==Visual SourceSafe to Perforce Migration==
===About This Project===
Also known as Vss2P4
Source and documentation for Perforce's VssToP4 scripts - Perl scripts to migrate a repository from Microsoft's Visual SourceSafe into Perforce. See
* {{DepotPath|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4}}
This set of Perl scripts converts VSS archives to Perforce, preserving the original times and authors. Branches are translated verbatim, individual file revisions are grouped as much as possible into Perforce's notion of atomic changes.
Handles VSS 6.x or VSS 2005 format repositories.
Requires Perl 5.20, VSS 5.0 or later and Perforce 2004.2 or later([[#Perforce Server Versions before 2004.2|an earlier version supports 2003.2 or earlier servers]]). The scripts only run on Windows (read values from Registry).
Basic Files required to download are (see {{DepotBrief|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/main/README.html}} for more info):
* [http://www.activestate.com/activeperl ActiveState Perl 5.20 - 32 bit version] (Note: other versions not tested)
* {{DepotBrief|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/main/vsstop4.zip}} (source files for conversion)
* [https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/p4perl/ P4Perl] (Click download button in lower left and save as Zip file)
* [ftp://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/r14.1/bin.mingwx86/p4api.zip P4 API for MinGW - compatible with ActiveState Perl 32 bit version]
You will need to build P4Perl using instructions in [https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/p4perl/docs/p4perlnotes.txt P4 Perl Release Notes].
These scripts are not fully supported - but feel free to contact Curator below.
There are a couple of utilities available at: {{DepotFile|//guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/index.html |//guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/index.html}} which will help with reporting on branched and deleted files in VSS
=====Perforce Server Versions before 2004.2=====
See {{DepotFile|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/pre-2004-2/vsstop4.zip|pre-2004-2/vsstop4.zip}} for a version of the scripts for older servers (2004.2 introduced support for filenames containing '#' or '@'). Please note this version requires a different version of P4Perl - see readme.html for link.
{{DepotFile|//guest/robert_cowham/pcp.html|Robert Cowham}}. Please email '''robert at vaccaperna.co.uk''' if you have submitted contributions you'd like published, or if you have ideas for enhancement.
See the {{DepotFile|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/main/README.html|readme.html}} file. All files are downloadable from the Workshop (see links above).
VIZIM Worldwide has a VSS converter with the following advantages:
* Much, much faster (reads the VSS data files directly)
* Can cope with large repositories (40+Gb)
* More robust (most VSS corruptions are handled seemlessly)
* Handles VSS 2005 version databases
* Handles shared and pinned files seemlessly
See [http://www.vizim.com/services/migrations/index.html VIZIM Migration services] for more details.
See {{DepotFile|//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/main/CHANGELOG.txt|changelog.txt}} file.
[[Category:Perforce conversion tools]]