Change | User | Description | Committed |
19850 | ptomiak | Back out revision 6 from //depot/main/helix-web-services/source/testing/src/main/java/com/...perforce/hws/testing/deployment/deb/ Kick off another build. « |
9 years ago |
19849 | ptomiak | Kick off another build - add logging to failing test | 9 years ago |
19804 | swellard | Fix dependency reference | 9 years ago |
19803 | tjuricek | Setting up the server to be deployable as a servlet, and adding custom "prefix" addition t...o all routes. It's not completely clear exactly when you'd want to do this, but, you could include the hws.jar in your app server and run this way. This adds a new "servlet example project" that we use to execute a basic test in the new suite. « |
9 years ago |
19755 | swellard | Get tests to run and fix the single failure | 9 years ago |
19735 | swellard | Add a test for server login | 9 years ago |
19733 | swellard | Login - catch and throw in ClientProvider for EC debug (tristan suggestion) | 9 years ago |
19725 | swellard | Remove the need to pass LoginRequest to login call | 9 years ago |
19723 | tjuricek | Change how authentication happens on the debian tests to meet the new authentication techn...ique. « | 9 years ago |
19720 | swellard | Login changes to use basic auth | 9 years ago |
19717 | dbirch | Additional .p4ignore file which was missed earlier. | 9 years ago |
19715 | dbirch | Add/update .p4ignore files throughout the project to ignore gradle, checkstyle and various... other files and directories that shouldn't be checked in but weren't previously covered. Additionally added eclipse based .p4ignore terms to ignore common eclipse generated files. « |
9 years ago |
19704 | tjuricek | Fix assertions around checks for running/stopped services in the test. | 9 years ago |
19703 | tjuricek | Ensuring that the service is running on RPM-based systems before continuing to uninstall. | 9 years ago |
19690 | drobins | Fix some checkstyle stuff, improve the use of constants and reduce the use of instanceof | 9 years ago |
19681 | tjuricek | Fix polling to ensure HWS is both shut down and started up during the reinstallation tests.... « | 9 years ago |
19680 | tjuricek | Ah, restoring changes to make the upgrade tests work with the "pre-UK version" again, part... 2 « | 9 years ago |
19679 | tjuricek | Ah, restoring changes to make the upgrade tests work with the "pre-UK version" again | 9 years ago |
19678 | tjuricek | Revise package tests to not call post install config, since that's now called during insta...llation. « | 9 years ago |
19664 | ptomiak | Add an installer for Windows, modify setup script name, modify deb and rpm package behavio...ur, add a Mac OS X dmg installer. « | 9 years ago |
19655 | drobins | Wrap the retrofit exception in a perforce client one | 9 years ago |
19646 | tjuricek | Third party dependencies for the testing/proxy project. | 9 years ago |
19645 | tjuricek | Create test that uses reverse proxy to mount HWS under "/webservices", and then use the HW...S java SDK to access it via that proxy. « | 9 years ago |
19643 | swellard | Switch off js/python/ruby/php client tests as part of runAll | 9 years ago |
19642 | swellard | Swagger code gen change method names | 9 years ago |
19639 | tjuricek | Change error code for illegal server IDs from 400 (invalid request) to 404 (missing). | 9 years ago |
19634 | swellard | Swagger codegen - fix equals | 9 years ago |
19626 | tjuricek | Adding a check to make sure the initial installation is running before proceeding. The... EC environment fails these tests but they run on my local VM. I suspect there may be a timing issue with the background process starting up. « |
9 years ago |
19625 | tjuricek | Report a 500 for misconfigured P4CHARSET settings, make sure status reports an error, and... make the log entry meaningful. « | 9 years ago |
19623 | tjuricek | Add a test that verifies that status is on ERROR when an invalid p4d happens. Originall...y I thought about halting the server process, but that tends to break everything, and it doesn't really have to be that way. As long as a monitoring tool can flag "uh oh" and a log message lets people know what just happened, it should be an improvement. « |
9 years ago |
19622 | tjuricek | Our "upgrade" tests use the older `helix_web_services` name while the more recent tests us...e `helix-ws`. This should fix our upgrade testing issues for now. There may be rules we need to add to scripts to make it all work. « |
9 years ago |
19616 | ptomiak | Fix broken rpm build. | 9 years ago |
19615 | mphillips | Reorder XML to Windows Eclipse TestNG likes the ordering. Trish has tried it out on Mac... and it seems fine. « |
9 years ago |
19613 | ptomiak | Package remove with purge should leave just the configuration files, anything else should... be removed. Rename the service to helix-ws. Remove uninstall-helix-web-services from packages. « |
9 years ago |
19610 | tjuricek | Issuing a stop before uninstalling, and just verifing ports are available. It's likely... that our upgrade tests will fail since we're not managing p4d. « |
9 years ago |
19607 | tjuricek | Add status check to log errors and flag ERROR if any p4ds are misconfigured. Run this on startup. Note: I tried shutting down in the face of p4d configuration error - there be dragons down that route. It's very, very tricky to get the rules right for automation workflows, so I'm leaving that be at the moment and just making sure we have logging and a status reporting system. In theory, admins should be using some kind of monitor that says "uh oh error" and then they go check the logs and fix things. « |
9 years ago |
19597 | swellard | Refactor REST path | 9 years ago |
19557 | tjuricek | Add test to ensure that /api/doc/ responds, and fix path to doc from version file. Ther...e is very odd classloading logic in spark for static files (as of 2.5). If you have a resource directory (like we do) it barfs if you try to capture that directory name as a "file-like" path with no trailing slash. This feels like a bug in Spark, but one I'm nonetheless not going to work around quickly. The link from the application version page now works, and we have a basic test to ensure that documentation is indeed being hosted correctly. « |
9 years ago |
19554 | swellard | Added a task to runPythonTests on their own | 9 years ago |
19553 | swellard | Move and rename clients | 9 years ago |
19550 | tjuricek | Disable SSL validation in tests (since we use self-signed certs on installer tests) | 9 years ago |
19549 | tjuricek | Apply a convention for reading models that returns 400 errors when people input garbage on... POST/PUT requests. This is not hit by users of the client SDKs typically, but users of curl, or what have you that mistakenly make a POST request that has no body. « |
9 years ago |
19546 | tjuricek | Revise the description on testing:runAll - this doesn't run everything, just what's define...d in the testng-all.xml driver (so mostly everything) « | 9 years ago |
19543 | tjuricek | Rename path to the AsciidocReportGenerator application | 9 years ago |
19535 | drobins | Refactor package names to hws | 9 years ago |
19467 | tjuricek | Add basic test to ensure .deb packages can be uninstalled and re-installed without error. | 9 years ago |
19399 | tjuricek | Upgrade to spark 2.5 which requires a different path for the version information. Spark... 2.5's static file matching seems to conflict with just using the "/api" path since a "/publicsite/api" directory actually exists. You end up with a 500 error (NPE exception) if you attempt to map that path. Also, disable the failing RPM test for now. « |
9 years ago |
19395 | tjuricek | Switch to using the "yum" command for installation and upgrades, just to see if we'll get... actual diagnostic messages on why it's failing in the EC run. « | 9 years ago |
19394 | tjuricek | Add %pre section to RPMs (for diagnostics), add reinstall test suite. The @BeforeTest /... @AfterTest annotations do not work like JUnit - they are associated to a much larger "test" abstraction, which tends to be even higher than the suite level. It's one of those oddities of TestNG. We could use @Test with dependencies, I prefer just putting the cleanup calls directly in the test currently. « |
9 years ago |
19393 | tjuricek | Running the rpm -Uvh command in the directory of the rpm file. These are experiments to... try to understand why the automation is failing only on the EC machine. « |
9 years ago |