ... ... merge from //depot/r1/jam/scan.c#1,#3
- ... #1 change 5049 branch on 1998/04/13 by laura@testclient
- 'Rename scan.c->filescan.c. '
- ... ... branch from //depot/main/jam/scan.c#1,#19
- ... ... merge into //depot/r1/jam/scan.c#3
- %
- </pre>
- In English, here's what this tells us about //depot/main/jam/filescan.c:
- <ul>
- <p><li>
- the head revision of //depot/main/jam/filescan.c is #2
- <p><li>
- the action that created #2 was a merge from rev #3
- of //depot/r1/jam/scan.c. So the integration mapping at this
- point in its history is:
- <pre>
- //depot/r1/jam/scan.c //depot/main/jam/filescan.c
- </pre>
- <p><li>
- the action that created #1 was a branch from //depot/main/jam/scan.c#19.
- I.e., scan.c was renamed filescan.c at this point.
- </ul>
- <p>
- The history of //depot/r1/jam/scan.c is also relevant here. A filelog
- on it produces:
- <pre>
- % p4 filelog //depot/r1/jam/scan.c
- //depot/r1/jam/scan.c
- ... #3 change 5051 integrate on 1998/04/13 by laura@testclient
- 'Merge main->r1. '
- ... ... merge from //depot/main/jam/filescan.c#1
- ... ... merge into //depot/main/jam/filescan.c#2
- ... #2 change 5050 edit on 1998/04/13 by laura@testclient
- 'Fix dirname case change. '
- ... #1 change 5047 branch on 1998/04/13 by laura@testclient
- 'Branch main into r1. '
- ... ... branch from //depot/main/jam/scan.c#1,#18
- %
- </pre>
- So we see it was originally branched from //depot/main/jam/scan.c, but as of
- rev #3 it is now related to //depot/main/jam/filescan.c.
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <i>(April 1998)</i>
- </p>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br08">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <hr>
- <h6>This is file $Id: //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/br08.html#1 $ in the
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce Public Depot</a></h6>
- </body>
- </html>
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
83 |
Laura Wingerd |
The Branching Papers. |
26 years ago