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- <title>Using Jam in a dynamic automated build enviroment</title>
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- <o:Author>Neal R. Firth</o:Author>
- <o:Template>Normal</o:Template>
- <o:LastAuthor>Neal R. Firth</o:LastAuthor>
- <o:Revision>3</o:Revision>
- <o:TotalTime>398</o:TotalTime>
- <o:Created>2002-12-17T01:17:00Z</o:Created>
- <o:LastSaved>2002-12-17T01:23:00Z</o:LastSaved>
- <o:Pages>2</o:Pages>
- <o:Words>708</o:Words>
- <o:Characters>4037</o:Characters>
- <o:Company>The Infrastructure Group, Inc.</o:Company>
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- <p class=MsoNormal>This example demonstrates the power of Jam
- as an integral component of an automated build environment with dynamic
- generation requirements.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>A user had a build process that used a manual pre-operation configuration
- and typically ran for most of a day because their default dependency rule was
- build it just in case we missed it during configuration. Moreover, because of
- differences in generation environments, the development build process was
- different from the release engineering build process, which was in turn
- different from the build process used by support. The primary initial project
- goal was to automate the entire build process. A secondary goal was to make the
- build process common for all users. Combining Jam with some glue scripts
- achieved both of these goals, and more, in a relatively short period of time.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>The primary glue script scans the current working
- directory and all of its subdirectories looking for either custom control or Jam
- files. Custom control and Jam files are uniquely identifiable through naming
- conventions. Custom control files are dynamically resolved into Jam files. Jam
- files are referenced directly. All of these Jam files are then referenced by a
- common include file that forms the input control for a Jam based build master.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>The general form of the Jam based build master is:</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script># Expected argument sequence:</p>
- <p class=Script>#<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>$1 - File to be
- generated</p>
- <p class=Script>#<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>$2 - Primary source
- for file being generated</p>
- <p class=Script>#<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>$3 - Configuration
- control files for source</p>
- <p class=Script>#<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>$4 - Generation
- program (with options)</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>rule Generate {</p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>GENERATOR on $(1) =
- $(4) ;</p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>CONTROLS on $(1) =
- "-c "$(3) ;</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>Depends all : $(1) ;</p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>Depends $(1) : $(2)
- $(3) $(4) ;</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>Generator $(1) : $(2)
- ;</p>
- <p class=Script>}</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>actions ignore Generator {</p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>$(GENERATOR) $(CONTROLS)
- -o $(1) $(2)</p>
- <p class=Script>}</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script># What has the script found this time??</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>{</p>
- <p class=Script><span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>include ThisRun ;</p>
- <p class=Script>}</p>
- <p class=Script><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>The contents of ThisRun would reference Jam files that
- ultimately specified instructions such as this:</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>Generate O : Y : c1 c2 : bin\\gen ;</p>
- <p class=Script>Generate c1 : Z : c2 : bin\\cgen ;</p>
- <p class=Script>Generate c2 : Z : : bin\\cgen ;</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>Using this straightforward structure, all users can use the
- same build process because the process adapts to the users environment. A user
- only needs to populate their environment with the files being worked on.
- Instead of a manual, and often error prone, specification process the tools
- dynamically adapt to the users environment. Missing environmental dependencies
- are quickly identified as part of the Jam output. For example, if the cgen generator
- was missing from your environment in the example above, youd see something
- like this as output from Jam and youd know you were missing the generator
- program:</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>don't know how to make bin\cgen</p>
- <p class=Script>found 8 target(s)...</p>
- <p class=Script>can't find 1 target(s)...</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>And there were other benefits to using Jam in this process.
- Prior to this process, build times were not particularly predictable. Some
- types of generators typically ran for seconds, others for minutes, and others
- for tens of minutes. Evaluating build times or the impact of what if
- scenarios required significant effort. Jams o option presented a solution to
- this problem. For the example above, running Jam with the o option would
- generate output that looked like this:</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=Script>bin\cgen<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>-o c2<span
- style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>Z </p>
- <p class=Script>bin\cgen<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>-c c2<span
- style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>-o c1<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">
- </span>Z </p>
- <p class=Script>bin\gen<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>-c c1 -c
- c2<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>-o O<span style="mso-spacerun:
- yes"> </span>Y</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>The results are scanned for the presence of specific
- generators. Each instance of a specific generator is associated with a
- processing time estimate and thus build times can be predicted. Even for
- complex environments involving thousands of generated objects the processing
- time for the glue scanner, Jam, and the o evaluator was typically minutes.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>Output from Jams o option was also used as input to a
- pre-generation validation of build results. This was very important in an
- environment where release build cycles were typically measured in significant
- fractions of a day. The output from running Jam with o could be scanned for
- important build elements. If an expected element build was not going to happen,
- you knew in minutes rather than in hours. This simple technique had a dramatic
- impact on release engineering productivity and the usability of releases.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>This process has adapted and evolved over time to include
- new elements of the environment. Initially, the process encompassed the users
- custom generation needs. Eventually, the glue scanner was enhanced to scan
- Microsoft Visual Studio VBP and DSP files for dependencies that were used as
- input to a generator compilation rule.</p>
- <p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
- <p class=MsoNormal>Jams inherent separation of platform-dependent issues was
- also a benefit. Initially, this process was developed and debugged in a Windows
- environment. Having used Jam as the build manager made adapting these processes
- to MAC and UNIX systems a straightforward task. The generated Jam scripts transported
- as is. The most complex part of the porting task was adapting the glue
- scanners.</p>
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# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 2588 | Neal Firth | Update for Jam example. | 22 years ago | |
#1 | 2510 | Neal Firth | Revised for internal information consistency and use of fixed space fonts in the code/out...put text. « |
22 years ago |