- <html>
- <head>
- <title>The Branching Papers -- Perforce FAQs</title>
- <head>
- <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br09">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <b>
- We've got three related codelines we'd like to set up in Perforce,
- but our current SCM system is so hopeless we don't have any branch
- or integration history to convert. How can we make these three
- separate directory trees into related Perforce branches?
- Also, which Perforce commands would we use to exercise this
- acceptance test ... <i>[gory details elided]</i>.
- </b>
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- First, my assumptions. You have:
- <pre>
- M=/home/Master # The last known good source
- V1=/home/v1root # Variant 1 tree
- V2=/home/v2root # Variant 2 tree
- </pre>
- I assume $V1 and $V2 both at one time looked like $M, but have each
- evolved separately, right?
- <p>
- And presumably, you have a snapshot of $M somewhere, right? As well
- as current instantiations of $V1 and $V2? And all of these are on a
- Unix filesytem somewhere, in the /home partition?
- <p>
- The natural way to handle this in Perforce is to create a depot that
- contains all three variants. E.g., let's call them:
- <pre>
- //depot/Master
- //depot/v1root
- //depot/v2root
- </pre>
- I will describe how you'd set these up and use them in Perforce, but
- I'm not going to match your acceptance test blow-for-blow, because I
- didn't completely understand what you were doing. If you'll take a
- look at what I describe first, I'll be happy to answer any questions
- you have that will aid in setting up your acceptance test.
- <p>
- So first, here's how you load those codelines into Perforce. (I'll explain
- using the command line interface, not the GUI, because it's easier to
- demonstrate in email.)
- <p>
- First, set up a client view that "maps to the world". (I'm assuming you're
- going to load your codeline variants from Unix):
- <pre>
- cd /home
- setenv P4CLIENT world-unix
- p4 client
- <p>
- | Client: world-unix
- | Root: /home
- | View:
- | //depot/... //world-unix/...
- </pre>
- Now, load the Master codeline:
- <pre>
- cd /home/Master
- find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- Branch the Master codeline into the v1root and v2root codelines:
- <pre>
- p4 integ -v //depot/Master/... //depot/v1root/...
- p4 integ -v //depot/Master/... //depot/v2root/...
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- The 'integ -v' only operates on the depot -- it doesn't affect any local
- files.
- <p>
- Now, submit the actual v1root files as the first set of deltas applied
- to the //depot/v1root codeline:
- <pre>
- cd /home/v1root
- p4 flush ... #like "sync", but doesn't alter workspace files
- <p>
- find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add #the result of this step is
- #that any files in /home/v1root
- #not already in //depot/v1root
- #will be opened for add.
- <p>
- p4 diff -se | p4 -x - edit #and this opens for edit any files
- #which exist but whose contents
- #have been changed
- <p>
- p4 diff -sd | p4 -x - delete #and this opens for delete any
- #files which are in //depot/v1root
- #but not in /home/v1root.
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- Now, do the above for v2root as well.
- <p>
- You now have 3 codelines in the depot related by integration. Any user
- can map to one (or more) of the codelines and submit changes to that
- codeline. E.g., say I wanted to work on NT in //depot/v2root. I'd set up
- my workspace thus:
- <pre>
- p4 set P4CLIENT=laura-ws
- p4 client
- <p>
- | Client: laura-ws
- | Root: C:\ws
- | View:
- | //depot/v2root/... //laura-ws/v2root/...
- </pre>
- Now, I can sync my workspace and work on files in the c:\ws\v2root path.
- I open files with <b>p4 edit</b> make changes to them, and put my changes into
- the depot with <b>p4 submit</b>. (Or I could use the GUI, of course.)
- Changes I submit will go in //depot/v2root.
- <p>
- You can propagate changes from //depot/v2root into //depot/Master, as
- long as you are using a client view that is mapped to the //depot/Master
- codeline. So, the "laura-ws" client wouldn't work, but the "world-unix"
- one would. Or, you could set up a client just for working on
- //depot/Master files:
- <pre>
- p4 set P4CLIENT=robert-master
- p4 client
- <p>
- | Client: robert-master
- | Root: F:\ws
- | View:
- | //depot/Master/... //robert-master/Master/...
- </pre>
- To propagate changes from v2root into Master:
- <pre>
- p4 sync #makes sure you have head revs of target files
- <p>
- p4 integ //depot/v2root/... //depot/Master/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- You can do the same thing to propagate from v1root into Master, also
- using the 'robert-master' client workspace. (You need simply to
- be using a client mapped to the <i>target</i> files in an integration):
- <pre>
- p4 sync
- p4 integ //depot/v1root/... //depot/Master/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- (The <b>p4 resolve</b> step is where you get to handle conflicts between
- v1root changes and v2root changes.)
- <p>
- Later on down the line, you could branch your patch line. We'll
- say it's going to be called //depot/patch1.
- <p>
- You could use that 'world-unix' client again, because when you're mapped
- to the world you're mapped to //depot/patch1. Or maybe you'd want to
- modify your 'robert-master' client spec so you could do the integrations
- on NT. So you add a mapping for //depot/patch1 to your client view:
- <pre>
- p4 client
- <p>
- | Client: robert-master
- | Root: F:\ws
- | View:
- | //depot/Master/... //robert-master/Master/...
- | //depot/patch1/... //robert-master/patch1/...
- <p>
- </pre>
- To create the //depot/patch1 codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/Master/... //depot/patch1/...
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- You can pull changes from Master into patch1 as needed:
- <pre>
- p4 sync //depot/patch1/...
- p4 integ //depot/Master/... //depot/patch1/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- Perforce keeps track of what's been integrated. If you try to do the
- above <b>p4 integ</b> a second time, Perforce will tell you all revisions
- have already been integrated (unless someone has submitted something
- into //depot/Master in the interim!).
- <p>
- If you look in the manual you'll see that there are all kinds of refinements
- to how you specify which changes are being integrated. For example, to
- propagate changes up to and including changelist 341 from Master into patch1:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/Master/...@341 //depot/patch1/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- Or to propagate changelist 435, and only changelist 435, from patch1
- back into Master:
- <pre>
- p4 integ //depot/patch1/...@435,@435 //depot/Master/...
- p4 resolve
- p4 submit
- </pre>
- You can also use the codelines paths (also called "filepatterns" or
- "filespecs" in our documentation) in reporting commands.
- <p>
- E.g., to list the files in the patch1 codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 files //depot/patch1/...
- </pre>
- To show which changelists were submitted directly into the v2root
- codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 changse //depot/v2root/...
- </pre>
- To show changelists which were either submitted directly or
- integrated into the v2root codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 changes -i //depot/v2root/...
- </pre>
- To show who has files opened in the Master codeline:
- <pre>
- p4 opened -a //depot/Master/...
- </pre>
- <p>
- Note that your branching structure is:
- <pre>
- Master
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- v1root v2root patch1
- </pre>
- I.e., v1root, v2root, and patch1 are all "children" of Master. That
- means it is a piece of cake to propagate changes between v1root and
- Master, but you can't propagate a change directly between v1root and
- patch1, say, without affecting Master. (Actually, you can, but you'd
- have to do an integration to reset the base, which effectively rearranges
- the branching structure.)
- <p>
- So when you set up your depot codelines, keep in mind that Perforce
- makes it easy to propagate changes between parent-child codeline pairs,
- but propagating changes between further removed codelines pairs is more
- complicated.
- <p>
- Also FYI: If you are doing your <b>p4 resolve</b> commands on Sun, you can
- set P4MERGE to 'filemerge' and use Sun's nifty graphical merge tool
- instead of editing Perforce's merge file. And I'm sure there are some
- equivalent NT tools.
- <p>
- Hope this helps. I hope I haven't made too many typos -- I don't always
- proofread as well as I type....
- <p>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <p>
- <i>(August 1998)</i>
- </p>
- <font size=-2><b><a href="branching.html#br09">[INDEX]</a></b></font>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h6>This is file $Id: //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/br09.html#1 $ in the
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce Public Depot</a></h6>
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