Change | User | Description | Committed |
13974 | tjuricek | Moving 'ui/static' to 'helix_web_components' project, and altering some notes. Also, re...moved obsolete top-level Rake tasks. The "Helix Web Components" project will likely get moved elsewhere in the future. « |
10 years ago |
13973 | tjuricek | Some initial documentation | 10 years ago |
13971 | tjuricek | Add the ability for the header to display a "subnav" element. This is likely not our fi...nal UI, we may need to customize an individual nav-item to function like a breadcrumb. But functionally, it's working, the behavior should be the same. « |
10 years ago |
13962 | tjuricek | Add 'location' store and integrate "Jest" for unit testing. The location will trigger d...ifferent views of the main ProjectManagement component. The Jest framework allows us to create headless tests of the React component logic. It's a little tricky, and right now has a dependency on node 0.10. « |
10 years ago |
13960 | tjuricek | Setup a development config for nginx /hws points to the new monolithic instance / points to a static directory This static directory may end up getting moved around into other projects, I'm not sure where that location should be. « |
10 years ago |
13785 | tjuricek | Removing "js" commented out regions from package.json | 10 years ago |
13770 | tjuricek | Trying to reconcile a strange error when exec'ing 'browserify app.js [envify ...]' in the... CD environment. « | 10 years ago |
13769 | tjuricek | Add a trivial 'Header' component with a log out method. | 10 years ago |
13759 | tjuricek | Fix the 'source' declaration that broke the installer build process. The 'perforce.rb'... file. « |
10 years ago |
13707 | tjuricek | Infrastructure for including a "project management" React application. This attempts to... create a fairly simple installer that creates a 'static' folder based on ui/static that gets hosted by the nginx front end. Right now, it's the only app, so the default page is this application. It was called "pws2" during a prototyping phase. Another prototype, "pws" and the related "project" module, is removed since that was a Sinatra-based approach that will be much more difficult to integrate into anything else. I'm running into a couple of issues with notifications setup, it's still not 100%, so I'm disabling this for now from the default 'god' configuration. (The service isn't 100% functional yet, anyway.) « |
10 years ago |
13645 | tjuricek | React.js + Flux prototype This just logs in and displays a list of projects (create one... with the other app for now). « |
10 years ago |
13635 | tjuricek | Exploring modular web applications with Sinatra. If the app has fairly unique content page, Sinatra works really well actually. (Mostly because it's a thin layer over Rack.) Sharing anything though, basically means implementing a module or base class and implementing it everywhere. An added benefit is that these applications could be used in Rails apps as well. I'd probably think hard about this, because Rails tends to be a resource hog. Here's an example I used for running against the dev system: require 'pms' app = Pms::Login.settings.p4_web_api_url = ProjectApp.settings.phoenix_services_url = app.settings.static = :true app.settings.public_folder = File.absolute_path('../../ui/pms', __FILE__) puts "public_folder is #{app.settings.public_folder}" run app « |
10 years ago |