- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- Tutorial - Perforce Public Depot
- </TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <A NAME=toc></a>
- <h2>
- The Perforce Public Depot Tutorial
- <br>
- </H2>
- <P>
- <TR>
- <B>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#about">About This Tutorial</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#setup">Setting Up Your Environment</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#createcl">Creating Your Client Workspace</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#createbr">Creating Your Guest Branch</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#filling">Filling Your Workspace</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#working">Working on Files</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <B>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#pulling">Pulling Changes into Your Branch</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#publishing">Publishing Your Changes</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#sharing">Sharing Development</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#curating">Being A Project Curator</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#submitting">Submitting A Changelist</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#resolving">Resolving Files</A></LI>
- </A>
- <TD>
- </UL>
- <B>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="about">
- </A>
- <H2>About This Tutorial
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- The instructions in this tutorial
- are for registered Public Depot contributors only.
- See the Public Depot
- <a href="index.html">home page</a>
- for more information.
- <p>
- Because the bulk of the Public Depot is populated
- by Perforce-related content,
- we expect the typical contributor to be an experienced Perforce
- user.
- However, Jam/MR contributors may not necessarily be familiar
- wth Perforce,
- so this tutorial was written to be useful to new Perforce users
- as well as experienced users.
- <p>
- <table align=left>
- <tr><td>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a>
- </td></tr></table>
- The tutorial examples use <b>p4</b>, Perforce's command line interface.
- You can click on the book icon next to each command
- to go to the command reference
- section that describes it.
- <P>
- Complete documentation for all Perforce commands and programs
- is available on our
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technical.html">
- technical documentation</a> page.
- </P>
- <P>
- If you're using <b>P4Win</b>, our Windows GUI, you'll want to have
- a copy of our
- <i><b>p4</b> to <b>P4Win</b> Translation Guide</i>
- handy so you can look up the GUI equivalents of the commands shown
- here. The
- <i>Translation Guide</i> can be downloaded from our
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technical.html">
- technical documentation</a> page.
- </p>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="setup">
- </A>
- <H2>Setting Up Your Environment
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- Before you can use
- Perforce with the Public Depot you'll need to set
- these environment variables:
- <p>
- <table>
- <tr><td valign=top>
- <b>P4PORT</b>
- </td><td>
- To use the Public Depot, set this to
- <b>public.perforce.com:1666</b>
- <tr>
- </td><td valign=top>
- <b>P4USER</b>
- </td><td>
- Set this to your registered Public Depot user name.
- For example, Cary Grant's registered user name is <b>cary_grant</b>.
- <tr>
- </td><td valign=top>
- <b>P4PASSWD</b>
- </td><td>
- Set this to your Public Depot password.
- <tr>
- </td><td valign=top>
- <b>P4CLIENT</b>
- </td><td>
- Set this to your client workspace name. You can use your
- Public Depot username for your workspace name as well.
- E.g., Cary Grant could name his client workspace <b>cary_grant</b>.
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- <p>
- There are many ways to set environment variables.
- Two of those ways are shown here, as examples:
- <p>
- <ol>
- <li>Unix users running <b>csh</b> can use <b>setenv</b>:
- <br>
- <code><b>
- <br>% setenv P4PORT public.perforce.com:1666
- <br>% setenv P4USER cary_grant
- <br>% setenv P4PASSWD thornhill
- <br>% setenv P4CLIENT cary_grant
- </b></code>
- <br>
- <br>
- <li>Windows users can use
- <b>p4 set</b>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/set.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a>
- to set Perforce environment
- variables in the Windows registry:
- <br>
- <code><b>
- <br>C:\> p4 set P4PORT=public.perforce.com:1666
- <br>C:\> p4 set P4USER=cary_grant
- <br>C:\> p4 set P4PASSWD=thornhill
- <br>C:\> p4 set P4CLIENT=cary_grant
- </b></code>
- </ol>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="createcl">
- </A>
- <H2>Creating Your Client Workspace
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- The first thing you do when you use Perforce is set up a client
- workspace on your local machine. This setup is only done once.
- Bring up the client specification form editor, using:
- <P>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/client.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 client </PRE>
- </TABLE>
- In the editor, you'll see something like the form shown below.
- The text shown in <font color=red>red</font> is what you <i>must</i> edit
- to set up your client workspace. The text in <font color=green>green</font>
- may be edited if you wish:
- <P>
- <TR><TD><PRE>
- Client: cary_grant
- Description:
- <font color=green>Created by cary_grant.</font>
- Root: <font color=red>C:\</font>
- Options: <font color=red>nomodtime noclobber</font>
- View:
- <font color=red>//public/... //cary_grant/...
- <font color=red>//guest/... //cary_grant/...</font> </pre>
- </TABLE>
- <p>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>In the <i>Root</I> field, put the root of the directory you will
- be using as a workspace on your local filesystem.
- (The directory doesn't have to exist yet;
- Perforce will create it for you.) For the sake of this tutorial,
- we'll Cary Grant's workspace root is <b>c:\ws</b>.
- </p>
- <LI>In the <i>Options</i> field, add the word <b>locked</b>
- to prevent other users from modifying your workspace specification.
- </p>
- <LI>The <i>View</i> field is a list of "view mapping" lines.
- The left side of each line is a depot directory path, and the
- right side shows how that path will be mapped into your workspace.
- The
- client name on the right side of each mapping stands for the workspace
- root.
- For working in the Public Depot you most likely need only map to your guest
- branch as shown below. (If you are sharing development with another
- Public Depot contributor, and wish to work in his or her guest
- branch, see <a href="#sharing">"Sharing Development"</a>.)
- </UL>
- <P>
- When you have modified your client spec, save it and exit the editor.
- Here's an example of a completed client workspace specification:
- <p>
- <TR><TD><PRE>
- Client: cary_grant
- Description:
- <font color=green>Cary Grant's workspace.
- </font>
- Root: <font color=red>C:\ws</font>
- Options: <font color=red>nomodtime noclobber locked</font>
- View:
- <font color=red>//guest/cary_grant/... //cary_grant/...</font>
- </TABLE>
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="createbr">
- </A>
- <H2>Creating Your Guest Branch
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- When you register as a Public Depot contributor, you are given
- write access to your guest branch, but your guest branch is not
- actually created for you (because we don't know which projects you
- want to work on).
- So you must create your own guest branch. It will start out as a clone
- of one of the projects in the <b>//public</b> path, and you will
- submit additions or changes to it.
- <p>
- For example, if Cary Grant wanted
- to contribute enhancements to some of the Perforce utilities,
- he'd start out by branching the
- <b>//public/perforce/utils</b>
- project into his
- <b>//guest/cary_grant</b> branch. Here's how he'd do it:
- <p>
- First, open the files for branching:
- <P>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/integrate.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 integ -v //public/perforce/utils/... //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/... </PRE>
- </TABLE>
- (The "<b>-v</b>" flag speeds up the operation by opening "virtual" files --
- that is, these files are opened, but will not be copied to and from your
- workspace.)
- <p>
- Next, <a href="#submitting">submit</a> the opened files:
- <P>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/submit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 submit</PRE>
- </TABLE>
- Note that these two commands haven't moved any files in or out of Cary
- Grant's workspace. All they've done is created a set of files in the
- Public Depot's <b>//guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils</b> path that
- exactly mirror the files in <b>//public/perforce/utils</b>.
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="filling">
- </A>
- <H2>Filling Your Workspace
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- Once you have <a href="#setup">set up your workspace</A>
- and
- <a href="#createbr">created your guest branch</a>,
- you can fill your workspace with files from the depot using:
- <p>
- <table><tr><td>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/sync.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <td><b><PRE>p4 sync</PRE></td>
- </table>
- This copies depot files to your workspace.
- For example, when Gary Grant
- runs <b>p4 sync</b>, files from the <b>//guest/gary_grant</b> branch
- are copied into his local <b>c:\ws</b> directory.
- When it's done, his
- workspace is "in sync" with the depot.
- <p>
- <i>Note:</i>
- <p>
- <ul type=square>
- <li>
- Synced files have read-only permission in your workspace (until you start
- <A HREF="#working">working on them</A>).
- <p>
- <li>
- Perforce will sync to the head revisions of depot files,
- by default.
- <p>
- <li>
- If you run <b>p4 sync</b> more than once, nothing will happen
- the second time unless there are newer versions in the depot that are not
- yet in your workspace.
- <p>
- <li>
- If you are running <b>p4 sync</b> and you get disconnected,
- you can run it again to continue filling your workspace. Files that have
- already been copied to your workspace will not be copied a second time.
- </ul>
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="working">
- </A>
- <H2>Working on Files
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- Once you have <A HREF="#filling">filled your workspace</A>,
- you can work on files. You can edit files, add files, delete files,
- and revert files to their original state.
- <p>
- <i>Note:</i>
- <ul type=square>
- <li>None of the commands described here affect the files in the
- depot. All they do is allow you to work on files.
- Perforce tracks the files you're working on in a <i>changelist</i>.
- As you open files, they go on your changelist.
- You have to <a href="#submitting">submit your changelist</A>
- to get your changes into the depot.
- </ul>
- <DL>
- <P>
- <DT><h3>Editing files</h3>
- <dd>To edit files, use the
- <b>p4 edit</b> command on them.
- For example, here Cary Grant opens two P4DB source files for editing:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <TD><b><PRE>cd c:\ws\perforce\utils\p4db</PRE>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/edit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 edit index.cgi chb.cgi</PRE>
- </TABLE>
- <DD>
- Now these files are "opened for edit". Once opened for
- edit, files become writeable,
- so you can edit them, or modify them by any other means.
- <P>
- <DT><H3>Adding new files</h3>
- <DD>To add new files, create them first, with an editor or other tool.
- You must create them in a directory under your workspace root.
- Then use the
- <b>p4 add</b> command on them.
- <p>
- For example, Cary Grant is adding a new file to the P4DB suite.
- First he creates the file with <b>vi</b>, then adds it:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <TD><b><PRE>cd c:\ws\perforce\utils\p4db</PRE>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TD><b><PRE>vi jbv.cgi </PRE>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/add.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 add jbv.cgi</PRE>
- </TABLE>
- <DD>
- <b>p4 add</b> "opens files for add", which tells
- Perforce you plan to add them to the depot.
- <P>
- <DT><H3>Deleting files</H3>
- <DD>To delete files:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/delete.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 delete fdv.cgi fv.cgi flv.cgi
- </TABLE>
- <DD>
- This removes the files from your workspace, and makes them "open for
- delete", which tells Perforce you plan to delete them from
- the depot.
- <b>p4 delete</b> only works on files put in your
- workspace by <b>p4 sync</b>.
- <p>
- <DT><H3>Reverting files</H3>
- <DD>
- If you ever want to undo changes you've made to any of your
- opened files, use <b>p4 revert</b>. For example:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/revert.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 revert fdv.cgi flv.cgi
- </TABLE>
- <DD>
- This restores files to
- their original states and takes them off your changelist.
- <p>
- <font color=red><i>Warning: <b>p4 revert</b> is IRREVERSIBLE!</i></font>
- When you revert a
- file that was opened for edit, Perforce replaces the
- file in your workspace with a fresh, read-only version
- directly from the depot. Any
- edits you've made to the file will be lost!
- <p>
- <i>Note:</i>
- <p>
- <ul type=square>
- <li>
- When you revert files opened for delete, Perforce restores them to your
- workspace.
- <p>
- <li>
- When you revert files opened for add, Perforce doesn't do
- anything to the files; it simply takes them off your changelist.
- The new files you created in your workspace will still be there.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <DT><H3>Submitting files</H3>
- <DD>
- When you are satisfied with the changes in your workspace,
- you can <a href="#submitting">submit</a>
- them to the depot with:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/submit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 submit</PRE>
- </TABLE>
- </DD>
- </DL>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="pulling">
- </A>
- <H2>Pulling Changes into Your Branch
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- The files in your guest branch are insulated from the
- files in the <b>//public</b> path they were branched from.
- From time to time, files in <b>//public</b> will be added as
- Public Depot project curators integrate changes from guest
- branches.
- If the project you made your branch from gets updated, you will
- need to pull those updates into your own guest branch.
- <p>
- So Cary Grant, for example, has been working on his P4DB enhancement.
- As you recall, his guest branch files were originally branched from
- the <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> path.
- To find out if any changes need to be pulled from that path into
- his own guest branch, Cary uses:
- <UL>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/integrate.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 integ -n //public/perforce/utils/... //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/... </PRE>
- </TABLE>
- </UL>
- If he sees files listed, he knows he'll have to pull changes into his
- guest branch. Here's how he does it:
- <p>
- <ol>
- <li> He submits (or reverts) any opened files in his workspace.
- <p>
- <li> He opens files for integration in his workspace using:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/integrate.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 integ //public/perforce/utils/... //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/... </PRE>
- </TABLE>
- (This is the same as the command above, without the <b>-n</b>.
- It's also exactly the same as the command that created his branch, without
- the <b>-v</b>.)
- <p>
- <li> He
- <a href="#resolving">resolves</a>
- the opened files using:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/resolve.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 resolve </PRE></b>
- </TABLE>
- <li> He submits the opened, resolved files with:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/submit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 submit </PRE></b>
- </TABLE>
- </ol>
- At this point, Cary Grant's guest branch is fully integrated. That is,
- all changes in <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> have been pulled into
- <b>//guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils</b>.
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="submitting">
- </A>
- <H2>Submitting A Changelist
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- As you open files with <b>p4 edit, p4 add,</b> and <b>p4 delete</b>,
- you are building up a <i>changelist</i>.
- A changelist is also created when you open files with <b>p4 integ</b>.
- However, until you <i>submit</i> your changelist, files in the
- depot are unaffected by your intended changes.
- "Submitting" sends modified file content from your workspace to the depot,
- and updates depot versions of the files.
- <p>
- To submit your changelist, use:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/submit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 submit
- </TABLE>
- This puts you in an editor form,
- where you must replace the
- string "<b><enter description here></b>" with a valid description
- of the changes you are submitting.
- Cary Grant's changelist form looks like:
- <P>
- <TR><TD><PRE>
- Change: new
- Client: cary_grant
- User: cary_grant
- Status: new
- Description:
- <font color=red>Added job searching to the P4DB browser.</font>
- Files:
- //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/p4db/index.cgi # edit
- //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/p4db/chb.cgi # edit
- //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/p4db/jbv.cgi # add
- //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/p4db/fv.cgi # delete
- </TABLE>
- <p>
- When you are done typing the description, save the file and exit the editor.
- Your changelist will be submitted and the depot files updated.
- <P>
- Note that all files in all guest branches are readable to everyone,
- so as soon as you submit your changelist, other contributors can
- see and review your changes.
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="resolving">
- </A>
- <H2>Resolving Files
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- Resolving is how you merge specific changes from one file to another.
- For each file, you'll see stats like:
- <pre>
- c:\ws\perforce\utils\p4db\index.cgi - merging //public/perforce/utils/p4db/index.cgi#7
- Diff chunks: 0 yours + 2 theirs + 0 both + 0 conflicting
- </pre>
- ...and a prompt like:
- <pre>
- Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [at]:
- </pre>
- Follow the prompt's advised action by hitting return.
- The prompt shows <code>[</code>in square brackets<code>]</code>
- which action it advises you to take.
- <p>
- <i>Note:</i>
- <p>
- <ul type=square>
- <li>For each file resolved, Perforce does a 3-way merge between
- files it refers to as "yours", "theirs", and "the base".
- The merged result is written to your workspace file.
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- If you are integrating new changes from one branch to another,
- "yours" is the target file in your workspace,
- "theirs" is the newer file in the originating branch, and
- "the base" is the version of the file in the
- originating branch that was last integrated from.
- <p>
- <li>
- If you are syncing opened workspace files with newer depot files,
- "yours" is the target file in your workspace,
- "theirs" is the newer file in the depot, and
- "the base" is the version of the file you had when you
- opened it for edit.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <li>If there are no conflicting diffs, the merged result will be saved
- in your workspace file, and the <b>resolve</b> program will go on to
- the next file.
- <p>
- <li>If there <i>are</i> conflicting diffs, you will be put into an editor
- to resolve the conflicts. The conflicts will be marked by lines
- beginning with <code>>>>></code>, <code>====</code>,
- or <code><<<<</code>.
- For example:
- <pre>
- <font color=red> >>>> ORIGINAL
- </font> i = i + j
- <font color=red> ==== THEIRS
- </font> if ( i < n ) then i = i + j
- <font color=red> ==== YOURS
- </font> if ( i <= n ) then i = i + j
- <font color=red> <<<< </font></pre>
- While in the editor, your job is to look for the conflicts,
- remove the conflict markers
- (shown here in <font color=red>red</font>), and modify the remaining
- text in a way that makes sense.
- When you exit the editor, the prompt will advise you to accept the
- merged result.
- <p>
- <li>You can diff files while you're in the <b>resolve</b> program. At
- the prompt, type <b>?</b> and you will be shown the diff commands.
- <p>
- <li>You can choose to skip any
- file and re-run <b>resolve</b> on it later. Your workspace
- file will be untouched if you do this.
- </ul>
- </P>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="publishing">
- </A>
- <H2>Publishing Your Changes
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- As a contributor, you may only submit changes to your own
- branch in the <b>//guest</b> depot.
- To have your changes "published", you must ask a
- project curator to integrate them from your branch to
- the <b>//public</b> depot.
- <p>
- To request publication:
- <ul>
- <li> Make sure your guest branch is fully up to date with
- the project it was integrated from.
- (See <a href="#pulling">Pulling Changes into Your Branch</a>.)
- <p>
- <li> Send email to the project curator asking to have your changes
- published.
- The curator's name and email address can be found in the
- <b>index.html</b> page for the project.
- </ul>
- </p>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="sharing">
- </A>
- <H2>Sharing Development
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- If you and other registered Public Depot contributors would like
- to share development on a project, you can designate one of your
- guest branches as a shared branch.
- The owner of the shared branch should email
- <a href="mailto:opensource@perforce.com">opensource@perforce.com</a>
- requesting that his or her branch be opened for shared development, and
- naming the other contributors who should be granted write access
- to that branch.
- <p>
- For contributors working in a shared branch,
- all of the above instructions apply, with these caveats:
- <ul>
- <li> Each contributor should use <b>p4 client</b> to set his or
- her client view to the shared guest branch instead of to his/her
- own guest branch.
- <p>
- <li> Although you are all working in the same shared guest branch,
- each of you still has your own client workspace.
- Your changes aren't actually shared until you submit
- your changelist into the depot.
- <p>
- <li> When someone else submits a changelist, you'll need to
- re-sync your workspace (as described in
- <a href="#filling">Filling Your Workspace</a>) and, if
- necessary, <a href="#resolving">resolve</a> opened files.
- <p>
- <li> If you try to submit a changelist without having
- re-synced and resolved, your submit will fail.
- This isn't a problem, it just does this to give you a chance
- to resolve files first.
- The failed submit assigns a number to the pending changelist.
- After you resolve your opened files,
- you must give the changelist's number on the submit
- command, e.g:
- <P>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/submit.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 submit -c 1453
- </TABLE>
- </ul>
- </p>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <BR><BR>
- <P>
- <A NAME="curating">
- </A>
- <H2>Being A Project Curator
- </H2>
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <p>
- If you are a curator of a project in the Public Depot (and you know
- who you are) your first responsibility is to
- maintain an <b>index.html</b> file at the top level of the project
- subdirectory in the <b>//public</b> path.
- This document should at least describe the purpose of the project,
- and list your name and email address. (Or, for spam-proofing,
- your decodable email address.)
- <p>
- Your second responsibility is to "publish" contributions to
- the project by integrating changes from guest branches into
- the <b>//public</b> project path.
- You'll receive email requests to publish contributions.
- When you receive a request:
- <ol>
- <li> Make sure the contributor's guest branch is up to date with
- the public project path.
- <p>
- <li> Review the changes in question for functionality
- and appropriateness for your project.
- <p>
- <li> Integrate the changes from the guest branch into the
- public project path.
- </ol>
- <p>
- For example, say you
- are the curator of the <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> project and you
- get email from Cary Grant requesting that
- you publish his enhancements to the P4DB browser. Here are some tips
- for reviewing and integrating his contribution:
- <ul>
- <li> Note that to integrate any contributor's changes into
- <b>//public/perforce/utils</b>,
- you'll need to have that path mapped in your client workspace view.
- <p>
- <li> Never integrate more than one contribution at a time. (E.g.,
- don't combine Cary Grant's P4DB contribution with James Mason's
- FAQ contribution.)
- <p>
- <li> Start by taking a look at Cary's changelist descriptions.
- You can list them with:
- <pre><b> p4 changes //guest/cary_grant/...</b></pre>
- <p>
- <li> To make sure Cary has integrated all published changes into
- his guest path, add <b>//guest/cary_grant/...</b> to your
- client view and try this:
- <pre><b> p4 flush //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/...
- p4 integ -n //public/perforce/utils/... //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/...</b></pre>
- If this shows unintegrated files,
- send Cary mail telling him he needs to
- <a href="#pulling">pull</a> the latest
- <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> changes into his
- guest branch before you can publish his contribution.
- (<b>p4 flush</b> simulates a sync without copying files to your
- workspace.)
- <p>
- <li> Before opening the <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> files for
- integration, remember to sync first:
- <pre><b> p4 sync //public/perforce/utils/...
- p4 integ //guest/cary_grant/perforce/utils/... //public/perforce/utils/... </b></pre>
- <p>
- <li> Do a "safe" resolve, and make sure all merges could be done
- without conflicts:
- <pre><b> p4 resolve -as //public/perforce/utils/...
- p4 resolve -n //public/perforce/utils/...</b></pre>
- The second resolve should show that everything is already resolved.
- If this is not the case, either Cary did something wrong
- pulling in the latest changes into his branch, or you aren't
- synced to the latest <b>//public/perforce/utils</b> files.
- <p>
- <li> Diff the opened files in your workspace after they've been
- resolved and before you submit them. You can use:
- <UL>
- <TD>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/cmdref/diff.html">
- <img border=0 src="http://www.perforce.com/images/openbook.gif"></a><p>
- <TD><b><PRE>p4 diff</PRE></b></TD>
- </TABLE>
- </UL>
- to see exactly what you'd be changing if you submitted this
- contribution.
- </ul>
- <br><br><br>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- <P>
- <TR>
- <FONT SIZE="-2">
- Copyright ©<br>
- 1998, 1999<br>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Software</a><br>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <FONT SIZE="-2">
- You're browsing a file stored as<br>
- <code>$Id: //guest/michael/tutorial.html#1 $</code><br>
- in the
- <A HREF=http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html>Perforce Public Depot</A>.
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <FONT SIZE="-2"><A HREF="#toc">
- Back to<BR>Table of<BR>Contents</A></TD></TR>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <!------------------------------------------------------------------>
- </BODY>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 4282 | michael | Branch index and curator pages for facelift. | 21 years ago | |
//public/tutorial.html | |||||
#11 | 968 | rmg | Change mail addresses from "info@perforce.com" to "opensource@perforce.com" (now that the... "opensource" address exists). « |
23 years ago | |
#10 | 282 | james | update public depot tutorial to remove reference to "locked" option being in beta test -... it's been a supported feature since 99.1 ! « |
25 years ago | |
#9 | 147 | Laura Wingerd | Fix missing HTML anchor. | 26 years ago | |
#8 | 126 | Laura Wingerd | Update doc links to point to current Perforce command reference pages. | 26 years ago | |
#7 | 53 | Laura Wingerd | Added user name and password setup instructions to tutorial. | 26 years ago | |
#6 | 52 | Laura Wingerd | Minor web page format changes. | 26 years ago | |
#5 | 51 | Laura Wingerd | Update copyright year. | 26 years ago | |
#4 | 50 | Laura Wingerd | Minor PD doc changes. | 26 years ago | |
#3 | 31 | Perforce maintenance | PD tutorial done. | 26 years ago | |
#2 | 30 | Perforce maintenance | PD tutorial, 90% done. | 26 years ago | |
#1 | 29 | Perforce maintenance | PD Tutorial, about half done. | 26 years ago |