- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- # Integrate Wizard command line version
- require "ctime.pl";
- $date = &ctime(time);
- use Getopt::Long;
- $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev=0; #make them specify exact option
- unless(GetOptions("h",
- "utm", "utb", "bname=s", "exec", "text=s")){
- die "Illegal Input Options, -h for help\n";
- }
- if($opt_h) {
- print "Integration Wizard Help\n-utm Update the Mainline (reverse integrate)
- -utb Update the Branch (forward integrate)
- -exec execute the integrate
- -text integration message for -utm
- -bname <branch name>
- -h this message \n";
- exit(1);
- }
- if((!$opt_utm || !$opt_utb) && !$opt_bname) {
- print "Usage: intwiz -h for help
- Usage: intwiz {-utm|-utb} -bname <branch name> -text <message for utm mode>\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- if($opt_utm && $opt_utb) {
- print "Hey, you can't do that\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- if($opt_utm && !$opt_text ) {
- if($opt_exec) {
- print "You need to specify a message using -text <message>\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if($opt_utm) {
- $intdir="-r ";
- }
- else {
- $intdir="";
- }
- if($opt_exec) {
- $intoption="";
- } else {
- $intoption=" -n";
- }
- if($opt_utb) {
- $btext="auto-int";
- } else {
- $btext="auto-r-int ".$opt_text;
- }
- # Create a temporary client for fast integration
- $intclient="intwiz_temp.$$";
- $cmd="p4 client -o $intclient | p4 client -i > /dev/null";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="p4 -c $intclient integ $intoption -v -i -d $intdir -b $opt_bname\n";
- system($cmd);
- if($intoption ne "-n") {
- $cmd="p4 -c $intclient change -o | sed 's/<.*>/$btext/' > /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- open(SUB, "</tmp/subout.$$") || die "Couldn't read change description\n";
- $submit=0;
- while(<SUB>) {
- if(/^Files/) {
- $submit++;
- close(SUB);
- }
- }
- if($submit) {
- # We should resolve first
- $cmd="p4 -c $intclient resolve -at";
- system($cmd);
- $cmd="p4 -c $intclient submit -i < /tmp/subout.$$";
- system($cmd);
- }
- system("p4 client -d $intclient > /dev/null");
- }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 1675 | Shiv Sikand | New 2.2 tree | 23 years ago |