* Copyright 1995, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* msglbr.h - definitions of errors for Lbr subsystem.
class MsgLbr {
static ErrorId BadType1;
static ErrorId Purged;
static ErrorId ScriptFailed;
static ErrorId After;
static ErrorId Checkin;
static ErrorId Checkout;
static ErrorId Commit;
static ErrorId Diff;
static ErrorId Edit0;
static ErrorId Edit1;
static ErrorId Edit2;
static ErrorId Empty;
static ErrorId EofAt;
static ErrorId Expect;
static ErrorId ExpDesc;
static ErrorId ExpEof;
static ErrorId ExpRev;
static ErrorId ExpSemi;
static ErrorId Lock;
static ErrorId Loop;
static ErrorId Mangled;
static ErrorId MkDir;
static ErrorId NoBrRev;
static ErrorId NoBranch;
static ErrorId NoRev;
static ErrorId NoRev3;
static ErrorId NoRevDel;
static ErrorId Parse;
static ErrorId RevLess;
static ErrorId TooBig;
static ErrorId RcsTooBig;
static ErrorId FmtLbrStat;
static ErrorId FmtLbrStat2;
static ErrorId FmtLbrStat3;
static ErrorId LbrOpenFail;
static ErrorId AlreadyOpen;
static ErrorId BadKeyword;
// Retired ErrorIds. We need to keep these so that clients
// built with newer apis can commnunicate with older servers
// still sending these.
} ;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
15901 |
Matt Attaway |
Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards |
12188 |
Matt Attaway |
Move 'main' p4 into a release specific directory in prep for new releases |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/msgs/msglbr.h |
9129 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial commit of the 2014.1 p4/p4api source code |