* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* FileSys.h - OS specific file manipulation
* Public classes:
* FileSys - a file handle, with all the trimmings
* Static Public methods:
* FileSys::Create() - create a FileSys, given its file type
* FileSys::CreateTemp() - create, destructor deletes the file
* FileSys::CreateGloablTemp() - Temp, constructor makes a global name
* FileSys::FileExists() - does the passed filepath exist in the file system
* FileSys::Perm() - translate string perm to enum
* Public methods:
* FileSys::Set() - set file name
* FileSys::Name() - get file name
* FileSys::GetType() - get type previously set
* FileSys::IsTextual() - return if type is one of text types
* FileSys::IsExec() - return if type indicates executable bit set
* FileSys::DoIndirectWrites() - updates should write temp/rename
* FileSys::MakeGlobalTemp() - make a temp name in a global directory
* FileSys::MakeLocalTemp() - make a temp name in same dir as file
* FileSys::IsDeleteOnClose() - will file be removed on close?
* FileSys::SetDeleteOnClose() - file will be removed
* FileSys::ClearDeleteOnClose() - file won't be removed
* FileSys::Perms() - set file permission for close after write
* FileSys::ModTime() - set mod time for close after write
* FileSys::ChmodTime() - use modTime value to change mod time directly
* FileSys::Open() - open named file according to mode
* FileSys::Write() - write a block into file
* FileSys::Read() - read a block from file
* FileSys::ReadLine() - read a line into string
* FileSys::ReadWhole() - read whole file into string
* FileSys::Close() - close file description
* FileSys::Stat() - return flags if file exists, writable
* FileSys::Truncate() - set file to zero length if it exists
* FileSys::Unlink() - remove single file
* FileSys::GetFd() - return underlying int fd, FST_BINARY only
* FileSys::GetSize() - return file size, FST_BINARY,TEXT,ATEXT only
* FileSys::GetOwner() - return the UID of the file owner
* FileSys::GetDiskSpace() - fill in data about filesystem space usage.
* FileSys::Seek() - seek to offset, FST_BINARY,TEXT,ATEXT only
* FileSys::Tell() - file position, FST_BINARY,TEXT,ATEXT only
* FileSys::ScanDir() - return a list of directory contents
* FileSys::MkDir() - make a directory for the current file
* FileSys::RmDir() - remove the directory of the current file
* FileSys::Rename() - rename file to target
* FileSys::ReadFile() - open, read whole file into string, close
* FileSys::WriteFile() - open, write whole file from string, close
* FileSys::Chmod() - change permissions
* FileSys::Compare() - compare file against target
* FileSys::Copy - copy one file to another
* FileSys::Digest() - return a fingerprint of the file contents
* FileSys::Chmod2() - copy a file to get ownership and set perms
* FileSys::Fsync() - sync file state to disk
* FileSys::CheckType() - look at the file and see if it is binary, etc
# ifdef OS_NT
# define DOUNICODE ( CharSetApi::isUnicode((CharSetApi::CharSet)GetCharSetPriv()) )
# endif
enum FileSysType
// Base types
FST_TEXT = 0x0001, // file is text
FST_BINARY = 0x0002, // file is binary
FST_DIRECTORY = 0x0005, // it's a directory
FST_SYMLINK = 0x0006, // it's a symlink
FST_RESOURCE = 0x0007, // Macintosh resource file
FST_SPECIAL = 0x0008, // not a regular file
FST_MISSING = 0x0009, // no file at all
FST_CANTTELL = 0x000A, // can read file to find out
FST_EMPTY = 0x000B, // file is empty
FST_UNICODE = 0x000C, // file is unicode
FST_UTF16 = 0x000E, // stream is utf8 convert to utf16
FST_UTF8 = 0x000F, // stream is utf8, might have BOM handling
FST_MASK = 0x000F, // mask for types
// Compression Modifiers
FST_C_ASIS = 0x0400, // replacing FST_M_COMP
FST_C_GZIP = 0x0800, // for gziped files
FST_C_GUNZIP = 0x0c00, // for compress on client
FST_C_MASK = 0x0c00,
// Modifiers
FST_M_APPEND = 0x0010, // open always append
FST_M_EXCL = 0x0020, // open exclusive create
FST_M_SYNC = 0x0040, // fsync on close
FST_M_EXEC = 0x0100, // file is executable
FST_M_APPLE = 0x0200, // apple single/double encoding
FST_M_COMP = 0x0400, // file is somehow compressed
FST_M_MASK = 0x0ff0, // mask for modifiers
// Line ending types, loosely mapped to LineType
FST_L_LOCAL = 0x0000, // LineTypeLocal
FST_L_LF = 0x1000, // LineTypeRaw
FST_L_CR = 0x2000, // LineTypeCr
FST_L_CRLF = 0x3000, // LineTypeCrLf
FST_L_LFCRLF = 0x4000, // LineTypeLfcrlf
FST_L_MASK = 0xf000, // mask for LineTypes
// Composite types, for filesys.cc
FST_ATEXT = 0x0011, // append-only text
FST_XTEXT = 0x0101, // executable text
FST_RTEXT = 0x1001, // raw text
FST_RXTEXT = 0x1101, // executable raw text
FST_CBINARY = 0x0402, // pre-compressed binary
FST_XBINARY = 0x0102, // executable binary
FST_APPLETEXT = 0x0201, // apple format text
FST_APPLEFILE = 0x0202, // apple format binary
FST_XAPPLEFILE =0x0302, // executable apple format binary
FST_XUNICODE = 0x010C, // executable unicode text
FST_XUTF16 = 0x010E, // stream is utf8 convert to utf16
FST_XUTF8 = 0x010F, // stream is utf8 BOM handling
FST_RCS = 0x1041, // RCS temporary file: raw text, sync on close
FST_GZIP = 0x0802, // file is gzip
FST_GUNZIP = 0x0c02, // stream is gzip
FST_GZIPTEXT = 0x0801, // file is text gzipped
enum FileStatFlags {
FSF_EXISTS = 0x01, // file exists
FSF_WRITEABLE = 0x02, // file is user-writable
FSF_DIRECTORY = 0x04, // file is a directory
FSF_SYMLINK = 0x08, // file is symlink
FSF_SPECIAL = 0x10, // file is not regular
FSF_EXECUTABLE = 0x20, // file is executable
FSF_EMPTY = 0x40, // file is empty
FSF_HIDDEN = 0x80 // file is invisible (hidden)
} ;
enum FileSysAttr {
FSA_HIDDEN = 0x01 // file is invisible (hidden)
} ;
enum FileOpenMode {
FOM_READ, // open for reading
FOM_WRITE, // open for writing
FOM_RW // open for write, but don't trunc, allow read
} ;
enum FilePerm {
FPM_RO, // leave file read-only
FPM_RW, // leave file read-write
FPM_ROO, // leave file read-only (owner)
// following two enums are for key file and dir permissions
FPM_RXO, // set file read-execute (owner) NO W
FPM_RWO, // set file read-write (owner) NO X
FPM_RWXO // set file read-write-execute (owner)
} ;
enum LFNModeFlags {
LFN_UTF8 = 0x04,
} ;
enum FileDigestType
} ;
class StrArray;
class CharSetCvt;
class MD5;
class StrBuf;
class DateTimeHighPrecision; // for the high-precision modtime calls
class DiskSpaceInfo {
P4INT64 blockSize;
P4INT64 totalBytes;
P4INT64 usedBytes;
P4INT64 freeBytes;
int pctUsed;
StrBuf *fsType;
} ;
class FileSys {
// Creators
static FileSys *Create( FileSysType type );
static FileSys *CreateTemp( FileSysType type ) {
FileSys *f = Create( type );
return f;
static FileSys *CreateGlobalTemp( FileSysType type ) {
FileSys *f = Create( type );
return f;
// special temp for simple locking
static FileSys *CreateLock( FileSys *, Error * );
static FilePerm Perm( const char *p );
static bool FileExists( const char *p );
static int BufferSize();
static bool IsRelative( const StrPtr &p );
# ifdef OS_NT
static bool IsUNC( const StrPtr &p );
# endif
virtual void SetBufferSize( size_t ) { }
int IsUnderPath( const StrPtr &path );
static int SymlinksSupported()
# ifdef OS_NT
; // Have to probe the system to decide
# else
{ return 1; }
# else
{ return 0; }
# endif
# endif
// Get/set perms, modtime
void Perms( FilePerm p ) { perms = p; }
void ModTime( StrPtr *u ) { modTime = u->Atoi(); }
void ModTime( time_t t ) { modTime = (int)t; }
time_t GetModTime() { return modTime; }
// Set filesize hint for NT fragmentation avoidance
void SetSizeHint( offL_t l ) { sizeHint = l; }
offL_t GetSizeHint() { return sizeHint; }
// Set advise hint (don't pollute O.S cache with archive content)
virtual void SetCacheHint() { cacheHint = 1; }
// RmDir() should not erase your cwd (mainly for DVCS)
void PreserveCWD() { preserveCWD = 1; }
// Initialize digest
virtual void SetDigest( MD5 *m );
// Get type info
FileSysType GetType() { return type; }
int IsExec() { return ( type & FST_M_EXEC ); }
int IsTextual() {
return ( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_TEXT ||
( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UNICODE ||
( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UTF8 ||
( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UTF16;
int IsUnicode() {
return ( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UNICODE ||
( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UTF8 ||
( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_UTF16;
int IsSymlink() {
return ( type & FST_MASK ) == FST_SYMLINK;
// Read/write file access, provided by derived class
virtual ~FileSys();
# ifdef OS_NT
virtual void SetLFN( const StrPtr &name );
virtual int GetLFN( ) {return LFN;}
# endif
virtual void Set( const StrPtr &name );
virtual void Set( const StrPtr &name, Error *e );
virtual StrPtr *Path() { return &path; }
virtual int DoIndirectWrites();
virtual void Translator( CharSetCvt * );
virtual void Open( FileOpenMode mode, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void Write( const char *buf, int len, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual int Read( char *buf, int len, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void Close( Error *e ) = 0;
virtual int Stat() = 0;
virtual int StatModTime() = 0;
virtual void StatModTimeHP(DateTimeHighPrecision *modTime);
virtual void Truncate( Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void Truncate( offL_t offset, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void Unlink( Error *e = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void Rename( FileSys *target, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void Chmod( FilePerm perms, Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void ChmodTime( Error *e ) = 0;
virtual void ChmodTimeHP( const DateTimeHighPrecision & /* modTime */, Error * /* e */ ) {};
virtual void SetAttribute( FileSysAttr, Error * ) { };
virtual void Fsync( Error * ) { }
// NB: these for ReadFile only; interface will likely change
virtual bool HasOnlyPerm( FilePerm perms );
virtual int GetFd();
virtual int GetOwner();
virtual offL_t GetSize();
virtual void Seek( offL_t offset, Error * );
virtual offL_t Tell();
// Convenience wrappers for above
void Chmod( Error *e ) { Chmod( perms, e ); }
void Chmod( const char *perms, Error *e )
{ Chmod( Perm( perms ), e ); }
char * Name() { return Path()->Text(); }
void Set( const char *name ) { Set( StrRef( name ) ); }
void Set( const char *name, Error *e )
{ Set( StrRef( name ), e ); }
void Write( const StrPtr &b, Error *e )
{ Write( b.Text(), b.Length(), e ); }
void Write( const StrPtr *b, Error *e )
{ Write( b->Text(), b->Length(), e ); }
// Tempfile support
void MakeGlobalTemp();
virtual void MakeLocalTemp( char *file );
int IsDeleteOnClose() { return isTemp; }
virtual void SetDeleteOnClose() { isTemp = 1; }
virtual void ClearDeleteOnClose() { isTemp = 0; }
// Meta operations
virtual StrArray *ScanDir( Error *e );
virtual void MkDir( const StrPtr &p, Error *e );
void MkDir( Error *e ) { MkDir( path, e ); }
bool NeedMkDir();
virtual void PurgeDir( const char *p, Error *e );
virtual void RmDir( const StrPtr &p, Error *e );
void RmDir( Error *e = 0 ) { RmDir( path, e ); }
FileSysType CheckType( int scan = -1 );
# if defined ( OS_MACOSX )
FileSysType CheckTypeMac();
# endif
// Type generic operations
virtual int ReadLine( StrBuf *buf, Error *e );
void ReadWhole( StrBuf *buf, Error *e );
// Type generic, whole file operations
void ReadFile( StrBuf *buf, Error *e );
void WriteFile( const StrPtr *buf, Error *e );
int Compare( FileSys *other, Error *e );
void Copy( FileSys *targetFile, FilePerm perms, Error *e );
virtual void Digest( StrBuf *digest, Error *e );
void Chmod2( FilePerm perms, Error *e );
void Chmod2( const char *p, Error *e )
{ Chmod2( Perm( p ), e ); }
void Cleanup();
virtual void ComputeDigest(
FileDigestType digType,
StrBuf *digest,
Error *e );
// Character Set operations
void SetCharSetPriv( int x = 0 ) { charSet = x; }
int GetCharSetPriv() { return charSet; }
void SetContentCharSetPriv( int x = 0 ) { content_charSet = x; }
int GetContentCharSetPriv() { return content_charSet; }
void GetDiskSpace( DiskSpaceInfo *info, Error *e );
void LowerCasePath();
FileOpenMode mode; // read or write
FilePerm perms; // leave read-only or read-write
int modTime; // stamp file mod date on close
offL_t sizeHint; // how big will the file get ?
StrBuf path;
FileSysType type;
MD5 *checksum; // if verifying file transfer
int cacheHint; // don't pollute cache
# ifdef OS_NT
int LFN;
# endif
void TempName( char *buf );
int isTemp;
int preserveCWD;
int charSet;
int content_charSet;
} ;