* Copyright 1995, 2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
class StrPtr;
class StrBuf;
class ErrorLog;
enum P4DebugType {
DT_DB, // DbOpen
DT_DIFF, // Diff
DT_DM, // Dm
DT_DMC, // Dm commands
DT_FTP, // Ftp Server
DT_HANDLE, // Handles
DT_LBR, // Lbr
DT_MAP, // MapTable
DT_NET, // Net
DT_OPTIONS, // Optional behavior
DT_PEEK, // Peeking
DT_RECORDS, // VarRecords
DT_RPC, // Rpc
DT_SERVER, // Server
DT_SPEC, // Spec
DT_TRACK, // Track
DT_OB, // Offline Broker
DT_VIEWGEN, // Streamw view generator
DT_RPL, // Distributed functionality related
DT_SSL, // SSL related
DT_TIME, // Add timestamps to debug output
DT_CLUSTER, // Cluster related
DT_ZK, // p4zk related
DT_LDAP, // LDAP related
} ;
class P4Tunable {
void Set( const char *set );
void Unset( const char *set );
int Get( int t ) const { return list[t].value; }
int GetLevel( const char *n ) const;
int GetIndex( const char *n ) const;
const char *GetName( int t ) const { return list[t].name; }
int IsSet( int t ) const { return list[t].isSet; }
int IsSet( const char * n ) const;
int IsKnown( const char * n );
int IsNumeric( const char * n );
void Unbuffer();
void UnsetAll();
static struct tunable {
const char *name;
int isSet;
int value;
int minVal;
int maxVal;
int modVal;
int k; // what's 1k? 1000 or 1024?
int original;
} list[];
} ;
typedef void (*DebugOutputHook)( void *context, const StrPtr *buffer );
class P4DebugConfig {
virtual ~P4DebugConfig();
virtual void Output();
virtual StrBuf *Buffer();
virtual int Alloc( int );
void Install();
void SetErrorLog( ErrorLog *e ) { elog = e; }
void SetOutputHook( void *ctx, DebugOutputHook hk )
{ hook = hk; context = ctx; }
static void TsPid2StrBuf( StrBuf &prefix );
StrBuf *buf;
int msz;
ErrorLog *elog;
DebugOutputHook hook;
void *context;
class P4Debug : private P4Tunable {
void SetLevel( int l );
void SetLevel( const char *set );
void SetLevel( P4DebugType t, int l ) { list[t].value = l ;}
int GetLevel( P4DebugType t ) const { return Get(t); }
void ShowLevels( int showAll, StrBuf &buf );
void Event();
void printf( const char *fmt, ... );
* DEBUGPRINT and DEBUGPRINTF are generic debug macros.
* These macros simply check to see if the passed condition
* is true and if so prints out the message. The latter macro
* takes arguments.
* It is expected that the underlying sub-project will
* construct macros that that encapsulate the comparison
* of their area's debug flag against specific levels:
* e.g. # define DEBUG_SVR_ERROR ( p4debug.GetLevel( DT_SERVER ) >= 1 )
* # define DEBUG_SVR_WARN ( p4debug.GetLevel( DT_SERVER ) >= 2 )
* # define DEBUG_SVR_INFO ( p4debug.GetLevel( DT_SERVER ) >= 4 )
# define DEBUGPRINT(level, msg) \
do \
{ \
if( level ) \
p4debug.printf( msg "\n" ); \
} while(0);
# define DEBUGPRINTF( level, msg, ... ) \
do \
{ \
if( level ) \
p4debug.printf( msg "\n", __VA_ARGS__ ); \
} while(0);
extern P4Debug p4debug;
extern P4Tunable p4tunable;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
15901 |
Matt Attaway |
Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards |
12189 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial (and much belated) drop of 2014.2 p4 source code |