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- <title>Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's Guide</title>
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- <center><i><a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Project</a></i>
- <br>
- <hr /></center>
- <center>
- <h1>
- Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's Guide</h1></center>
- <center>
- <address>
- <a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">Richard Brooksby</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/">Ravenbrook
- Limited</a>, 2000-08-10</address></center>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-Contents" id="section-Contents"></a>Contents</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-1">1. Introduction</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-2">2. Overview of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-2.1">2.1. Installation, configuration, and maintenance</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-2.2">2.2. How the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- works</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-2.3">2.3. Limitations: will the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- work for your organization?</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3">3. Prerequisites for installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3.1">3.1. Required experience</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3.2">3.2. Perforce prerequisites</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3.3">3.3. TeamTrack prerequisites</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3.4">3.4. Bugzilla prerequisites</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-3.5">3.5. User accounts</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-4">4. Installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5">5. Configuring the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- Perforce, and the defect tracker</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.1">5.1. <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.2">5.2. Perforce configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.3">5.3. TeamTrack configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.4">5.4. Bugzilla configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.5">5.5. Starting and stopping the replicator manually</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.6">5.6. Setting up the replicator to start automatically</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-5.7">5.7. Advanced configuration</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-6">6. Migrating your defect tracking data to the integrated
- system</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-6.1">6.1. Migrating from the defect tracker</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-6.2">6.2. Creating issues in Perforce</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-6.3">6.3. Migrating to the defect tracker from Perforce
- jobs</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-7">7. Testing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-7.1">7.1. Taking a single step</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-7.2">7.2. Testing your configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-7.3">7.3. Checking data consistency</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-8">8. Training and documentation</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-9">9. Maintaining the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-9.1">9.1. Maintaining the configuration</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-9.2">9.2. Refreshing jobs in Perforce</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-10">10. Uninstalling the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</a></abbr></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-11">11. Troubleshooting and error messages</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-11.1">11.1. Troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-11.2">11.2. Error messages by identifier</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-11.3">11.3. Other error messages</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-A">A. References</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-B">B. Document history</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-C">C. Glossary</a></li>
- <li>
- <a href="#section-D">D. Table of commands</a></li>
- </ul>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-1" id="section-1"></a>1. Introduction</h2>
- This manual is the Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's
- Guide. It explains how to install, configure, maintain, and administer
- the Perforce Defect Tracking Integration (<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>).
- <p>This document is intended for <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- administrators. Ordinary users of the defect tracker or Perforce should
- read the <i><a href="../ug/index.html">Perforce Defect Tracking Integration
- User's Guide</a></i>. (For ideas on how to train your users on the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- see <a href="#section-8">section 8, "Training and documentation"</a>.)
- <p>This guide does not describe the basics of using the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- Perforce, or the defect tracker. Read the <i><a href="../ug/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration User's Guide</a></i> to understand the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- from a user's perspective.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-2" id="section-2"></a>2. Overview of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-2.1" id="section-2.1"></a>2.1. Installation, configuration,
- and maintenance</h3>
- To install and run the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Get and install the required software (<a href="#section-3">section 3</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Ensure you have met the procedural prerequisites for Perforce and your
- defect tracker (<a href="#section-3">section 3</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Download and install the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- software (<a href="#section-4">section 4</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- software (<a href="#section-5">section 5</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Migrate defect tracking data from your defect tracker to the integrated
- system (<a href="#section-6">section 6</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Test the installation (<a href="#section-7">section 7</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Train the users (<a href="#section-8">section 8</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Go live (<a href="#section-9">section 9</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Maintain the installation (<a href="#section-9">section 9</a>).</li>
- </ol>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-2.2" id="section-2.2"></a>2.2. How the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- works</h3>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- works by taking over the job tracking system of Perforce and making the
- defect tracker's records appear as Perforce jobs. Perforce users can work
- with jobs more or less as described in the Perforce manuals, and their
- changes are reflected in the defect tracker. For more information on how
- Perforce handles jobs, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/">Perforce
- Command Line User's Guide</a></i>.
- <p>Perforce has a mechanism for linking jobs to changelists (the <tt>p4
- fix</tt> command), to enable you to record the work done for a particular
- reason. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- makes these links appear in the defect tracker, making it easy to see what
- was done or is currently being done to resolve a defect.
- <p>The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- replicator is a process that copies data between a defect tracker and a
- Perforce server to keep each one up to date with changes made in the other.
- This approach allows developers to do their routine defect resolution work
- entirely from their Perforce client, without using the defect tracker's
- interface. It also allows developers to relate their changes to defect
- tracking issues.
- <p><a href="#figure-1">Figure 1</a> shows how the replicator communicates
- with the defect tracking server and the Perforce server.
- <p>The replicator maintains a one-to-one relationship between <dfn>issues</dfn>
- in the defect tracker's database and <dfn>jobs</dfn> in the Perforce
- repository. (An <dfn>issue</dfn> is a unit of work that the defect
- tracker tracks; some examples are bugs, change requests, and enhancement
- requests.) In other words, each issue has a corresponding job, and vice
- versa. The replicator keeps the contents of a configurable set of fields
- in the defect tracker's issues the same as the contents of the corresponding
- Perforce job, so that editing one edits the other.
- <p>The replicator also copies Perforce's links between jobs and changelists
- (called "fixes") to the defect tracker's database, and makes them visible
- in the defect tracker's user interface. Replication of links from Perforce
- to the defect tracker makes it possible to track, record, and check a number
- of things; in particular, it makes it possible to track and record the
- changes made for each issue, and find out why a change was made in terms
- of issues.
- <p>The replicator polls the defect tracking server and the Perforce server
- at regular intervals to get a list of recent changes, and attempts to propagate
- these changes to the other system. If a defect tracker issue is changed
- at the same time as the corresponding Perforce job, the replicator sends
- an e-mail with the overwritten Perforce job data to the following people:
- <ul>
- <li>
- The person who changed the job in Perforce.</li>
- <li>
- The owner of the defect tracker issue.</li>
- <li>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- administrator.</li>
- </ul>
- Most defect trackers have an idea of <dfn>workflow</dfn>--a set of
- rules that control who can do what to which issues. The replicator enforces
- the defect tracker's workflow by rejecting changes to jobs in Perforce
- that are illegal in the defect tracker. When it comes across such a change,
- it undoes the change and sends an e-mail message to the user.
- <p>The defect tracker manages the defect tracker records (and therefore
- the job contents), while Perforce manages the changelists. Neither side
- controls the "fixes" relationship--the links between jobs and changelists.
- <p><a href="#figure-1">Figure 1</a> shows how the replicator connects to
- the Perforce and defect tracker servers.
- <center><a NAME="figure-1" id="figure-1"></a>Figure 1. The replication
- architecture
- <br><img SRC="replication.gif" ALT="Diagram of the replication architecture" / height=335 width=503></center>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-2.3" id="section-2.3"></a>2.3. Limitations: will the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- work for your organization?</h3>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- won't work well for every organization. In particular, it has the following
- limitations:
- <ul>If you're using TeamTrack and your workflow is very complex then the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- may make mistakes when translating actions in Perforce into actions in
- TeamTrack.
- <p>(This is because TeamTrack supports operations that can't be represented
- in Perforce, such as a "transition" between two states in a workflow. When
- someone edits a job in Perforce, the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- tries to guess which TeamTrack transition was meant by looking at the state
- you started with and the state you ended up in. However, if you have multiple
- transitions between the same two states, then it may guess wrongly. See
- <a href="#note-workflows">section 3.3.2, item 6</a> for details of workflows
- that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- may have trouble with.)
- <p>If you have automation that makes very frequent changes to records in
- the defect tracker, then users may be unable to edit jobs from Perforce.
- <p>(This is because the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- works by polling the databases every 10 seconds (by default). If there
- are many updates to the defect tracker in this period then the data in
- Perforce will be out of date; any attempt to edit out-of-date data is rejected
- by the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- because that would introduce inconsistencies.)</ul>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-3" id="section-3"></a>3. Prerequisites for installing
- the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-3.1" id="section-3.1"></a>3.1. Required experience</h3>
- To administer the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must have the following experience:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Perforce: You need at least two months of Perforce administration experience,
- including a working knowledge of Perforce's command line interface. Read
- both the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/">Perforce
- Command Line User's Guide</a></i> and the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>.</li>
- <li>
- The Python programming language: You need to know how to use Python to
- assign values to variables, but you do not need to be an expert Python
- programmer. To acquire a basic familiarity with Python, read the Python
- tutorial at <<a href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html">http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html</a>>.</li>
- <li>
- The defect tracker: You must understand how to administer the defect tracker
- and how it is configured at your organization, or have someone with that
- knowledge on hand when installing, configuring, and testing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-3.2" id="section-3.2"></a>3.2. Perforce prerequisites</h3>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.2.1" id="section-3.2.1"></a>3.2.1. Software prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must obtain and install the following software:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Perforce server software of version 2000.2 or later. You can download server
- and client upgrades from the Perforce FTP server at <<a href="ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/">ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/</a>>.
- Be sure to read the release notes (available from <<a href="http://www.perforce.com/">http://www.perforce.com/</a>>)
- before you install. <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/support.html">Contact
- Perforce technical support</a> if you need help.</li>
- <li>
- Perforce client software of version 2001.1 or later for every <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- user who uses Perforce, and for the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- itself.</li>
- <li>
- Perforce licenses for every defect tracker user who is going to work in
- Perforce.</li>
- <li>
- A <i>background user license</i> for the replicator. This is a license
- for an automatic process, rather than a person. Perforce provides background
- licenses free of charge; <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/contact.html">contact
- Perforce Customer Service</a> to get one.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.2.2" id="section-3.2.2"></a>3.2.2. Procedural prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must do the following:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Back up your Perforce repository. For instructions, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>.</li>
- <li>
- Copy out of Perforce any jobs that you want to keep. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- takes over the jobs subsystem of Perforce and rewrites the Perforce jobspec,
- and you must delete all jobs from your Perforce repository as part of configuring
- the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- For more information, see <a href="#section-5.2.3">section 5.2.3, "Deleting
- Perforce jobs"</a>. You might want to enter any active jobs into the defect
- tracking system.</li>
- <li>
- Determine the address and port number of your Perforce server. You will
- need this information when you configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- in <a href="#section-5">section 5, "Configuring the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- Perforce, and the defect tracker"</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- It is possible to keep existing issues that are stored in Perforce jobs.
- Migration submits all the Perforce job data to the defect tracker, so that
- the issues can be replicated back to Perforce, and so appear in both systems.
- This requires more experience of Perforce and some Python programming.
- See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-4">section 4, "Migrating to the
- defect tracker from Perforce jobs"</a>, of the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <div class="teamtrack">
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-3.3" id="section-3.3"></a>3.3. TeamTrack prerequisites</h3>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.3.1" id="section-3.3.1"></a>3.3.1. Software prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must obtain and install the following software:
- <ol>
- <li>
- TeamTrack version 4.5, 5.0, or 5.5. TeamTrack is available for download
- from TeamShare's web site <<a href="http://www.teamshare.com/">http://www.teamshare.com/</a>>.
- <b>Note
- that TeamTrack 5.01 and 5.02 are not supported: you should upgrade to TeamTrack
- 5.5.</b></li>
- <li>
- TeamTrack licenses for every Perforce user who will create or own issues.</li>
- <li>
- An extra TeamTrack license for the replicator. TeamShare provides licenses
- free of charge for this purpose. Contact your TeamShare sales representative
- to get one.</li>
- <li>
- Python 2.0 for Windows, installed on the TeamTrack server machine. Python
- 2.0 is available from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-10-18/Python-2.0/BeOpen-Python-2_0.exe">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-10-18/Python-2.0/BeOpen-Python-2_0.exe</a>>.</li>
- <li>
- The Python interface to Windows, installed on the TeamTrack server machine.
- This is available from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001/python-win32all-138/win32all-138.exe">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001/python-win32all-138/win32all-138.exe</a>>.
- You can omit this step if you don't plan to do either of the following:</li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- log activity to the Windows Event Log; see the <tt><a href="#config-use_windows_event_log">use_windows_event_log</a></tt>
- configuration parameter</li>
- <li>
- run the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- as a Windows service; see <a href="#section-5.6.2">section 5.6.2</a>.</li>
- </ul>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.3.2" id="section-3.3.2"></a>3.3.2. Procedural prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must do the following:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Back up your TeamTrack database. For instructions, see the <i>TeamTrack
- Administrator Manual</i> for your version of TeamTrack.</li>
- <li>
- Obtain Administrator-level access to the TeamTrack server machine.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure you have at least 5MB of free disk space for the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- plus space for logs.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure that your TeamTrack users do <i>not</i> have TeamShare's SourceBridge
- plug-in installed. SourceBridge prevents the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- from working properly.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure that your TeamTrack server is not running on a secure web server
- (that is, the URL to connect to TeamTrack starts with <tt>http:</tt>, not
- <tt>https:</tt>). The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- does not support TeamTrack running on a secure web server.</li>
- <li>
- <a NAME="note-workflows" id="note-workflows"></a>Check the workflows defined
- in your TeamTrack database to make sure that they are compatible with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- In particular:</li>
- <ol type="a">Make sure you don't have two states with the same name in
- a project. For example, when using the workflow in <a href="#figure-2">figure
- 2</a>, there's no way for a developer using Perforce to resolve the issue
- and assign it to the tester. The developer would normally resolve the issue
- by changing the status field, but in this workflow the status field doesn't
- change. Rename states so that the workflow has unique state names. For
- example, in <a href="#figure-2">figure 2</a>, name the second "Assigned"
- state "Resolved".
- <center><a NAME="figure-2" id="figure-2"></a>Figure 2. Workflow with two
- states with the same name
- <br><img SRC="workflow1.gif" ALT="Workflow with two states with the samename" / height=52 width=485></center>
- Make sure you don't have two transitions between the same two states, in
- the same direction. For example, when using the workflow in
- <a href="#figure-3">figure
- 3</a>, when the developer using Perforce changes the state of the job from
- "assigned" to "resolved", the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has no way to work out which transition to apply. Simplify the workflow
- so that the transition can be deduced from the start state and the end
- state. For example, in <a href="#figure-3">figure 3</a> you could have
- a single transition from "Assigned" to "Resolved" and require developers
- to specify how they resolved the problem in a field in the defect.
- <center><a NAME="figure-3" id="figure-3"></a>Figure 3. Workflow with two
- transitions between the same two states (in the same direction)
- <br><img SRC="workflow2.gif" ALT="Workflow with two transitions between thesame two states (in the same direction)" / height=98 width=486></center>
- Make sure you don't have "Update" transitions (transitions from a state
- to itself) that are necessary in your workflow. For example, when using
- the workflow in <a href="#figure-4">figure 4</a>, there's no way for the
- developer to cause the "Assign to tester" transition using Perforce. The
- developer would normally resolve the issue by changing the status field,
- but in this workflow the status field doesn't change. Simplify the workflow
- so that it doesn't rely on "Update" transitions.
- <center><a NAME="figure-4" id="figure-4"></a>Figure 4. Workflow with a
- necessary "Update" transition
- <br><img SRC="workflow3.gif" ALT="Workflow with a necessary"Update" transition" / height=103 width=349></center>
- </ol>
- In fact these problems only matter when the problematic part of the workflow
- needs to be carried out in Perforce. As long as you know that the problematic
- part of workflow is only carried out in TeamTrack, then the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- will work fine.
- <li>
- Ensure that the workflows defined in your TeamTrack database do not require
- more than one transition in quick succession from Perforce. The<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can't infer more than one transition at once. To avoid this problem, design
- your workflow only with only single steps in Perforce. This is usually
- straightforward: developers using the Perforce interface only need to transition
- issues from, for example, "assigned" to "closed", and not through a series
- of states.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure that your users have the same e-mail address in TeamTrack and in
- Perforce; see <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5, "Matching users"</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- <div class="bugzilla">
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-3.4" id="section-3.4"></a>3.4. Bugzilla prerequisites</h3>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.4.1" id="section-3.4.1"></a>3.4.1. Software prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must obtain and install the following software:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Bugzilla 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, or 2.14.1. You can download Bugzilla 2.14.1
- from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2002-01-05/bugzilla-2.14.1/bugzilla-2.14.1.tar.gz">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2002-01-05/bugzilla-2.14.1/bugzilla-2.14.1.tar.gz</a>>.
- <b>Note:</b> If you've changed your Bugzilla code, see <a href="#section-5.4.1">section
- 5.4.1, "Patching Bugzilla"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- For installing Bugzilla 2.14.1 on Win2000, you will have to tweak some
- code to make it work.You can also download Bugzilla 2.14.1 for windows
- from <<a href="http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti">http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti</a>>.</li>
- <li>
- MySQL 3.22.19 or later. You must be using Bugzilla with this database manager.
- Note that Bugzilla itself may not work with MySQL 3.23.29.</li>
- <li>
- Python 1.5.2 or later, installed on the Bugzilla server machine. Python
- 1.5.2 sources are available from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2.tar.gz">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2.tar.gz</a>>.
- If you build Python from the sources, note that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- requires the optional <tt>syslog</tt> module. An <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr>
- of Python 1.5.2 for RedHat Linux 6.2 is available from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm</a>>.
- An <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr> of Python 1.5.2
- for RedHat Linux 7.0 is available from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2-27.i386.rpm">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-1.5.2-27.i386.rpm</a>>.</li>
- <li>
- The MySQLdb Python package, release 0.2.2 to 0.9.1, installed on the Bugzilla
- server machine. (MySQLdb releases before 0.2.2 are known to be incompatible
- with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>;
- MySQLdb releases after 0.9.1 haven't been tested.) MySQLdb 0.9.1 is available
- from <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-10-16/MySQL-python-0.9.1/MySQL-python-0.9.1.tar.gz">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-10-16/MySQL-python-0.9.1/MySQL-python-0.9.1.tar.gz</a>>.
- To build MySQLdb, you need the Python header files, which come with Python
- 1.5.2 but are not included in the Python 1.5.2 RPMs mentioned above. They
- are included in the python-devel RPMs for RedHat Linux 6.2: <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-devel-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-devel-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm</a>>
- or for RedHat Linux 7.0: <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-devel-1.5.2-27.i386.rpm">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/1999-04-13/python-1.5.2/python-devel-1.5.2-27.i386.rpm</a>>.
- To install bugzilla on win2000 you need to download the Mysql python zip
- package, MySQL-python-0.9.1.win32-py2.2.zip from <<a href="http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti">http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti</a>>.
- Refer to the release notes for the complete software configuration.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-3.4.2" id="section-3.4.2"></a>3.4.2. Procedural prerequisites</h4>
- Before installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you must do the following:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Back up your Bugzilla database. For instructions, see the <i><a href="http://www.mysql.com/documentation/mysql/">MySQL
- manual</a></i> (under "Database Backups", section 21.2 at the time of writing).</li>
- <li>
- Back up your Bugzilla code. As part of <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation, you must apply a patch to Bugzilla (for details, see <a href="#section-5.4.1">section
- 5.4.1, "Patching Bugzilla"</a>). A backup of your Bugzilla code is useful
- if you need to uninstall the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure that you have at least 2MB of free disk space on the Bugzilla server
- machine for the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- plus space for logs.</li>
- <li>
- Ensure that your users have the same e-mail address in Bugzilla and in
- Perforce; see <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5, "Matching users"</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-3.5" id="section-3.5"></a>3.5. User accounts</h3>
- You must ensure that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can work out how users in the defect tracker correspond to users in Perforce,
- as follows:
- <ol>Create an account in each system for each user who needs to use the
- integrated system.
- <div class="bugzilla">If you are using Bugzilla, create a Bugzilla account
- for every user in Perforce.</div>
- <div class="teamtrack">If you are using TeamTrack, then you must make sure
- that every Perforce user who needs to edit or fix defects has an account
- in TeamTrack. (If you're short of licenses, then there's no need for other
- TeamTrack users to have accounts in Perforce, or for Perforce users who
- don't do defect resolution to have accounts in TeamTrack.)</div>
- Make sure that each user has the same e-mail address in the defect tracker
- and in Perforce. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- uses e-mail address to match up users between the two systems.
- <p>(This is necessary in the Bugzilla integration where your e-mail address
- is used as your userid. In the TeamTrack integration this allows the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to work in organizations where users have been assigned different userids
- in the two systems.)
- <div class="bugzilla">The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- supports Bugzilla's "emailsuffix" feature (once you've applied the Bugzilla
- patch, <a href="#section-5.4.1">section 5.4.1</a>, and turned on the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- extensions in Bugzilla, <a href="#section-5.4.3">section 5.4.3</a>), so
- if you have "emailsuffix" set to "@company.domain", then the user "joe"
- in Bugzilla will match a user in Perforce with the e-mail address "joe@company.domain".</div>
- </ol>
- There are three problems that can occur if the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can't match up users properly:
- <ul>
- <li>
- If someone changes a job in Perforce but the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can't find a matching user in the defect tracker, then the change to the
- job is disallowed (because the defect tracker requires that changes be
- made only by users with the right privileges).</li>
- <li>
- If two users in Perforce have the same e-mail address then the<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- chooses the first one it finds when matching a user from the defect tracker.
- This choice is likely to be incorrect.</li>
- <li>
- If two users in TeamTrack have the same e-mail address then the<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- chooses the first one it finds when matching a user from Perforce. This
- choice is likely to be incorrect.</li>
- </ul>
- To help you prevent these problems, each time you start the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- it sends an e-mail message to the administrator containing a report listing
- the unmatched and duplicate users. An example report is shown in <a href="#figure-5">figure
- 5</a>. Read reports you receive and fix the problems.
- <center><a NAME="figure-5" id="figure-5"></a>Figure 5. Example e-mail sent
- when the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- starts</center>
- <br>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <td></td>
- <td>
- <pre>Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 15:26:12 +0100 (BST)
- From: p4dti-replicator0@company.domain
- To: P4DTI administrator <p4dti-admin@company.domain>
- Subject: (P4DTI-8669) The P4DTI replicator has started.
- (P4DTI-8658) This is an automatically generated e-mail from the Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration replicator 'replicator0'.
- (P4DTI-8669) The P4DTI replicator has started.</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="para-3.5.1" id="para-3.5.1" href="#note-3.5.1"></a><a href="#note-3.5.1" name="para-3.5.1" id="para-3.5.1">1</a></td>
- <td>
- <pre>(P4DTI-867X) The following Perforce users do not correspond to defect tracker
- users. The correspondence is based on the e-mail addresses in the defect
- tracker and Perforce user records.
- (P4DTI-6302) These Perforce users will appear in TeamTrack as the user (None).
- It will not be possible to assign issues to these users.
- User E-mail address
- -----------------------
- nickb nickb@client</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="para-3.5.2" id="para-3.5.2" href="#note-3.5.2"></a><a href="#note-3.5.2" name="para-3.5.2" id="para-3.5.2">2</a></td>
- <td>
- <pre>(P4DTI-8705) The following defect tracker users do not correspond to Perforce
- users. The correspondence is based on the e-mail addresses in the defect
- tracker and Perforce user records.
- (P4DTI-6299) These TeamTrack users will appear as themselves in Perforce even
- though there is no such Perforce user.
- User E-mail address
- ------------------------
- nb nb@company.domain</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="para-3.5.3" id="para-3.5.3" href="#note-3.5.3"></a><a href="#note-3.5.3" name="para-3.5.3" id="para-3.5.3">3</a></td>
- <td>
- <pre>(P4DTI-6379) These Perforce users have duplicate e-mail addresses. They may
- have been matched with the wrong TeamTrack user.
- User E-mail address
- ------------------------
- root ndl@company.domain
- ndl ndl@company.domain</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="para-3.5.4" id="para-3.5.4" href="#note-3.5.4"></a><a href="#note-3.5.4" name="para-3.5.4" id="para-3.5.4">4</a></td>
- <td>
- <pre>(P4DTI-6368) These TeamTrack users have duplicate e-mail addresses. They may
- have been matched with the wrong Perforce user.
- User E-mail address
- ------------------------
- admin rb@company.domain
- rb rb@company.domain</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- Notes on <a href="#figure-5">figure 5</a>:
- <ol><a NAME="note-3.5.1" id="note-3.5.1" href="#para-3.5.1"></a><a href="#para-3.5.1" id="note-3.5.1" name="note-3.5.1">Section
- 1</a> lists Perforce users that couldn't be matched to a user in the defect
- tracker (here TeamTrack). Here the user hasn't set their e-mail address
- in Perforce: they still have the default.
- <p><a NAME="note-3.5.2" id="note-3.5.2" href="#para-3.5.2"></a><a href="#para-3.5.2" id="note-3.5.2" name="note-3.5.2">Section
- 2</a> lists defect tracker users that couldn't be matched to a user in
- Perforce.
- <p><a NAME="note-3.5.3" id="note-3.5.3" href="#para-3.5.3"></a><a href="#para-3.5.3" id="note-3.5.3" name="note-3.5.3">Section
- 3</a> lists Perforce users with duplicate e-mail addresses. In this case,
- if a defect tracker user had the address <ndl@company.domain> then the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- may have matched them wrongly. Give each Perforce user a distinct e-mail
- address.
- <p><a NAME="note-3.5.4" id="note-3.5.4" href="#para-3.5.4"></a><a href="#para-3.5.4" id="note-3.5.4" name="note-3.5.4">Section
- 4</a> lists defect tracker users with duplicate e-mail addresses. Give
- each defect tracker user a distinct e-mail address.</ol>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-4" id="section-4"></a>4. Installing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- <b>Note:</b> You might want to practice installing and configuring the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- using a test Perforce repository and a test defect tracking database before
- you try it with your real data. A copy of your real Perforce repository
- would be ideal; for instructions on how to make a copy of your repository,
- see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <p>The installation for p4dti for bugzilla on Win2000 is distributed as
- p4dti-bugzillawin-1.4.2.exe. Transfer this to the local machine and run
- "p4dti-bugzillawin-1.4.2."
- <p>Installing bugzilla on Win2000 to work with P4DTI is a two step
- process. Bugzilla-2.14.1 is not supported by the Bugzilla team on Windows.
- One needs to tweak the code to make it work. Further, the P4DTI changes
- for Bugzilla needs to be applied on top of Bugzilla.
- <p>The p4dti-kit-bugzillawin-1.4.2 contains bugzilla code that works with
- p4dti but contains only the minimal features. The complete bugzilla code
- can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti">http://www.parrus.com/project/p4dti</a>.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-5" id="section-5"></a>5. Configuring the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- Perforce, and the defect tracker</h2>
- Work through the subsections in the order in which they appear. <b>Do <i>not</i>
- attempt to run the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- until you have reached the end of this section, or you might end up with
- a non-working installation.</b>
- <p>To configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- with Perforce and your defect tracker, you must:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Specify the location of servers and the data you want to appear in Perforce
- (<a href="#section-5.1">section 5.1</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Configure Perforce to accept information from the replicator and, optionally,
- install triggers to implement access controls (<a href="#section-5.2">section
- 5.2</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Enable <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- features, such as the ability to view fixes and changelists from the defect
- tracker user interface (<a href="#section-5.3">section 5.3</a> for TeamTrack
- or <a href="#section-5.4">section 5.4</a> for Bugzilla).</li>
- <li>
- Start the replicator (<a href="#section-5.5">section 5.5</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Set up the replicator to start automatically when the server machine is
- rebooted (<a href="#section-5.6">section 5.6</a>).</li>
- </ol>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.1" id="section-5.1"></a>5.1. <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration</h3>
- To configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you edit definitions of Python variables in the file <tt>config.py</tt>
- in the installation directory. Edit these definitions according to the
- notes below. All variables in the file must have a value.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.1.1" id="section-5.1.1"></a>5.1.1. Essential configuration
- parameters</h4>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dt_name" id="config-dt_name"></a><tt>dt_name</tt></h4>
- Description: The name of the defect tracking system you're integrating
- with. Either <tt>"TeamTrack"</tt> or <tt>"Bugzilla"</tt>.
- <p>Example: <tt>"TeamTrack"</tt>
- <p>Make sure that this variable is set to the appropriate value for your
- defect tracker.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-administrator_address" id="config-administrator_address"></a><tt>administrator_address</tt></h4>
- Description: The e-mail address of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- administrator.
- <p>Example: <tt>"p4dti-admin@company.domain"</tt>
- <p>The replicator sends error reports to this address. If this is
- <tt>None</tt>,
- then the replicator never sends e-mail.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-p4_port" id="config-p4_port"></a><tt>p4_port</tt></h4>
- Description: The address and port of the Perforce server with which the
- replicator communicates.
- <p>Example: <tt>"perforce.company.domain:1666"</tt>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-p4_user" id="config-p4_user"></a><tt>p4_user</tt></h4>
- Description: The userid that the replicator uses to log in to the Perforce
- server.
- <p>Example: <tt>"p4dti-replicator0"</tt>
- <p>For information about how the replicator logs in to Perforce, see <a href="#section-5.2">section
- 5.2, "Perforce configuration"</a>. If you want to add more replicators
- later, incorporate the replicator identifier (<a href="#config-rid">rid</a>)
- into this userid.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-p4_password" id="config-p4_password"></a><tt>p4_password</tt></h4>
- Description: The password the replicator uses to log in to the Perforce
- server. If there is no password, specify "" (empty quotes).
- <p>Example: <tt>""</tt>
- <p>For information about how the replicator logs in to Perforce, see <a href="#section-5.2">section
- 5.2, "Perforce configuration"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-replicator_address" id="config-replicator_address"></a><tt>replicator_address</tt></h4>
- Description: The e-mail address from which the replicator sends e-mail.
- This address is used in the "From" field of e-mail that the replicator
- sends.
- <p>Example: <tt>"p4dti-replicator0@company.domain"</tt>
- <p>To make it easier for users to get assistance, make this address an
- alias for the <a href="#config-administrator_address">administrator e-mail
- address (<tt>administrator_address</tt>)</a>. If you are using Bugzilla,
- this e-mail address is also used for the replicator's Bugzilla account;
- see <a href="#section-5.4.2">section 5.4.2, "Creating a Bugzilla user for
- the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-smtp_server" id="config-smtp_server"></a><tt>smtp_server</tt></h4>
- Description: The address of the SMTP server that the replicator uses to
- send e-mail.
- <p>Example: <tt>"smtp.company.domain"</tt>
- <p>If this is <tt>None</tt>, then the replicator never sends e-mail.
- <p>If you need to run the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- without being connected to a network (for example, if you want to set it
- up on a laptop so that you can give a demonstration), set <tt>smtp_server=None</tt>
- so that the replicator doesn't try to send e-mail.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-start_date" id="config-start_date"></a><tt>start_date</tt></h4>
- Description: The starting point in time for replication.
- <p>Example: <tt>"2001-02-10 00:00:00"</tt>
- <p>Issues modified after this date are replicated; issues unchanged after
- this date are ignored. Must be a string in the form <tt>"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"</tt>.
- <div class="teamtrack">
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.1.2" id="section-5.1.2"></a>5.1.2. TeamTrack configuration
- parameters</h4>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-teamtrack_version" id="config-teamtrack_version"></a><tt>teamtrack_version</tt></h4>
- Description: The major version of your TeamTrack server. Specify
- <tt>"4.5"</tt>
- for TeamTrack 4.5, or <tt>"5.0"</tt> for TeamTrack 5.0 or later.
- <p>Example: <tt>"5.0"</tt>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-closed_state-TeamTrack" id="config-closed_state-TeamTrack"></a><tt>closed_state</tt></h4>
- Description: The TeamTrack that maps to the "closed" state in Perforce.
- Specify <tt>None</tt> if you want the ordinary state mapping rules to apply.
- <p>(Note that you must write <tt>None</tt> literally, not the string <tt>"None"</tt>,
- which would mean the state called "None").
- <p>Example: <tt>"Resolved"</tt>.
- <p>Mapping the TeamTrack state that developers use most often to the "closed"
- state in Perforce makes using the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- easier for the developers, because the Perforce user interfaces make it
- easier to fix a job to "closed" than any other state. However, if your
- workflow already has a state called "Closed", then you can't use this feature;
- set <tt>closed_state = None</tt>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack" id="config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack"></a><tt>replicated_fields</tt></h4>
- Description: A list of the database names of TeamTrack fields that are
- replicated in Perforce. The fields <tt>STATE</tt>, <tt>OWNER</tt>, and
- <tt>TITLE</tt> are always replicated, so omit those fields when setting
- this variable.
- <p>Example: <tt>["DESCRIPTION", "PRIORITY", "SEVERITY"]</tt>
- <p>For advice on which fields to replicate, and how to find out their database
- names, see <a href="#section-5.1.5">section 5.1.5, "Choosing which fields
- to replicate"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-teamtrack_server" id="config-teamtrack_server"></a><tt>teamtrack_server</tt></h4>
- Description: The TeamTrack server hostname and (optionally) port with which
- the replicator communicates.
- <p>Example: <tt>"teamtrack.company.domain"</tt>
- <p>If your TeamTrack server is reached on a path other than <tt>/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?</tt>
- then you must specify the full path to the server in this variable. For
- example, <tt>"http://server.company.domain/infosystem/teamtrack/tmtrack.dll?"</tt>.
- <p>(Note that <tt>"localhost"</tt> won't work, even if the TeamTrack server
- is on the local host.)
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-teamtrack_user" id="config-teamtrack_user"></a><tt>teamtrack_user</tt></h4>
- Description: The user name that the replicator uses to log into TeamTrack.
- <p>Example: <tt>"P4DTI-replicator0"</tt>
- <p>See <a href="#section-5.3.2">section 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user
- for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-teamtrack_password" id="config-teamtrack_password"></a><tt>teamtrack_password</tt></h4>
- Description: The password that the replicator uses to log into TeamTrack.
- If there is no password, specify "" (empty quotes).
- <p>Example: <tt>""</tt>
- <p>See <a href="#section-5.3.2">section 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user
- for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-use_windows_event_log" id="config-use_windows_event_log"></a><tt>use_windows_event_log</tt></h4>
- Description: The replicator logs activity to the Windows event log if (and
- only if) this is 1.
- <p>Example: <tt>1</tt>
- <p>If you set this to 1, you must make sure to install the Python interface
- to Windows (item 5 in <a href="#section-3.3.1">section 3.3.1</a>, "Software
- prerequisites").
- <p>Regardless of the setting of this parameter, the replicator also logs
- activity to to the standard output and to the <a href="#config-log_file">log
- file (<tt>log_file</tt>)</a>.
- <p>The replicator can generate very many log messages. So if you set this
- parameter to 1, either specify "Overwrite events as needed" in the Windows
- Event Viewer on the machine running the replicator, or else set the <tt><a href="#config-log_level">log_level</a></tt>
- to a restrictive value like <tt>message.LOG_WARNING</tt>.</div>
- <div class="bugzilla">
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.1.3" id="section-5.1.3"></a>5.1.3. Bugzilla configuration
- parameters</h4>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-closed_state-Bugzilla" id="config-closed_state-Bugzilla"></a><tt>closed_state</tt></h4>
- Description: The Bugzilla state that maps to the "closed" state in Perforce.
- Specify <tt>None</tt> if you want the ordinary state mapping rules to apply.
- <p>(Note that you must write <tt>None</tt> literally, not the string <tt>"None"</tt>,
- which would mean the state called "None").
- <p>Example: <tt>"RESOLVED"</tt>.
- <p>Mapping the defect tracker state that developers use most often to the
- "closed" state in Perforce makes using the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- easier for the developers, because the Perforce user interfaces make it
- easier to fix a job to "closed" than any other state. If you specify a
- <tt>closed_state</tt> then the "CLOSED" state in Bugzilla maps to "bugzilla_closed"
- in Perforce.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla" id="config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla"></a><tt>replicated_fields</tt></h4>
- Description: A list of the names of Bugzilla fields that are replicated
- in Perforce. The fields "bug_status", "short_desc", "assigned_to" and "resolution"
- are always replicated, so omit those fields when setting this variable.
- <p>Example: <tt>["longdesc", "priority", "bug_severity", "product"]</tt>
- <p>For advice on which fields to replicate, see <a href="#section-5.1.5">section
- 5.1.5, "Choosing which fields to replicate"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dbms_host" id="config-dbms_host"></a><tt>dbms_host</tt></h4>
- Description: The host on which the Bugzilla MySQL server is running.
- <p>Example: <tt>"localhost"</tt>
- <p>Set this value to <tt>"localhost"</tt> if the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- and the Bugzilla MySQL server run on the same machine.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dbms_port" id="config-dbms_port"></a><tt>dbms_port</tt></h4>
- Description: The port number on the <a href="#config-dbms_host">database
- host (<tt>dbms_host</tt>)</a>, on which the Bugzilla MySQL server listens.
- <p>Example: <tt>3306</tt>
- <p>MySQL normally listens on port 3306. Change this setting only if you
- have set up MySQL differently. Note that this parameter is expressed as
- a number, not as a string.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dbms_database" id="config-dbms_database"></a><tt>dbms_database</tt></h4>
- Description: The name of the MySQL database in which Bugzilla stores its
- data.
- <p>Example: <tt>"bugs"</tt>
- <p>Normally set to <tt>"bugs"</tt> during Bugzilla installation (see the
- Bugzilla documentation for <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-05-09/bugzilla-2.10/bugzilla-2.10/README">2.10</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-04-27/bugzilla-2.12/bugzilla-2_12/docs/html/readme.unix.html#AEN379">2.12</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-08-29/bugzilla-2.14/bugzilla-2.14/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2002-01-05/bugzilla-2.14.1/bugzilla-2.14.1/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14.1</a>).
- Change this setting only if you have set up Bugzilla differently.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dbms_user" id="config-dbms_user"></a><tt>dbms_user</tt></h4>
- Description: The user name that the replicator uses to log in to MySQL
- to use the Bugzilla database.
- <p>Example: <tt>"bugs"</tt>
- <p>Bugzilla normally logs in to MySQL as user <tt>"bugs"</tt> (see the
- Bugzilla documentation for <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-05-09/bugzilla-2.10/bugzilla-2.10/README">2.10</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-04-27/bugzilla-2.12/bugzilla-2_12/docs/html/readme.unix.html#AEN379">2.12</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-08-29/bugzilla-2.14/bugzilla-2.14/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2002-01-05/bugzilla-2.14.1/bugzilla-2.14.1/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14.1</a>).
- Change this setting only if you have configured Bugzilla differently, or
- if you want to set up the replicator to log in as a different user.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-dbms_password" id="config-dbms_password"></a><tt>dbms_password</tt></h4>
- Description: The password that the replicator uses to log in to MySQL to
- use the Bugzilla database.
- <p>Example: <tt>""</tt>
- <p>Bugzilla normally logs in with no password (see the Bugzilla documentation
- for <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-05-09/bugzilla-2.10/bugzilla-2.10/README">2.10</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-04-27/bugzilla-2.12/bugzilla-2_12/docs/html/readme.unix.html#AEN379">2.12</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-08-29/bugzilla-2.14/bugzilla-2.14/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14</a>,
- <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2002-01-05/bugzilla-2.14.1/bugzilla-2.14.1/docs/html/stepbystep.html#AEN768">2.14.1</a>).
- Change this setting if you have configured Bugzilla differently, or you
- want to set up the replicator to log in as a different user and use a password.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-bugzilla_directory" id="config-bugzilla_directory"></a><tt>bugzilla_directory</tt></h4>
- Description: The directory in which Bugzilla is installed, or <tt>None</tt>
- if you don't want e-mail processed.
- <p>Example: <tt>"/home/httpd/html/bugzilla"</tt>
- <p>Bugzilla sends e-mail to its users when it notices that a bug has been
- changed. If the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is running on the Bugzilla server, it is able to use Bugzilla's <tt>processmail</tt>
- script to promptly send e-mail in the same way. This configuration parameter
- allows the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to locate <tt>processmail</tt>. Set it to <tt>None</tt> if the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is not running on the Bugzilla server or if you don't want the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to send these e-mail messages.</div>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.1.4" id="section-5.1.4"></a>5.1.4. Other configuration
- parameters</h4>
- These parameters support advanced or rarely-used features. Most organizations
- can leave these parameters at their default values, at least to start with,
- and then set them later if necessary.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-changelist_url" id="config-changelist_url"></a><tt>changelist_url</tt></h4>
- Description: A format string used to build a URL for a changelist. Specify
- <tt>None</tt> if there are no URLs for changelists.
- <p>This is used by the defect tracker to provide a link from a fix to a
- web page providing more information about the changelist that fixed the
- issue. <a href="#figure-6">Figure 6</a> shows how this works in Bugzilla.
- <p>The value must be a format string valid for passing to <tt>sprintf()</tt>;
- it must have one <tt>%d</tt> format specifier, for which the change number
- is substituted. (Note that because the value gets passed to <tt>sprintf()</tt>,
- you must double other percent signs.)
- <p>In order to use this feature, you must have a web application that can
- provide information about changelists. Applications suitable for this include:
- <ul><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/products/p4web.html">P4Web</a>.
- To allow any user to follow the link from the defect tracker to P4Web,
- you need to run it in "browse mode". See the <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4web/index.html">P4Web
- documentation</a> for details.
- <p>For P4Web, set <tt>changelist_url</tt> to something like <tt>"http://info.company.domain:8080/%d?ac=10"</tt>.
- <p><a href="http://public.perforce.com:8080/@ra=s@/public/perforce/utils/perfbrowse/">Perfbrowse</a>.
- For Perfbrowse, set <tt>changelist_url</tt> to something like <tt>"http://info.company.domain/cgi/perfbrowse.cgi?@describe+%d"</tt>.</ul>
- <center><a NAME="figure-6" id="figure-6"></a>Figure 6. Effect of <tt><a href="#config-changelist_url">changelist_url</a></tt>
- and <tt><a href="#config-job_url">job_url</a></tt>
- <br><img SRC="changelist_url.gif" ALT="Figure showing the effect of thechangelist_url and job_url configuration parameters on the fixes tablein Bugzilla." / height=324 width=507></center>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-job_url" id="config-job_url"></a><tt>job_url</tt></h4>
- Description: A format string used to build a URL for job descriptions.
- Specify <tt>None</tt> if there is no URL for job descriptions.
- <p>This is used by the defect tracker to provide a link from an issue to
- a web page providing more information about the job that corresponds to
- the issue. <a href="#figure-6">Figure 6</a> shows how this works in Bugzilla.
- <p>Example: <tt>"http://info.company.domain/cgi/perfbrowse.cgi?@job+%s"</tt>
- <p>The string is a format string valid for passing to <tt>sprintf()</tt>;
- it must have one <tt>%s</tt> format specifier, for which the job name is
- substituted. (Note that because it gets passed to <tt>sprintf()</tt>, you
- must double other percent signs.)
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-log_file" id="config-log_file"></a><tt>log_file</tt></h4>
- Description: The name of the replicator's log file. If <tt>None</tt>, messages
- aren't logged to any file. (Note that you must write <tt>None</tt> literally,
- not the string <tt>"None"</tt>, which would mean the file called "None").
- <p>Example: <tt>"C:\\Program Files\\P4DTI-<i>RELEASE</i>\\p4dti.log"</tt>
- <p>The replicator generates log messages to record its actions. These log
- messages are sent to all of the following locations:
- <ul>
- <li>
- The standard output of the replicator.</li>
- <li>
- The system log (under UNIX and Linux).</li>
- <li>
- The event log (under Windows, if <tt><a href="#config-use_windows_event_log">use_windows_event_log</a></tt>
- is 1).</li>
- <li>
- The file specified by the <tt>log_file</tt> configuration parameter (unless
- it's <tt>None</tt>).</li>
- </ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-log_level" id="config-log_level"></a><tt>log_level</tt></h4>
- Description: The minimum priority level of messages to log. Messages with
- this priority or a higher priority appear in the replicator's log.
- <p>Example: <tt>message.INFO</tt>
- <p>This parameter must be one of these constants:
- <br>
- <table>
- <td><tt>message.ERR</tt></td>
- <td>Errors.</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>message.WARNING</tt></td>
- <td>Warnings; that is, features of your system that the replicator can
- work around, but which you should pay attention to. For example, "Table
- 'PROJECTS' has two entries called 'Compiler'.".</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>message.NOTICE</tt></td>
- <td>Significant but expected events. For example, "Job 'BUG00001' overwritten
- by issue 'BUG00001'.".</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>message.INFO</tt></td>
- <td>Informational messages. For example, "Replicating issue '123' to job
- 'BUG000123'."</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>message.DEBUG</tt></td>
- <td>Debugging messages. For example, "Perforce command: 'p4 -G -u p4dti-replicator0
- -p perforce:1666 job -o BUG00001'."</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-p4_client_executable" id="config-p4_client_executable"></a><tt>p4_client_executable</tt></h4>
- Description: The location of the Perforce client executable.
- <p>Example: <tt>"C:\\Program Files\\Perforce\\p4.exe"</tt>
- <p>This setting doesn't need to be an absolute path name if the directory
- is on the replicator user's path. On Windows this setting might be <tt>"C:\\Program
- Files\\Perforce\\p4.exe"</tt>. On UNIX it might be just <tt>"p4"</tt>.
- <p>The client executable named by this parameter must be of version 2000.2
- or later (run the command <tt>p4 -V</tt> to check the client version),
- and it must be the same version as the Perforce server you are connecting
- to. If there's a mismatch between the Perforce client executable and the
- Perforce server, then you might see the error message <a href="#message-Perforce-Error-2">(P4DTI-7087)
- Value for field 'Options' must be one of ...</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-p4_server_description" id="config-p4_server_description"></a><tt>p4_server_description</tt></h4>
- Description: A description of the Perforce server. This might be used by
- the defect tracker to show which Perforce server an issue is replicated
- to.
- <p>Example: <tt>"Hardware development group Perforce server"</tt>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-poll_period" id="config-poll_period"></a><tt>poll_period</tt></h4>
- Description: The period of time between the end of one poll of the servers
- and the start of the next, in seconds.
- <p>Example: <tt>10</tt>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-prepare_issue" id="config-prepare_issue"></a><tt>prepare_issue(issue,
- job)</tt></h4>
- Description: A function that prepares a new issue for submission to the
- defect tracker by providing values for all the required fields.
- <p>See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-3">section 3, "Allowing users
- to create issues in Perforce"</a> in the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i> for the full details.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-replicate_p" id="config-replicate_p"></a><tt>replicate_p(issue)</tt></h4>
- Description: A function that selects which issues to start replicating.
- Normally, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- replicates all issues created or modified after the <tt><a href="#config-start_date">start_date</a></tt>,
- but you can modify this function to further restrict the issues.
- <p>See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-2">section 2, "Select the issues
- to replicate"</a> in the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce Defect
- Tracking Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i> for the full details.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-replicate_job_p" id="config-replicate_job_p"></a><tt>replicate_job_p(job)</tt></h4>
- Description: A function that selects which jobs in Perforce to replicate.
- Normally, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- ignores jobs created in Perforce, but you can provide this function to
- allow users to create jobs in Perforce and have them replicated to the
- defect tracker.
- <p>See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-3">section 3, "Allowing users
- to create issues in Perforce"</a> in the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i> for the full details.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-rid" id="config-rid"></a><tt>rid</tt></h4>
- Description: The replicator identifier.
- <p>Example: <tt>"replicator0"</tt>
- <p>Must be 32 characters or less, start with a letter or underscore, and
- consist only of letters, numbers, and underscores.
- <p>The replicator identifier is used to distinguish between replicators
- when multiple replicators are being used to replicate issues from a defect
- tracker to different Perforce servers. If you have only one replicator,
- it doesn't matter what you use for the replicator identifier; <tt>"replicator0"</tt>
- is a good choice since it allows you to add more replicators later.
- <p>If you change the replicator identifier then your currently replicated
- defect tracker issues stop being replicated. The replicator believes they
- are being handled by another replicator.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-sid" id="config-sid"></a><tt>sid</tt></h4>
- Description: The Perforce server identifier.
- <p>Example: <tt>"perforce0"</tt>
- <p>Must be 32 characters or less, start with a letter or underscore, and
- consist only of letters, numbers and underscores. You might want to use
- the hostname of your Perforce server, if it is stable.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-use_deleted_selections" id="config-use_deleted_selections"></a><tt>use_deleted_selections</tt></h4>
- Description: If this is 1, deleted TeamTrack states and selections appear
- as options for corresponding fields in Perforce. If this is
- <tt>0</tt>,
- they don't appear in the Perforce jobspec or in drop-down menus in P4Win.
- <p>Example: <tt>0</tt>
- <p>Warning: It is risky to set this to <tt>0</tt> because TeamTrack never
- really deletes a state or selection; it just marks it as deleted. So you
- may have issues in TeamTrack that use those deleted states and selections.
- If <tt>use_deleted_selections</tt> is
- <tt>0</tt> then these issues can't
- be replicated to Perforce. If this happens, you'll see errors like these:
- <ul><a href="#message-P4DTI-6255">(P4DTI-6255) No Perforce state corresponding
- to TeamTrack state 'spong'.</a>
- <p>If this happens you can undelete the state in TeamTrack and restart
- the replicator. Or you can change the state of the issue in TeamTrack so
- that it can be replicated.
- <p><a href="#message-Perforce-Error-3">(P4DTI-7087) Value for field 'Severity'
- must be one of Critical/High/Medium/Low/(None).</a>
- <p>If this happens you can undelete the selection in the Severity field
- in TeamTrack and restart the replicator. Or you can change the severity
- of the issue in TeamTrack so that it can be replicated.</ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="config-use_perforce_jobnames" id="config-use_perforce_jobnames"></a><tt>use_perforce_jobnames</tt></h4>
- Description: Determines whether the replicator uses Perforce-style jobnames.
- <p>If this parameter is 1, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- lets Perforce choose the names of the jobs it creates when replicating
- issues from the defect tracker (so jobs will be named job000001, job000002
- and so on). This means that the job name won't match the name of the corresponding
- issue in the defect tracker.
- <p>If this parameter is 0 (the default), the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- tries to match the defect tracker's names for the issues it replicates. <span
- class="teamtrack">In
- the TeamTrack integration, jobs are called BUG00001, ENH00002, and so on.</span><span class="bugzilla">In
- the Bugzilla integration, jobs are called bug1, bug2, and so on.</span>
- <p>Example: <tt>1</tt>
- <p>If you change this setting, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't rename existing jobs, but new jobs get the style of name you requested.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.1.5" id="section-5.1.5"></a>5.1.5. Choosing which fields
- to replicate</h4>
- Here's some advice on which fields to replicate:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Replicate any fields that the developers are required to fill in, or they
- won't be able to use Perforce to do their work.</li>
- <li>
- Replicate any other fields that the developers need to do their work; see
- the suggestions below.</li>
- <li>
- Don't replicate other fields--the less information developers need to enter,
- the better the quality of that information. Keeping the number of replicated
- fields low might mean modifying your workflows so that unnecessary fields
- can be omitted. For example, you might have a <tt>FIX_DESCRIPTION</tt>
- field for developers to explain what they did. Now that you're running
- the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- you don't need that field--you can look in the change comments of the associated
- changelists to find out what the developer did--so leave it out.</li>
- <li>
- Note that Perforce has no protections for jobs. This means that any user
- of Perforce can read all fields of all the jobs. So if you have confidential
- information in issues, keep that information out of Perforce, for example
- by separating it out into a field that is not replicated.</li>
- </ul>
- <div class="teamtrack">If you're using TeamTrack's sample database, you
- might want to replicate the following fields:
- <ul>
- <li>
- <tt>DESCRIPTION</tt>, so that developers can understand what the problem
- is.</li>
- <li>
- <tt>SEVERITY</tt>, so that developers can prioritize their work.</li>
- <li>
- <tt>PRIORITY</tt>, so that developers can prioritize their work.</li>
- </ul>
- To find out the database name of a TeamTrack field, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Run the TeamTrack administrator. (Under Windows, choose Start > Programs
- > TeamShare > TeamTrack Administrator.)</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Projects</span> tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select a project from the list (but not the base project).</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">Edit</span> button.</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Default Fields</span> tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select the desired field from the list.</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">Edit</span> button.</li>
- <li>
- Look in the <span class="gui">Database Field Name</span> field in
- the dialog.</li>
- </ol>
- <a href="#table-1">Table 1</a> shows the field types in TeamTrack and indicates
- which ones may be replicated by the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- <center><a NAME="table-1" id="table-1"></a>Table 1. Supported field types
- in TeamTrack</center>
- <br>
- <th>Field type</th>
- <th>Field contents</th>
- <th>Replicable by <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>?</th>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>NUMERIC</tt></td>
- <td>Numeric field, integer or floating-point</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>TEXT</tt></td>
- <td>Text field up to 255 characters</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>MEMO</tt></td>
- <td>Memo field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>DATETIME</tt></td>
- <td>Date/Time field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>SELECTION</tt></td>
- <td>Drop down selection field, one selectable</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>BINARY</tt></td>
- <td>Binary (two-state) field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>STATE</tt></td>
- <td>The system-defined state field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>USER</tt></td>
- <td>A drop down selection field containing user names</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>PROJECT</tt></td>
- <td>System-defined project field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>SUMMATION</tt></td>
- <td>Calculated summation fields</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>MULTIPLE_SELECTION</tt></td>
- <td>Multi-select selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>CONTACT</tt></td>
- <td>Contact selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>COMPANY</tt></td>
- <td>Company selection field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>INCIDENT</tt></td>
- <td>Incident selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>PRODUCT</tt></td>
- <td>Product selection field</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>SERVICEAGREEMENT</tt></td>
- <td>Service Agreement</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>FOLDER</tt></td>
- <td>Folder link selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>KEYWORDLIST</tt></td>
- <td>Keyword multi-select field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>PRODUCTLIST</tt></td>
- <td>Product multi-select field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>PROBLEM</tt></td>
- <td>Problem selection field.</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>RESOLUTION</tt></td>
- <td>Resolution selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>MERCHANDISE</tt></td>
- <td>Merchandise selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>RELATIONAL</tt></td>
- <td>Relational selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>SUBRELATIONAL</tt></td>
- <td>Sub-relational selection field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>SYSTEM</tt></td>
- <td>System field</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>MULTIPLE_RELATIONAL</tt></td>
- <td>Multiple relational selection field.</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- Attachments such as notes are stored in separate tables in TeamTrack and
- are not replicated by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- If you need to have supplementary information replicated to Perforce, use
- a memo field like "Additional Notes". In TeamTrack you can turn any memo
- field into a "journal" field which consists of a list of entries, each
- headed with the date of the entry and the name of user who added it.</div>
- <div class="bugzilla">If you're using Bugzilla, you might want to replicate
- the following fields:
- <ul>
- <li>
- "longdesc", so that developers can understand what the problem is.</li>
- <li>
- "bug_severity", so that developers can prioritize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "priority", so that developers can prioritize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "target_milestone", if you use target milestones, so that developers can
- prioritize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "product", so that developers can categorize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "component", so that developers can categorize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "version", so that developers can categorize their work.</li>
- <li>
- "op_sys", for additional developer information.</li>
- <li>
- "rep_platform", for additional developer information.</li>
- <li>
- "status_whiteboard", for additional developer information.</li>
- <li>
- "keywords", for additional developer information.</li>
- </ul>
- If you're using Bugzilla, the replicator rejects the following types of
- changes from within Perforce:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Any changes to the following types of field:</li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Fields that cannot be changed in Bugzilla, such as "creation_ts", "delta_ts",
- and "lastdiffed".</li>
- <li>
- Fields that can only be changed in Bugzilla in very restricted ways, such
- as "groupset", "product", "version", "component", "target_milestone", and
- "everconfirmed".</li>
- <li>
- Fields that, when changed in Bugzilla, have complex side-effects that the
- replicator can't sensibly reproduce, such as "votes" and "keywords".</li>
- </ul>
- <li>
- Changes that do anything to the "longdesc" field other than appending to
- it. This field can be used for long descriptions of the bug. When a Bugzilla
- user adds a comment to a bug, it appears at the end of this field. Perforce
- users can also only modify this field by appending to it; any text that
- they append is replicated to Bugzilla as a new comment.</li>
- <li>
- Invalid changes to fields that must contain Bugzilla users, such as "assigned_to",
- "reporter", and "qacontact". These fields may contain a Perforce user name,
- if the Perforce user corresponds to a Bugzilla user, or a Bugzilla user's
- e-mail address. The "qacontact" field may also contain "None". If a Perforce
- user changes one of these fields to some other string, the replicator rejects
- the change.</li>
- </ul>
- The following table lists the field names for Bugzilla 2.10, 2.12, 2.14,
- and 2.14.1. If you have modified Bugzilla, your field names may differ.
- To display the set of Bugzilla field names, type <tt>mysqlshow bugs bugs</tt>
- at a shell prompt.
- <center><a NAME="table-2" id="table-2"></a>Table 2. Bugzilla field names</center>
- <br>
- <th>Field name</th>
- <th>Name on Bugzilla form</th>
- <th>Replication policy</th>
- </tr>
- <td>bug_id</td>
- <td>Bug #</td>
- <td>always, read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>bug_status</td>
- <td>Status</td>
- <td>always, read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>assigned_to</td>
- <td>Assigned To</td>
- <td>always, read/write, user</td>
- </tr>
- <td>short_desc</td>
- <td>Summary</td>
- <td>always, read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>resolution</td>
- <td>Resolution</td>
- <td>always, read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>bug_file_loc</td>
- <td>URL</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>bug_severity</td>
- <td>Severity</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>op_sys</td>
- <td>OS</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>priority</td>
- <td>Priority</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>rep_platform</td>
- <td>Platform</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>reporter</td>
- <td>Reporter</td>
- <td>read/write, user</td>
- </tr>
- <td>qa_contact</td>
- <td>QA Contact</td>
- <td>read/write, user or None</td>
- </tr>
- <td>status_whiteboard</td>
- <td>Status Whiteboard</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>reporter_accessible</td>
- <td>Reporter checkbox</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>assignee_accessible</td>
- <td>Assignee checkbox</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>qacontact_accessible</td>
- <td>QA Contact checkbox</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>cclist_accessible</td>
- <td>CC List checkbox</td>
- <td>read/write</td>
- </tr>
- <td>longdesc</td>
- <td>Description</td>
- <td>append only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>groupset</td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>creation_ts</td>
- <td>Opened</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>delta_ts</td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>product</td>
- <td>Product</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>version</td>
- <td>Version</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>component</td>
- <td>Component</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>target_milestone</td>
- <td>Target Milestone</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>votes</td>
- <td>Votes</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>keywords</td>
- <td>Keywords</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>lastdiffed</td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- <td>everconfirmed</td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>read only</td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- The following fields are displayed on the Bugzilla bug form but are kept
- in separate database tables and cannot be replicated:
- <ul>
- <li>
- "Cc"</li>
- <li>
- "Attachments"</li>
- <li>
- "Depends on"</li>
- <li>
- "Blocks"</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- If you need to change the list of replicated fields after you've started
- using the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- see <a href="#section-9">section 9, "Maintaining the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>"</a>.
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.2" id="section-5.2"></a>5.2. Perforce configuration</h3>
- To configure Perforce, you must:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Create a Perforce user for the replicator (<a href="#section-5.2.1">section
- 5.2.1</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Install Perforce triggers to enforce workflow (optional; <a href="#section-5.2.2">section
- 5.2.2</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Delete all Perforce jobs, if you have not already done so (<a href="#section-5.2.3">section
- 5.2.3</a>).</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.2.1" id="section-5.2.1"></a>5.2.1. Creating a Perforce
- user for the replicator</h4>
- Create a user in Perforce for the replicator; for instructions, see the
- <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>. The replicator user must have the
- following properties:
- <ul>The userid must be the same as the <a href="#config-p4_user">replicator
- Perforce userid (<tt>p4_user</tt>)</a> that you specified in the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration.
- <p>The e-mail address must match the <a href="#config-replicator_address">replicator
- e-mail address (<tt>replicator_address</tt>)</a>.
- <p>If you're using the Perforce protections, make the replicator a super
- user so that it can set the jobspec. For instructions, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>. You'll need to add a line like
- <blockquote><tt>super user p4dti-replicator0 * //...</tt></blockquote>
- to the protections list.</ul>
- For information on getting a license from Perforce Software for this extra
- user, see <a href="#section-3.2">section 3.2, "Perforce prerequisites"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.2.2" id="section-5.2.2"></a>5.2.2. Installing Perforce
- triggers to enforce workflow</h4>
- You can use the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- in combination with a Perforce <dfn>trigger</dfn> to enforce extra
- workflow restrictions. For example, if your organization assigns priorities
- to issues, you can prevent changes being made to areas of the repository
- unless they resolve at least one defect of priority 3 or higher.
- <p>The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- comes with an example trigger script that you can adapt for your needs,
- installed as <tt>example_trigger.py</tt> in the default installation directory.
- <p>To enforce workflow restrictions, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to replicate the defect tracker fields that you want to check. For example,
- you can check that the "priority" or "severity" is above a certain level,
- or that a manager has set the "approval" field. See the <tt>replicated_fields</tt>
- configuration parameter (for <a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>
- or <a href="#config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack">TeamTrack</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Adapt the trigger script for your needs. You must be able to do a small
- amount of Python programming to adapt the trigger script. The example script
- contains comments to help you.</li>
- <li>
- Install the trigger script. For instructions on installing and managing
- trigger scripts, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.2.3" id="section-5.2.3"></a>5.2.3. Deleting Perforce
- jobs</h4>
- You must delete all jobs from your Perforce installation. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- takes over the jobs subsystem of Perforce and rewrites the Perforce jobspec.
- <p>For instructions, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/">Perforce
- Command Line User's Guide</a></i>.
- <p>It is possible to keep existing issues that are stored in Perforce jobs.
- Migration submits all the Perforce job data to the defect tracker, so that
- the issues can be replicated back to Perforce, and so appear in both systems.
- This requires more experience of Perforce and some Python programming.
- See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-4">section 4, "Migrating to the
- defect tracker from Perforce jobs"</a>, of the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <p>If you already use Perforce jobs and have significant tools that depend
- on your jobspec, the configuration options described in <a href="#section-5.1">section
- 5.1, "<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr> configuration"</a>,
- might not be flexible enough to support your requirements. However, you
- might be able to write your own configuration and use your own jobspec.
- To write your own configuration, you must understand the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration architecture and be fluent in the Python programming language.
- See the <i>Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's Guide</i>
- for details of how to configure the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- and guidance on developing your own configuration. Note that neither Perforce
- nor the manufacturer of your defect tracker can support a configuration
- that you write yourself.
- <div class="teamtrack">
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.3" id="section-5.3"></a>5.3. TeamTrack configuration</h3>
- To configure TeamTrack, you must:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Update the Windows Registry (<a href="#section-5.3.1">section 5.3.1</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Create a TeamTrack user for the replicator (<a href="#section-5.3.2">section
- 5.3.2</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Provide field descriptions (<a href="#section-5.3.3">section 5.3.3</a>).</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.3.1" id="section-5.3.1"></a>5.3.1. Updating the Windows
- Registry</h4>
- You need to add a TeamTrack value to the Windows Registry to tell TeamTrack
- that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is present. To do this, double-click the <tt>p4dti.reg</tt> file that comes
- with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- (it's installed in <tt>c:\program files\p4dti\p4dti.reg</tt> by default).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.3.2" id="section-5.3.2"></a>5.3.2. Creating a TeamTrack
- user for the replicator</h4>
- You need to create a TeamTrack user for the replicator. This user corresponds
- to the <a href="#config-teamtrack_user">replicator TeamTrack userid (<tt>teamtrack_user</tt>)</a>
- parameter you set in <a href="#section-5.1">section 5.1, "<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration"</a>.
- <p>To create a TeamTrack user for the replicator, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Run the TeamTrack Administrator. (Under Windows, choose Start > Programs
- > TeamShare > TeamTrack Administrator.)</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Users</span> tab.</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">Add</span> button.</li>
- <li>
- On the <span class="gui">General</span> tab, in the Login ID field,
- enter the replicator user name (see the <a href="#config-teamtrack_user">replicator
- Teamtrack userid (<tt>teamtrack_user</tt>)</a> parameter).</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">User</span> product access radio button
- (see <a href="#figure-7">Figure 7</a>).</li>
- <li>
- On the <span class="gui">Privileges</span> tab, select the <span class="gui">System</span>
- tab and then select the "<span class="gui">Connect using the <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr></span>"
- check box (see <a href="#figure-8">Figure 8</a>).</li>
- <li>
- On the <span class="gui">Privileges</span> tab, select the <span
- class="gui">Item</span>
- tab.</li>
- <li>
- In the pane at the left, select the base project.</li>
- <li>
- In the pane at the right, select the "<span class="gui">Submit New Items</span>",
- "<span class="gui">Update All Items</span>" and "<span
- class="gui">Transition
- All Items</span>" check boxes (see <a href="#figure-9">Figure 9</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Click <span class="gui">OK</span> to add the user.</li>
- </ol>
- For information on getting a license from TeamShare for this extra user,
- see <a href="#section-3.3">section 3.3, "TeamTrack prerequisites"</a>.
- <center><a NAME="figure-7" id="figure-7"></a>Figure 7. New user: General
- tab
- <br><img SRC="tt-new-user-general.gif" ALT="Screen shot showing the general tab for creating a new user in TeamTrack Administrator" / height=455 width=556></center>
- <center><a NAME="figure-8" id="figure-8"></a>Figure 8. New user: Privileges
- tab, System tab
- <br><img SRC="tt-new-user-privileges.gif" ALT="Screen shot showing the System tab on the Privileges tab for creating a new user in TeamTrack Administrator" / height=455 width=556></center>
- <center><a NAME="figure-9" id="figure-9"></a>Figure 9. New user: Privileges
- tab, Item tab
- <br><img SRC="tt-new-user-privileges-2.gif" ALT="Screen shot showing the Item tab on the Privileges tab for creating a new user in TeamTrack Administrator" / height=455 width=556></center>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.3.3" id="section-5.3.3"></a>5.3.3. Providing field descriptions</h4>
- The replicator uses TeamTrack issue field descriptions as the source for
- the Perforce job field descriptions. These job field descriptions appear
- in comments in every job form (if you're using the Perforce command line)
- and as tooltips for the fields in the job editing dialog (if you're using
- P4Win, the Perforce Windows GUI).
- <p>TeamTrack leaves field descriptions blank when you create a database,
- so you must provide descriptions of fields that your developers edit. For
- example, you might describe the <tt>TITLE</tt> field as "A one-sentence
- statement of the problem from the user's perspective", and the <tt>DESCRIPTION</tt>
- field as "A detailed description of the problem from the user's perspective,
- including how to reproduce it."
- <p>To enter field descriptions, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Run the TeamTrack Administrator. (Under Windows, choose Start > Programs
- > TeamShare > TeamTrack Administrator.)</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Workflows</span> tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Issue Workflow</span>.</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">Edit</span> button.</li>
- <li>
- Select the <span class="gui">Default Fields</span> tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select the field you want to describe.</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">Edit</span> button.</li>
- <li>
- Enter the description in the <span class="gui">Description</span>
- field.</li>
- <li>
- Click <span class="gui">OK</span> to save your entries.</li>
- <li>
- Repeat steps 6 to 9 until you're done.</li>
- <li>
- Click the <span class="gui">OK</span> button.</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- <div class="bugzilla">
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.4" id="section-5.4"></a>5.4. Bugzilla configuration</h3>
- To configure Bugzilla, you must:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Patch Bugzilla (<a href="#section-5.4.1">section 5.4.1</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Create a Bugzilla user for the replicator (<a href="#section-5.4.2">section
- 5.4.2</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Enable the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- extensions in Bugzilla (<a href="#section-5.4.3">section 5.4.3</a>).</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.4.1" id="section-5.4.1"></a>5.4.1. Patching Bugzilla</h4>
- You need to make some minor modifications to the Bugzilla code so that
- users can see Perforce information on Bugzilla bug forms, and so that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can access the values of Bugzilla configuration parameters. These modifications
- are distributed as patchfiles for versions 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, and 2.14.1
- of Bugzilla.
- <p>If you have modified Bugzilla at your site, you might still be able
- to apply the patch successfully. Changes to the database schema, the permissions
- rules, or the workflow rules are likely to cause the<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to malfunction. You might need to modify the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- if you have changed these parts of Bugzilla.
- <p>The patch for all Bugzilla versions changes the following Bugzilla files:
- <ul>
- <li>
- <tt>bug_form.pl</tt>, adding a Perforce section to the bug form.</li>
- <li>
- <tt>defparams.pl</tt>, adding a parameter to control whether or not the
- Perforce section appears.</li>
- <li>
- <tt>doeditparams.pl</tt>, creating and maintaining a database table containing
- Bugzilla's configuration parameters.</li>
- </ul>
- The patches for Bugzilla 2.14 and 2.14.1 also change this file:
- <ul>
- <li>
- <tt>globals.pl</tt>, deleting unsafe environment variables so that the
- <tt>processmail</tt> script can be run by the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.</li>
- </ul>
- These changes are small and self-contained. If your changes do not affect
- these files or only affect them in minor ways, the patch should operate
- correctly. If the patch program fails because of your Bugzilla modifications,
- it might still be possible to introduce the changes by hand. If you cannot
- apply the patch, the replicator might still work, but the extensions listed
- in <a href="#section-5.4.3">section 5.4.3</a> will not be available.
- <p>To apply the patch, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Make a copy of your Bugzilla code so that you can uninstall the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- if necessary.</li>
- <li>
- Go to your Bugzilla installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Enter the following command:</li>
- <blockquote><tt>patch < <i>p4dti-install-dir</i>/bugzilla-<i>bugzilla-version</i>-patch</tt></blockquote>
- (where <i>p4dti-install-dir</i> is your <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory) and <i>bugzilla-version</i> is your version of
- Bugzilla (2.10, 2.12, 2.14, or 2.14.1).
- <li>
- Check the output of the patch program carefully to ensure it succeeded.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.4.2" id="section-5.4.2"></a>5.4.2. Creating a Bugzilla
- user for the replicator</h4>
- You need to create a Bugzilla user for the replicator. The replicator uses
- e-mail addresses to work out which Perforce user corresponds to which Bugzilla
- user. A Perforce user that does not correspond to a Bugzilla user is translated
- to the replicator's Bugzilla user, except for user fields (for example,
- "AssignedTo") in jobs. The replicator rejects a change when there is no
- Bugzilla user corresponding to a changed user field.
- <p>To create a Bugzilla user for the replicator, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- In a Web browser, go to <<span class="url">http://<i>your-bugzilla-path</i>/editusers.cgi</span>>.</li>
- <li>
- Log in if prompted.</li>
- <li>
- Click <span class="gui">Submit</span> to display the user list.</li>
- <li>
- At the bottom of the user list, click "<span class="gui">Add a new user</span>".</li>
- <li>
- In the "Login name" field, enter the <a href="#config-replicator_address">replicator
- e-mail address (<tt>replicator_address</tt>)</a>.</li>
- <li>
- In the "Real name" field, enter a name like "Perforce defect tracking integration".</li>
- <li>
- Enter a password.</li>
- <li>
- In the "Disable text" field, enter something like "This user can access
- Bugzilla only as the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- replicator process" to prevent access through the Bugzilla user interface.</li>
- <li>
- Click <span class="gui">Add</span> to create the user.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.4.3" id="section-5.4.3"></a>5.4.3. Enabling the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- extensions in Bugzilla</h4>
- After patching the Bugzilla code, you need to enable the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- extensions in Bugzilla. There are two extensions:
- <ul>Bugzilla's bug form includes information about the corresponding job
- in Perforce, and a table of fixes.
- <p>Bugzilla saves its configuration parameters in its database, making
- it possible for the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to support the "emailsuffix" feature.</ul>
- To enable the extensions, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- In a Web browser, go to <<span class="url">http://<i>your-bugzilla-path</i>/editparams.cgi</span>>.</li>
- <li>
- Log in as the Bugzilla administrator if prompted.</li>
- <li>
- Set the "p4dti" parameter to "on" (if it is not already on).</li>
- <li>
- Click "<span class="gui">Submit changes</span>" to enable the extensions.</li>
- </ol>
- To disable use of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- from the Bugzilla user interface, set the "p4dti" parameter to "off".</div>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.5" id="section-5.5"></a>5.5. Starting and stopping the
- replicator manually</h3>
- To start the replicator, follow these steps from the operating system command
- line:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Run the command <tt>python run.py</tt>.</li>
- </ol>
- The first time you start the replicator, it displays log output explaining
- how the replicator is setting up the defect tracker schema extensions,
- as shown in <a href="#figure-10">the following figure</a>:
- <center><a NAME="figure-10" id="figure-10"></a>Figure 10. Example replicator
- log output on startup (TeamTrack integration)</center>
- <br>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <pre>2001-03-12 20:05:45 UTC (P4DTI-6018) Installing field 'P4DTI_RID' in the TS_CASES table.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:45 UTC (P4DTI-6018) Installing field 'P4DTI_SID' in the TS_CASES table.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:45 UTC (P4DTI-6018) Installing field 'P4DTI_JOBNAME' in the TS_CASES table.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:46 UTC (P4DTI-603X) Installed all new fields in the TS_CASES table.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:47 UTC (P4DTI-6040) Put 'LAST_CHANGE' parameter in replicator configuration with value '0'.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:47 UTC (P4DTI-6040) Put 'SERVER' parameter in replicator configuration with value '"{'sid': 'perforce0', 'description': 'Perforce server on sandpiper'}"'.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:47 UTC (P4DTI-6040) Put 'STATUS_VALUES' parameter in replicator configuration with value '"{'sid': 'perforce0', 'description': '_new/assigned/closed/verified/deferred'}"'.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:47 UTC (P4DTI-6040) Put 'CHANGELIST_URL' parameter in replicator configuration with value '"{'sid': 'perforce0', 'description': 'http://sandpiper.ravenbrook.com:8080/%d?ac=10'}"'.
- 2001-03-12 20:05:48 UTC (P4DTI-8002) Mailing 'P4DTI administrator <gdr+admin@ravenbrook.com>' re: '(P4DTI-8669) The P4DTI replicator has started.'.
- ...</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- Each log entry consists of the date of the entry, a message identifier,
- and the message text. You can use the message identifier of an error message
- to look it up in <a href="#section-11.2">section 11.2, "Error messages
- by identifier"</a>.
- <p>During its startup sequence, the replicator creates Perforce jobs corresponding
- to every defect tracker issue created or modified after the (<tt><a href="#config-start_date">start_date</a></tt>).
- It then polls for changes every <tt><a href="#config-poll_period">poll_period</a></tt>
- seconds and replicates those changes. <a href="#figure-11">Figure 11</a>
- shows typical replicator log output when it is replicating a change.
- <center><a NAME="figure-11" id="figure-11"></a>Figure 11. Example replicator
- log output on replication (TeamTrack integration)</center>
- <br>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <pre>2001-03-12 19:59:29 UTC (P4DTI-8057) Replicating job 'CHG00003' to issue 'CHG00003'.
- 2001-03-12 19:59:30 UTC (P4DTI-824X) -- Changed fields: {'SEVERITY': 46, 'VERSION': 53, 'STATE': 2, 'PRIORITY': 17}.
- 2001-03-12 19:59:30 UTC (P4DTI-6007) -- Transition: 3; User: rb.
- 2001-03-12 19:59:30 UTC (P4DTI-8261) -- Defect tracker made changes as a result of the update: {'Owner': 'gdr'}.</pre>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- To stop the replicator on Windows, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Select the command window in which the replicator is running.</li>
- <li>
- Press Control-C and wait for the replicator to next poll (this takes up
- to <tt><a href="#config-poll_period">poll_period</a></tt> seconds).</li>
- </ol>
- To stop the replicator on Unix systems, kill the replicator process. If
- it's running in a shell, bring it to the foreground and type Control-C.
- If not, find out the process id of the replicator process and run the command
- <tt>kill -TERM
- <i>replicator-process-id</i></tt>.
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.6" id="section-5.6"></a>5.6. Setting up the replicator
- to start automatically</h3>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can be run as a daemon on Unix and as an NT service on Windows. Check that
- the replicator <a href="#section-5.5">starts manually</a> and runs correctly,
- before leaving it to run automatically.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.6.1" id="section-5.6.1"></a>5.6.1. Running automatically
- on Unix</h4>
- If you installed the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- using the Linux <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr> as
- described in <a href="#section-4.3">section 4.3, "Linux installation"</a>,
- a startup script is automatically created in <tt>/etc/rc.d/init.d</tt>
- directory, so that the replicator starts as a daemon when the machine is
- booted. Alternatively you can start the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- daemon manually by calling the startup script yourself:
- <blockquote><tt>/etc/rc.d/init.d/p4dti start</tt></blockquote>
- The replicator halts automatically when the system is shut down. You can
- stop the replicator daemon manually using the stop script:
- <blockquote><tt>/etc/rc.d/init.d/p4dti stop</tt></blockquote>
- On Solaris or other Unixes (and on Linux if you did not use the <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr>
- installer), you might want to adapt the Linux startup script. It is in
- the file named <tt>startup-script</tt> in the installation directory.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="section-5.6.2" id="section-5.6.2"></a>5.6.2. Running automatically
- on Windows</h4>
- On Windows, you can choose to install the <abbr title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- as a service. The replicator then starts when the machine is booted. You
- need not be logged on to the machine for the service to run or to stay
- running.
- <p>To install the service, follow these steps from the operating system
- command line:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Run the command:</li>
- <blockquote><tt>python service.py</tt></blockquote>
- </ol>
- Once the service has been installed, it can be started in any of the following
- ways:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use the control panel to start the Services applet and scroll down until
- you find "P4DTI". Click on this once, then click "Start".</li>
- <li>
- Go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory and run the command: <tt>python service.py start</tt>.</li>
- <li>
- When the machine reboots, the service starts automatically.</li>
- </ul>
- Once the service is running, it can be halted in any of the following ways.
- Note that you need not halt the service the same way that you started it.
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use the control panel to start the Services applet and scroll down until
- you find "P4DTI". Click on this once, then click "Stop".</li>
- <li>
- Go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory and run the command: <tt>python service.py stop</tt>.</li>
- <li>
- When the machine is shut down, the service stops automatically.</li>
- </ul>
- To uninstall the service, go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory and run the command:
- <blockquote><tt>python service.py remove</tt></blockquote>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-5.7" id="section-5.7"></a>5.7. Advanced configuration</h3>
- Not all of the flexibility of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is available using the configuration options described in this section.
- Advanced configuration of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is possible, but beyond the scope of this manual. Here are some of the
- things that are possible with advanced configuration:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Connecting a defect tracker to multiple Perforce servers.</li>
- <li>
- Working with an existing Perforce jobs database and an existing Perforce
- jobspec.</li>
- <li>
- Fine control over which defect tracker issues are replicated to Perforce.</li>
- <li>
- Fine control over which issue fields are replicated, and their names.</li>
- <li>
- Arbitrary translation of issue data between the defect tracker and Perforce.</li>
- <li>
- Queries based on combined defect tracker and Perforce data.</li>
- <li>
- Working with locally customized versions of Bugzilla.</li>
- <li>
- Redirection or fine control of logging.</li>
- <li>
- Arbitrary mappings between Perforce and defect tracker user names.</li>
- <li>
- Alternative policies for handling conflicts between defect tracker and
- Perforce changes to issues.</li>
- </ul>
- <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/support.html">Contact Perforce
- technical support</a> if you need any of these facilities.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-6" id="section-6"></a>6. Migrating your defect tracking
- data to the integrated system</h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-6.1" id="section-6.1"></a>6.1. Migrating from the defect
- tracker</h3>
- You do not need to take any special action to migrate defect tracking data
- from your defect tracker to the integrated system. The replicator starts
- replicating defect tracker issues as soon as it starts up. Only issues
- that are created or modified after the <tt><a href="#config-start_date">start_date</a></tt>
- are replicated to Perforce.
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-6.2" id="section-6.2"></a>6.2. Allowing users to create
- issues in Perforce</h3>
- See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-3">section 3, "Allowing users to
- create issues in Perforce"</a> in the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-6.3" id="section-6.3"></a>6.3. Migrating to the defect
- tracker from Perforce jobs</h3>
- See <a href="../aag/index.html#section-4">section 4, "Migrating to the
- defect tracker from Perforce jobs"</a> in the <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-7" id="section-7"></a>7. Testing the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-7.1" id="section-7.1"></a>7.1. Taking a single step</h3>
- When you're testing your <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration, you might need to tell the<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- take a single step; that is, to poll the defect tracker and Perforce for
- changes, replicate those changes, then stop. If you need to do this:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Change to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Run the command <tt>python poll.py</tt>.</li>
- </ol>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-7.2" id="section-7.2"></a>7.2. Testing your configuration</h3>
- Test the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration by creating a test issue and taking it through a complete
- life-cycle (that is, through the workflow) as described in the <i><a href="../ug/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration User's Guide</a></i>. You might need to adapt
- the use cases described in the user's guide to your organization's workflow.
- <p>Test the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- from both Perforce and the defect tracker. In Perforce, test the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- using the interface that your developers are most likely to use. The main
- Perforce interfaces are:
- <ul>
- <li>
- P4, the Perforce command line.</li>
- <li>
- P4Win, the Perforce GUI.</li>
- <li>
- The Perforce IDE integrations, if you use them.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-7.3" id="section-7.3"></a>7.3. Checking data consistency</h3>
- To run the consistency checker and manage its output, follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Change to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Run the command <tt>python check.py</tt>.</li>
- </ol>
- You can also examine the database using a database application (for example,
- Microsoft Access or the <tt>mysql</tt> command) to ensure the Perforce
- data is in there.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-8" id="section-8"></a>8. Training and documentation</h2>
- You might want to provide training for Perforce and defect tracker users
- before they adopt the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- for everyday use. If so, consider preparing training materials that walk
- them through the workflow for an issue, using the procedures that are documented
- in the <i><a href="../ug/index.html">Perforce Defect Tracking Integration
- User's Guide</a></i>.
- <p>Even if you don't have a formal training session for your users, ensure
- that they:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Read the <i><a href="../ug/index.html">Perforce Defect Tracking Integration
- User's Guide</a></i>.</li>
- <li>
- Upgrade their Perforce clients to version 2001.1 or later.</li>
- <li>
- Uninstall SourceBridge, if it's installed on their machines.</li>
- <li>
- Know not to edit the P4DTI-* fields in jobs.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-9" id="section-9"></a>9. Maintaining the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-9.1" id="section-9.1"></a>9.1. Maintaining the configuration</h3>
- You must stop and restart the replicator as described in <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5, "Starting the replicator manually"</a> after changing any of the configuration
- parameters described in <a href="#section-5.1">section 5.1, "<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration"</a>.
- <p>You must also refresh Perforce jobs, as described in <a href="#section-9.2">section
- 9.2, "Refreshing jobs in Perforce"</a>, after changing either:
- <ol>
- <li>
- the list of replicated fields (<tt>replicated_fields</tt> for <a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>
- or <a href="#config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack">TeamTrack</a>), or</li>
- <li>
- the <a href="#config-start_date">start date for replication (<tt>start_date</tt>)</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- Perforce uses the field number in the jobspec to find data, not the field
- name (for more information, see the <i><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
- System Administrator's Guide</a></i>). If you change the list of replicated
- fields, then the field numbers change, which means that the fields of existing
- jobs in Perforce will be mixed up. Refreshing the jobs re-creates them
- from the defect tracker with the correct fields.
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-9.2" id="section-9.2"></a>9.2. Refreshing jobs in Perforce</h3>
- Refreshing jobs updates all jobs in Perforce by replicating them from the
- defect tracker's database. This procedure is necessary if:
- <ul>
- <li>
- The Perforce jobs become corrupted.</li>
- <li>
- You change the set of replicated fields in the replicator's configuration.
- For details, see <a href="#section-9.1">section 9.1, "Maintaining the configuration"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- You change the start date of replication in the replicator's configuration.
- For details, see <a href="#section-9.1">section 9.1</a>.</li>
- </ul>
- To refresh the Perforce jobs, follow these steps from the operating system
- command line:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Stop the replicator.</li>
- <li>
- Go to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory.</li>
- <li>
- Run the command <tt>python refresh.py</tt>.</li>
- <li>
- Start the replicator again by running the command <tt>python run.py</tt>.</li>
- </ol>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-10" id="section-10"></a>10. Uninstalling the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr></h2>
- To uninstall the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- follow these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Tell your staff. Ask them to stop using either Perforce jobs or the defect
- tracking, whichever you're not planning to use in future.</li>
- <li>
- Stop the replicator by following the instructions in <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5, "Starting the replicator manually"</a> (or <a href="#section-5.6">section
- 5.6, "Setting up the replicator to start automatically"</a>).</li>
- <li>
- Remove any hooks that you created in <a href="#section-5.6">section 5.6,
- "Setting up the replicator to start automatically"</a>, such as Windows
- services, entries in <tt>/etc/rc.d</tt>, and so on.</li>
- <li>
- If you're using Bugzilla:</li>
- <ol type="a">
- <li>
- Disable the Bugzilla extensions that were enabled in <a href="#section-5.4.3">section
- 5.4.3, "Enabling the Bugzilla extensions"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- Delete the replicator's Bugzilla user that was created in <a href="#section-5.4.2">section
- 5.4.2, "Creating a Bugzilla user for the replicator"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- optionally, restore the unpatched copy of Bugzilla made in <a href="#section-5.4.1">section
- 5.4.1, "Patching Bugzilla"</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- <li>
- If you're using TeamTrack:</li>
- <ol type="a">
- <li>
- Delete the replicator's TeamTrack user that was created in <a href="#section-5.3.2">section
- 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user for the replicator"</a>.</li>
- </ol>
- <li>
- Remove any Perforce triggers that were added in <a href="#section-5.2.2">section
- 5.2.2, "Installing Perforce triggers to enforce workflow"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- Delete the replicator's Perforce user created in <a href="#section-5.2.1">section
- 5.2.1, "Creating a Perforce user for the replicator"</a>.</li>
- <li>
- If you installed using the Linux <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr>,
- as described in <a href="#section-4.3">section 4.3, "Linux installation"</a>,
- uninstall using the command</li>
- <blockquote><tt>rpm -e p4dti</tt></blockquote>
- Otherwise, delete the contents of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- installation directory. <!--
- <li> If you're using Bugzilla, run <code class="source">r.dt.bugzilla.drop_p4dti_tables()</code> to delete the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr> tables from the database, and restore the backup copy of Bugzilla that you made before you installed the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr> (see <a href="#section-3.4.2">section 3.4.2, "Procedural prerequisites"</a>). </li>
- --></ol>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-11" id="section-11"></a>11. Troubleshooting and error
- messages</h2>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-11.1" id="section-11.1"></a>11.1. Troubleshooting</h3>
- To troubleshoot a problem with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- follow these steps:
- <ol>Look in the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- log. If you find an error message, see if it is listed in <a href="#section-11.2">section
- 11.2, "Error messages"</a>.
- <p>Check your configuration against <a href="#section-5.1">section 5.1,
- "<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr> configuration"</a>.
- Are the hostnames, userids, and passwords correct? Most problems with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- are caused by incorrect or inconsistent configuration.
- <p>See if there is any online support for your problem. Visit the P4DTI
- issue reports page <<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/issue/">http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/issue/</a>>,
- choose your release and select the "Support information" report.
- <p>If you can't solve the problem, contact Perforce support (for details,
- see <<a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/support.html">http://www.perforce.com/perforce/support.html</a>>).
- Provide the following information:
- <ol type="a">
- <li>
- What you did immediately prior to the error's occurrence.</li>
- <li>
- What you think should have happened.</li>
- <li>
- What actually happened.</li>
- <li>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- release you are using (look in the <tt>readme.txt</tt> that came with your <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- distribution to identify the release).</li>
- <li>
- The Perforce release you are using. To determine your Perforce release,
- enter "<tt>p4 info</tt>" at the operating system command line.</li>
- <li>
- The name and release of the defect tracker you are using. To determine
- your TeamTrack release, click the information symbol in the top right of
- the page; include the Version, Browser, Web Server and Database entries
- in your problem report. To determine your Bugzilla release, check the top
- of a bug form.</li>
- <li>
- A section of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- log that includes the error that you're reporting and some context around
- that error.</li>
- <li>
- Copies of any related e-mail messages generated by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.</li>
- <li>
- A copy of your <tt>config.py</tt> file.</li>
- </ol>
- </ol>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-11.2" id="section-11.2"></a>11.2. Error messages by identifier</h3>
- This isn't a complete list, but it covers the errors that have been seen
- in testing, or which are reasonably likely to come up, or which need some
- explanation. If you see a message not covered in this section or <a href="#section-11.3">section
- 11.3, "Other error messages"</a> and which is not self-explanatory, please
- contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1058" id="message-P4DTI-1058"></a>(P4DTI-1058) Given
- '%s' when expecting a string or integer. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1069" id="message-P4DTI-1069"></a>(P4DTI-1069) Select
- '%s' of %s returns no rows. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-107X" id="message-P4DTI-107X"></a>(P4DTI-107X) Select
- '%s' of %s expecting one row but returns %d. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1080" id="message-P4DTI-1080"></a>(P4DTI-1080) Trying
- to fetch a row from non-select '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1091" id="message-P4DTI-1091"></a>(P4DTI-1091) Select
- '%s' of %s returned an unfetchable row. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1105" id="message-P4DTI-1105"></a>(P4DTI-1105) Trying
- to fetch rows from non-select '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1116" id="message-P4DTI-1116"></a>(P4DTI-1116) Select
- '%s' of %s returned unfetchable rows. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1127" id="message-P4DTI-1127"></a>(P4DTI-1127) Select
- '%s' of %s expecting no more than one row but returns %d. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1138" id="message-P4DTI-1138"></a>(P4DTI-1138) Select
- '%s' of %s returns %d columns but %d values. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1160" id="message-P4DTI-1160"></a>(P4DTI-1160) Couldn't
- insert row in table '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1171" id="message-P4DTI-1171"></a>(P4DTI-1171) Couldn't
- update row in table '%s' where %s. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1229" id="message-P4DTI-1229"></a>(P4DTI-1229) Nothing
- in p4dti_replications table: database corrupted? <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1273" id="message-P4DTI-1273"></a>(P4DTI-1273) Bugzilla's
- fielddefs table does not include '%s'.</h4>
- The replicator has had an unexpected difficulty in accessing the Bugzilla
- database. Possibly there is a problem with MySQL or MySQLdb. Possibly you
- are running a version of Bugzilla which is incompatible with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- or have customized Bugzilla in such a way that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has become confused. Please contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1207" id="message-P4DTI-1207"></a>(P4DTI-1207) Unknown
- or future P4DTI/Bugzilla schema version %s detected.</h4>
- It looks as though you've been running with a later release of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- and then downgraded to an older release. We don't support downgrading;
- use the most recent release.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-123X" id="message-P4DTI-123X"></a>(P4DTI-123X) Bugzilla
- version %s is not supported by the P4DTI.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't support your version of Bugzilla. Upgrade to a supported release
- (see <a href="#section-3.4.1">section 3.4.1</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2006" id="message-P4DTI-2006"></a>(P4DTI-2006) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be 0 or 1. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2017" id="message-P4DTI-2017"></a>(P4DTI-2017) Configuration
- parameter '%s' (value '%s') is not a valid date. The right format is 'YYYY-MM-DD
- HH:MM:SS'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2028" id="message-P4DTI-2028"></a>(P4DTI-2028) Configuration
- parameter '%s' (value '%s') is not a valid e-mail address. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2039" id="message-P4DTI-2039"></a>(P4DTI-2039) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be a function. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-204X" id="message-P4DTI-204X"></a>(P4DTI-204X) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be an integer. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2050" id="message-P4DTI-2050"></a>(P4DTI-2050) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be a list. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2061" id="message-P4DTI-2061"></a>(P4DTI-2061) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be a list of %s. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2072" id="message-P4DTI-2072"></a>(P4DTI-2072) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be a string. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2083" id="message-P4DTI-2083"></a>(P4DTI-2083) Configuration
- parameter '%s' must be None or a string. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2094" id="message-P4DTI-2094"></a>(P4DTI-2094) Configuration
- parameter '%s' (value '%s') must be from 1 to 32 characters long, start
- with a letter or number, and consist of letters, numbers and underscores
- only. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2108" id="message-P4DTI-2108"></a>(P4DTI-2108) Configuration
- parameter '%s' (value '%s') must contain exactly one %%d format specifier,
- any number of doubled percents, but no other format specifiers. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-2119" id="message-P4DTI-2119"></a>(P4DTI-2119) Configuration
- parameter '%s' (value '%s') must contain exactly one %%s format specifier,
- any number of doubled percents, but no other format specifiers.</h4>
- Preliminary checking of the parameters set in <tt>config.py</tt> has found
- a problem. Correct the named parameter and start the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- again.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3009" id="message-P4DTI-3009"></a>(P4DTI-3009) Two
- Bugzilla states '%s' and '%s' map to the same Perforce state '%s'.</h4>
- You are running a version of Bugzilla with different bug statuses from
- those in Bugzilla 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, or 2.14.1. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has attempted to choose a sensible translation of these bug statuses to
- Perforce job states, but has failed. You may be able to fix this by changing
- the <tt><a href="#config-closed_state-Bugzilla">closed_state</a></tt> parameter.
- Otherwise you must modify your Bugzilla configuration.
- <p>The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- chooses the names of states of Perforce jobs based on the status names
- in Bugzilla. It uses the following translation system:
- <ul>
- <li>
- To avoid user confusion in the Perforce interface, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- translates all state names to lower case.</li>
- <li>
- Perforce job states can't contain spaces and various other characters,
- so the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- translates spaces to underscores, and translates other special characters.</li>
- <li>
- If the <tt><a href="#config-closed_state-Bugzilla">closed_state</a></tt>
- parameter is not None, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- translates this status to "closed" and translates "CLOSED" to "bugzilla_closed".</li>
- <li>
- Perforce jobs can't have the state "new" or "ignore", because these states
- have special meaning to the Perforce server. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- prefixes a Bugzilla status which would translate to either of these with
- "bugzilla_", so (in particular) "NEW" translates to Perforce state "bugzilla_new".</li>
- </ul>
- For instance, if the <tt><a href="#config-closed_state-Bugzilla">closed_state</a></tt>
- parameter is <tt>"RESOLVED"</tt>, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- uses the following translation table for the default Bugzilla statuses:
- <th>Bugzilla status</th>
- <th>Perforce state</th>
- </tr>
- <td>UNCONFIRMED</td>
- <td>unconfirmed</td>
- </tr>
- <td>NEW</td>
- <td>bugzilla_new</td>
- </tr>
- <td>ASSIGNED</td>
- <td>assigned</td>
- </tr>
- <td>RESOLVED</td>
- <td>closed</td>
- </tr>
- <td>VERIFIED</td>
- <td>verified</td>
- </tr>
- <td>CLOSED</td>
- <td>bugzilla_closed</td>
- </tr>
- <td>REOPENED</td>
- <td>reopened</td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- Alternatively, if the <tt><a href="#config-closed_state-Bugzilla">closed_state</a></tt>
- parameter is <tt>"CLOSED"</tt> or <tt>None</tt>, the<abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- uses the following translation table for the default Bugzilla statuses:
- <th>Bugzilla status</th>
- <th>Perforce state</th>
- </tr>
- <td>UNCONFIRMED</td>
- <td>unconfirmed</td>
- </tr>
- <td>NEW</td>
- <td>bugzilla_new</td>
- </tr>
- <td>ASSIGNED</td>
- <td>assigned</td>
- </tr>
- <td>RESOLVED</td>
- <td>resolved</td>
- </tr>
- <td>VERIFIED</td>
- <td>verified</td>
- </tr>
- <td>CLOSED</td>
- <td>closed</td>
- </tr>
- <td>REOPENED</td>
- <td>reopened</td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-301X" id="message-P4DTI-301X"></a>(P4DTI-301X) You
- specified the closed_state '%s', but there's no such Bugzilla state.</h4>
- Check the <tt><a href="#config-closed_state-Bugzilla">closed_state</a></tt>
- parameter. It must be a valid Bugzilla state.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3020" id="message-P4DTI-3020"></a>(P4DTI-3020) The
- '%s' column of Bugzilla's 'bugs' table is not an enum type.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is incompatible with the version of Bugzilla which you are running. You
- are running a very old version of Bugzilla, or have customized Bugzilla.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3031" id="message-P4DTI-3031"></a>(P4DTI-3031) Configuration
- parameter 'bugzilla_directory' does not name a directory. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3042" id="message-P4DTI-3042"></a>(P4DTI-3042) Configuration
- parameter 'bugzilla_directory' does not name a directory containing a processmail
- script.</h4>
- Check the <tt><a href="#config-bugzilla_directory">bugzilla_directory</a></tt>
- parameter. It must either be <tt>None</tt> or a string naming the Bugzilla
- installation directory.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3053" id="message-P4DTI-3053"></a>(P4DTI-3053) Bugzilla's
- table 'profiles' does not have a 'login_name' column. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3064" id="message-P4DTI-3064"></a>(P4DTI-3064) The
- 'login_name' column of Bugzilla's 'profiles' table does not have a 'text'
- type. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3075" id="message-P4DTI-3075"></a>(P4DTI-3075) Bugzilla's
- table 'bugs' does not have a '%s' column. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3086" id="message-P4DTI-3086"></a>(P4DTI-3086) The
- 'bug_status' column of Bugzilla's 'bugs' table is not an enum type. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3097" id="message-P4DTI-3097"></a>(P4DTI-3097) The
- 'resolution' column of Bugzilla's 'bugs' table is not an enum type. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3100" id="message-P4DTI-3100"></a>(P4DTI-3100) The
- 'resolution' column of Bugzilla's 'bugs' table does not have a 'FIXED'
- value.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is incompatible with the version of Bugzilla which you are running. You
- are running a very old version of Bugzilla, or have customized Bugzilla.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3111" id="message-P4DTI-3111"></a>(P4DTI-3111) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' is a system field: leave it out!</h4>
- Some fields are always replicated. For details, see the <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <p>Remove the system fields from your list of replicated fields and start
- the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- again.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3122" id="message-P4DTI-3122"></a>(P4DTI-3122) Field
- '%s' appears twice in 'replicated_fields'.</h4>
- Each replicated field must only appear once in the <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter. Remove the duplicate and start the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- again.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3133" id="message-P4DTI-3133"></a>(P4DTI-3133) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' list not in Bugzilla 'bugs' table.</h4>
- The <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter specifies a field which is not in Bugzilla.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3144" id="message-P4DTI-3144"></a>(P4DTI-3144) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' list has type '%s': this is not yet
- supported by P4DTI. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3155" id="message-P4DTI-3155"></a>(P4DTI-3155) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' list has floating-point type: this
- is not yet supported by P4DTI.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't support all Bugzilla field types. One of the fields in your <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter has an unsupported type.
- <p>Remove the field from your <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- and start the replicator again.
- <p>If you really need this field to be replicated, see the advice for <a href="#message-P4DTI-4067">(P4DTI-4067)</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3166" id="message-P4DTI-3166"></a>(P4DTI-3166) You
- can't have a field called 'code' in the Perforce jobspec.</h4>
- You are running a version of Bugzilla with different bug fields from those
- in Bugzilla 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, or 2.14.1, and are trying to replicate a
- field called "code". Perforce doesn't allow a job field called "code".
- Remove the "code" field from the <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter or modify your Bugzilla configuration to rename the field.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-3177" id="message-P4DTI-3177"></a>(P4DTI-3177) Too
- many fields to replicate: Perforce jobs can contain only 99 fields.</h4>
- Reduce the number of fields that you replicate by removing items from the
- <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4001" id="message-P4DTI-4001"></a>(P4DTI-4001) Two
- TeamTrack states '%s' and '%s' map to the same Perforce state '%s'.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- chooses the names of states of Perforce jobs based on the state names in
- TeamTrack. It uses the following mapping system:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Perforce job states can't contain spaces and various other characters,
- so the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- maps spaces to underscores, and translates other special characters.</li>
- <li>
- To avoid user confusion in the Perforce interface, the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- maps all state names to lower case, which means that you can't have defect
- tracker states which are only distinguished by differences in case. (But
- note that in TeamTrack, which has different issue workflows for different
- projects, it's OK to have states with the same name as long as they are
- in different projects.)</li>
- <li>
- Perforce jobs can't have the state "new" or "ignore", because these states
- have special meaning to the Perforce server. The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- maps a defect tracker state "new" (or "New", "NEW", and so on) to Perforce
- state "_new" and a defect tracker state "ignore" to Perforce state "_ignore".
- This mapping system means that you also can't have states called " new"
- or " ignore" with an initial space (or " New", " Ignore", and so on) in
- the defect tracker at the same time as one called "new" or "ignore".</li>
- </ul>
- Resolve this problem by making the state names distinct in TeamTrack. Do
- not use spaces at the beginning of state names.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4012" id="message-P4DTI-4012"></a>(P4DTI-4012) You
- specified the closed_state '%s', but there's no such TeamTrack state.</h4>
- See <a href="#message-P4DTI-301X">(P4DTI-301X)</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4023" id="message-P4DTI-4023"></a>(P4DTI-4023) Couldn't
- get descriptions for TeamTrack system fields STATE, OWNER, and TITLE.</h4>
- You may be using a version of TeamTrack with a release of the <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- that doesn't support it. If so, upgrade to a <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- release that supports your version of TeamTrack.
- <p>This could happen if you don't have a tTrack solution in your TeamTrack
- database. If so, create one.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4034" id="message-P4DTI-4034"></a>(P4DTI-4034) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' list not in TeamTrack FIELDS table.</h4>
- You can specify a list of fields for the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- to replicate into jobs; for details, see the <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter. This error means that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- couldn't find one of the fields in the list. This problem might happen
- if you change the set of fields in TeamTrack.
- <p>Double-check the field names you specified as the <tt>replicated_fields</tt>.
- If you're changing fields in TeamTrack, see <a href="#section-9">section
- 9, "Maintaining the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>"</a>,
- for important information.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4045" id="message-P4DTI-4045"></a>(P4DTI-4045) Field
- '%s' specified in 'replicated_fields' list is a system field: leave it
- out!</h4>
- See <a href="#message-P4DTI-3111">(P4DTI-3111)</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4056" id="message-P4DTI-4056"></a>(P4DTI-4056) Field
- '%s' appears twice in 'replicated_fields'.</h4>
- See <a href="#message-P4DTI-3122">(P4DTI-3122)</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4067" id="message-P4DTI-4067"></a>(P4DTI-4067) Field
- '%s' has type %d: this is not supported by P4DTI.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't support all TeamTrack field types. One of the fields in your <tt><a href="#config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack">replicated_fields</a></tt>
- parameter has an unsupported type.
- <p>You can determine the list of supported types from the <tt>type_table</tt>
- in <tt>configure_teamtrack.py</tt>. The most notable unsupported type is
- "MULTIPLE_SELECTION", because Perforce does not provide any kind of multiple
- selection interface.
- <p>If you really need to have the field replicated, you have the following
- options:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Change the set of fields in TeamTrack to avoid the type.</li>
- <li>
- Change your workflow to avoid needing that particular field from the Perforce
- interface.</li>
- <li>
- Submit a request to Perforce.</li>
- <li>
- Implement a new subclass of <tt>replicator.translator</tt> to handle the
- field type (for the existing translators, see <tt>dt_teamtrack.py</tt>).
- For instructions on how to extend the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>,
- and how to contribute your extensions back to the community, see the <i>Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's Guide</i>.</li>
- </ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4078" id="message-P4DTI-4078"></a>(P4DTI-4078) You
- can't have a field called 'code' in the Perforce jobspec.</h4>
- Perforce uses the field "code" to pass internal status information to clients.
- <p>In TeamTrack, change the logical name of the field to something other
- than "code" by following these steps:
- <ol>
- <li>
- Run the TeamTrack Administrator. (Under Windows, choose Start > Programs
- > TeamShare > TeamTrack Administrator.)</li>
- <li>
- Select the Workflow tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select the workflow containing the field called "code".</li>
- <li>
- Click the Edit button.</li>
- <li>
- Select the Default Fields tab.</li>
- <li>
- Select the "code" field.</li>
- <li>
- Click the Edit button.</li>
- <li>
- Change the Logical Field Name.</li>
- <li>
- Click OK.</li>
- <li>
- Click OK again.</li>
- </ol>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-4089" id="message-P4DTI-4089"></a>(P4DTI-4089) Too
- many fields to replicate: Perforce jobs can contain only 99 fields.</h4>
- See <a href="#message-P4DTI-3177">(P4DTI-3177)</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5004" id="message-P4DTI-5004"></a>(P4DTI-5004) User
- %d isn't in the right bug group to edit bug %d.</h4>
- A Perforce user has made a change to a bug which Bugzilla would not allow
- them to edit.
- <p>Bugzilla bugs can be grouped into "bug groups", which restrict the ability
- of users to view or edit them. Perforce protections cannot express these
- bug groups, so the replicator must enforce the Bugzilla restrictions by
- rejecting changes made by users outside the necessary bug group.
- <p>Another possible cause is that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has failed to find a Bugzilla user corresponding to the Perforce user.
- See <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5, "User accounts"</a> for details
- of how users are mapped from one system to the other, and how to diagnose
- problems.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5015" id="message-P4DTI-5015"></a>(P4DTI-5015) User
- %d doesn't have permission to change field '%s' of bug %d to %s.</h4>
- A Perforce user has made a change which Bugzilla would not have permitted
- them to make.
- <p>Bugzilla has complex access controls which prohibit some users from
- making some changes to bugs. Perforce protections cannot express these
- controls so the replicator enforces these controls by rejecting changes
- to jobs which would not be permitted by Bugzilla.
- <p>Another possible cause is that the <abbr title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has failed to find a Bugzilla user corresponding to the Perforce user.
- See <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5, "User accounts"</a> for details
- of how users are mapped from one system to the other, and how to diagnose
- problems.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5026" id="message-P4DTI-5026"></a>(P4DTI-5026) The
- P4DTI does not support marking bugs as DUPLICATE from Perforce.</h4>
- A Perforce user has changed a job's status to "duplicate".
- <p>When a bug is marked as a duplicate in Bugzilla, the number of the other
- bug is provided and a message identifying it is appended to the long description.
- The Perforce job interface provides no easy way of expressing this, so
- the replicator does not allow it.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5037" id="message-P4DTI-5037"></a>(P4DTI-5037) Bugzilla
- does not allow a transition from status '%s' to '%s'.</h4>
- A Perforce user has changed the 'status' field of a bug in a way not permitted
- by Bugzilla. For instance, moving a bug directly from UNCONFIRMED to CLOSED.
- These transitions are not allowed in Bugzilla, and the replicator enforces
- that prohibition by rejecting such a change.
- <p>It is difficult but possible to cause this error by making more than
- one change to the status in rapid succession (between two consecutive replicator
- polls). The replicator can't tell if that has happened, so has to reject
- the change anyway.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5048" id="message-P4DTI-5048"></a>(P4DTI-5048) Cannot
- change Bugzilla field '%s'.</h4>
- A Perforce user has made a change to a field which the replicator treats
- as read-only. See <a href="#section-5.1.5">section 5.1.5, "Choosing which
- fields to replicate"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5059" id="message-P4DTI-5059"></a>(P4DTI-5059) Can
- only append to Bugzilla field '%s'.</h4>
- A Perforce user has changed the long description text in some way other
- than appending to it. See <a href="#section-5.1.5">section 5.1.5, "Choosing
- which fields to replicate"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-506X" id="message-P4DTI-506X"></a>(P4DTI-506X) Updating
- non-existent Bugzilla field '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5092" id="message-P4DTI-5092"></a>(P4DTI-5092) No
- Perforce status corresponding to Bugzilla status '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5106" id="message-P4DTI-5106"></a>(P4DTI-5106) No
- Bugzilla status corresponding to Perforce status '%s'.</h4>
- These errors indicate a serious configuration error; someone's changed
- configure_bugzilla.py and broken it.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5070" id="message-P4DTI-5070"></a>(P4DTI-5070) Bugzilla
- does not have a group called '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5081" id="message-P4DTI-5081"></a>(P4DTI-5081) Bugzilla's
- fielddefs table does not include '%s'.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- is incompatible with the version of Bugzilla which you are running. You
- are running a very old version of Bugzilla, or have customized Bugzilla.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5117" id="message-P4DTI-5117"></a>(P4DTI-5117) Perforce
- field value '%s' could not be translated to a number for replication to
- Bugzilla.</h4>
- A Perforce user has set a field, which corresponds to a numeric field in
- Bugzilla, to something which couldn't be converted to a number.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5128" id="message-P4DTI-5128"></a>(P4DTI-5128) Bugzilla
- P4DTI user '%s' has e-mail address matching Perforce user '%s', not Perforce
- P4DTI user '%s'.</h4>
- The replicator Perforce user (<tt><a href="#config-p4_user">p4_user</a></tt>
- parameter) has an e-mail address that does not match the <tt><a href="#config-replicator_address">replicator_address</a></tt>
- parameter. See <a href="#section-5.2.1">section 5.2.1, "Creating a Perforce
- user for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5139" id="message-P4DTI-5139"></a>(P4DTI-5139) Bugzilla
- P4DTI user '%s' is not a known Bugzilla user.</h4>
- There is no Bugzilla user whose e-mail address matches the <tt><a href="#config-replicator_address">replicator_address</a></tt>
- parameter. See <a href="#section-5.4.2">section 5.4.2, "Creating a Bugzilla
- user for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-514X" id="message-P4DTI-514X"></a>(P4DTI-514X) There
- is no Bugzilla user corresponding to Perforce user '%s'.</h4>
- You have changed a user field in a job to a Perforce user who does not
- have a Bugzilla user record. The replicator is unable to replicate that
- field back to Bugzilla.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5172" id="message-P4DTI-5172"></a>(P4DTI-5172) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug without short_desc field. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5183" id="message-P4DTI-5183"></a>(P4DTI-5183) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug with empty short_desc field. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5194" id="message-P4DTI-5194"></a>(P4DTI-5194) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug without product field. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5208" id="message-P4DTI-5208"></a>(P4DTI-5208) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug for non-existent product '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5219" id="message-P4DTI-5219"></a>(P4DTI-5219) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug for product '%s' with no components. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-522X" id="message-P4DTI-522X"></a>(P4DTI-522X) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug without component field. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5230" id="message-P4DTI-5230"></a>(P4DTI-5230) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug: product '%s' has no component '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5241" id="message-P4DTI-5241"></a>(P4DTI-5241) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug for product '%s' with no versions. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5252" id="message-P4DTI-5252"></a>(P4DTI-5252) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug without version field. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5263" id="message-P4DTI-5263"></a>(P4DTI-5263) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug: product '%s' has no version '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5285" id="message-P4DTI-5285"></a>(P4DTI-5285) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug with invalid groupset '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-530X" id="message-P4DTI-530X"></a>(P4DTI-530X) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug with bug_status '%s' and no resolution. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5310" id="message-P4DTI-5310"></a>(P4DTI-5310) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug with field '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5321" id="message-P4DTI-5321"></a>(P4DTI-5321) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug without reporter field.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- has tried to create a new bug in Bugzilla but the new bug doesn't satisfy
- a Bugzilla constraint. There are two solutions:
- <ul>Edit the Perforce job so that it can be translated to a new bug that
- does satisfy the constraint.
- <p>Change your <tt><a href="../aag/index.html#config-translate_jobspec">translate_jobspec</a></tt>
- and <tt><a href="../aag/index.html#config-prepare_issue">prepare_issue</a></tt>
- functions so that they satisfy the constraint. Then
- <ul>If you were migrating, re-run the migration starting from the job which
- couldn't be migrated [<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.10" title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.10</a>].
- <p>Otherwise, restart the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5</a>) and update the job so that it is replicated again (by running
- a command like <tt>p4 job -o <i>JOBNAME</i> | p4 job -i</tt>.</ul>
- </ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5354" id="message-P4DTI-5354"></a>(P4DTI-5354) '%s'
- not a Bugzilla group.</h4>
- An entry in <tt><a href="../aag/index.html#config-migrated_user_groups">migrated_user_groups</a></tt>
- is not a Bugzilla group. Fix the parameter and re-run migration of users
- [<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.4" title="Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.4</a>].
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5376" id="message-P4DTI-5376"></a>(P4DTI-5376) User
- %d is disabled, so cannot edit bug %d.</h4>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5387" id="message-P4DTI-5387"></a>(P4DTI-5387) User
- 0 cannot edit bug %d.</h4>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5398" id="message-P4DTI-5398"></a>(P4DTI-5398) Can't
- create Bugzilla bug with reporter 0.</h4>
- The P4DTI has attempted to create a new Bugzilla bug (either as part of
- migration of pre-existing jobs or when replicating a newly-created job),
- and was unable to deduce the reporting user. See
- <a href="../aag/index.html#section-3">section
- 3, "Allowing users to create ussies in Perforce"</a> and <a href="../aag/index.html#section-4">section
- 4, "Migrating to the defect tracker from Perforce jobs"</a> , of the
- <i><a href="../aag/index.html">Perforce
- Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide</a></i>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-5401" id="message-P4DTI-5401"></a>(P4DTI-5401) Can't
- change Bugzilla field '%s' to 0.</h4>
- A user in Perforce has changed one of the required user fields ("Reporter"
- or "Assigned_To") to "None". This value is only permitted in the optional
- user field ("QA_Contact").
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6142" id="message-P4DTI-6142"></a>(P4DTI-6142) No
- transition from state '%s' to state '%s'.</h4>
- A user in Perforce has changed the state of a job in an illegal fashion
- (for example, changing the state from "assigned" to "verified", bypassing
- the state "resolved").
- <p>Either change the state in a legal way, or modify the TeamTrack workflow
- so that there is a transition corresponding to the desired state change.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6153" id="message-P4DTI-6153"></a>(P4DTI-6153) No
- login id in TeamTrack's USERS table corresponding to replicator's login
- id '%s'.</h4>
- The replicator couldn't find an entry in TeamTrack's table of users for
- its own login id. Did you delete this user accidentally? If so, add it
- again and restart the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- If not, please contact Perforce support (see
- <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6164" id="message-P4DTI-6164"></a>(P4DTI-6164) No
- LAST_CHANGE record for this replicator.</h4>
- Someone has reconnected the TeamTrack server to a new TeamTrack database
- without first stopping the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- Either reconnect to the old TeamTrack database or restart the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6175" id="message-P4DTI-6175"></a>(P4DTI-6175) TeamTrack
- database version %d is not supported by the P4DTI. The minimum supported
- version is %d.</h4>
- You're running an old version of TeamTrack that isn't supported by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- Upgrade your TeamTrack server to a supported version. See <a href="#section-3.3.1">section
- 3.3.1, "TeamTrack software prerequisites"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6186" id="message-P4DTI-6186"></a>(P4DTI-6186) Incorrect
- date in Perforce: '%s' is not in the format 'YYYY/mm/dd HH:MM:SS'.</h4>
- You've entered something in a date/time field in Perforce that couldn't
- be recognized as a date and time. Date/time values in Perforce must be
- in the format year/month/day hour:minutes:seconds, with four digits for
- the year, and two digits for everything else. For example,
- <tt>2001/08/04
- 04:14:56</tt>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6197" id="message-P4DTI-6197"></a>(P4DTI-6197) Incorrect
- time in Perforce: '%s' is not in the format 'H:MM:SS'.</h4>
- You've entered something in an elapsed time field in Perforce that couldn't
- be recognized as an elapsed time. Elapsed time values in Perforce must
- be in the format <tt>H:MM:SS</tt>. For example <tt>4:14:56</tt> or <tt>100:00:00</tt>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6211" id="message-P4DTI-6211"></a>(P4DTI-6211) No
- TeamTrack entity in table '%s' with id %d. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6233" id="message-P4DTI-6233"></a>(P4DTI-6233) No
- TeamTrack selection name for selection id '%d'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6266" id="message-P4DTI-6266"></a>(P4DTI-6266) No
- state name for TeamTrack state %d.</h4>
- The TeamTrack database is inconsistent: a foreign key reference was not
- found. If you've recently edited your TeamTrack workflow, then this might
- be due to a race condition; try restarting the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5</a>). If the problem persists, contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6222" id="message-P4DTI-6222"></a>(P4DTI-6222) No
- TeamTrack entity in table '%s' with name '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6244" id="message-P4DTI-6244"></a>(P4DTI-6244) No
- TeamTrack selection for field '%s' corresponding to Perforce selection
- '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6277" id="message-P4DTI-6277"></a>(P4DTI-6277) Perforce
- state '%s' is unknown. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6426" id="message-P4DTI-6426"></a>(P4DTI-6426) No
- TeamTrack state corresponding to Perforce state '%s'.</h4>
- A Perforce job has a field with a value that's illegal in TeamTrack (for
- example, a non-existent project). Either correct the job so that all fields
- are legal, or update your TeamTrack workflow to add the new value and restart
- the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section 5.5</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6255" id="message-P4DTI-6255"></a>(P4DTI-6255) No
- Perforce state corresponding to TeamTrack state '%s'.</h4>
- The replicator is trying to replicate an issue in TeamTrack that can't
- be translated to Perforce because its state is unknown.
- <p>This can happen if you've added a state to the TeamTrack workflow. In
- that case you need to restart the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5</a>).
- <p>It can also happen if you've set <tt><a href="#config-use_deleted_selections">use_deleted_selections</a></tt>
- to 0 but there's an issue in a deleted state. See that configuration parameter
- for advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6288" id="message-P4DTI-6288"></a>(P4DTI-6288) No
- TeamTrack state in project '%s' corresponding to Perforce state '%s'.</h4>
- A user in Perforce changed the state of a job to a state that is not legal
- for the project to which the job belongs. (Note that the state is legal
- in some other project, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to set the job
- to that state.)
- <p>Set the job to a state that is legal for its project, or modify the
- TeamTrack workflow so that the desired state is legal in the project.
- <p>If you get this message frequently, this is a sign that your TeamTrack
- workflow is too complicated for people to follow accurately in Perforce.
- You should consider unifying the workflows for different projects, so that
- developers aren't confused about which states are legal for which jobs.
- <p>(Of course, it would be nice if Perforce only showed the states that
- are legal for the project to which the job belongs. But that requires Perforce
- to understand the full details of TeamTrack project, workflow and state
- definitions. Perforce does not have this capability.)
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6335" id="message-P4DTI-6335"></a>(P4DTI-6335) The
- TeamTrack field %s is append-only: you're not allowed to edit previous
- comments.</h4>
- A user in Perforce has updated other users' comments in an append-only
- journal field; this isn't allowed. Either edit the field properly (by adding
- new material at the end), or else change the field definition in TeamTrack
- so that it's no longer append-only (in the TeamTrack Administrator, select
- the "Workflows" tab, choose the workflow, click "Edit...", select the "Default
- Fields" tab, choose the field, click "Edit...", select the "Options" tab,
- uncheck the "Append only" checkbox, click "OK", click "OK") and restart
- the replicator (see
- <a href="#section-5.5">section 5.5</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6404" id="message-P4DTI-6404"></a>(P4DTI-6404) Can't
- submit new issue to TeamTrack: SUBMITTER %d is unknown.</h4>
- When creating a new issue in TeamTrack based on a job in Perforce, the
- replicator couldn't guess a good value for the
- <tt>SUBMITTER</tt> field
- in TeamTrack. TeamTrack requires this field to contain a valid user. Possible
- causes are:
- <ul>A Perforce user couldn't be translated to a TeamTrack user. Fix the
- problem and try again. See <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5, "User accounts"</a>.
- <p>The replicator's guessing algorithm has failed (it looks in the <tt>P4DTI-user</tt>,
- <tt>Owner</tt> and <tt>User</tt> fields in the job, if any, takes the first
- user it finds, and translates that). If so, you'll need to supply a valid
- user in your <tt><a href="../aag/index.html#config-prepare_issue">prepare_issue</a></tt>
- function; then
- <ul>If you were migrating, re-run the migration starting from the job which
- couldn't be migrated [<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.10" title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.10</a>].
- <p>Otherwise, restart the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5</a>) and update the job so that it is replicated again (by running
- a command like <tt>p4 job -o <i>JOBNAME</i> | p4 job -i</tt>.</ul>
- </ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-6415" id="message-P4DTI-6415"></a>(P4DTI-6415) Submitted
- new issue to TeamTrack with issue id %05d, but couldn't find it in the
- database.</h4>
- The replicator couldn't find a newly-submitted issue in the TeamTrack database.
- Please contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section 11.1,
- "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7043" id="message-P4DTI-7043"></a>(P4DTI-7043) Perforce
- client changelevel %d is not supported by P4DTI. Client must be at changelevel
- %d or above.</h4>
- The Perforce client executable specified by the <tt><a href="#config-p4_client_executable">p4_client_executable</a></tt>
- parameter is an old version not supported by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- Install a supported version (see <a href="#section-3.2.1">section 3.2.1,
- "Perforce software prerequisites"</a>) and set the <tt><a href="#config-p4_client_executable">p4_client_executable</a></tt>
- parameter to name it.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7054" id="message-P4DTI-7054"></a>(P4DTI-7054) The
- command '%s' didn't report a recognizable version number. Check your setting
- for the 'p4_client_executable' parameter.</h4>
- Your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-p4_client_executable">p4_client_executable</a></tt>
- parameter doesn't name a Perforce client executable (or doesn't name one
- that's supported by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- Correct your setting.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7076" id="message-P4DTI-7076"></a>(P4DTI-7076) The
- Perforce client exited with error code %d. The server might be down; the
- server address might be incorrect; or your Perforce licence might have
- expired.</h4>
- Check your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-p4_port">p4_port</a></tt>
- parameter. Check that the Perforce server is running happily. Check that
- it has enough disk space. Check that your Perforce licence is up to date.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7065" id="message-P4DTI-7065"></a>(P4DTI-7065) %s
- The Perforce client exited with error code %d. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7087" id="message-P4DTI-7087"></a>(P4DTI-7087) %s</h4>
- There's a problem with Perforce. Look up the text of the error message
- in <a href="#section-11.3">section 11.3, "Other error messages"</a>, for
- advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7098" id="message-P4DTI-7098"></a>(P4DTI-7098) The
- Perforce interface does not support the operating system '%s'.</h4>
- You've installed the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- on an unsupported operating system. See the release notes for details of
- the supported operating systems.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-7101" id="message-P4DTI-7101"></a>(P4DTI-7101) Jobspec
- fields '%s' and '%s' have the same number %d.</h4>
- The replicator was trying to install a new Perforce jobspec, but it can't
- because two fields have the same field number (field number is a unique
- key in Perforce). If you're using advanced configuration [<a href="../ig/index.html#section-8.6" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's Guide">GDR
- 2000-10-16, 8.6</a>], then check that your <tt><a href="../ig/index.html#config-jobspec">jobspec</a></tt>
- configuration parameter gives unique numbers to each field; see [<a href="../ig/index.html#section-8.4" title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration Integrator's Guide">GDR
- 2000-10-16, 8.4</a>]. Otherwise, contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8341" id="message-P4DTI-8341"></a>(P4DTI-8341) The
- Perforce server changelevel %d is not supported by the P4DTI. See the P4DTI
- release notes for Perforce server versions supported by the P4DTI. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8352" id="message-P4DTI-8352"></a>(P4DTI-8352) The
- Perforce command 'p4 info' didn't report a recognisable version.</h4>
- You are running a version of the Perforce server that is not supported
- by the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- See the release notes for supported Perforce server versions.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8363" id="message-P4DTI-8363"></a>(P4DTI-8363) P4DTI
- fields not found in Perforce jobspec.</h4>
- If you're using advanced configuration [<a href="../ig/index.html#section-8.6" title="Perforce Defect
- Tracking Integration Integrator's Guide">GDR
- 2000-10-16, 8.6</a>], then check that your <tt><a href="../ig/index.html#config-jobspec">jobspec</a></tt>
- configuration parameter has the required <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- fields; see [<a href="../ig/index.html#section-8.4" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's
- Guide">GDR
- 2000-10-16, 8.4</a>]. Otherwise, contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8727" id="message-P4DTI-8727"></a>(P4DTI-8727) Issue
- '%s' should be replicated but is not. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8738" id="message-P4DTI-8738"></a>(P4DTI-8738) Issue
- '%s' should be replicated to job '%s' but that job either does not exist
- or is not replicated. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8749" id="message-P4DTI-8749"></a>(P4DTI-8749) Issue
- '%s' is replicated to job '%s' but that job is replicated to issue '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-875X" id="message-P4DTI-875X"></a>(P4DTI-875X) Job
- '%s' would need the following set of changes in order to match issue '%s':
- %s. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8760" id="message-P4DTI-8760"></a>(P4DTI-8760) Job
- '%s' has associated filespec '%s' but there is no corresponding filespec
- for issue '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8771" id="message-P4DTI-8771"></a>(P4DTI-8771) Issue
- '%s' has associated filespec '%s' but there is no corresponding filespec
- for job '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8782" id="message-P4DTI-8782"></a>(P4DTI-8782) Change
- %s fixes job '%s' but there is no corresponding fix for issue '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8793" id="message-P4DTI-8793"></a>(P4DTI-8793) Change
- %d fixes issue '%s' but there is no corresponding fix for job '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8807" id="message-P4DTI-8807"></a>(P4DTI-8807) Change
- %s fixes job '%s' with status '%s', but change %d fixes issue '%s' with
- status '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8818" id="message-P4DTI-8818"></a>(P4DTI-8818) Job
- '%s' is marked as being replicated to issue '%s' but that issue is being
- replicated to job '%s'. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8829" id="message-P4DTI-8829"></a>(P4DTI-8829) Job
- '%s' is marked as being replicated to issue '%s' but that issue either
- doesn't exist or is not being replicated by this replicator. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8862" id="message-P4DTI-8862"></a>(P4DTI-8862) 1
- inconsistency found. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8873" id="message-P4DTI-8873"></a>(P4DTI-8873) %d
- inconsistencies found. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8884" id="message-P4DTI-8884"></a>(P4DTI-8884) Asked
- for issue '%s' but got an error instead. <br />
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-8895" id="message-P4DTI-8895"></a>(P4DTI-8895) Job
- '%s' has a date field in the wrong format: %s.</h4>
- The Perforce jobs database is inconsistent with the TeamTrack database.
- This might be a consequence of frequent activity in the two systems (because
- the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- works by polling, there's a delay between changing one system and the the
- other system being brought up to date); if so, the databases will be made
- consistent if you cease activity and poll twice (<a href="#section-7.1">section
- 7.1, "Taking a single step"</a>).
- <p>If polling doesn't make the databases consistent, then you can either
- make them consistent by editing the offending jobs, or by refreshing the
- Perforce jobs (<a href="#section-9.2">section 9.2, "Refreshing jobs in
- Perforce"</a>).
- <p>If that doesn't work, contact Perforce support (see <a href="#section-11.1">section
- 11.1, "Troubleshooting"</a>).
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-891X" id="message-P4DTI-891X"></a>(P4DTI-891X) Error
- (%s): %s</h4>
- There's a problem in the defect tracker. Look up the text of the error
- message in <a href="#section-11.3">section 11.3, "Other error messages"</a>,
- for advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-9060" id="message-P4DTI-9060"></a>(P4DTI-9060) Defect
- tracker '%s' does not support migration of Perforce users.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't provide automated support for migrating users from Perforce to
- TeamTrack. You have to create new uses in TeamTrack by hand using the TeamTrack
- Administrator.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-913X" id="message-P4DTI-913X"></a>(P4DTI-913X) Error
- in P4DTI logger: %s</h4>
- Something's gone wrong with the P4DTI logger. Look up the text of the error
- message in <a href="#section-11.3">section 11.3, "Other error messages"</a>,
- for advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-9242" id="message-P4DTI-9242"></a>(P4DTI-9242) Expected
- translate_jobspec to return a dictionary, but instead it returned %s.</h4>
- Check that you have a line like <tt>return job</tt> at the end of your
- <tt><a href="../aag/index.html#config-translate_jobspec">translate_jobspec</a></tt>
- function.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-10037" id="message-P4DTI-10037"></a>(P4DTI-10037)
- TeamTrack version %s is not supported by the P4DTI.</h4>
- Check your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_version">teamtrack_version</a></tt>
- parameter. See the release notes for the supported versions.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-10059" id="message-P4DTI-10059"></a>(P4DTI-10059)
- MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected. This release is incompatible
- with the P4DTI.</h4>
- You're using a release of the Python database module MySQLdb which is known
- to be incompatible with the P4DTI. Install a supported release of MySQLdb.
- See <a href="#section-3.4.1">section 3.4.1, "Bugzilla software prerequisites"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-1006X" id="message-P4DTI-1006X"></a>(P4DTI-1006X)
- MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected. This release is not supported
- by the P4DTI, but may work.</h4>
- You're using a release of the Python database module MySQLdb which is not
- supported by the P4DTI, but which may work anyway. If you have problems
- accessing the Bugzilla database, install a supported release of MySQLdb.
- See <a href="#section-3.4.1">section 3.4.1, "Bugzilla software prerequisites"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-10106" id="message-P4DTI-10106"></a>(P4DTI-10106)
- Fatal error in P4DTI service: %s.</h4>
- Something's happened to the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking
- Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- when running as an NT service. Look up the text of the error message in
- <a href="#section-11.3">section 11.3, "Other error messages"</a>, for advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-P4DTI-10172" id="message-P4DTI-10172"></a>(P4DTI-10172)
- An attempt to write a log message to standard output failed.</h4>
- Something has gone wrong with the standard output of the replicator. This
- can happen if standard output was originally connected to a terminal, but
- the terminal has been closed without stopping the replicator.
- <p>The remedy is to start the replicator with the startup script, as described
- in <a href="#section-5.6.1">section 5.6.1, "Running automatically on Unix"</a>,
- or to redirect the standard output to somewhere safe, for example
- <blockquote><tt>python run.py > /dev/null</tt></blockquote>
- <h3>
- <a NAME="section-11.3" id="section-11.3"></a>11.3. Other Error messages</h3>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-Perl-1" id="error-Perl-1"></a>Insecure $ENV{BASH_ENV} while
- running with -T switch at ./processmail line %d</h4>
- You're using Bugzilla 2.14 or 2.14.1, but the patch hasn't been applied
- yet. See <a href="#section-5.4.1">section 5.4.1, "Patching Bugzilla"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.InternalError-1" id="error-_mysql.InternalError-1"></a>_mysql.InternalError:
- (3, "Error writing file '%s' (Errcode: 28)")</h4>
- We've seen this error when MySQL has run out of disk space.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-1" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-1"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (1045, "Access denied for user: '%s@%s' (Using password: NO)")</h4>
- The <tt><a href="#config-dbms_user">dbms_user</a></tt> parameter is set
- incorrectly or the <tt><a href="#config-dbms_password">dbms_password</a></tt>
- parameter is set to None when a password is required.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-2" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-2"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (1045, "Access denied for user: '%s@%s' (Using password: YES)")</h4>
- The <tt><a href="#config-dbms_password">dbms_password</a></tt> parameter
- is set incorrectly.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-3" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-3"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (1049, "Unknown database '%s'")</h4>
- The MySQL server on <tt><a href="#config-dbms_host">dbms_host</a></tt>
- doesn't serve a database whose name matches the <tt><a href="#config-dbms_database">dbms_database</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-4" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-4"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '%s' (111)")</h4>
- A MySQL connection couldn't be established to the host given by the <tt><a href="#config-dbms_host">dbms_host</a></tt>
- parameter on either the port given by the <tt><a href="#config-dbms_port">dbms_port</a></tt>
- parameter or the default MySQL port 3306. Possible causes include:
- <ul>
- <li>
- The MySQL server is down.</li>
- <li>
- The MySQL server is configured to serve on a different port number</li>
- </ul>
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-5" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-5"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (2005, "Unknown MySQL Server Host '%s' (2)")</h4>
- The host given by the <tt><a href="#config-dbms_host">dbms_host</a></tt>
- parameter could not be located.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-_mysql.OperationalError-6" id="error-_mysql.OperationalError-6"></a>_mysql.OperationalError:
- (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')</h4>
- The connection to the MySQL server has been lost. The replicator will recover
- when the server connection is re-established.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-Perforce-Error-1" id="message-Perforce-Error-1"></a>Perforce
- error: Can't create a new user - over licence quota</h4>
- You don't have a licence for the replicator. See <a href="#section-3.2.1">section
- 3.2.1, "Perforce software prerequisites"</a>.
- <p>This might be because you changed the <tt><a href="#config-p4_user">p4_user</a></tt>
- parameter but didn't delete the old userid.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-Perforce-Error-2" id="message-Perforce-Error-2"></a>Perforce
- error: Error detected at line %d. Value for field 'Options' must be one
- of noallwrite/allwrite,noclobber/clobber,nocompress/compress,unlocked/locked,nomodtime/modtime,normdir/rmdir.</h4>
- You're using a Perforce client that's incompatible with the Perforce server
- (for example, you're using a Perforce 2000.2 client to connect to a Perforce
- 2001.1 server). Check your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-p4_client_executable">p4_client_executable</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-Perforce-Error-3" id="message-Perforce-Error-3"></a>Perforce
- error: Error detected at line %d. Value for field '%s' must be one of %s.</h4>
- The replicator is trying to replicate an issue that's has a selection that
- isn't valid in Perforce.
- <p>This can happen if you've added an option to a field in the defect tracker.
- In that case you need to restart the replicator (see <a href="#section-5.5">section
- 5.5</a>).
- <p>It can also happen if you've set <tt><a href="#config-use_deleted_selections">use_deleted_selections</a></tt>
- to 0 but there's an issue with a deleted option. See that configuration
- parameter for advice.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="message-Perforce-Error-4" id="message-Perforce-Error-4"></a>Perforce
- error: You don't have permission for this operation</h4>
- You haven't given the replicator permission to edit the Perforce jobspec.
- The replicator needs to have superuser privileges in Perforce. For instructions,
- see <a href="#section-5.2.1">section 5.2.1, "Creating a Perforce user for
- the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-socket.error-1" id="error-socket.error-1"></a>socket.error:
- (10222, 'invalid argument')</h4>
- Your SMTP server may be refusing connections. Check your <tt><a href="#config-smtp_server">smtp_server</a></tt>
- parameter. Check that your SMTP server is up and running.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-socket.error-2" id="error-socket.error-2"></a>socket.error:
- host not found</h4>
- You may have specified the wrong hostname for the SMTP server. Check your
- <tt><a href="#config-smtp_server">smtp_server</a></tt> parameter. Check
- that your SMTP server is up and running.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-1" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-1"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: ERROR: (no message from the TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>)</h4>
- This means that TeamTrack reported an error, but provided no information
- about the cause of the error. The Windows Application Log on the TeamTrack
- server machine often contains more information about why problems are occurring.
- Use the Event Viewer to examine the Windows Application Log on that machine.
- <p>This might be because you are using TeamTrack version 5.0 or later,
- but you specified <tt>teamtrack_version = "4.5"</tt>. Check your setting
- for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_version">teamtrack_version</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-7" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-7"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: ERROR: Unable to find transition 0.</h4>
- The replicator user may not have the "Update All Issues" privilege. Check
- the privileges for the replicator user: see <a href="#section-5.3.2">section
- 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-2" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-2"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SERVER_ERROR: Authentication Failed. Invalid user id or password</h4>
- You haven't created a user in TeamTrack for the replicator (for instructions,
- see <a href="#section-5.3.2">section 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user
- for the replicator"</a>), or else you've given the replicator incorrect
- values for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_user">teamtrack_user</a></tt>
- and <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_password">teamtrack_password</a></tt>
- parameters.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-3" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-3"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SERVER_ERROR: Access Denied. You do not have <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- connect privileges.</h4>
- The replicator's TeamTrack user lacks the "Connect using the <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>"
- privilege. You need to use the TeamTrack Administrator to assign this privilege.
- See <a href="#section-5.3.2">section 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user
- for the replicator"</a>.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-6" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-6"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SERVER_ERROR: Server error: -1.</h4>
- You may be using TeamTrack 4.5 but have specified <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_version">teamtrack_version</a>
- = "5.0"</tt>. Check your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_version">teamtrack_version</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <p>Or your TeamTrack server may be running on a secure web server (its
- address starts <tt>https:</tt>). The <abbr
- title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- does not support TeamTrack on a secure web server.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-4" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-4"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SOCKET_CONNECT_FAILED: Socket Connect failed.</h4>
- The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- can't connect to the TeamTrack server. Check that TeamTrack is up and running.
- Check your setting for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_server">teamtrack_server</a></tt>
- parameter.
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-8" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-8"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SOCKET_READ_ERROR: Authentication Failed. No user information.</h4>
- TeamTrack is not accepting authentication information from the HTTP header
- because you have turned off this feature.
- <p>Set up TeamTrack to accept authentication information from the HTTP
- header. In the TeamTrack Administrator, choose Options > Settings; choose
- the <span class="gui">Server</span> tab; click the <span
- class="gui">"Accept
- Info From Browser/Header"</span> checkbox. (Note that you do not have to
- turn off the <span class="gui">"Accept Info From Form/URL/Cookie"</span>
- checkbox. If both boxes are checked, TeamTrack tries to get the authentication
- information from a cookie first, and the HTTP header second.)
- <h4>
- <a NAME="error-TeamShare-API-Error-5" id="error-TeamShare-API-Error-5"></a>TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- error: SOCKET_READ_ERROR: Socket error.</h4>
- You may have tried to connect to a TeamTrack server with an incorrect user
- id or password. Check your settings for the <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_user">teamtrack_user</a></tt>
- and <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_password">teamtrack_password</a></tt>
- parameters.
- <p>The replicator user may not have the "Connect using the API" privilege.
- Check the privileges for the replicator user: see <a href="#section-5.3.2">section
- 5.3.2, "Creating a TeamTrack user for the replicator"</a>.
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-A" id="section-A"></a>A. References</h2>
- <table>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-BeOpen-PythonLabs-2000-10-16" id="ref-BeOpen-PythonLabs-2000-10-16" href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html"></a><a href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html" id="ref-BeOpen-PythonLabs-2000-10-16" name="ref-BeOpen-PythonLabs-2000-10-16">BeOpen
- PythonLabs 2000-10-16</a>]</td>
- <td>"Python Tutorial"; Guido van Rossum (Fred L. Drake, Jr., editor); <a href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html">BeOpen
- PythonLabs</a>; 2000-10-16; <<a href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html">http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html</a>>. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-Bugzilla-1999-02-25" id="ref-Bugzilla-1999-02-25" href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-05-09/bugzilla-2.10/bugzilla-2.10/README"></a><a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-05-09/bugzilla-2.10/bugzilla-2.10/README" id="ref-Bugzilla-1999-02-25" name="ref-Bugzilla-1999-02-25">Bugzilla
- 1999-02-25</a>]</td>
- <td>Bugzilla 2.10 Installation README file; Ry4an Brase, Bryce Nesbitt,
- Dan Mosedale, Martin Pool, Terry Weissman; <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/">The
- Mozilla Organization</a>; 1999-02-25 </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-Bugzilla-2001-04-24" id="ref-Bugzilla-2001-04-24" href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-04-27/bugzilla-2.12/bugzilla-2_12/docs/html/"></a><a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-04-27/bugzilla-2.12/bugzilla-2_12/docs/html/" id="ref-Bugzilla-2001-04-24" name="ref-Bugzilla-2001-04-24">Bugzilla
- 2001-04-24</a>]</td>
- <td>"The Bugzilla Guide (for Bugzilla 2.12)"; <a href="mailto:barnboy@trilobyte.net">Matthew
- P Barnson</a>; 2001-04-24. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-Bugzilla-2001-08-07" id="ref-Bugzilla-2001-08-07" href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-08-29/bugzilla-2.14/bugzilla-2.14/docs/html/"></a><a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2001-08-29/bugzilla-2.14/bugzilla-2.14/docs/html/" id="ref-Bugzilla-2001-08-07" name="ref-Bugzilla-2001-08-07">Bugzilla
- 2001-08-07</a>]</td>
- <td>"The Bugzilla Guide" (for Bugzilla 2.14); <a href="mailto:barnboy@trilobyte.net">Matthew
- P Barnson</a>; 2001-08-07. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-GDR-2001-11-14" id="ref-GDR-2001-11-14" href="../aag/index.html"></a><a href="../aag/index.html" id="ref-GDR-2001-11-14" name="ref-GDR-2001-11-14">GDR
- 2001-11-14</a>]</td>
- <td>"Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide";
- <a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">Gareth Rees</a>; <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/">Ravenbrook
- Limited</a>; 2001-11-14. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-MySQL-2000-07-02" id="ref-MySQL-2000-07-02" href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-07-02/MySQL-3.23.20-Reference.html"></a><a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-07-02/MySQL-3.23.20-Reference.html" id="ref-MySQL-2000-07-02" name="ref-MySQL-2000-07-02">MySQL
- 2000-07-02</a>]</td>
- <td>"MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.20-beta"; <a href="http://www.mysql.com/">MySQL</a>;
- 2000-07-02. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18a" id="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18a" href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/"></a><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/" id="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18a" name="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18a">Perforce
- 2001-06-18a</a>]</td>
- <td>"Perforce 2001.1 Command Line User's Guide"; <a href="http://www.perforce.com/">Perforce
- Software</a>; 2001-06-18; <<a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/">http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4guide/</a>>,
- <<a href="ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/r01.1/doc/manuals/p4guide/p4guide.pdf">ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/r01.1/doc/manuals/p4guide/p4guide.pdf</a>>. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18b" id="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18b" href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/"></a><a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/" id="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18b" name="ref-Perforce-2001-06-18b">Perforce
- 2001-06-18b</a>]</td>
- <td>"Perforce 2001.1 System Administrator's Guide"; <a href="http://www.perforce.com/">Perforce
- Software</a>; 2001-06-18; <<a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/">http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/manuals/p4sag/</a>>,
- <<a href="ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/r01.1/doc/manuals/p4sag/p4sag.pdf">ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce/r01.1/doc/manuals/p4sag/p4sag.pdf</a>>. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-RB-2000-08-10" id="ref-RB-2000-08-10" href="../ug/index.html"></a><a href="../ug/index.html" id="ref-RB-2000-08-10" name="ref-RB-2000-08-10">RB
- 2000-08-10</a>]</td>
- <td>"Perforce Defect Tracking Integration User's Guide"; <a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">Richard
- Brooksby</a>; <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/">Ravenbrook Limited</a>;
- 2000-08-10. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-GDR-2000-10-16" id="ref-GDR-2000-10-16" href="../ig/index.html"></a><a href="../ig/index.html" id="ref-GDR-2000-10-16" name="ref-GDR-2000-10-16">GDR
- 2000-10-16</a>]</td>
- <td>"Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's Guide"; <a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">Gareth
- Rees</a>; <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/">Ravenbrook Limited</a>;
- 2000-10-16. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>[<a NAME="ref-TeamShare-2002-01-31" id="ref-TeamShare-2002-01-31"></a>TeamShare
- 2002-01-31]</td>
- <td>"TeamTrack Administrator Manual 5.5"; <a href="http://www.teamshare.com/">TeamShare</a>;
- 2002-01-31. </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-B" id="section-B"></a>B. Document History</h2>
- <table>
- <td>2002-05-06</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:ram@parrus.com">Ram</a></td>
- <td>Added windows notes for Bugzilla software prerequisites.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-08-10</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Created placeholder.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-09-11</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added instructions for demonstrating the integration and notes on version
- 0.2.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-09-20</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Replaced demo instructions with full documentation outline from documentation
- plan.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-10-15</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added installation and uninstallation sections, and other sections
- discussed in [RB 2000-10-07]. Removed parts specific to Ravenbrook Information
- System.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-10-16</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Merged with master sources and GDR's demonstration instructions for
- version 0.2. More edits required to make this consistent with the master
- sources.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-10-19</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Updated to fix defects in release 0.3.1 [<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/doc/2000-10-17/release-0.3.1-test-report/">GDR
- 2000-10-17a</a>] and release 0.3.2 [<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/doc/2000-10-18/release-0.3.2-test-report/">RB
- 2000-10-18b</a>].</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-25</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Removed "system" from title. Made lots of minor formatting and transition
- edits. Moved Glossary to end of document. Reorganized Section 4.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-26</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Improved prerequisites section. Added draft Bugzilla prerequisites.
- Formatted troubleshooting section. Updated version 0.3 references to version
- 0.4. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-27</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added readership. Removed some false statements.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-29</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Revised section 5 (configuration) to explain how to use the automatic
- configuration engine for TeamTrack. Moved material from sections 4 and
- 5 to make an appendix E for advanced configuration. Added section 4.6,
- a placeholder that will describe how to create a Perforce user for the
- replicator. The integration with TeamTrack now requires Python 2.0.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-29</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Corrected overview and improved replicator diagram. Changed prerequisites
- to point at Perforce 2000.2 beta release. Added proper text to Bugzilla
- prerequisites section. Cross-referenced to User's Guide. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-29</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Changed "&mdash;" to "--" because the former doesn't display properly
- in Netscape. Made some minor edits in Sections 1-3.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-30</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Corrected figure numbers in the text that were off by one. Finished
- editing the <abbr title="Administrator's Guide">AG</abbr>. Swapped
- round Sections D and E. Searched the doc for "dfn" tags and incorporated
- those terms into the glossary. Deleted the list in Section 4.1 and folded
- its single entry into the preceding sentence. Added a short note to Section
- 4.4 to the effect that if you're using IIS, you don't need to stop and
- restart the TeamTrack server. Added a note to Section 4.6 that we need
- to tell admins to make the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- user a Perforce super user and add it to the "p4 protect" table if they're
- using it.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-30</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added instructions to upgrade users Perforce clients and to stop using
- TeamShare SourceBridge. Told the administrator to check the Windows event
- log when things go wrong, because the TeamShare <abbr title="Application Programmer Interface">API</abbr>
- doesn't tell the replicator about errors.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-11-30</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added comments to the example jobspec in section D.2, and fixed the
- formatting. Added note saying that you may not have a field called "code".
- Listed the TeamTrack workflows that won't work well. Wrote advice on how
- to configure the integration. Added the <tt>changelist_url</tt> configuration
- parameter.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-01</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Moved TeamTrack and Bugzilla configuration sections into the Configuration
- chapter, after the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- configuration instructions. Added basic Linux installation instructions.
- Rewrote sections of the configuration instructions to go with the new flow.
- Deleted section on switching TeamTrack databases. Updated registry editing
- and Team Track privilege instructions. Added instructions for creating
- a Perforce user for the replicator. Explained multiple transition limitation.
- Updated screenshots. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-04</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Made list of configuration parameters in <a href="#section-5.2">section
- 5.2</a> consistent with the configuration file (by alphabetizing both lists).
- Added missing configuration parameter <tt>closed_state</tt>. Added note
- in section 5.2 about checking the configuration.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-05</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Changed figures to use "div" tags in line with the user manual and
- to allow more flexible use of material in figures. Added basic notes on
- Bugzilla configuration (more to come). </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-06</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added section 2.3 about supported platform configurations.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-07</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Advised admin to make e-mail addresses or userids the same in TeamTrack
- and Perforce. Advised admin to restart when users are added or changed.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-07</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Removed "TeamTrack only" notice from "replicated_fields" configuration
- parameter heading. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented translation of "ignore" state. Improved advice about what
- to do with a field called "code". Fixed table of contents. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented <tt>refresh_perforce.py</tt>. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented translation of "ignore" state. Improved advice about what
- to do with a field called "code". Fixed table of contents. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented <tt>refresh_perforce.py</tt>. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Brought configuration section 5.2 up to date with Bugzilla configurator
- (see <a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/issue/job000115/">job000115</a>). </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Updated to match unified configuration file and related re-organization
- of sources. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-11</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Noted that the <tt><a href="#config-changelist_url">changelist_url</a></tt>
- configuration parameter must be suitable for passing to <tt>sprintf()</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-13 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Updated for version 0.5 to cover Bugzilla supported platforms, configurations,
- and known issues. Added changelist_url for use with P4Web. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-13 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Moving the Python 1.5.2 sources and Linux <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr>
- to the project imports. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-15 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added verbose configuration item. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-15 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added more chat about bugzilla_user. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-15 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>More about e-mail addresses, python script names, and deleting jobs. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2000-12-22 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Started improving the manual as agreed in e-mail from RB (Documentation
- preparation meeting with LMB, 2000-12-20). </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-01 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Continued improving the manual as agreed in e-mail from RB, modulo
- deleting things (Documentation preparation meeting with LMB, 2000-12-20).
- Removed spaces around em-dashes as per "Read Me First!" </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-02</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>The recommendation for administrator experience (<a href="#section-3">section
- 3</a>) is more realistic. Moved text from Appendix D to the Integrator's
- Guide, and replaced with a reference. Replaced "company.com" with "company.domain"
- since the former exists. Fixed typos and improved wording to fix defects
- recorded in [<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/doc/2000-12-08/release-0.4.2-test-report/">GDR
- 2000-12-08b</a>], [<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/doc/2000-12-08/release-0.4.2-test-report-2/">GDR
- 2000-12-08c</a>], and [<a href="http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/doc/2000-12-31/release-0.4.2-test-report/">GDR
- 2000-12-09</a>]. Made cross-references consistent. Added two error messages
- to section 13.2. Added figures 5 and 6 showing example log output. Added
- <a href="#section-5.4.3">section 5.4.3</a> about providing field descriptions.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-02 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Merged GDR's changes to master manuals with this branch. Got about
- two-thirds of the way through a heavy copyedit. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-03 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Made some changes suggested by GDR. Finished copyedit; noticed a number
- of things I didn't catch in the copyedit, so I'm sure there are other problems.
- Verified links. Indicated which comments I thought had been dealt with,
- in case GDR has time to work on this document tomorrow. Did a once-over
- in IE5 to make sure I didn't break anything too badly in the last two days. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-05 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Dealt with about half of the changes that TC@perforce suggested. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-06 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Procedurized and listed everything, as per TC@perforce's suggestions. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-07 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Edited references. Replaced Section 5.3.3. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-07 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Removed extraneous title material and Sections A and B. Removed comments
- and sent them in an e-mail to p4dti-staff. Did final copyedit and finished
- prepping manual to send to TC@perforce. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-20 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Incorporated TC's handwritten edits. Cut lots of stuff out of the glossary. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-21 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>Re-added author, date, and other title material, and Sections A and
- B. Added comments on what I'd been doing to the manual in the interim (not
- much). Edited some new material from GDR. As per GDR's e-mail of 2001-01-18,
- point 5, deleted Section C and moved the material in Section D to Section
- 5.3.3. Fixed XREFS to Section 5; checked XREFS to Sections 12, 13, C, and
- D. Added material on when you might want to refresh jobs. Edited Section
- 10 slightly. Checked that procedure lead-ins and lists meet TC's specifications.
- Copied in Nick's changes to the info on patching Bugzilla and to the closed_state
- and replicated_fields parameters. Deleted mentions of bugzilla_user. Corrected
- internal XREFS. Copied over information on log files from master sources.
- Ran the spelling checker. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-22</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:lmb@ravenbrook.com">LMB</a></td>
- <td>As per TC@perforce's request and GDR's instructions, added menu command
- for how to start the TeamTrack Administrator from Windows. Added upgrade
- instructions to Section 4. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-01-29</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added <tt><a href="#config-bugzilla_directory">bugzilla_directory</a></tt>
- configuration parameter.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-01 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Updated references to Perforce manuals to version 2000.2. Added steps
- to section 10, "Uninstalling the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>",
- to undo all installation steps. Added missing information to section 9,
- "Maintaining the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>",
- and clarified some of the existing instructions. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-02 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Implemented paper review comments of 2001-01-25 by TC@perforce. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-12</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added <tt><a href="#config-start_date">start_date</a></tt> configuration
- parameter. Renamed <tt>refresh_perforce.py</tt> to <tt>refresh.py</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-13</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added note about security of jobs. Added socket.error error message
- to section 11.2. Alphabetized messages in section 11.2. Added note about
- "localhost" not working as a value for the teamtrack_server configuration
- parameter. Indicated that administrator_address and smtp_server can be
- None.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-14 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added Linux <abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr> instructions. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-15 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Fixed "zcat" to "gunzip -c" to fool-proof unpacking. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-16 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added brief instructions for starting the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- automatically. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-16 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added section 6.1, on migrating sets of issues. Also add some poll_period
- and start_date references. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-21</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented <tt>p4dti.reg</tt> in section 5.3.1.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-22</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Documented MySQLdb and MySQL versions in section 3.4.1.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-22</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Gave instructions in section 11.1 on identifying the release that you're
- using. Added "Can't create a new user - over licence quota" to error messages
- in section 11.2. Wrote section 6.2 on migrating from Perforce jobs.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-26</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added Bugzilla-related errors to section 11.2.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-02-27</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Alphabetized the list of error messages in section 11.2. Gave full
- error messages, including prefixes, for each error. Improved error descriptions.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-02 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added missing contents entries. Fixed some HTML errors and tidied up
- some other HTML. Transferred copyright to Perforce under their license.
- Added section on advanced configuration. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-02</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Removed section 9.3 on tracking down TeamTrack errors section, since
- it's redundant with section 11.2.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-05 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Added e-mail messages to the list of things we'd like in bug reports.
- Added some missing "abbr" tags. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-13</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added message ids to the messages in section 11.2; moved messages without
- ids in section 11.3. Added some missing error messages. Removed <tt>verbose</tt>
- parameter; added <tt>log_level</tt> parameter. Alphabetized section 5.1.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-16</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Changed "daemon licence" to "background user licence" for consistency
- with Perforce's own terminology. Background user licences are available
- from Perforce Customer Service, not Technical Support.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-03-16</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added text for messages 105-117, 200-209, 314, 315.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-04-11 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Updated version to 1.1. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-04-20 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Fixed reference to Bugzilla download at info.ravenbrook.com to point
- to www.ravenbrook.com. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-05-17</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Removed occurrences of messages 844-847, 607-612 from example replicator
- output (not produced any more).</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-05-23</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Provided link to online support information.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-05-24</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Updated for Bugzilla 2.12.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-03</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added <tt><a href="#config-teamtrack_version">teamtrack_version</a></tt>
- configuration parameter. Added error messages from the TeamTrack 5.0 API
- and error message from the TeamTrack 4.5 API when connecting to a TeamTrack
- 5.0 server. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-09</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Updated TeamTrack screen shots to version 5.0.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-09</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td><abbr title="Red Hat Package Manager">RPM</abbr> users should use the
- stop script to stop the replicator.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-09</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added job_url config parameter.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-14</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Updated references to Perforce manuals to 2001.1, since we now support
- that version.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-15</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Explained how to set up an integration without being connected to a
- network.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-17</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added more error messages to troubleshooting section.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-24</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>The <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- doesn't support TeamTrack on a secure web server. Added more troubleshooting
- advice for TeamTrack errors.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-25</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Changed restarting instructions: Bugzilla users don't need to restart
- the replicator when adding a new user.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-25</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>The replicator user needs submit, update and transition privileges
- in TeamTrack 5.0.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-28</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Reordered section 5.1 so that configuration parameters appear in the
- same order as in config.py.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-07-31</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added error from incompatibility between Perforce client and server.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-08-07</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>No need to restart the TeamTrack integration when you add a user.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-09-03</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added Bugzilla 2.14.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-09-12</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added <tt><a href="#config-use_windows_event_log">use_windows_event_log</a></tt>
- configuration parameter and prerequisite.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-09-13</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added TeamTrack error message "SOCKET_READ_ERROR: Authentication Failed.
- No user information." to troubleshooting section.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-09-26</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added section on limitations of the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-10-04</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Improved description of workflows that don't work well with the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>.
- Added table of supported field types.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-10-07</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added <tt><a href="#config-use_perforce_jobnames">use_perforce_jobnames</a></tt>
- parameter.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-10-18</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added troubleshooting advice for messages 123, 127, 615, 618, and 619.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-09-23</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added new command <tt>poll.py</tt> and table of commands.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-10-25</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Improved information on supported MySQLdb releases. Added troubleshooting
- advice for messages 1005 and 1006.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-05</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added section on replicating new jobs from Perforce to the defect tracker.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:ndl@ravenbrook.com">NDL</a></td>
- <td>Added section 5.6.2, on running as an NT service; cleaned up sections
- 5.5 and 5.6.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-14</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Moved material requiring Python programming or knowledge of defect
- tracker schema to the Advanced Administrator's Guide.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-19</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:ndl@ravenbrook.com">NDL</a></td>
- <td>Message 891 becomes more general. Document message 1017.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-22</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented <tt><a href="#config-use_deleted_selections">use_deleted_selections</a></tt>
- configuration parameter and associated error messages.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-22 </td>
- <td><a href="mailto:rb@ravenbrook.com">RB</a></td>
- <td>Cross-referenced sections on deleting Perforce jobs to the migration
- section of the AAG. </td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-11-27</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented a processmail-related error message that can come up when
- migrating if you haven't applied the Bugzilla patch.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2001-12-03</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Added remaining error messages to section 11.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-01-24</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Noted support for Bugzilla's "emailsuffix" feature.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-01-31</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Documented the supported MySQLdb versions. Changed MySQLdb link from
- release 0.3.0 to release 0.9.1.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-01-31</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Added Bugzilla 2.14.1.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-02-01</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:gdr@ravenbrook.com">GDR</a></td>
- <td>Noted support for TeamTrack 5.5.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-03-14</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Removed support for TeamTrack 5.02.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-04-08</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Add _accessible fields to the Bugzilla fields table.</td>
- </tr>
- <td>2002-04-09</td>
- <td><a href="mailto:nb@ravenbrook.com">NB</a></td>
- <td>Remove extraneous paragraph close tag.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-C" id="section-C"></a>C. Glossary</h2>
- <table>
- <td><a NAME="term-changelist" id="term-changelist" href="#term-changelist"></a><a href="#term-changelist" id="term-changelist" name="term-changelist">changelist</a></td>
- <td>An atomic change transaction in Perforce. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-background-user-license" id="term-background-user-license" href="#term-background-user-license"></a><a href="#term-background-user-license" id="term-background-user-license" name="term-background-user-license">background
- user license</a>
- <br><a NAME="term-daemon-license" id="term-daemon-license" href="#term-daemon-license"></a><a href="#term-daemon-license" id="term-daemon-license" name="term-daemon-license">daemon
- license</a></td>
- <td>A license for a process rather than a person. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-fix" id="term-fix" href="#term-fix"></a><a href="#term-fix" id="term-fix" name="term-fix">fix</a></td>
- <td>A link between a job and a changelist. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-issue" id="term-issue" href="#term-issue"></a><a href="#term-issue" id="term-issue" name="term-issue">issue</a></td>
- <td>A unit of work tracked by the defect tracker, for example, a bug, a
- change request, or an enhancement request. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-job" id="term-job" href="#term-job"></a><a href="#term-job" id="term-job" name="term-job">job</a></td>
- <td>A unit of work tracked by Perforce. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-replicator" id="term-replicator" href="#term-replicator"></a><a href="#term-replicator" id="term-replicator" name="term-replicator">replicator</a></td>
- <td>A process that copies (replicates) data between a defect tracker and
- a Perforce server in order to keep each one up to date with changes made
- in the other. Replication allows developers to do their routine defect
- resolution work entirely from their Perforce client, without needing to
- use the defect tracker's interface. It also allows developers to relate
- their changes to defect tracking issues. </td>
- </tr>
- <td><a NAME="term-workflow" id="term-workflow" href="#term-workflow"></a><a href="#term-workflow" id="term-workflow" name="term-workflow">workflow</a></td>
- <td>A set of rules that control who can do what to which issues. </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h2>
- <a NAME="section-D" id="section-D"></a>D. Table of commands</h2>
- <th>Command</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- <th>Reference</th>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python check.py</tt></td>
- <td>Check that the defect tracker database is consistent with the Perforce
- jobs and fixes, and report any inconsistencies.</td>
- <td><a href="#section-7.3">7.3</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python check_jobs.py</tt></td>
- <td>Check that Perforce jobs are consistent with the Perforce jobspec.</td>
- <td>[<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.5" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.5</a>]</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python migrate.py</tt></td>
- <td>Migrate Perforce jobs to defect tracker issues.</td>
- <td>[<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.10" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.10</a>]</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python migrate_users.py</tt></td>
- <td>Create defect tracker users corresponding to Perforce users.</td>
- <td>[<a href="../aag/index.html#section-4.4" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 4.4</a>]</td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python poll.py</tt></td>
- <td>Poll the defect tracker and Perforce for changes, replicate those changes,
- then stop.</td>
- <td><a href="#section-7.1">7.1</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python refresh.py</tt></td>
- <td>Delete all jobs and fixes in Perforce, then copy all the replicated
- issues from the defect tracker again. For use when you change the <tt>replicated_fields</tt>
- (for <a href="#config-replicated_fields-Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a> or <a href="#config-replicated_fields-TeamTrack">TeamTrack</a>)
- or <tt><a href="#config-start_date">start_date</a></tt> configuration parameters.</td>
- <td><a href="#section-9.2">9.2</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python run.py</tt></td>
- <td>Run the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- replicator.</td>
- <td><a href="#section-5.5">5.5</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python service.py <i>[argument]</i></tt></td>
- <td>Manage the <abbr title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration">P4DTI</abbr>
- replicator as a Windows NT Service. With no argument, installs the service.
- Otherwise specify one of: <tt>start</tt>, <tt>stop</tt> or <tt>remove</tt>.</td>
- <td><a href="#section-5.6.2">5.6.2</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><tt>python teamtrack_query.py</tt></td>
- <td>Query the TeamTrack database.</td>
- <td>[<a href="../aag/index.html#section-6" title="Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Advanced Administrator's Guide">GDR
- 2001-11-14, 6</a>]</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <hr />
- <p><font size=-1>This document is copyright © 2001 Perforce Software,
- Inc. All rights reserved.</font>
- <p><font size=-1>Redistribution and use of this document in any form, with
- or without modification, is permitted provided that redistributions of
- this document retain the above copyright notice, this condition and the
- following disclaimer.</font>
- <p><b><font size=-1>This document is provided by the copyright holders
- and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including,
- but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
- for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
- holders and contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
- special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited
- to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or
- profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of
- liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence
- or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this document, even
- if advised of the possibility of such damage.</font></b>
- </body>
- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 1879 | Gerry Thompson | P4DTI 1.4.2 port to Bugzilla on Windows 2000. Code from Parrus Technology and documentati...on updates. « |
23 years ago | |
#1 | 1669 | richard_brooksby | Push P4DTI release 1.4.2 to the public repository. | 23 years ago |