- #!/usr/bin/perl
- require 5.004;
- #
- # Perfreview
- #
- # $Id: //depot/n1/tools/bin/perfreview.pl#1 $
- #
- my $sitename = $ARGV[0];
- my $P4PORT = "perforce:1666";
- my $p4 = "/opt/cadroot/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT";
- my $once = 1;
- my $sendmailLoc = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
- my $sleepTime = 60;
- my $doOutput = 1;
- my $global_mlist="maskdesign\@matrixsemi.com, matt\@matrixsemi.com, cad\@matrixsemi.com";
- # Only this site will run mail commands
- my $mailing_site="matrix_ca";
- unless( $sitename ne "") {
- die "Site name needed!\n";
- }
- # Create/check a lock to wait for this process to finish
- $cmd="touch /tmp/p4review.lock";
- if( -e "/tmp/p4review.lock" ) {
- print "Exiting, lock exists\n";
- exit;
- } else {
- # Create the lock
- print "Creating lock\n";
- system($cmd);
- }
- $mlist = "";
- $sync_client = "";
- $rfname = "";
- $dosync = 0;
- select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # make unbuffered
- # if -1 is given, we'll run once
- $flag = shift @ARGV;
- #$once = 1 if( $flag eq '-1' );
- # All site will run the syncer
- open(CLIENTS, "$p4 clients|") or die;
- while(<CLIENTS>) {
- chop;
- (@cdata)=split;
- $sclient=$_;
- #$smatch="ite:$sitename";
- # Sync the master clients
- if($sclient =~ /_master/) {
- $cmd="$p4 -c $cdata[1] sync";
- print "$cmd\n";
- system($cmd);
- }
- # Sync the CDS pseudo mainline shared clients
- if($sclient =~ /cds library/) {
- $cmd="$p4 -c $cdata[1] sync";
- #print "$cmd\n";
- #system($cmd);
- }
- }
- if($sitename eq $mailing_site) {
- do {
- # Remember highest numbered change we see, so that we can
- # reset the 'review' counter once all mail is delivered.
- # If we crash, the worst that happens is we'll send the mail
- # again.
- local( $topChange ) = 0;
- #
- # REVIEW - list of changes to review.
- #
- open( REVIEW, "$p4 review -t mailcounter|" ) or next;
- while( <REVIEW> ) {
- #
- # Format: "Change x user <email> (Full Name)"
- #
- local($change,$user,$email,$fullName) = /Change (\d*) (\S*) <(\S*)> (\(.*\))/;
- print "review $change...\n" if ($doOutput);
- open(REVIEWERS, "$p4 reviews -c $change|") or next;
- while( <REVIEWERS> ) {
- local($user2,$email2,$fullName2) = /(\S*) <(\S*)> (\(.*\))/;
- push(@reviewers, ", ") if @reviewers;
- push(@reviewers, "$email2");
- }
- close( REVIEWERS );
- # mark it as reviewed if there are no reviewers
- # so that script doesn't have to play catchup
- if(!@reviewers) {
- print "No reviewers...marking as reviewed\n";
- system("$p4 review -c $change -t mailcounter" );
- next;
- }
- print "reading change description for $change\n";
- $mdata = "";
- $line = 0;
- $gotmail = 0;
- $gotglobalmail=0;
- $nomail = 0;
- $xtramail = 0;
- $projdefined = 0;
- # We need to get the summary
- # choose first 60 chars of checkin message
- open(DESCRIBE, "$p4 describe -s $change |");
- while( <DESCRIBE> ) {
- chop;
- $line++;
- if( $line == 1 ) {
- if(/\@locked:/) {
- $gotglobalmail=1;
- }
- ($rchange,$ruser,$rclient) = /Change (\d*) by (\S*)@(.*)/;
- (@rcinfo) = split(' ',$rclient);
- $rclient = $rcinfo[0];
- print "CH $rchange U $ruser C $rclient\n";
- }
- if ($line == 3) {
- $changedes = substr($_,1,60);
- $changedes =~ s/\s*\(nomail\)\s*//i;
- printf "$changedes\n";
- }
- if ($line >= 3) {
- if (/\(nomail\)/i) {
- $nomail = 1;
- }
- if (/xtramail/i) {
- $xtramail = $gotmail = 1;
- ($mlist) = /\s*xtramail\s*\=\s*(\S+)/i;
- }
- }
- if (/^Affected files/i) {
- close(DESCRIBE);
- $line=0;
- }
- }
- close(DESCRIBE);
- $read = 0;
- $cmd = "$p4 client -o $rclient";
- open(WC,"$cmd|");
- while(<WC>) {
- chop;
- if( /^Description/ ) {
- $read = 1;
- next;
- }
- if( /^Root/ ) {
- $read=0;
- }
- if( $read eq 1 ) {
- ($minfo) = /[Mm]ail=(\S+)/;
- ($sync) = /[Ss]ync=(\S+)/;
- ($pinfo) = /[Pp]roj=(\S+)/;
- if($minfo && !$nomail) {
- if ($mlist ne "") {
- $mlist .= ",";
- }
- $mlist .= $minfo;
- $gotmail = 1;
- }
- if( $sync ) {
- $sync_client = $sync;
- $dosync = 1;
- }
- if( $pinfo ) {
- $project = $pinfo;
- $projdefined = 1;
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- close(WC);
- # do a yp lookup for the users real name
- open(FINGER, "ypmatch $ruser passwd|");
- while(<FINGER>) {
- # get the full name
- chop;
- ($rfname) = /[a-z]+:.*:\d*:\d*:([\-a-zA-Z\. ]+).*/;
- }
- close(FINGER);
- # if ($nomail) {
- # system("$p4 -c $rclient change -o $change | sed \'s\/\([nN][oO][mM][aA][iI][lL]\)\/\/g\' | $p4 -c $rclient change -f -i");
- # }
- if ($nomail || $xtramail) {
- open (IN, "$p4 -c $rclient change -o $change |");
- open (OUT, "| $p4 -c $rclient change -f -i");
- while (<IN>) {
- chop;
- next if (/xtramail/i);
- s/\s*\(nomail\)\s*//i;
- print OUT "$_\n";
- }
- close(IN);
- close(OUT);
- }
- #print "$gotmail $mlist $gotglobalmail\n";
- if(($gotmail && $mlist ne "") || $gotglobalmail eq 1) {
- open(DESCRIBE, "$p4 describe -s $change|");
- print "Running mailer\n";
- open(MAIL, "|$sendmailLoc -t");
- #open(MAIL, ">/tmp/mail.$$");
- $masterlist="";
- # Set the mailing list contents
- if($gotmail && $gotglobalmail) {
- $masterlist=$mlist.",".$global_mlist;
- } else {
- if($gotmail && !$gotglobalmail) {
- $masterlist=$mlist;
- } else {
- if($gotglobalmail && !$gotmail) {
- $masterlist=$global_mlist;
- }
- }
- }
- print "Mailing to $masterlist\n";
- if ($gotglobalmail) {
- $subject = "[p4] LOCKED library change $changedes";
- } else {
- $subject = "[p4] $changedes";
- }
- print MAIL "To: $masterlist, $ruser\n",
- "From: $ruser ($rfname)\n",
- "Subject:$subject\n\n";
- while( <DESCRIBE> ) {
- # don't allow single .'s through
- $_ = "..\n" if( $_ eq ".\n" );
- print MAIL;
- }
- print MAIL "\n\nhttp://ghost.engr.matrixsemi.com/p4db/changeView.cgi?CH=$rchange\n";
- close(MAIL);
- close(DESCRIBE);
- $mlist="";
- }
- $gotmail = 0;
- $topChange = $change;
- if( $dosync == 1 ) {
- print("Syncing client $sync_client\n");
- $dosync = 0;
- system("$p4 -c $sync_client sync") if( $topChange );
- }
- # Update counter to reflect changes reviewed.
- #
- print "Marking as reviewed $topChange\n";
- system("$p4 review -c $topChange -t mailcounter") if( $topChange );
- }
- }
- }
- #delete the lock
- print "Clearing lock\n";
- $cmd = "rm -f /tmp/p4review.lock";
- system($cmd);
- exit 0;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 2885 | Shiv Sikand | Autosync updates and checking script */5 * * * * umask 02; /opt/cadroot/bin/autosync ma...trix_ca > /dev/null 2>&1 ; /usr/local/bin/autosync_check « |
22 years ago | |
#1 | 1675 | Shiv Sikand | New 2.2 tree | 23 years ago |