Change | User | Description | Committed |
19858 | swellard | Log more about p4d config | 9 years ago |
19855 | swellard | Review changes | 9 years ago |
19803 | tjuricek | Setting up the server to be deployable as a servlet, and adding custom "prefix" addition t...o all routes. It's not completely clear exactly when you'd want to do this, but, you could include the hws.jar in your app server and run this way. This adds a new "servlet example project" that we use to execute a basic test in the new suite. « |
9 years ago |
19755 | swellard | Get tests to run and fix the single failure | 9 years ago |
19753 | swellard | Log file errors for P4d on start but don't stop service running | 9 years ago |
19746 | drobins | Replace the path for /api/hws/v16.1/config/p4ds with /api/hws/v16.1/servers | 9 years ago |
19745 | swellard | Remove JWT filter - request params not available | 9 years ago |
19741 | swellard | Don't return a null body if HWS_AUTH_P4D is an invalid value | 9 years ago |
19737 | swellard | Remove debug | 9 years ago |
19725 | swellard | Remove the need to pass LoginRequest to login call | 9 years ago |
19722 | tjuricek | It was requested that illegal input to login methods return 403, not 400. This is the c...urrent regression behavior. « |
9 years ago |
19720 | swellard | Login changes to use basic auth | 9 years ago |
19700 | swellard | Add HWS_AUTH_P4D to settings for p4d login auth | 9 years ago |
19699 | drobins | Add some logging and correct the checkstyle errors | 9 years ago |
19690 | drobins | Fix some checkstyle stuff, improve the use of constants and reduce the use of instanceof | 9 years ago |
19657 | swellard | Back out revision 12 from //depot/main/helix-web-services/source/server/src/main/java/com/...perforce/hws/server/ « | 9 years ago |
19655 | drobins | Wrap the retrofit exception in a perforce client one | 9 years ago |
19652 | drobins | Simple changes from code review, comments names etc. | 9 years ago |
19651 | swellard | Review fixes | 9 years ago |
19650 | swellard | Review fixes | 9 years ago |
19639 | tjuricek | Change error code for illegal server IDs from 400 (invalid request) to 404 (missing). | 9 years ago |
19625 | tjuricek | Report a 500 for misconfigured P4CHARSET settings, make sure status reports an error, and... make the log entry meaningful. « | 9 years ago |
19611 | swellard | Refactor REST path - make version namespace specific | 9 years ago |
19609 | tjuricek | Capturing all exceptions when just checking for connections to a server, and returning, since, well, we had a problem connecting to the server. On OS X, using 'unload/load' instead of 'stop/start'. The documentation isn't clear on why this is the way to do it but it works in practice. « |
9 years ago |
19607 | tjuricek | Add status check to log errors and flag ERROR if any p4ds are misconfigured. Run this on startup. Note: I tried shutting down in the face of p4d configuration error - there be dragons down that route. It's very, very tricky to get the rules right for automation workflows, so I'm leaving that be at the moment and just making sure we have logging and a status reporting system. In theory, admins should be using some kind of monitor that says "uh oh error" and then they go check the logs and fix things. « |
9 years ago |
19598 | swellard | Refactor REST path - some code tidy | 9 years ago |
19597 | swellard | Refactor REST path | 9 years ago |
19579 | swellard | Refactor REST path | 9 years ago |
19575 | swellard | Refactor REST paths First round * Remove use of hardcoded repeated strings * Fix checkst...yle issues « |
9 years ago |
19557 | tjuricek | Add test to ensure that /api/doc/ responds, and fix path to doc from version file. Ther...e is very odd classloading logic in spark for static files (as of 2.5). If you have a resource directory (like we do) it barfs if you try to capture that directory name as a "file-like" path with no trailing slash. This feels like a bug in Spark, but one I'm nonetheless not going to work around quickly. The link from the application version page now works, and we have a basic test to ensure that documentation is indeed being hosted correctly. « |
9 years ago |
19549 | tjuricek | Apply a convention for reading models that returns 400 errors when people input garbage on... POST/PUT requests. This is not hit by users of the client SDKs typically, but users of curl, or what have you that mistakenly make a POST request that has no body. « |
9 years ago |
19535 | drobins | Refactor package names to hws | 9 years ago |
19515 | spenn | Added in a check to see if P4DCONFIGDIR is set or not in the configuration, a raise a mor...e sensible error other than null pointer exception if it isn't. « |
9 years ago |
19462 | spenn | Fixed typo in HTML text. | 9 years ago |
19411 | tjuricek | Set program name for Helix Web Services | 9 years ago |
19408 | tjuricek | Revise system to allow HWS to be "embedded" in another spark 2.5 Service application. -... "WebApp" is now HelixWebServices. - The initialization process is now broken into several public methods, to work with your own Server instance. See the HelixWebServices.main method implementation for an example on how to initialize the object, etc. « |
9 years ago |
19399 | tjuricek | Upgrade to spark 2.5 which requires a different path for the version information. Spark... 2.5's static file matching seems to conflict with just using the "/api" path since a "/publicsite/api" directory actually exists. You end up with a 500 error (NPE exception) if you attempt to map that path. Also, disable the failing RPM test for now. « |
9 years ago |
19282 | tjuricek |
Use the "trust fingerprints" not the trust store for the ... trusted fingerprints. |
9 years ago |
19274 | tjuricek |
Remove link to javaDoc. All documentation is in the single HTML guide. |
9 years ago |
19205 | tjuricek | Basic infrastructure for PHP testing, and, removing the ps check after startup - seems to... be too fast, though the server should be already responding to p4 info commands. « | 9 years ago |
19185 | tjuricek | Removing Helix Sync, SSH key logic that is not tested or used. After discussing with Scheirer, we'll need to revisit exactly what an HWS api needs to do with Helix Cloud. The integration may be trickier then most assume, since a large chunk of the API will not be allowed for Cloud users. « |
9 years ago |
19125 | tjuricek | JavaScript Client SDK commands tests with fix for passing around array query parameter arg...uments. « | 9 years ago |
19067 | tjuricek | Add handling to deal with IllegalArgumentException as general "400" level errors from user...s. The different client APIs just need to have their respective techniques provide the error status. « |
9 years ago |
19039 | tjuricek | Capture any startup exceptions and log via our logging system. | 9 years ago |
19028 | tjuricek | Switch to using a single-threaded p4d server for testing, to see if this resolves automate...d testing configuration problems on OS X. Also, add a warning message if there's no p4d configurations. This happens when launching things under debuggers sometimes. This is a "test flapping" issue: doesn't always happen. « |
9 years ago |
19002 | tjuricek | Improve API to interact with multiple p4ds. The configuration now requires an explicit... setting of what P4Ds HWS can talk to via the 'P4D config dir', where there's a file indicating connection settings per p4d, and importantly, an ID. This is the "server ID" referenced everywhere. Most methods now require a server ID to indicate which p4d to manipulate. In the future, it's likely we will interact with *multiple* p4d instances on some services. This completely removes the ability to run HWS as a kind of an "open proxy" to whatever p4d you want. Given the nature of the change and the lack of priority, we've removed Helix Cloud testing and disabled several methods from their "Helix Cloud" implementation. These will be relatively easy to bring back, we'll just need a new method from Raymond that lists the "allowed server IDs" that map to the HWS configured server IDs for a particular user. Another notable aspect of this change is the use of JSON Web Token to create our authentication key. We associate this key with an in-memory "session" that contains the P4D tickets we use to authenticate users. The JWT token, by default, is assigned a timeout, which allows HWS to block further access to underlying servers without having to interact with multiple auth backends. If any backend fails with that session, the user will get a 403. If you disable the timeout, you'll need to ensure your clients clear out sessions. « |
9 years ago |
18905 | tjuricek | Add Git Fusion environent configuration and testing, and altered the implementation to use... the newly defined API. Note: only runs on linux. We use latest GF production for testing and GF packages are linux only. The "integration" is pretty "light" at this point. This does require the test machine to have our package repository setup. « |
9 years ago |
18880 | tjuricek | Added tests for LDAP-related group specification fields. This requires using an input s...tring instead of a map, apparently p4java 15.2 doesn't support this yet. Also, we don't run these tests against pre-15.1 servers. « |
9 years ago |
18879 | tjuricek | Add '-m' and '-a' filtering options on user list. Also, the Ruby client SDK needed to ove...rride the .gemspec template. « |
9 years ago |
18877 | tjuricek | Revise the 'Jobview' field of user specs to just be a string instead of an array, add basi...c testing. « | 9 years ago |