package VCP::Branch ;
=head1 NAME
VCP::Branch - VCP's concept of a branch.
=head1 METHODS
$VERSION = 1 ;
use strict ;
use Carp ;
use VCP::Debug ':debug' ;
use vars qw( %FIELDS ) ;
use fields (
## BranchML fields:
'BRANCH_ID', ## The tag or path-to-branch from the source
'DEST_BRANCH_ID', ## The tag or path-to-branch to be written to
'P4_BRANCH_SPEC', ## The branch spec from the source repo if it
## Happens to be p4.
) ;
## Define accessors.
for ( keys %FIELDS ) {
# next if $_ eq 'WORK_PATH' ;
# next if $_ eq 'DEST_WORK_PATH' ;
my $f = lc( $_ ) ;
# if ( $f eq 'labels' ) {
# eval qq{
# sub $f {
# my VCP::Branch \$self = shift ;
# if ( \@_ ) {
# \$self->{$_} = {} ;
# \@{\$self->{$_}}{\@_} = (undef) x \@_ ;
# }
# return \$self->{$_} ? sort keys \%{\$self->{$_}} : () ;
# }
# } ;
# }
# else {
eval qq{
sub $f {
my VCP::Branch \$self = shift ;
confess "too many parameters passed" if \@_ > 1 ;
\$self->{$_} = shift if \@_ == 1 ;
return \$self->{$_} ;
} ;
# }
die $@ if $@ ;
=item new
Creates an instance, see subclasses for options.
my VCP::Branch $branch = VCP::Branch->new(
branch_id => 'foo',
dest_branch_id => 'bar',
) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
$class = ref $class || $class ;
my VCP::Branch $self ;
no strict 'refs' ;
$self = bless [ \%{"$class\::FIELDS"} ], $class ;
while ( @_ ) {
my $key = shift ;
$self->{uc($key)} = shift ;
return $self ;
sub as_string {
my VCP::Branch $self = shift ;
my @v = map(
defined $_ ? $_ : "<undef>",
map $self->$_(), qw( branch_id dest_branch_id )
) ;
return sprintf( qq{branch %s => %s}, @v )
This class uses the fields pragma, so you'll need to use base and
possibly fields in any subclasses.
Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in
the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in
=head1 AUTHOR
Barrie Slaymaker <>