#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "TextEncoder.h"
#include <String.h>
void TextEncoder::SmokeTest(void)
// test mode fo Unicode transcoding
//wchar_t * wTestStr = L"The € quick ¢ brown fox jumped the fence <АБВГ>";
wchar_t * wTestStr = L"\xD852\xDF62 The € quick ¢ brown fox jumped the fence <АБВГ>";
//wchar_t * wTestStr = L"\xD852\xDF62 T €<АБВГ>";
unsigned long uniCodeLong = 0x00024B62; // a Unicode point that requires a surrogate pair to encode in UTF-16
SurrogatePair sp = TextEncoder::UnicodePointToSurrogatePair(uniCodeLong);
unsigned long uniCodeTest = TextEncoder::SurrogatePairToUnicodePoint(sp);
wprintf(L"UTF-16 String: %s\r\n", wTestStr);
char * aTestStr = TextEncoder::Utf16ToUtf8(wTestStr);
printf("UTF-8 Translation: %s\r\n", aTestStr);
wchar_t * wResultStr = TextEncoder::Utf8ToUtf16(aTestStr);
wprintf(L"UTF-16 Retranslation: %s\r\n", wResultStr);
char * TextEncoder::CopyStr(const char *s)
int cnt = strlen(s);
char * newStr = new char[cnt+1];
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
newStr[idx] = s[idx];
newStr[cnt] = '\0';
return newStr;
wchar_t * TextEncoder::CopyWStr(const wchar_t *s)
int cnt = wcslen(s);
wchar_t * newStr = new wchar_t[cnt+1];
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
newStr[idx] = s[idx];
newStr[cnt] = '\0';
return newStr;
SurrogatePair TextEncoder::UnicodePointToSurrogatePair(unsigned long codePoint)
SurrogatePair val;
val.first = 0;
val.second = 0;
// need to encode an up to 21 bit code point into a two wchar surrogate pair.
codePoint -= 0x10000; //this gives us a 20 bit number, yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx
// yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx -> the two surrogate pair using this transfermation
// 110110yyyyyyyyyy (0xD800 + yyyyyyyyyyy) 110111xxxxxxxxxx (0xDC00 +yyyyyyyyyy)
val.first = 0xD800 | ((codePoint >> 10) & 0x03FF); //yyyyyyyyyy goes in the first of the pair
val.second = 0xDC00 | (codePoint & 0x03FF); //xxxxxxxxxx goes in the second of the pair
return val;
unsigned long TextEncoder::SurrogatePairToUnicodePoint(wchar_t first, wchar_t second)
unsigned long val = 0;
// get the 20 bit value from the pair
// 110110yyyyyyyyyy 110111xxxxxxxxxx --> 000000000000YYYY yyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx (32 bit number, need only 20 bits)
val = ((unsigned long)(0x03FF & first)) << 10; // get yyyyyyyyyy in the right place
val |= ((unsigned long)(0x03FF & second)); //get xxxxxxxxxx
val += 0x10000;
return val;
unsigned long TextEncoder::SurrogatePairToUnicodePoint(SurrogatePair surrogates)
return SurrogatePairToUnicodePoint(surrogates.first, surrogates.second);
void TextEncoder::RecodeUtf16CharInUtf8(const wchar_t * pSrc, char * pDest)
// check two see if this is a sing UTF-16 wchar or a surrogate pair
if (( *pSrc < 0xD800 ) || ( *pSrc > 0xDFFF ))
//single wchar
if (*pSrc < 128)
// single byte ASCII UTF16 character
*pDest = (char) *pSrc;
if (*pSrc < 0x0800)
// two byte UTF8 character
// 00000yyy XXxxxxxx --> 110yyyXX 10xxxxxx
// first char
char c = 0xC0 | (char)(((wchar_t)(*pSrc >> 6)) & 0x1F);
*pDest = c;
//second char
c = 0x80 | (char)(*pSrc & 0x3F);
*(pDest + 1) = c;
// three byte UTF8 character
// YYYYyyyy XXxxxxxx --> 1110YYYY 10yyyyXX 10xxxxxx
// first char
char c = 0xE0 | (((wchar_t)(*pSrc >> 12)) & 0x0F);
*pDest = c;
//second char
c = 0x80 | (char)(((wchar_t)(*pSrc >> 6)) & 0x3F);
*(pDest + 1) = c;
//third char
c = 0x80 | (char)(*pSrc & 0x3F);
*(pDest + 2) = c;
// this is a two wchar surrogate pair and it's going to take 4 bytes
// get the 20 bit value from the pair
// 110110YYYYyyyyyy 110111xxxxxxxxxx --> 000000000000YYYY yyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx +0x10000 (32 bit number, need only 21 bits)
unsigned long uCodePoint = SurrogatePairToUnicodePoint(*pSrc, *(pSrc + 1));
// encode the now bits into 4 UTF-8 bytes
// 000ZZZzz YYYYyyyy XXxxxxxx --> 11110ZZZ 10zzYYYY 10yyyyXX 10xxxxxx
// first char
char c = 0xF0 | (char)((unsigned long)(((uCodePoint >> 18)) & 0x07));
*pDest = c;
//second char
c = 0x80 | (char)((unsigned long)(((uCodePoint >> 12)) & 0x3F));
*(pDest + 1) = c;
//third char
c = 0x80 | (char)((unsigned long)(((uCodePoint >> 6)) & 0x3F));
*(pDest + 2) = c;
//fourth char
c = 0x80 | (char)((unsigned long)(uCodePoint & 0x3F));
*(pDest + 3) = c;
void TextEncoder::RecodeUtf8CharInUtf16(const char * pSrc, wchar_t * pDest)
if ( !(*pSrc & 0x80) ) // ASCII character < 128
*pDest = (wchar_t) *pSrc;
unsigned int w1 = 0;
unsigned long w2 = 0;
if ( (*pSrc & 0xE0) == 0xC0) // 110xxxxx 2 bytes in UTF-8
// 110yyyXX 10xxxxxx UTF-8 --> 00000yyy XXxxxxxx UTF-16
w1 = ((wchar_t)(*pSrc & 0x1C)) << 6; // puts the yyy in the lower bits of the upper byte where they belong
w1 &= 0xFF00; // mask off the lower byte
w1 |= ((*pSrc & 0x03)) << 6; // get the two XX bits from the first utf-8 character
// into the right bits of the lower byte
w1 |= (*(pSrc+1) & 0x3F); // copy the remaining xxxxxx bits from the 2nd UTF-8 byte
*pDest = (wchar_t) w1;
if ( (*pSrc & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // 1110xxxx 3 bytes in UTF-8
// 1110YYYY 10yyyyXX 10xxxxxx UTF-8 --> YYYYyyyy XXxxxxxx UTF-16
w1 = ((wchar_t)(*pSrc & 0x0F)) << 12; // puts the YYYY in the upper bits of the upper byte
w1 |= ((wchar_t)(*(pSrc + 1) & 0x3C)) << 6; //puts yyyy in the lower bits of the upper byte
w1 |= ((wchar_t)(*(pSrc + 1) & 0x03)) << 6; // get the two XX bits from the second utf-8 character
// into the upper bits of the lower byte
w1 |= (*(pSrc+2) & 0x2F); // copy the remaining xxxxxx bits from the 3rd UTF-8 byte
*pDest = (wchar_t) w1;
if ( (*pSrc & 0xF1) == 0xF0) // 11110xxx
// 11110ZZZ 10zzYYYY 10yyyyXX 10xxxxxx UTF-8 --> 000000 000ZZZzz YYYYyyyy XXxxxxxx UTF-16 (extended code plane)
w2 = ((unsigned long)(*pSrc & 0x07)) << 2; // puts the ZZZ in the middle bits of the lower byte
w2 |= ((unsigned long)(*(pSrc + 1) & 0x30)) >> 4; // puts the zz in the lower bits of the lower byte
w2 <<= 16; //Shift the lower byte to the third byte
w1 = ((unsigned long)(*(pSrc + 1) & 0x0F)) << 4; // puts the YYYY in the upper bits of the lower byte
w1 |= ((unsigned long)(*(pSrc + 2) & 0x3C)) >> 2; //puts yyyy in the lower bits of the lower byte
w1 <<= 8; // shift into the upper byte where they belong
w1 |= ((unsigned long)(*(pSrc+2) & 0x03)) << 6; // get the two XX bits from the 3rd utf-8 character
// into the right bits of the lower byte
w1 |= ((unsigned long)(*(pSrc+3)) & 0x2F); // copy the remaining xxxxxx bits from the 4th UTF-8 byte
w2 |= w1; // put both bytes in w1 we now have up to a 21 bit number
// need to encode the 21 bit Unicode point into a two wchar surrogate pair.
SurrogatePair sp = UnicodePointToSurrogatePair(w2);
*pDest = sp.first;
*(pDest + 1) = sp.second;
// Not a valid Utf-8 leading byte
*pDest = (wchar_t) 0xFFFD;
wchar_t * TextEncoder::Utf8ToUtf16(const char * pStr)
int cnt = Utf8StrLen( pStr );
// initially allow space for each character to take 4 bytes
wchar_t * pCpy = new wchar_t[(2 * cnt) + 1];
// copy each 1,2,3, or 4 byte utf-8 encoded character into the proper
// sized (1 or 2 wchar_t) utf-16 encoded character
int idx1 = 0;
int idx2 = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
RecodeUtf8CharInUtf16(&pStr[idx2], &pCpy[idx1]);
idx1 += Utf16CharSize(pCpy[idx1]);
idx2 += Utf8CharSize(pStr[idx2]);
pCpy[idx1] = '\0';
// copy into the 'right' sized array
wchar_t * pRet = CopyWStr(pCpy);
delete pCpy;
return pRet;
wchar_t * TextEncoder::AsciiToUtf16(const char * pStr)
int cnt = strlen( pStr );
wchar_t * pCpy = new wchar_t[cnt + 1];
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
pCpy[idx] = (wchar_t) pStr[idx];
pCpy[cnt] = '\0';
return pCpy;
int TextEncoder::Utf16StrLen(const wchar_t * pStr) // length in characters, not bytes
int cnt = 0;
int idx = 0;
while ( pStr[idx] != '\0')
idx += Utf16CharSize(pStr[idx]);
return cnt;
int TextEncoder::Utf16StrBytes(const wchar_t * pStr) // length in bytes, not characters
int cnt = 0;
while ( pStr[cnt] != '\0')
cnt += 2;
return cnt;
int TextEncoder::Utf16CharSize(const wchar_t c) // How many wchar_t's in this character, 1 or 2?
if (( c >= 0xD800 ) && ( c <= 0xDFFF ))
return 2;
return 1;
char * TextEncoder::Utf16ToUtf8(const wchar_t * pStr)
int cnt = Utf16StrLen(pStr);
// allow 4 bytes per character (max length possible)
char * pCpy = new char[(4 * cnt) + 1];
// copy each 1 or 2 wchar character into a 1,2,3, or 4 byte utf-8 encoded character
int idx1 = 0;
int idx2 = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
RecodeUtf16CharInUtf8(&pStr[idx2], &pCpy[idx1]);
idx1 += Utf8CharSize(pCpy[idx1]);
idx2 += Utf16CharSize(pStr[idx2]);
pCpy[idx1] = '\0';
// copy into the 'right' sized array
char * pRet = CopyStr(pCpy);
delete pCpy;
return pRet;
char * TextEncoder::AsciiToUtf8(const char * pStr)
// An Ascii string is already utf-8, so just copy it
return CopyStr(pStr);
// length in characters, not bytes
int TextEncoder::Utf8StrLen(const char* pStr)
int cnt = 0;
int idx = 0;
while ( pStr[idx] != '\0')
idx += Utf8CharSize(pStr[idx]);
return cnt;
// length in bytes, not characters
int TextEncoder::Utf8StrBytes(const char * pStr)
int cnt = 0;
while ( pStr[cnt] != '\0')
return cnt;
// How many bytes in this character, 1, 2, 3, or 4?
int TextEncoder::Utf8CharSize(char c)
if ( !(c & 0x80) ) // ASCII character < 128
return 1;
if ( (c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) // 110xxxxx
return 2;
if ( (c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // 1110xxxx
return 3;
if ( (c & 0xF1) == 0xF0) // 11110xxx
return 4;
// Not a valid Utf-8 leading byte
return 1;
char * TextEncoder::Utf16ToAscii(const wchar_t * pStr)
int cnt = Utf16StrLen(pStr);
char * pCpy = new char[cnt + 1];
int idx2 = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
if (pStr[idx2] < 128)
pCpy[idx] = (char) pStr[idx2];
pCpy[idx] = '?'; // not mapable
idx2 += Utf16CharSize(pStr[idx2]);
pCpy[cnt] = '\0';
return pCpy;
char * TextEncoder::Utf8ToAscii(const char * pStr)
int cnt = Utf8StrLen(pStr);
char * pCpy = new char[cnt + 1];
int idx2 = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
if (((unsigned char) pStr[idx2]) < 128)
pCpy[idx] = (char) pStr[idx2];
pCpy[idx] = '?'; // not mapable
idx2 += Utf8CharSize(pStr[idx2]);
pCpy[cnt] = '\0';
return pCpy;