* Copyright 1995, 2001 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <strdict.h>
# include <strops.h>
# include <strarray.h>
# include <strtable.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <mapapi.h>
# include <runcmd.h>
# include <handler.h>
# include <rpc.h>
# include <md5.h>
# include <mangle.h>
# include <i18napi.h>
# include <charcvt.h>
# include <transdict.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <tunable.h>
# include <ignore.h>
# include <timer.h>
# include <progress.h>
# include <p4tags.h>
# include <filesys.h>
# include <pathsys.h>
# include <enviro.h>
# include <ticket.h>
# include "clientuser.h"
# include <msgclient.h>
# include <msgsupp.h>
# include "clientservice.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "clientprog.h"
class TransmitChild
RunArgv args;
RunCommand cmd;
int opts;
int fds[2];
Error e;
} ;
clientReceiveFiles( Client *client, Error *e )
StrPtr *token = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_token, e );
StrPtr *threads = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_peer, e );
StrPtr *blockCount = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_blockCount );
StrPtr *blockSize = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_scanSize );
if( e->Test() )
client->OutputError( e );
int nThreads = threads->Atoi();
StrBuf exe( client->GetExecutable() );
if( !exe.Length() )
exe.Set( "p4" );
TransmitChild *tc = new TransmitChild[ nThreads ];
for( int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++ )
tc[i].args.AddArg( exe );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-p" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetPort() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-u" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetUser() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-c" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetClient() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "transmit" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-t" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( *token );
if( blockCount )
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-b" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( *blockCount );
if( blockSize )
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-s" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( *blockSize );
//StrBuf x;
//p4debug.printf("Argv: %s\n", tc[i].args.Text( x ) );
tc[ i ].opts = (RCO_AS_SHELL|RCO_USE_STDOUT);
tc[ i ].fds[0] = tc[ i ].fds[1] = -1;
tc[ i ].cmd.RunChild(
tc[ i ].args, tc[ i ].opts, tc[ i ].fds, &tc[ i ].e );
if( tc[ i ].e.Test() )
//p4debug.printf("RunChild apparently failed\n");
*e = tc[ i ].e;
delete []tc;
for( int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++ )
//p4debug.printf("Waiting for child %d\n", i);
tc[ i ].cmd.WaitChild();
delete []tc;
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
12188 |
Matt Attaway |
Move 'main' p4 into a release specific directory in prep for new releases |
9129 |
Matt Attaway |
Initial commit of the 2014.1 p4/p4api source code |